Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 54: Three big killers


The supply point is an open space in the forest, surrounded by an attack array. Once a monster enters, it will be mercilessly killed by the array. Over time, the monster will not come to seek death.

A small amount of water and food were piled up in the supply point, besides that, there were dozens of army green weapon boxes.

Li Yao glanced around, first opened a weapon box, took out a set of jungle camouflage combat uniform and put it on.

As for the combat boots, he didn't think about it, because the environment in the jungle was too complicated, it was inconvenient to attack while wearing boots, and he was still flexible with bare feet.

He opened the second box, and inside were dozens of alloy sabers gleaming with cold light.

However, Li Yao seemed to be facing a pile of garbage, kicking it away and dismissing it.

The third and fourth boxes were opened one after another, and they were full of magic weapons.

Li Yao took a look, and found that except for one box which was filled with first aid medicine, the rest of the boxes were full of magical components.

He simply opened all the boxes, dumped out the parts, and piled them up into a hill.

"What is he going to do?"

In the monitoring center, the cultivators whispered to each other.

These magic weapon components at the supply point are used to assemble the magic weapon for the players themselves, and the test is the player's familiarity with the structure of the magic weapon and their hands-on ability.

However, most people would open one or two weapon boxes at most, take out the supporting components, and assemble one or two magic weapons.

"This little guy mixed all the components of the magic weapon together. Can he tell them apart? Although they are all the lowest-level magic weapons, there are thousands of components in total. It is difficult, difficult to find the matching components from it. ,too difficult!"

A senior officer shook his head disapprovingly.

In the army, the competition of "assembling magic weapons" is also very popular, requiring soldiers to assemble magic weapons in the shortest time.

Some masters can even cover their eyes and complete the assembly of low-level magic weapons.

But in this kind of competition, all the parts of the same magic weapon are used, and no one will mix dozens of parts of different magic weapons together. How can you tell the difference

Although Li Yao's points rank was getting lower and lower, the cultivators' interest in him was getting stronger and stronger.

Li Yao didn't know that there were so many practitioners watching his performance in the Liaoyuan above his head.

He still took his time and played at his own pace.

He first found a crystal box from the parts pile, and then selected several magic weapon parts to wrap around the crystal box, making a very ugly and weird little device.

After the completion, about 20 wafer boxes were taken out, processed in the same way, and finally connected in series.

"what is this?"

In the monitoring center, the cultivators were puzzled, and all eyes were on Xie Tingxian, the weapon refining expert.

Xie Tingxian was thoughtful, and said: "The crystal box is the core of the low-level magic weapon, which is responsible for providing the source of spiritual energy for the magic weapon, but the one made by this challenger using the crystal box is not of any standard. A magic weapon can only be said to be a device with a slight magic weapon function."

"Professor Xie, what is the use of this device?" An officer couldn't help asking.

Xie Tingxian pondered for a moment: "It's an explosive device that can destroy the stable rune array in the crystal box, causing the powerful spiritual energy contained in the crystal box to explode in an instant, producing a powerful explosive force."

"Could it be that he wants to make hundreds of bombs and blow them all the way?"

"It's not right. He connected more than twenty crystal boxes in series. The volume is so big that he can't carry it at all, let alone throw it out to blow up monsters. It's better not to blow up himself!"

The officer frowned and fell into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao suddenly changed his style after making two wafer bombs, one big and one small.

His hand speed suddenly accelerated in an instant, his hands turned into two phantoms, and he quickly selected hundreds of components from the pile of parts.

Amidst a crackling sound, a long sword with serrated blade quickly took shape.

"So fast!"

There was an uproar in the surveillance hall.

Assembling magic weapons is the basic skill of a cultivator, and every cultivator knows a little bit.

But at their level, they no longer need to use their hands, they can directly manipulate the parts with psionic energy.

And for an ordinary boy who has not yet awakened his spiritual root, to have such a ghostly fast hand speed, he must have gone through a long and arduous training!

"The basic skills are very solid!"

Xie Tingxian nodded repeatedly, faintly feeling that he was going to find a treasure this time.

Experts look at the doorway. Other cultivators just think that Li Yao's hand speed is as fast as ghosts. Only he can see that while Li Yao maintains super high hand speed, he also maintains the stability of his hands, ensuring the precise and stable assembly of each component. , not even the slightest disturbance in breathing.


Xie Tingxian blinked, he found that Li Yao's assembly sequence seemed to be different from the standard assembly process of this military sword.

At first, I thought it was Li Yao who made a mistake in his busy schedule, but after a while, he realized that Li Yao had changed the structure and added some small "things" in the most inconspicuous places.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Xie Tingxian did not expect that Li Yao, a high school student, would be able to modify the structure of the classic magic weapon that had been finalized.

Although he still didn't know what effect this small change would have, it had already made him nod his head again and again, and strengthened his determination to pay attention to Li Yao.

In less than five minutes, Li Yao completed the assembly of the first magic weapon.

This is a military-style chainsaw sword known as the "Tiger Shark"!

The wide-bladed two-handed sword with a length of more than 1.5 meters is surrounded by a ring of sawtooth made of super alloy steel. Driven by the crystal box, the sawtooth can rotate at super high speed, with amazing lethality. It can hug a thick and thin tree. Severing with a sword, no matter how tough the shell and bones of the low-level monsters are, it will not help.

"Four minutes and thirty-nine seconds, this speed has surpassed many veterans in the army." The officer lost his voice just now.

Strictly speaking, this kind of magic weapon assembly is just putting together the pre-refined magic weapon components, and it is not really a "refining weapon".

But by the standards of an eighteen-year-old boy, Li Yao's performance can definitely be called "magic skills"!


Li Yao didn't carry the tiger shark chainsaw sword and went out to kill all directions like most cultivators thought. Instead, he put the chainsaw sword aside, picked out a lot of components, and started to work on the second magic weapon. Assemble.

The component he selected this time is completely different from the one just now, with a rougher, more brutal, violent style, which looks like a sword.

Soon, a slightly shorter, wider and thicker, oddly shaped sword like a dog's leg was born in Li Yao's hands.

"Thunder Saber?" the officer cried out.

It is also the most basic low-level magic weapon. The design ideas of the Thunder Sword and the Chainsaw Sword are completely different. They rely on the shock array engraved on both sides of the back of the sword to generate ultra-high-frequency shock waves, driving the blade to make tens of thousands of times per second. The shock, in order to increase the attack power.

Often a single blow can completely shatter the viscera of the monster beast. Among the low-level magic weapons, they are considered extremely fierce!

The two design ideas are completely different, even diametrically opposed magic weapons, but Li Yao is very familiar with them, as if he has been exposed to these magic weapons since he was born.

"This kid is really a monster!" the officer murmured.

This is not the end yet. After assembling the second magic weapon, Li Yao buried his head in the pile of parts and selected the third batch of parts whose style was completely different from the first two.

It only took another five minutes, and a huge battle ax that was so powerful that it made one's scalp tingle at first glance took shape in his palm!

Li Yao gripped the driving talisman array on the handle of the axe, and swung it lightly.

The several talisman arrays engraved on the surface of the battle ax suddenly brightened up, and the blade of the ax turned orange red, like a red-hot soldering iron!

This is a heat-powered battle ax known as "Burning Heaven", and its combat principle is different from the previous two magic weapons.

The powerful spiritual energy gushing out of the crystal box is not converted into mechanical energy, but directly turned into a super-high temperature heat flow under the excitation of the talisman array!

With one ax down, the internal organs of the monster can be burned into coke!

In just twenty minutes, the assembly of three low-level magic weapons with very different styles and design ideas was completed!

There was no sadness or joy on Li Yao's face, as if he had completed a trivial matter, he took a sip of clear water, poured some on his hands, and rubbed it carefully to cool down.

It was only then that everyone realized that his hands were already burning and red due to the long-term ultra-high-speed movement!


I went to Sanjiang today, thank you for your support, Lao Niu really has nothing to repay!

But I saw a friend leaving a message in the book review area, saying that he would give Lao Niu Sanjiang a ticket—what is that? It sounds like a very powerful look.

In short, if you have any Sanjiang tickets, recommended tickets, etc., please give Lao Niu some more.

Mixing in the sci-fi column, there is Infinity in the front, Ship Girl in the back, and Marvel next to it. The theme of Lao Niu is relatively old, and it is really not easy.

There will be another chapter at twelve o'clock tonight, Lao Niu has worked hard, everyone can do whatever they want!