Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 55: Magic deal


"It's really rare for a high school student nowadays to have such a talent for refining weapons! Such a talent, isn't Shenhai University determined to acquire such a talent?"

"Why did he assemble three completely different magic weapons? You must know that the methods of using the chainsaw sword, thunder sword, and burning sky battle ax are completely different. Could it be that he can use all three magic weapons with ease? That is simply a monster !"

"Even if they can be used freely, there is no need for this. The three magic weapons are heavy weapons. Carrying them all on the body will greatly reduce the speed. It is not beneficial in jungle warfare, but is a burden."

Amidst the discussion of many practitioners, the second player came to the supply point.

This is a very tall young man with a very aggressive temperament. His chin is covered with stubble, which makes him look very mature.

When he saw Li Yao who was resting on the side, he was obviously taken aback.

But when he found that there were three magic weapons on the ground, he was overjoyed immediately, walked forward with a smile on his face, took the Fentian battle ax in his hand, swung it vigorously twice, and howled repeatedly in excitement.

"I'm lucky. I didn't expect there to be an assembled magic weapon in the supply point. With this Sky Burning Battle Ax, I can kill a hundred monsters in one day!"

The unruly boy was about to leave with his battle ax on his shoulders, when a sound came from behind him unexpectedly.

Li Yao stopped him lazily: "Hey, classmate, I just assembled this battle axe. The price is two hundred points. Seeing that you are the first customer, I will give you a 5% discount. One hundred and ninety."

The unruly boy was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "It turned out that this classmate made it, so thank you very much, I will treat you to dinner when I have time!"

There was no intention of trading at all, so he turned around and left with his tomahawk on his shoulder.

Li Yao had expected it a long time ago, his expression remained unchanged, and he called out: "Student, wait a moment, I invite you to watch the show!"

As he spoke, he lightly stretched his long arms, and threw the crystal bomb that was assembled first into the distant jungle.


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the depths of the jungle, and a cloud of smoke rose slowly. The smoke was also mixed with ferocious tongues of fire, and the billowing heat wave rushed towards the face.

The unruly young man was startled by the loud noise, his expression changed, and he turned his head to stare at Li Yao: "What do you mean?"

Li Yao held a large bomb connected in series with more than 20 wafer boxes, and said with a smile:

"It's nothing interesting. It was just the power of a crystal box explosion. You can see that I still have more than 20 crystal boxes in my hand. If you don't want to trade, you just want to take my Burning Heaven Battle Ax for nothing. , I had no choice but to activate the talisman, detonate the crystal box, and blow us both out of the game!"


The unruly boy didn't expect Li Yao to do such a trick, and he was dumbfounded.

Li Yao smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to buy it. There are still many ordinary swords and swords there. It doesn't matter if you take them as you like, but please put down my Burning Heaven Battle Axe."

The unruly boy squinted his eyes and glanced at the ordinary swords scattered on the ground, his eyes suddenly showed contempt.

If you have never tried the Burning Sky Battle Ax, it is not impossible to kill monsters with ordinary swords.

But he has already tried the Burning Heaven Tomahawk, and it is really refreshing, and he will be a little unwilling to go back and choose ordinary swords!

Li Yao continued:

"It costs about a dozen points to kill a low-level monster, but you can spend less than 200 points to buy this Sky Burning Battle Axe. The efficiency of killing monsters is greatly improved. After three days, it will be more than a dozen points. Kill more than a dozen monsters? I'm afraid it won't take half a day to earn it back!"

The unruly young man's face was cloudy and hesitant.

After all, the competition has just started at this time, and everyone's points are not many, and one hundred and ninety points are almost all of his belongings.

If he is traded, he will be at the bottom of the ranking.

But what this guy said is right, with this Sky Burning Battle Ax, his efficiency in killing monsters will indeed be greatly improved, and the speed of earning points will be at least twice as fast as it is now!

Li Yao smiled all over his face, like a profiteer who cared about customers:

"Student, think about it clearly. If you don't buy this Sky Burning Battle Axe, when I sell it to someone else, their attack power will be much higher than yours. Maybe the points will rank ahead of you. Once it comes out, your loss is not a star."

The rebellious boy snorted coldly and said:

"Of course you are right, but you are not the only one who can assemble magic weapons! I was in school, and I have also taken related courses. If I spend a little more time, I can still assemble a Burning Sky War... You, you actually put all the magic weapons together. The magic weapon parts are all mixed together, making such a mess? You are too shameless, student!"

Li Yao shrugged, and said indifferently: "Come on, do you want to trade, if not, please put down the battle axe, thank you."

"I don't believe you'll detonate it!" The unruly young man stared into Li Yao's eyes, and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Okay, I'll count to three, let's quit the competition together, anyway, my strength is so poor, I just came here to see the world, I didn't plan to enter the finals, three... two..."

Li Yao laughed strangely indifferently.

Before he could count to "one", the unruly boy broke down completely and shouted like crazy: "Stop, stop! I'll make a deal, I'll buy this burning sky battle axe!"

The puji beasts of the two collided lightly in mid-air, and with a "ding", all the 190 points accumulated by the unruly youth from beheading monsters were transferred to Li Yao's name!

On the ranking list, a shining name suddenly disappeared, and Li Yao's name once again appeared in the top 100—soaring to No. 88 in an instant!

With a gloomy face on his face, the unruly young man glared at Li Yao viciously, and left dejectedly with his Tiantian battle ax on his shoulder.

"It turns out that he wants to be a professional 'magic weapon dealer' and use this method to earn points!"

Many cultivators in the monitoring center suddenly realized that they were both dumbfounded.

In the past dozens of competitions, there were also people who traded magic weapons, but they often did so occasionally while beheading monsters.

The main reason is that there are too many loopholes in the trading rules, which are actually not good for the magic weapon maker. If there is a little carelessness, the magic weapon can easily be snatched away.

Unexpectedly, this monstrous little guy would come up with the method of "both die together" and plug the loophole in the transaction at once!

After completing the first transaction, Li Yao quickly devoted himself to the assembly of the new magic weapon.

He is like a tireless psychic puppet, several hours of ultra-high-speed work can't make his hands tremble even a bit, and dozens of magic weapons appear one after another!

During this period, hundreds of players came to the supply point.

Most of the players with enough points bought a magic weapon under Li Yao's smooth tongue.

In other words, if Li Yao stayed comfortably in this extremely safe supply point, it was equivalent to hunting hundreds or even thousands of monsters outside!

His ranking on the leaderboard has been soaring all the way, and he has successfully entered the top ten. There is only a gap of less than one hundred points between him and He Lianlie!

Every candidate can check the leaderboard through Puji Beast.

One can imagine how shocked He Lianlie was when he saw Li Yao's name!

"This bastard is obviously a rotten piece of garbage, garbage, garbage! How could it be possible to reach the top ten all the way? There is only such a small gap between me and me? It is completely impossible!"

He Lianlie's eyes were blood red, and he was extremely irritable. He couldn't figure out how Li Yao did it!

Soon, all the parts of the magic weapon at the first supply point were consumed by Li Yao, and the assembled magic weapon was also traded into points.

Li Yao smiled slightly, whistled, put the big bomb into the military backpack, and headed to the next supply point!