Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 6: Great Dark Ages


Li Yao's eyelashes fluttered, and his face was a little dignified. The "Great Dark Age" is the most important period in the development of cultivation civilization. It can even be said that it is the Great Dark Age that divides the "Classical Cultivation Period" and the "Modern Cultivation Period". This is a very classic question, well-known, but not easy to answer comprehensively.

After pondering for a moment, Li Yao's mind turned and his thoughts flew high:

"Aiming at immortality, the ancient cultivators created an incomparably brilliant ancient cultivator civilization. They established an upgrade system from refining qi, building foundations, forming alchemy, nascent soul... to transcending calamity, true immortality, and immortality, and along the way This road goes forward bravely, constantly exploring the limits of life, and marching towards the endless sea of stars."

"During the heyday of the ancient civilization, the ancient cultivators opened up one world after another, built an ancient teleportation array that penetrated the endless star sea, shuttled freely between the stars and the world, and even began to explore the ultimate mystery of time!"

"As the ancient civilization continues to evolve, the ancient cultivators have become stronger and longer, and the number of strong ones has also increased."

"In the early days of the ancient Xiu civilization, there were only a few hundred golden core stage cultivators and dozens of Yuanying stage cultivators in the three thousand worlds. It takes thousands of years for a world to appear, and it is definitely a rare existence!"

"However, in the late period of the ancient civilization, like a big explosion, the number of high-level practitioners multiplied geometrically. At that time, there was a saying that 'there are as many nascent infants as dogs, and the gods walk everywhere'."

"So many high-level cultivators need huge resources to cultivate, and more and more cultivators have achieved almost immortality, and their thirst for resources has also reached—infinite!"

"In the beginning, it was possible to satisfy greedy high-level cultivators by developing new great worlds, but after tens of thousands of years of development, after discovering nearly 5,000 worlds, for a full thousand years, the ancient civilization failed to regenerate. Discover even a new great world.

"The world is limited, but the demands of the cultivators are infinite. It took the ancient cultivators a thousand years to understand this truth. It is logical that a civil war broke out immediately in order to compete for limited resources."

"Three thousand years of civil war has swept across the entire universe. Guxiu, who can call wind and rain, and move mountains and seas, is fighting each other on every star! Planets are burning, ancient teleportation arrays are destroyed, spar battleships are exploding in a row, and the high-level cultivation known as 'immortal' Those who have died have fallen one after another, and the 'Alchemy Strong' and 'Yuanying Old Monster' have become worthless cannon fodder just like the mortals they once regarded as mere ants, and they were wiped out under the attack enough to destroy the planet."

"In the late period of the civil war, more than 70% of the Great Thousand Worlds were destroyed, and countless Great Thousand Worlds were cut off from the main world. More than 90% of the high-level practitioners turned into ashes, and the remaining low-level practitioners were also in the ruins on one's last legs."

"The war seems to be unsustainable, and the dawn of peace appears vaguely—until in an unknown world, an ignorant cultivation genius invented a 'gadget'."

"The name and sect of this cultivating genius can no longer be verified, and his refining process has long since disappeared with the wind. Modern people call what he created-the demon god virus!"

"Perhaps his idea is very simple: Since there are not enough fighters, why not invent something to comprehensively increase the fighting power of spirit beasts and replace practitioners to fight - after all, the number of spirit beasts is almost infinite!"

"He succeeded. After being catalyzed by the 'demon god virus', countless docile spirit beasts have been concocted into terrifying killing tools. The war machines known as 'monster beasts' are tireless, unhesitating, and never stop dying!"

"In just ten years, this cultivating genius has unified the Great Thousand World where he lives by relying on the army of monsters, and the number of monsters has reached hundreds of millions. The cultivators of other worlds have discovered what he has done, and they have also followed suit. Start refining your own 'Monster Beast'."

"For a hundred years, monsters have become the main force in the civil war in the cultivation world, appearing in every corner of the sea of stars."

"It's just that all cultivators have not discovered two things."

"First, the 'Demon God Virus' has a strong self-replicating ability and is contagious."

"Second, while the 'Demon God Virus' is improving the combat power of monsters, it is also subtly improving the intelligence of monsters. In the cruel bloody battle of hundreds of years, under the catalysis of a huge base, trillions of calculations Among the monster beasts, a 'monster clan' with intelligence comparable to human beings was born!"

"Finally, on the last day of the 3,000-year civil war—the demon clan has awakened!"

"As if under the command of a terrifying existence, the monsters in all the worlds in the stars and seas rose up to rebel against their masters at almost the same time. The cultivators who have been hiding in the mountain gates and pampered them for hundreds of years are not battle-tested monsters at all. The opponent of the beast—not to mention the monster race who has mastered the technology of human cultivation!"

"One spiritual mountain after another was razed to the ground, and one sect after another was slaughtered. For a hundred years, the monster race frantically chased every cultivator who slipped through the sea of stars. In the dark area of the star sea and the gap between time and space, I am in constant fear."

"The entire 30,000 years since then will be the 'Great Dark Age' for human beings. In the endless darkness, the monster race has established a huge 'Monster Beast Dynasty', while human beings have become humble slaves and lost their dignity. I have lost my pride, and I have also lost the most precious thing—the right to cultivate and refine Qi!"

"30,000 years, a full 30,000 years! The ancient civilization that ruled the endless star sea was brilliant and brilliant in the past, just like a tower of yellow sand, it was destroyed by the stormy waves, leaving no trace! The high-level cultivator of 'immortality' in the past The descendants can only rely on the most primitive and powerful reproductive capacity to maintain the continuation of the race with great difficulty!"

"It wasn't until 30,000 years later, at the end of the Great Dark Age, that the demon clan struggled for power and conflicts continued to sharpen, and human beings got a chance to breathe. With the unremitting efforts of countless geniuses of cultivation, human beings secretly launched three 'revolutions of cultivation' , established a 'modern cultivation civilization system' completely different from the ancient civilization, and then embarked on the magnificent road of cultivation, the road of revival!"

"Under the leadership of the peerless powerhouse 'Emperor', human beings have unearthed a large number of relics of ancient civilizations and re-established 20 'Yuanshi Sects'. After a thousand years of bloody battles, humanity has prospered, and human beings have once again become the masters of the endless star sea. Modern comprehension Civilization is also full of vitality!"

"It has been 10,000 years since the end of the 'Great Dark Age', and 40,000 years since the collapse of the ancient civilization. Now, it is the best century of cultivation, and it is the 40,000 years of cultivation with infinite charm!"

When Li Yao was thinking about the last paragraph, a countdown to the end of the exam appeared in the sky, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of continuing to explain the life of the "Emperor", casually said a few clichés, and ended hastily.

Almost at the moment when the last word came to mind, the whole world collapsed and turned into fragments like butterflies. Li Yao was pushed out by a strong force, his eyes blurred, and his consciousness returned to the classroom.