Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 58: The commander appears


The Liaoyuan is very lively at the moment.

In addition to the practitioners in the monitoring center, 2,400 losers from the preliminary competition gathered in the hall outside.

These teenagers were only annoyed for a while, and then they stared at the big light screen with all their attention, waiting for the final to start.

After all, in the finals, seeing the sparkling contests of many masters will be of great benefit to their future cultivation.

Under the eyes of everyone, three hours passed quickly, and the final of the Extreme Challenge officially began!

"Aw, ow ow ow!"

The restrictions all around Mojiao Island were opened, and the monsters who had been restrained for three hours couldn't wait to jump out, venting the anger in their hearts with the most violent roars.

"Ho! Ho Ho!"

What responded to them came from the ground, like thunder, mixed with the roar of tyrannical force.

Hearing the roar, the monsters who were majestic just now all shrank their necks, showing expressions of fear.

There are hundreds of hidden places around Mojiao Island, and countless teleportation arrays start to flash.

Amidst the strange flashes of light, a powerful monster with a bigger body, more ferocious appearance, more ferocious eyes, and more violent aura was released!

They probed their heads for a while, their noses moved, and the smell of fresh human flesh in the air soon made them crazy, shaking their heads and tails, baring their teeth and claws, and rushed to the depths of the jungle!

In front of the 600 contestants, Puji Beast also made a list of the 600 finalists.

The 600 people were divided into red and blue teams, and the Puji beasts were also wrapped in a layer of red or blue light to show the difference.

At the same time, the communication channels of the players were also switched in time. From this moment on, they could only send messages with their teammates.

Li Yao quickly scanned the list of 600 people, and found that he was a member of the red team.

He Lianlie and Si Jiaxue were assigned to the blue team, but Zheng Dongming became his teammate.

"He Lianlie, as you said, the Mojiao Island is very big, but it's very small. I hope we don't run into each other!"

Li Yao checked the magic weapon one last time, and smiled confidently.

He used two very short shock daggers, painted with mud into a non-reflective black, like the fangs of a devil.

Putting the dagger in his waist, and checking the various self-made magic weapons in the backpack, Li Yao jumped into the jungle and disappeared among the branches.

The intensity of the final was more than a hundred times higher than that of the preliminary round!

Not to mention that there were hundreds of powerful monsters in the jungle, many challengers were gathered together to rest, but were suddenly divided into two teams, and the puchi beasts above their heads suddenly turned red and blue.

In each other's eyes, each other has become an "experience bag" filled with a lot of points!

In an instant, the classmates who were talking and laughing just now started a life-and-death fight!

In just five minutes, thirty-seven contestants were forced to withdraw from the competition, and their points were taken away by the candidates who "killed" them.

On the leaderboard of the monitoring center, the names of the top 100 are changing almost every second!

"Don't be chaotic, everyone. We should organize and fight like the federal army! My name is Gao Ye. I come from a military family. I have followed my parents since I was a child and learned the command tactics of special forces. I have very powerful computing power and command ability. Everyone listen to me Command, move closer to my coordinates! If the distance is far away, first move closer to your teammates and form a combat team!"

In the communication channel of the blue team, a voice suddenly came.

This voice sounds a little hoarse at first, but it is full of strong confidence and appeal, which makes people feel convincing involuntarily.

After a little hesitation, many blue team candidates subconsciously moved closer to Gao Ye's coordinates.

"The commander of the blue team has appeared!" All the practitioners in the monitoring center were refreshed.

In the final, the 600 candidates were divided into two teams to fight against each other. The most important thing is not a candidate's individual combat ability, but whether everyone can gather together in the shortest time and fight as a team to fight against the monsters and "" enemy".

It can be said that in this confrontation, whichever side first emerges a "management-type cultivator seedling" who is good at commanding will seize the opportunity and is likely to win the final victory!

In previous competitions, it often took several hours or even a day of disputes and paid a heavy price before a "commander" was born.

Unexpectedly, such a good seedling with commanding talent would emerge in this competition. In just five minutes, the blue team woke up from the chaos.

In the communication channel of the blue team, Takano issued one order after another calmly, without giving anyone a chance to refute.

Even if someone questioned his decision-making, he could refute it with reason and evidence within a few seconds, leaving the other party speechless and convincing everyone.

Under his command, the remaining two hundred and eighty candidates of the blue team gradually moved closer together, forming a decent battle formation.

There were even more than a dozen candidates assembled into a hunting team and killed a powerful monster that had just come down from the teleportation array!

On the other hand, the red team is a little bit miserable. Among the 300 candidates, there are no talents who are good at organization and management. The communication channel is full of voices. supermarket.

"My spiritual root development rate has reached 75%. I will be the commander of the red team. Everyone will draw close to me, close to me!"

"Spiritual root development rate of 75% is useless. Lao Tzu's spiritual root development rate is still 77%. I can kill two monsters with one knife. But I have self-knowledge and know that I am not a commander. How cool are you? Wait and go!"

"You, you are so arrogant, which school are you from, don't leave after a game!"

"Don't talk too much, everyone, think of a way, I think the blue team seems to have assembled, our side is completely suppressed, they are seven or eight people hitting two or three of us, ah!"

"No, a powerful monster has appeared here. My coordinates are... Come and help me!"

"No way, we were also intercepted by the blue team here, these goddamn bastards, why do they seem to be full of blue team members all over the world, what about the red team, where are the red team members dead!"

Li Yao's body was smeared with mud, and outside the mud was covered with a layer of weeds, dead branches and vines, quietly dormant in the deepest part of the bushes.

Even Xiaoji was painted with a layer of camouflage in the same way, and he turned off the sound mode of the communication channel, and only used the weakest brightness to browse the text in the communication channel.

Looking at it, Li Yao sighed helplessly.

Unexpectedly, a genius-level commander appeared on the opposite side, but his side was in disarray, and the situation seemed a little unfavorable.

Li Yao has self-knowledge, his talent is refining weapons, not commanding battles, and he doesn't have the ability to convince people with a casual sentence, and he is not the material for a commander.

Even if he joined the battle group, he would still be ridiculed by his teammates.

"I can't say, I'm really going to use the 'unique trick'!" Li Yao touched a hard object in his arms.

It was a very simple magic weapon he made at the first supply point-a remote control.