Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 46: The Holy Land of Alchemists


After a pause, more than a dozen dull and unremarkable flying swords floated up behind the old man in purple shirt, spinning around above the heads of many students, making various small-scale rapid dives, changes of direction, and rolls from time to time The movement made the students exclaim again and again.

The old man in purple shirt said with a smile:

"Students, if you haven't enjoyed the 'Anti-Monster Defense System' just now, let's take a look at the latest 'Unmanned Flying Sword' refined by Deep Sea University. There are two types of this flying sword. Through a special crystal brain remote control system, cultivators can control the flying swords thousands of miles away; while the Type B you see is completely unmanned, and there is no cultivator manipulating them at all!"

"No one controls them, so how did they fly?" Some students couldn't help asking.

"We have used a brand-new rune array structure in the main control crystal brain of Feijian, which can input hundreds of thousands of divine thoughts in advance, simulate all the battle situations that Feijian may encounter, and set up corresponding The battle plan, this is the mystery of 'unmanned driving'! Of course, it is not as simple as I said, the unmanned flying sword has just been born, and there are still many problems. If you are interested, you may as well Get admitted to our Deep Sea University, and let's research and perfect this magic weapon together!" said the old man in purple shirt with a smile.

Li Yao looked at the unmanned flying swords flying around in mid-air, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but think of Black Wing.

Heiyi also doesn't need him to give orders, he will fly around by himself, and he will lie in front of the light curtain, singing and dancing, it is not like a magic weapon, but a living life.

Compared with this unmanned flying sword, Black Wing's "intelligence" is obviously higher by a level.

However, the old man once said that the Black Wing Sword was an ancient artifact he found somewhere in another Great Thousand World. After studying it all his life, the old man could not decipher its structure, even its shell could not be disassembled.

Dad speculates that the Black Wing Sword should be a product of a higher level of cultivation civilization.

It is already remarkable that Deep Sea University can refine such a flying sword that does not need to be controlled by a cultivator!

At this time, an unmanned flying sword suddenly turned over and passed over his head, Li Yao also felt an itch in his heart, Lightning stretched out his hand, trying to grab the hilt of the flying sword.

Seeing that the fingertips were about to touch the hilt, the flying sword was like an electric eel, trembling all over, emitting a faint blue light, and an electric arc instantly hit Li Yao's fingertips.

"it hurts!"

Li Yao shrank his hand, his fingertips had already turned black, and looked at the flying sword, which was hovering above his head, bursting out malicious blue arcs from time to time.

Li Yao was so frightened that he stuck out his tongue and shrank his neck, not daring to do it again.

The old man in purple shirt walked up to him with a smile, and said: "Student, now you know how powerful the unmanned flying sword is. Fortunately, it recognized your identity as a 'commoner' in time. If it determines that you are a monster Or someone in the way of the devil has already killed you with a sword! Come on, stretch out your hand to see if you are injured."

Li Yao stretched out his hand obediently, but his mind kept spinning, desperately thinking about how to crack the "unmanned flying sword".


There was a look of surprise and joy on the face of the old man in the purple shirt, and he smiled even wider, "Student, do you often repair magic weapons in your spare time?"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, then asked in amazement, "How do you know?"

"Your fingers feel different from ordinary people. The flexible touch should be produced by the calluses being born and worn away, then regenerated, and then worn away, repeated dozens of times, plus the subtle reactions of several palm muscles. Except for experienced magic weapon repairers, it is impossible for others to have such skills! What, you want to enter our Deep Sea University?" The old man in Zishan asked very kindly.

Li Yao looked at the "Anti-Monster Defense System", then at the "Unmanned Flying Sword" hovering above his head, and nodded vigorously: "My ideal is to become a craftsman. Produce the strongest magic weapon of the Federation!"

"Seven of the top ten refiners in the Federation graduated from our Shenhai University, which is the holy place for refiners! My name is Xie Tingxian, and I am an observer of Shenhai University in examination room 571. You are very good, and I will be in the competition. Especially those who observe you, remember to behave well!" The old man in purple patted Li Yao on the shoulder, and was surrounded by other students in a blink of an eye.


Outside the crowd, Zheng Dongming exclaimed exaggeratedly, "I even met an observer from Shenhai University. This is a big man with the power of 'special recruitment'. As long as he is fancy, he doesn't even need to take the college entrance examination. Join Deep Sea University! If I had known earlier, I would have gone to have Fei Jian electrify me just now!"

"That's only if people can take a fancy to it!"

Li Yao said casually, but his heart was pounding, nervous, excited, happy... all kinds of emotions were intricate, which made him extremely excited.

Shenhai University is the ideal university in his mind, and he must perform well in the Extreme Challenge to impress this "Xie Tingxian"!

After confirming his first choice, the other schools are not so attractive to him. Li Yao and Zheng Dongming walked around the cabin, and did not take a closer look at the remaining universities. They were about to leave the cabin when suddenly Found in the corner, there is a small exhibition hall.

Compared with the luxuriously decorated, advanced facilities, and crowded exhibition halls of other colleges and universities, this exhibition hall is too shabby. There is not even a student visiting in it, but a lonely staff member sits in the deepest part.

Li Yao looked up and saw "Great Desolation War Academy" written on it!

"This is also one of the 'Nine Universities'? Why is the scene so deserted, no one wants to apply for this school?" Li Yao asked very curiously.

Zheng Dongming glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing: "The Great Wilderness War Academy has the shallowest background among the 'Nine Greats', the weakest overall strength, and it's located in the wilderness of monsters and beasts with harsh environments—but that's all, it's not so deserted, The main reason is that the Great Wilderness War Academy is most famous for its "fighting system", which is good at cultivating "body refiners" who temper their bodies and use martial arts to become Taoists. It is said that the most extreme body refiners even reject all magic weapons, thinking that the body is the strongest It is the only magic weapon, relying solely on fists to fight monsters, it is simply a bunch of lunatics!"

When Li Yao heard this, he also disapproved.

He was born in the tomb of the magic weapon, and he is best at turning everything around him into a weapon. Let him fight the enemy with just two fists, it is simply stupid.

Zheng Dongming continued:

"The practice philosophy of the Great Wilderness War Institute still has some truth in the local area, because the environment in the Great Wilderness area is harsh and supplies are scarce, and there are many powerful magic weapons with precise structures. This kind of extreme environment has cultivated body refiners who rely solely on their bodies! However, in the southeast area, cultivators are good at using magic weapons, and this kind of routine cannot be tolerated. In addition, it is extremely painful to temper the body, and the way to refine the body, It is said that you have to endure the 'ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties' to achieve a little success—tell me, in the southeast of us, who is so hard to think about it, and would choose to take the road of tempering the body?"

After a pause, Zheng Dongming suddenly thought of something, slapped his head and said, "Almost forgot, there was a cultivation genius 'Yaodao Peng Hai' from Chixiao No. A body refiner, but a sword cultivator."

"Is it the university that Yaodao Peng Hai attended?" Li Yao's eyes lit up, and he was a little interested in the Great Wilderness War Institute.