Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 48: Invitation from the Great Desolate Battlefield



Li Yao's palm seemed to be holding a piece of red-hot coals. Even though he was tortured by "giving up" for more than a month, he was caught off guard and still gasped in pain!

"Hand strength is also good. I pinched seven or eight students just now, and all of them cried bitterly on the spot, and one of them even wet his pants—your students in the southeast area are too thin and vulnerable, and you are a different kind!" Ding Lingdang retracted hand, said with great satisfaction.

Li Yao shook his hand, unable to speak in pain.

At this moment, he finally understood why no one dared to visit the booth of the Great Desolate War Academy.

If I had known this, I might as well go to the booth of Tianhuan Academy with Zheng Dongming to see classical beauties...

While thinking wildly, a wild scent of fragrance suddenly came from the nose, Ding Lingdang leaned forward suddenly, lips to lips, nose tip to nose tip, eyes to eyes, two mother-beast-like eyes widened, From a hair's length away, he stared fiercely at Li Yao.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Li Yao was completely stunned, his back was covered with cold sweat, this female beast was too wild, and what she did was simply unimaginable.

But Li Yao is not an ordinary person, he grew up in the tomb of the magic weapon, what kind of strange person has he never seen

This feeling of being led by the nose all the time is really terrible, and Ding Lingdang's strength also completely inspired Li Yao's "vulture" ferocity in his bones.

He no longer evaded, but confronted each other, staring at Ding Lingdang without giving up an inch.

"You stare at me, I stare at you too, in broad daylight, can you really eat me up?"

If it was another woman, such as the classical beauty who just painted, this kind of close eye contact might be a very sensual and exciting thing.

But for Li Yao, he couldn't feel the slightest temptation from the opposite sex from Ding Lingdang.

Because this woman's eyes are too fierce, like a shining sword, undisguised murderous aura spewed out, pierced Li Yao's eyes fiercely, and drove straight into his brain, rushing straight, bombarding unreasonably Li Yao's central nervous system.

Ten seconds, just ten seconds of looking at each other, Li Yao seemed to have experienced a long fight!

Just when his legs were weak and he couldn't hold on any longer, Ding Lingdang suddenly looked back and grinned, revealing two white canine teeth.

Her mouth is huge, as big as her eyes, nose, and ears.

But her smile seemed to have a peculiar charm, like the bright sunshine that suddenly appeared after the rainy day, making people forget all the depression in an instant and feel extremely cheerful.

"Little brother, you are really powerful—even in the Great Desolate War Academy, few of the junior students dared to look at me for so long! Not bad, not bad, you have strength and hand strength that are rare among high school students. It's also extremely sharp, and most importantly, under such a strong killing intent, you can still insist on yourself, well, it's really good, I've waited for so long, and finally it's you!"

Ding Lingdang swung his fist vigorously, and there was a burst of excitement in the air.

Li Yao was covered in cold sweat. The other party seemed to have misunderstood something, but now he said that he just came in to play casually... Will he be beaten into a meat sauce

Ding Lingdang patted his shoulder, the pain made Li Yao grin his teeth, but she said indifferently:

"Little brother, my sister's eyes have never missed it—you are a real tough guy, those dazzling flying swords and magic weapons are all prepared for sissies, the real tough guy is to be a 'body refiner', Refining your own body into the strongest magic weapon, using your blood and a pair of iron fists, to create a big world! Come on, come to the fighting department of the Great Wilderness War Academy, this is a paradise for hot-blooded men, and those sissy universities , absolutely different!"

Li Yao bit the bullet and said: "I'm sorry, this... Miss Xiaoling, I want to become a craftsman, so I'm going to apply for the Deep Sea University!"

"What, refiner?"

Ding Lingdang's eyes suddenly doubled in size, and she roared recklessly, "Such a good physique, such a strong will, why not be a body refiner, but a weapon refiner? It's a waste of money!"

Li Yao's head was as big as a bucket, he retreated to the edge of the booth calmly, bowed slightly, and said:

"I'm really sorry, Miss Xiaoling, everyone's understanding of the road to cultivation is different. Perhaps in your opinion, a craftsman is not a powerful profession, but in the place where I was born and grew up, everyone has to fight for survival. , will rack all the tools and rack their brains to piece together weapons—in our hands, even half a glass bottle or even a piece of paper can be made into a deadly weapon! Those who can only use fists will not live long; only those who are good at Those who make everything into weapons can survive! Because of this, I think that the craftsman is a very powerful profession, and becoming a craftsman is my dream. I can't apply for the martial arts department of your school. Thank you for your support I'm sure."

With a light jump, he jumped out of the booth of the Great Desolate War Institute, turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey—" Ding Lingdang suddenly stopped him.

Li Yao's body froze, and his heart pounded - this female Tyrannosaurus will not chase it out, will it

Fortunately, Ding Lingdang didn't intend to chase after her. She stepped on the barbell bench and stretched out a finger:

"Little brother, don't jump to conclusions so quickly, think about it when you go back, you can go and find out the evaluation of our Great Desolate War Institute in the cultivation world, as we all know - there are nine elite joint schools in the Federation, and eight of them train cultivators , while the Great Desolation War Academy...only trains real fighters!"

Li Yao was taken aback, nodded at her, turned around and squeezed into the crowd.

Looking at his back, Ding Lingdang licked his lips, spread his five fingers apart, and squeezed hard, the air in his palm suddenly made a "pop" sound.

"Wait, you are so strong, you were born to belong to our Great Desolation War Academy, I, Ding Lingdang, will definitely take you down!"

In order to impress the candidates on the nine elite joint schools, the exchange meeting lasted for a whole day until nine o'clock in the evening, and the cabin was still brightly lit and very lively.

However, Li Yao had already chosen his favorite university, and after a stormy meal in the cafeteria attached to the Liaoyuan, he returned early to rest in the single room assigned to him.

Along the way, all he could think of was Ding Lingdang's lively face. This not-so-beautiful girl belonged to the type who could impress people in half a second.

But no matter how special she was and how passionate she was, it was impossible for Li Yao to apply for the martial arts department of the Great Wilderness Theater.

His path has been determined, and that is the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University!

"Sleep well tonight, perform well in the competition tomorrow, strive to become a blockbuster, and come into the sight of Shenhai University observer Xie Tingxian!" Li Yao secretly made up his mind.