Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 59: Paralyzed!


The situation was exactly as Li Yao expected, the balance of victory was irretrievably tilted towards the blue team.

It can be clearly seen from the huge light curtain in the monitoring center that in less than three hours, the blue team was completely assembled.

They form a core combat unit with three to five players. Most of the members are from the same school and region, and they are familiar with each other. Moreover, the offensive and auxiliary players are well matched, and the offense and defense are integrated.

The distance between each combat unit is just right, and all the combat units faintly form a large circle, surrounding the "command center" headed by Gao Ye and supplemented by a dozen players with management talents!

The command center is the brain, and all combat units are the fists. The blue team swept across from the north of Mojiao Island all the way to the south.

The players on both sides are randomly selected, and the overall strength is almost the same. Using an organized battle formation to fight an unorganized game of loose sand is simply a one-sided massacre!

Along the way, no matter whether it was monsters or red team players, there was almost no existence that could resist the blue team.

Even if there are a few powerful red team players who can last for a while, three, four, or even five or six blue team combat units will immediately surround them, sending all the red team players into the gel and driving them out. examination room!

Before halfway through the first day, the red team lost more than 120 players, and was beaten dizzily by the blue team and was defeated.

The blue team only lost more than 30 players, and as they cooperated with each other more and more proficiently, the scope of activities of the red team was further suppressed, and the "battle loss ratio" of the two sides was still expanding.

"There is no suspense. If the fight continues like this, the red team will be wiped out in less than a day and a half!" Several experienced officers in the monitoring center came to a conclusion with certainty.

Many cultivators also sighed one after another. They didn't expect that the blue team would have such a heaven-defying command genius, and they won an overwhelming victory without any effort.

For ordinary players on both sides, it is actually a bit unfair.

But this is the reality. On the real battlefield, luck is sometimes more important than strength.

In the corner of the monitoring center, Xie Tingxian and Ding Lingdang frowned tightly. They did not expect such a one-sided situation. The blue team had already controlled the general situation, no matter how strong Li Yao's personal ability was, it would not help.

It might be difficult for him to break into the top three hundred.

"Li Yao, what are you waiting for?"

The two stared together at the little red dot representing Li Yao on the huge light curtain.

It can be seen from the big map that Li Yao's little red dot has been staying in a dark corner in the northern part of Mojiao Island, motionless all the time.

He didn't even have the slightest intention of jumping out when a large blue light spot crushed past him.

Now, Li Yao has appeared in the rear of the blue team.

The surrounding area was empty, and all the red team players except him were killed, leaving only four blue patrol teams still cruising and patrolling.

In the deepest part of the dark bush, a pair of eyes slowly opened, emitting a radiant light.

Like a hungry vulture finding the fattest lamb.

"Xi Xi Suo Suo, Xi Xi Suo Suo", the bushes shook for a while, and Li Yao came out unhurriedly.

He carefully observed the footprints on the ground and the traces of the surrounding tree trunks being rubbed, and then swam up the tree like a boa constrictor.

Li Yao swam silently among the branches, his speed was faster than running wildly on the ground.

Soon, a patrol team composed of three candidates from the blue side appeared in his sight.

Unsurprisingly, what the three of them held in their hands were all melee magic weapons assembled by him.

Li Yao smiled slightly, this situation was already in his calculations.

In the preliminary competition, he assembled hundreds of melee magic weapons, and only 600 candidates entered the final, almost all of them.

Coupled with the fact that the red team has lost part of their manpower, their magic weapon must also be taken away by the blue team.

"The magic weapons in your hands are all assembled by me - how can you fight me!"

With a kick of Li Yao's legs, the force was so great that the branches under his feet broke with a "click".

And he is also like a giant owl, descending from the sky and rushing towards the blue patrol team!

"Enemy attack!"

After half a day of cooperation, the blue team's patrol team had already cultivated a tacit understanding, and they didn't panic because of Li Yao's sneak attack.

The three of them activated the activation rune array of the melee magic weapon almost within 0.1 second.

The chain saw sword roared, the thunder sword began to vibrate, and the blade of the burning sky battle ax also instantly turned orange red!

But in the next 0.1 second, all three of them felt a stabbing pain in their palms, as if a sharp electric current poured into their arms from the handle of the weapon, and flowed all the way to their hearts, stinging hard!


The three patrolmen let out a scream at the same time, and their bodies froze involuntarily for a second!

In just one second of rigidity, two black streamers flashed across their necks, and when they were about to touch the skin, the three Puchi beasts sprayed gel in time, killing the three players from the blue team. Protect them firmly, and cut off their hope of moving on!

The three candidates on the blue side failed the judgment and withdrew from the competition!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

The points under their names were immediately transferred to Li Yao's name, and Li Yao jumped up more than 30 on the leaderboard!

"what happened?"

In the monitoring center, many practitioners saw this short sneak attack.

They were puzzled by the obviously clumsy performance of the three blue players.

"Why are the three players from the blue team so stupid? Why are they all stunned? If it weren't for this second of rigidity, even with a little sacrifice, they could have completely eliminated the player from the red team!"

"Hey, this player from the red team seems to be a master craftsman who assembled hundreds of melee magic weapons in the preliminary round. I didn't expect him to persist until now and kill three players from the blue team at once? His strength So strong!"

"No, there are weird ones, there are weird ones, there is a problem with the weapons of the three blue players!"

Some discerning cultivators saw the truth at once, and everyone turned their attention to Xie Tingxian.

Xie Tingxian had been watching Li Yao's wonderful performance with his eyes wide open. It wasn't until Li Yao disappeared into the darkness again that he let out a long sigh of relief and showed an expression of sudden realization.

Looking around, Xie Tingxian smiled and said:

"Fellow daoists, don't be surprised. This classmate Li Yao made some small modifications when assembling each magic weapon. He designed a small psionic circuit, which can make each magic weapon close-range Accepting his remote control, there was a momentary overload of spiritual power, which caused the overflow of spiritual power and released a small wave of spiritual power."

"This wave is very weak, and it doesn't have much lethality. At best, it can only paralyze the user for a second or two."