Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 67: Doomsday changes


"This is the reason why I don't want to transform easily. Once I transform, everyone will regard me as a demon cultivator and insist on beheading me!" Zheng Dongming sighed helplessly.

The word "Demon Cultivator" was like a shadowless ghost hovering between the two of them, and the surrounding air instantly dropped to zero!

The smiles on the faces of Li Yao and Zheng Dongming were completely frozen, and there was a real killing intent in their eyes.

Demon cultivators, who were tempted by extraterrestrial demons and fell, gave up cultivating psychic energy and turned to cultivating the dark side of psychic energy—the cultivators of "ghost energy" are the mortal enemies of human civilization, and they are a hundred times more terrifying than monster races!

According to legend, at the beginning of the Big Bang, from the original "starting point", endless psionic energy and psionic energy spewed out, and the psionic energy gradually transformed into matter, forming a vast sea of stars and multiplying. The first generation of life forms "Pangu Lingzu".

The Pangu Spiritual Clan are passionate about creation. They opened up the world, shaped the three thousand worlds, and refined countless hot starry sky materials into a planet where life can exist.

Therefore, in the records of human civilization, the Pangu spirit clan is also called "ancient sage"!

However, the psionic energy that is on the dark side of psionic energy has not turned into matter. Large groups of psionic energy have condensed into a mysterious world known as the "Demon Realm Beyond Heaven", jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, and forming a world of its own.

In the demon realm outside the sky, the psionic energy is constantly tearing, colliding, squeezing, and condensing, gradually gaining wisdom, and evolving into an "extraterrestrial demon"!

The extraterrestrial celestial demon is a pure energy life form, which knows no creation but destruction!

What they are most passionate about is tearing down the barrier between the outer demonic realm and the human universe, descending into the three thousand worlds where human beings thrive, invading human brains, polluting human spirits, corroding human will, and making human beings addicted to In the "phantom energy" of killing, rage, deceit and filth, become a terrifying "demon cultivator"!

As early as 40,000 years ago in the ancient repair era, before the birth of the monster race, the cultivators and demon cultivators were the unending natural enemies.

There are even rumors that the cultivator who refined the "demon god virus" and created the demon race was actually polluted by the extraterrestrial demons and transformed into a demon cultivator!

And 30,000 years later, at the end of the Great Dark Age, the rise of the emperor, the revival of humanity, and the eradication of the demon race, the domination of the star sea, it was the extraterrestrial demons who planned the "doomsday change", causing the second civil war in the comprehension world!

In "Doomsday Change", the Star Sea Empire founded by the Emperor suddenly collapsed, and the connection between the various worlds was also cut off, and the endless Star Sea was once again swept by raging wars!

Li Yao stood quietly five meters away from Zheng Dongming, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked at Zheng Dongming's neck like a vulture.

Even though the little fat man was limp and weak, Li Yao didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

The opponent is an extremely terrifying demon cultivator, who knows if there is any trump card to fight back violently

Zheng Dongming smiled wryly and said, "Since you regard me as a cultivator of demons, you must kill demons and eliminate demons. Why did you save me just now? Let the giant-eyed ape punch me to death, isn't it all right?"

Li Yao shook his head and said:

"You misunderstood, I'm not saving you—I heard that demon cultivators are best at hand-to-hand combat, and they have a lot of magic skills that devour flesh and blood to repair the body! What if a giant ape approaches you, and you kill it back, devour it If it kills its flesh and blood and produces further changes, that would be terrible! I killed it, but I just don’t want it to get close to you, and I hope you will remain in the weakest state.”

After a pause, he drew a line on the ground with his toes, and said, "Look, I've been standing five meters away from you, not even daring to get close by an inch, just because I'm afraid that you will explode and hurt others!"

As Li Yao said, the passage about "Doomsday Changes" that he had learned in history class emerged in his mind.

Ten thousand years ago, at the end of the Great Dark Age, the Yaozu's rule over human civilization was like a candle in the wind, fluctuating and might be extinguished at any time.

At this time, human civilization is surging, and strong people emerge in large numbers.

In the south of the endless star sea, in a vast world called "Glee Wind Realm", in the "underground arena" established by the monster race, a strong human being called "Jietian Martial Emperor" appeared.

As a lowly "death fighter", he fought all the way, and in just a few decades, he became a "fighting god", calling on countless death fighters to rise up and fight against the monster race.

Under his great sword and iron fist, countless masters of the monster clan turned into flesh and turned into ashes!

And in the "Chaotic Star Realm" in the north of the endless star sea, a human hero also appeared, known as the "Star Sea War Emperor"!

He started from a looted monster patrol boat, and plundered everywhere as a "star pirate". Over the past few decades, he has developed a human fleet with millions of spar warships. From the very beginning of guerrilla warfare, It became possible to engage in dignified battles with the regular army of the Yaozu, defeating the opponent time and time again.

And when "Juetian Martial Emperor" and "Star Sea Warlord" met for the first time, people knew...

They are actually two incarnations of the same person!

Since then, Martial Emperor Jue Tian and Star Sea War Emperor have officially merged into one, possessing outstanding military strategy capabilities and unrivaled combat power, and are honored as "Emperor" by all human beings!

The Emperor single-handedly brought human civilization out of the darkness and regained its brilliance. He led many strong men to unearth the remains of countless ancient Xiu sects. On the basis of the ancient Xiu civilization, he founded twenty "Yuanshi sects" , and from his soul, separate twenty clones to control twenty Yuanshi sects!

Among them, the strongest clone has inherited all the fighting consciousness and killing intent of the emperor, and is in charge of the "Blood God Sect" with the strongest combat power, and was named "Blood God Son" by the emperor!

But the countless demon clans who were beheaded by him prefer to call the son of the Blood God—the doomsday warrior!

When the Emperor established the Star Sea Empire and was busy rebuilding human civilization, the Blood God Son commanded 20 sects and spar fleets, galloping across the endless star sea, and expelling the monster race forces in every great world.

In the past few decades, almost all the demon clans in the Great Thousand World have been expelled, leaving only the demon clan's lair, "Myriad Demon Realm".

In order to completely conquer the monster race, the Blood God Son gathered the most powerful cultivators of the twenty Yuanshi sects, and commanded 70% of the Star Sea Empire's military strength, forming an unparalleled "expeditionary army"!

Even the emperor separated one soul and one soul from his three souls and seven souls, and put them into the blood god son temporarily, so that his combat power soared to the limit, and he could compete with the king of the monster clan!

The magnificent "Hundreds of Millions of Light Years Expedition" has begun!

When the expeditionary army set off, everyone thought that this would be the final war, and that mankind would solve the scourge of the monster race once and for all, and the glory of the Star Sea Empire would bloom forever in the next billions of years!

No one expected that the extraterrestrial celestial demons had long been eyeing the Son of the Blood God. During the killings again and again, the extraterritorial celestial demons kept seducing, polluting, and corrupting this "doomsday war madman"!

When the battle was not going well, and the Blood God Son fought with three demon gods to get seriously injured, and received criticism from the rear, the "Doomsday Warrior" finally lost his mind and fell into the devil's way. Degenerated into the most terrifying "demon cultivator"!

The doomsday warrior who became a demon cultivator immediately led the members of the blood god sect to attack other sects.

And the extraterrestrial demons also took the opportunity to erode other emperor clones!

In the end, nine Yuanshi sects fell into the devil's way and became "demon gates"!

Under the interference of the extraterritorial demons, the Doomsday Zhankuang and the Ten Thousand Monsters Realm reached a temporary ceasefire agreement, and formed a temporary alliance to lead the nine demon sects to counterattack the Star Sea Empire!

Before human civilization can completely break free from the shadow of the Great Dark Age, it has fallen into the second civil war in the realm of comprehension!

The brutality of this war is no less than that of the first civil war in the cultivation world 40,000 years ago. The flames of war tore up the newly established Star Sea Empire. In the brutal fight, two Yuanshi sects loyal to human civilization were even completely defeated. , disappeared forever in the endless sea of stars!

At the most critical moment, the Nine Demon Sects even invaded the capital of the Star Sea Empire, "Tianjixing", and the Emperor had no choice but to show up in person to start an earth-shattering decisive battle with the Doomsday Warrior!

The emperor, standing at the pinnacle of human evolution, is an immortal legend among practitioners!

The doomsday war madness is the embodiment of the emperor's supreme force and the strongest killing intent. He also has the emperor's soul and soul, and has also received the blessings of hundreds of millions of demon kings in nine heavens and ten places. Psychic energy and demon power bless him!

No one can describe how thrilling this decisive battle is, only know that the entire "Tianji Star" was blown up by the two!

In the end, the body of the doomsday warrior was completely crushed by the emperor, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul, leading the remnants of the nine demon sects to escape into the demon realm outside the sky.

And the emperor was also seriously injured, and had to escape into the small world he created, and fell into a long sleep that was neither life nor death, both life and death, mysterious and mysterious.

The Star Sea Empire suffered heavy losses in the civil war, and lost its unparalleled leader, the Emperor. All kinds of monsters took the opportunity to counterattack, and the Star Sea Empire collapsed completely, and the connections between the great worlds were cut off.

The nine original sects that are still loyal to human civilization have gradually split into thousands of small sects, scattered in different worlds, continuing to defend human civilization, and fighting evil and heretics to the end!

In some of the Great Thousand Worlds, such as Tianyuanjie, cultivation sects have formed powerful countries. Under the leadership of the regular army, they fight against monsters and demons, and ordinary people can still have a stable and peaceful life.

In other great worlds, human beings and monsters are evenly matched, caught in a bloody battle that lasted for thousands of years, and ordinary people were also involved in the flames of war, fighting from birth to death.

There is also a very small number of Great Thousand Worlds, which are completely ruled by the monster race and the demon clan, and the human beings there live a life that is worse than death, which is extremely miserable!

Human civilization still has a long way to go if it wants to completely quell the flames of war, dominate the star sea, and conquer the universe!

This great rebellion started by the "Doomsday War Madness" is known as the "Doomsday Change" in history. In the final analysis, it was all planned by extraterrestrial demons!

It is conceivable that when Li Yao discovered that Zheng Dongming turned out to be a demon cultivator who was seduced by an extraterrestrial demon and was able to manipulate "phantom energy", his inner shock was so intense!