Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 44: Spirits collide


The students gathered here are obviously not as many as the Tianhuan Academy just now. The sign above the booth reads "Xingyun University". An old man with white hair and beard is standing next to a huge magic weapon model, With high spirits, he explained to dozens of students:

"Everyone, everyone is a young elite of the Federation, who aspires to become a cultivator! What is the most important thing for a cultivator? Of course it is to absorb and refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth! But do you know that, What is the essence of the spiritual energy we are talking about? Let me tell you that the essence of spiritual energy is a kind of elementary particle called "spirit". Our Nebula University is unique in the study of spiritual particles and is the strongest in the Federation! Everyone Classmates, please look at this model!

The model the old man with the white beard was referring to had a very strange shape. The main part was a huge ring-shaped pipe, which was closed at the front and back, like a metal tire.

After a while, a group of shining light balls appeared from both ends of the ring, and rushed towards the middle at the speed of lightning and flint. With a "bang", they slammed into each other, releasing thousands of sparks like fireworks, which was extremely gorgeous.

The old man with white beard said triumphantly:

"This is the 'spiritual particle collider' refined by our Nebula University. Through the spiritual power generators at both ends, it can theoretically simulate the full blow of two Nascent Soul Stage powerhouses. collide with each other and cause a big explosion, it is possible for some discrete 'spirits' to escape and be captured by us in the end—by then, we can completely reveal the mystery of spiritual power! How about it, students, if you want to If you want to understand the ultimate mystery of spiritual power, apply for our Nebula University!"

"So it turns out that the essence of psionic energy is a kind of particle!"

"The spirit particle collider is really powerful. I want to apply for Xingyun University!"

The students were shocked by the theory of the old man with white beard, and there were many discussions.

Even Li Yao felt a little excitement in his heart, thinking that Xingyun University seems to be a good choice.

At this moment, a piercing voice rang viciously from behind Li Yao: "Everyone, please don't be fooled. Everything this old man said is out-and-out nonsense!"

A tall figure separated from the crowd and walked onto the booth.

This person was eight feet tall, with dark skin and gray hair, and he wore the badge of "First Federal Military Academy" on his chest.

The white-bearded old man blushed immediately, and roared angrily: "Zhao Tiange, why don't you just stay in your school's booth and come to our Xingyun University!"

Zhao Tiange grinned, his tiger eyes swept over the many students, and said, "Zhong Boya, I really can't stand the fact that you use these absurd and strange theories to mislead your students. What 'the essence of psychic energy is particles' is simply ridiculous! Dear students , you must not be misled by this person. In the academic circle, there is no authoritative conclusion on the nature of psionic energy, but I can tell you here with certainty that psionic energy is not a particle, but an indivisible Undulation! There is no 'spirit', only 'spirit' exists!"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, it's the biggest joke in the world! Zhao Tiange, go back to your own booth and stop farting at my place!" the white-bearded old man Zhong Boya, who seemed to be a grumpy man, yelled furiously.

On the contrary, Zhao Tiange, who was born in the army, was calm and calm, and said slowly:

"It makes sense, why bother to hurt others, Professor Zhong Boya, you just talked so loudly, why don't you introduce it to your classmates again, how many discrete spirits have you captured with this 'spirit collider' at Xingyun University?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Boya was like a chicken with its neck stuck, suddenly speechless, his wrinkled old face turned pale, he hesitated for a long time, and then said:

"Although discrete spirit particles have not been captured yet, our analysis shows that this is because the level of the 'spirit particle collider' is not high enough, and it can only simulate the attack of the strong Nascent Soul, resulting in too little explosion power! If we can continue Develop a new generation of 'strong spirit particle collider', simulate the full blow of two masters of the transformation stage, and the collision force generated will definitely be able to knock out discrete spirit particles!"


Zhao Tiange stared at the eyeballs, and the iron and blood aura of the soldiers surged out, and he said, "Just to refine the 'spirit collider' that can simulate the attack of the Nascent Soul master, how much budget your school has received from the Federation, As a result, several of our military academies have been saving money for several years! Now you are talking about a "strong spirit collider", and you still have to simulate a full blow from a master of the gods? Even if the federal budget for ten years is given to you, it is not enough! Yes! This much money is enough for the military to refine a few more main warships, or tens of thousands of spar chariots, to arm several battle groups, and to level the monster wilderness! I give you so much money,' ass 'Haven't even caught one, yet dare to ask for it with a shy face? It's better to feed us military spirit beasts, and at least we can look after our home!"

The white-bearded old man Zhong Boya was flushed with embarrassment, felt ashamed, and extremely angry, and was aroused by Zhao Tiange's aura, his white hair suddenly exploded, and his whole body twitched wildly. It’s useless to talk too much, why don’t the two of us go out and do a game!”

Zhao Tiange took a step back, avoiding Zhong Boya's scorching aura, and said with a sneer:

"Zhong Boya, after all, you are also a professor at Xingyun University. You think you are a barbarian from the ancient cultivation world 40,000 years ago? Academic disputes are about eternal truths. What's the use of destroying my body? You crushed me to ashes, shattered my mind and soul, and I will never be able to be reborn, spiritual power—is still a kind of fluctuation, and will never become some shit particle!"

This sentence was like a flash of lightning, and suddenly Zhong Boya was stunned. After a long time, he was like a deflated ball, and the whole person fell down, waving his hands:

"Zhao Daoyou, you are right. The truth dispute has nothing to do with the strength of the two sides. I almost lost my temper! But I lost my composure just now. It is because my personal cultivation is not enough, and it has nothing to do with the path I insist on. Spiritual power must be a basic Particles, our Xingyun University will prove this in the end! Dear students, if you agree with my ideas, you can stay and discuss together; if you think Zhao Daoyou is right, you can also go with him and go to the booth of the First Military Academy to listen His lofty theories."

"I don't have any high opinions. The First Federal Military Academy pays attention to practice, and has no spare energy to study the mysteries of Lingbo. We can only kill demons and demons, defend our home and country! Students, if you are willing to fight side by side with me, kill Monsters, you might as well go together, the cause of national defense needs the joining of hot-blooded men!"