Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 63: Kill all the way!


In the red communication channel, hundreds of contestants were still chaotic and noisy, ridiculing, mocking and complaining to each other. It was as noisy and chaotic as a vegetable market.

But at the same time, they were startled by the huge explosion sound from the middle of Mojiao Island, and no one spoke for a long time.

After a while, there was a lazy-sounding voice:

"The commander of the blue team has been 'beheaded' by me, and the entire command center has been blown up to the sky. Now is a great opportunity for all the dragons to be leaderless!"

"The next thing you have to do is very simple. You don't need to organize, line up, or cooperate. Just raise your voice and scream like a pig, 'Gao Ye is dead, the Red Army will win', and then wave your big gun like crazy. Just kill the sword all the way, understand?"

"Who are you, why should we believe your words!" After a moment of silence, someone said unconvinced.

"Believe it or not, anyway, I'm going to mow the grass, everyone, it's best to stay where you are, and let me get all the points alone, hahahaha, Takano is dead, the Red Army will win, kill Kill kill kill kill kill!"

There was a pig-killing howl from the communication channel. From the arrogant laughter, everyone could imagine that a certain guy was carrying a chainsaw giant sword, hacking and killing like crazy, harvesting " human head".

"Look, the blue team on the opposite side is a bit abnormal. They haven't moved for a long time, and they seem to be stupid!"

In the corner of Mojiao Island, two players from the red team were whispering to each other.

"Damn it, if you continue to be suppressed and beaten like this, you will die. Fight! Gao Ye is dead, and the Red Army will win!"

The two players from the red team put their minds on the line, and rushed out with their huge swords in their hands. Like a hungry tiger pounced on a sheep, the whirlwind crashed into the blue team's combat unit!

"Takano is dead, the Red Army must win!"

"Takano is dead, the Red Army must win!"

"Takano is dead, the Red Army must win!"

Frenzied battle cries resounded from all directions on Mojiao Island at the same time.

The players from the blue team just learned from the communication channel that the entire command center was taken over by the enemy. They were so shocked by the shocking news that a group of players from the red team rushed over like crazy, and their ears were full of ghosts Howling in general, how can there be any fighting spirit!

The balance of victory was completely tilted to the blue side. Unexpectedly, Li Yao went up and kicked the entire balance. The remaining blue and red players fell into the ugliest, most entangled, and most stalking melee.

And the red side, with their high morale and the excitement of the miraculous reversal, even faintly gained the upper hand!

On the Liaoyuan, there was complete silence inside and outside the monitoring center, and everyone was dumbfounded, completely shocked by Li Yao's wonderful performance just now for an hour.

From ambushing four blue patrol teams in a row at the beginning, to deliberately appearing in front of the new blue patrol team, to following He Lianlie and others all the way, sneaking into the blue team's command center without anyone noticing, and commanding The branches above the center were ambushed for half an hour. Finally, they used two consecutive attacks to divert the attention of everyone on the blue team. They successfully placed the backpack containing the explosives next to the commander of the blue team. The entire command center of the blue team exploded into the sky.

This is definitely a wonderful, smooth, classic "beheading operation" like a textbook!

And from planning to implementation, Li Yao took care of it all by himself!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

On the leaderboard, dozens of names suddenly disappeared, but Li Yao's name was rising crazily, soaring all the way!

Because dozens of blue team commanders and the strongest were "killed" at once, astronomical numbers of points poured into Li Yao's head. More than ten times the second place!

In the history of Xtreme Challenge, this is an unprecedented high score!

"It's amazing, it's amazing! Not to mention anything else, let's just say that in order to increase the power of the bomb, he filled his backpack with stones, metal magic weapon components, and sharp monster bones, which increased the power by ten times! This is absolutely It’s the practice of veterans in the military! Such a good seedling, our Federation’s First Military Academy is about to be settled, and no one will snatch it from us!”

In the monitoring center, after just a few seconds of silence, a rough roar broke the silence, and then all the observers shouted at one another.

"Why? Talents like this should belong to our Nebula University!"

"Our Tiandu Medical College also needs such good seedlings. I'm ready to directly recruit them. You can figure it out!"

"Hmph, what's so great about special recruitment, we at Xingyun University can also provide him with a high scholarship!"

Many cultivators were blushing, and the scene was extremely hot.

Only Xie Tingxian in the corner smiled and said nothing, sitting on the Diaoyutai, calm and calm with the victory in his hands.

Ding Lingdang, who was sitting not far from him, was biting his lips, walking around restlessly, like a constipated female dragon, who might breathe fire at any time.

"This kid, what are you doing so well? It's over, it's over, so many famous schools have to recruit, this kid will definitely not choose our Great Desolation War Academy! Do you want me to knock him out with a punch and carry him back to the Great Desolation?"

Ding Lingdang frowned, thought for a second, then shook his head, denying the plan, "No, my fist is so heavy, what should I do if I punch him to death?"

In the hall outside the surveillance center, Li Yao's gorgeous performance set off a storm of shock.

Almost all the teenagers were shocked to the extreme, many of them rubbed their eyes vigorously, unable to believe what they saw, and some of them even uttered strange screams:

"Oh my god, it's too outrageous for one person to settle the entire command center of the blue team?"

"Evil, out-and-out evil, it's too scary!"

"Where did this monster come from? Fu Ge City? I have never heard of such a master in Fu Ge City before. I only heard that there is He Lianlie and Zheng Dongming. I didn't expect He Lian Lie to fight him alone. I can't stand it even for a round, and it's over!"

"Such a scary guy must come from a certain cultivation family. He is not from the same world as ordinary wealthy children like us. There is no comparison!"

While the contestants were discussing, the members of the command center of the blue team who had just been "killed" by Li Yao and quit the game also returned to the Liaoyuan, and walked into the auditorium with tangled faces.

They were immediately surrounded by more than two thousand players.

Especially among them, Gao Ye and He Lianlie, suddenly became the focus of attention.

"Gao Ye, you have always been the pride of our Dongning City, and you are a well-known commanding genius. I never thought that you would be "beheaded" by the enemy. How is it? How do you feel?" Someone in the crowd asked in a strange tone. .

Gao Ye smiled lightly, the failure a moment ago did not leave any trace on his face, he said calmly:

"I'm very happy, really, to be able to meet such a powerful opponent, let me know that my command art is still too immature, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. If I meet again next time, I will definitely not repeat the same mistakes. Absolutely I will hunt and kill this Li Yao as soon as possible!"

After a pause and looking around for a week, Gao Ye's eyes finally focused on Li Yao in the huge light curtain. He stared at it for a long time, and said very seriously:

"However, I hope to be able to fight side by side with Li Yao on the battlefield against monsters. I can even use him as the core to create dozens of different tactics. I believe that as long as the two of us work together, I will Combined with his commanding ability and his individual combat ability, not to mention high-level monsters, even the kings of the monster clan, those powerful monster generals, monster kings, and even monster gods cannot escape our palms!"