Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 52: Mist and Ivy



A large hole with a diameter of 30 to 40 meters opened in front of the deck, and the icy cold wind suddenly swept into the deck cabin, making the teenagers wearing only sports vests and shorts feel bitingly chilled.

"All candidates—jump down!" The black-clothed officer pointed to the big hole and said expressionlessly.

As soon as this remark came out, many candidates turned pale.

The Liao Yuan was suspended hundreds of meters above the sea level, and below it was the Mojiao Island. If you jumped from here, even if you fell into the sea, you would have to fall to your death, let alone fall directly to the island.

"Why, no one dares to jump, so it doesn't matter. It's still too late to quit the competition. The Extreme Challenge is not for cowards!" The black-clothed officer smiled contemptuously.

This sentence aroused the enthusiasm of many students. At the beginning, the young man with red bumps who said that he would apply for the First Military Academy pushed the crowd away and shouted angrily: "Jump as soon as you jump, what are you afraid of? If you are afraid of death, you will not be a cultivator!"

Kicking off his legs, opening his arms, and jumping down from the gap, the boy with red bumps shouted at the top of his voice, his shout was instantly torn apart by the bitter wind.

Some people take the lead, followed by an endless stream of people. In fact, everyone knows that there must be some arrangements below, and they will not fall to their deaths in vain. It is just to overcome psychological barriers.

Li Yao mixed in the crowd, quickly moved to the edge of the gap, and looked down against the cold wind, only to see that the thousands of teenagers who had jumped just now hadn't landed yet.

They were all stuck in the air by a large translucent net, falling at a very slow speed.

"Deceleration array?"

Li Yao clicked his tongue. The decelerating talisman is an indispensable talisman when controlling a flying sword. In case of being attacked by an enemy and falling, as long as the decelerating talisman is opened, it will land slowly without falling to death all at once. .

However, an ordinary deceleration array has a range of only three to five meters. This deceleration array can cover a radius of several kilometers, which is really a big deal.

Without hesitating any longer, Li Yao grabbed the white Puji beast and jumped hundreds of meters into the air!

The wind is whistling by your side, and the birds are soaring under your feet. This feeling of riding the wind with a sword is really wonderful!

However, Li Yao hadn't enjoyed it for two seconds, when he felt a milky white light flashing around him, and then his body froze, as if he was trapped in a ball of soft cotton, and his speed suddenly slowed down to the extreme.

After falling in this ball of "transparent" cotton for more than ten seconds, the body loosened up and returned to normal gravity and speed, and the wind started whistling in my ears again.

And this time, within two seconds, he fell into the second ball of "transparent cotton" again.

Looking at the hundreds of meters below his feet, hundreds of candidates were flailing their hands and feet as if they were in the water. Li Yao was thoughtful and understood the mystery of this slowing talisman array.

In the mid-air between the Liaoyuan and the Mojiao Island, dozens of layers of deceleration arrays were set up, and each layer had a buffering effect.

In this way, after a lot of buffering, candidates can safely arrive at the Magic Dragon Island.

This kind of use of super-large talisman array is really ingenious to the extreme. Li Yao secretly admired it in his heart, and found that he still has a lot to learn.

He simply closed his eyes, crossed his arms and legs, forming a "big" character, and let the "transparent cotton" massage his whole body, and seized the last bit of time to recharge his batteries.

And in the depths of the brain, the memories from Ou Yezi appeared chaotically like fleeting images.


With the buffer of the ten-layer deceleration array, Li Yao safely resisted the ten meters above the Mojiao Island. As far as the eye can see, there is a lush and lush jungle below, and many candidates have already landed first.

From the depths of the jungle came the roars of monsters and the roars of candidates.

The fierce fighting was fully launched in the first second!

Li Yao opened his eyes suddenly, as if waiting for a garbage ship in the tomb of a magic weapon, his blood was completely boiling.

Lightly tapped his feet on a branch to remove the last bit of falling force. With the help of the branch's elasticity, he changed his direction. Like an agile black panther, Li Yao rushed into the jungle and landed firmly.

He suddenly took a breath.

When looking down from the sky, I only feel that the Magic Jiao Island is a strangely shaped, long and narrow island surrounded by black air, but I don't think it is so scary.

But once they set foot on Mojiao Island, they found that the entire island was covered by towering trees that blocked the sky and the sun.

Looking up, I can only see the faint gray mist between the black branches, and I can't see the blue sky and white clouds at all. No matter how strong the sun shines through the gray mist, it turns into a blurred hazy yellow.

Looking around, the air is filled with a layer of faint green miasma all day long, so that Li Yao can only see the environment within a radius of three to five meters, and farther away, he can only see gray silhouettes intertwined with jagged teeth. Like the skeleton of a monster, it opens its teeth and dances its claws, swaying in the wind.

Just now I could hear the sound of fighting one after another, but now it seems to be cut off by the miasma, even the howling of monsters has become indistinct, one second it was in the sky, the next second it was whispering in the ear, like a head A terrifying monster lurks behind his head.

Three thousand challengers landed on Mojiao Island, like three thousand sand and gravel scattered into the sea, dissipating in an instant.

It seemed that Li Yao was the only one left in the whole world, on this terrifying island of monsters.

Li Yao leaned against a big black tree full of warts, moved his hands and feet unhurriedly, and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

There is no ready-made road on Mojiao Island, and there is a piece of muddy humus under your feet. If you are not careful, you will step on the fine bones of monsters, which will hurt the soles of your feet. The green miasma emits a slightly pungent stench. This smell is quite similar to the magic weapon tomb.

"Hiss, hiss, the Demon Emperor will not let you go..."

From the big black tree behind him, there was an extremely subtle and distorted cry suddenly.

Startled, Li Yao turned around to look, but saw several tree tumors twisted, wriggled, gathered together, and condensed into an extremely ugly monster face.

The face grinned and said:

"Wait, Lord Demon Emperor has gathered millions of demon troops on the seabed of the East Pole, and will soon rush to the coast, sweep the Federation, kill all the men, eat all the women and children, hiss, hiss!"

Li Yao sneered and said calmly:

"I have carefully read the introduction of Mojiao Island. It is said that there is a demonic plant called 'Phantom Vine' all over the island, which will release a light green psychedelic miasma day and night. People have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations - you are just hallucinations, you can't fool me!"

The monster's face froze, and it split into pieces in an instant. It turned into a solidified tree tumor again, and disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to leave when the big black tree trembled, its bark squirmed, and was forcefully ripped apart from the inside out. Li Yao smiled slightly.

Most of its body has been rotten, and its bloody internal organs are closely connected with the roots of the big black tree, blending into one. The left face is covered with large pieces of bark and moss, only the right half of the face can be vaguely recognized come out.

It turned out to be the appearance of Ou Yezi!

"Do you think it's that simple to swallow my memory? One day, I will completely occupy this body and be reborn to 40,000 years of cultivation!"

Ou Yezi said with a sinister smile, the arm that turned into a branch tremblingly raised, and grabbed towards Li Yao.