Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 64: Strong wind and heavy rain


Takano's remarks full of general demeanor attracted the praise of many students, especially girls.

However, the other guys who feared the world would not be chaotic were very disappointed, they turned their eyes and pointed their finger at Helian Lie again.

"He Lianlie, I heard that you and Li Yao belong to the same school, and you have personal grievances, can you tell me in detail what's going on?"

Most of the contestants here are from the surrounding towns of Fuge City. They have no scruples about He Lianlie, and those who watch the excitement are not afraid of big things, so they don't have a sense of propriety when speaking, and they come as they please.

He Lianlie's face turned blue and white, his teeth were deeply embedded in his lips, his fists were tightly clenched, and his heart was extremely ashamed and angry!

After being silent for a long time, he squeezed out a stiff smile and said reluctantly:

"Student Li Yao and I had some small misunderstandings before, but it has been resolved long ago. Student Li Yao has made rapid progress in the past month, which is the pride of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School. I also admire his efforts very much. What personal grievances are simply It's nonsense! Excuse me, please step aside, I have to go to the bathroom."

Before everyone could ask any more questions, He Lianlie forcefully pushed away the contestants on both sides, almost fled in despair, and trotted all the way into the toilet.


In the cubicle, He Lianlie couldn't hold it any longer, his stomach was overwhelmed, and he vomited heavily, vomited so faintly that he even vomited out his stomach juice.

"Li Yao!"

He Lianlie raised his head, his eyes were red due to prolonged vomiting, and he looked haggard and crazy, like a ferocious demon.

"Li Yao, you trash, you bastard! Don't give me a chance, don't give me the slightest chance! Once I get the chance, I won't let you go. I will definitely use all my resources to play you to death. you!"

He Lianlie scratched at the wall of the toilet with both hands, grabbing and tearing hard, as if the wall was Li Yao's smiling face.

Ten deep dents were made by him on the metal wall, and violent blood flowed in each dent!

Li Yao, who was cursed by Helian Lie's hatred, is currently hiding comfortably in a supply point in the depths of Mojiao Island.

He checked his points through Xiaoji's light curtain.

From the moment he blew up the blue team's command center into the sky, he firmly occupied the top position. Unless the Mojiao Island suddenly sank, he would never be shaken!

To be honest, when he first "opened the back door" on the magic weapon, Li Yao didn't think so deeply, he just wanted to take advantage of it and earn a few more points.

But then Gao Ye, the commanding genius, appeared on the blue side, which pushed the red side to a dead end, and forced Li Yao to jump over the wall and put all his eggs in one basket.

This beheading operation took a very high risk, and there was a lot of luck in it. It was a thrilling gamble.

In order to protect his own safety, Li Yao delayed the explosion time of the crystal box bomb by half a minute. If the other party found out in time, he would have time to throw the bomb far away.

It can only be said that luck is on his side this time, even God is helping him, he is destined to enter Deep Sea University!

Now that he has earned enough points, Li Yao is not in a hurry to go out to hunt monsters. Now there are not many players left, and the entire Magic Dragon Island has become a paradise for monsters, many of which are super powerful. , Li Yao was not even sure that he could kill him successfully.

He didn't expect that at the last juncture, he capsized in the gutter and "died" in the hands of a monster.

Not to mention - a storm is coming.

Li Yao raised his head and looked far into the distance. The dim yellow sky turned into pitch black at some point, and there were faint purple long snakes struggling and rolling among the dark clouds, blasting out bursts of muffled thunder.

After a while, the bean-sized water droplets smashed down.

The weather on the surface of the sea is changing very fast. It was still a clear sky just now, but in the blink of an eye, it has become a world of torrential rain. The entire Mojiao Island is full of dark clouds, like thousands of black horses galloping. The screams of ghosts and wolves, even the sea breeze raged together, like ten thousand steel knives ruthlessly pierced on the Mojiao Island.

Even if it is covered by towering trees, the Mojiao Island is still full of gloomy winds, and the rainstorm is like a waterfall. Everyone is beaten up by the rain and cannot open their eyes. When the wind is strong, even the thick and thin trees are uprooted. It blows into the distance, sweeping away everything in its path.

In the face of the majestic and majestic power of nature, the monsters that had just bared their teeth and claws became quiet, looking for caves and rock crevices to hide.

"A storm just passed over the Mojiao Island, and the violent storm is estimated to last for a whole night!"

The Liaoyuan in mid-air was slightly shaken by the storm. A cultivator hovered at the stern of the battleship, squinted his eyes to observe the sky, and came to a conclusion.

A bolt of lightning struck right at the top of his head, but was blocked by an invisible barrier half an inch away from his heavenly cover, turning into four or five silver snakes around his body, reflecting a rather handsome face.

In this violent weather, it was difficult for the cultivators patrolling in the sky to take care of every corner of Mojiao Island.

However, the Puji beast carried by the players relies on the chip to connect to the Liaoyuan, and the spiritual link is very unstable, and it may not be able to monitor the player's situation in time, and spray out protective gel at the fatal moment.

The danger of the game has been greatly increased!

"Do you want to stop the game?"

The cultivator opened his mouth, and the electric current around his body was sucked into his stomach. He licked his lips with unsatisfied desire, flew back to the Liaoyuan, and asked many cultivators.

In the monitoring center, the cultivators whispered to each other, and after a while they made a decision—the game continued as usual, unaffected by the storm.

"In a real war, monsters won't truce with us humans just because of bad weather!"

The big man in black military uniform with a skull logo on his shoulder, with a face like steel, said coldly.

"That's right, if you can't even handle such a violent storm, you still want to be a cultivator? It's a joke!" Another cultivator with scars on his face sneered.

While speaking, distorted ripples and snowflake-like patterns appeared on the huge light curtain in front of them.

This is the connection between the Poochimon and the monitoring center, disturbed by the storm.

"Crack! Crack!"

Dozens of light curtains turned black directly, obviously the link of divine sense was cut off.

This meant that dozens of players broke away from their monitoring and protection.

"Although the connection is lost, Puji Beast will automatically record the player's condition, at most there will be a slight delay, and the points can still be calculated after the game, which will not hinder the continuation of the game!"

"Send another 20 practitioners to Mojiao Island to patrol back and forth to ensure the safety of the contestants. In case of accidents, we will give the candidates family subsidies with the same treatment as the sacrifices of federal soldiers!"

The cultivator discussed with the officers for a while, and quickly made a decision—this is also the practice in previous challenges.

The Star Federation was able to gain a foothold in the most fertile piece of land in the Tianyuan Realm because it was killed from the mountains of blood and corpses of thousands of monsters. Every inch of the Federation's land was stained red by the blood of the Federation Army and practitioners!

A cultivator is the sword of human civilization. To become a cultivator, one must have the determination to die and a fearless spirit of sacrifice!

If you are afraid of death, don't be a cultivator!