Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 69: memory tree


In the deepest part of Li Yao's brain, in the endless abyss of the sea of memory. .

A huge vortex composed of countless memory fragments spun crazily, tearing at Li Yao's soul endlessly!

"My name is Ou Yeming, and one day, I will become the master of the Hundred Refining Sect!"

"I, Ou Yeming, swear to all the gods and demons in the ten heavens, the wilds, the six corners, the four directions, that I will kill all the disciples of the nine great demon sects with swords and knives, and kill them all. No one will be left behind!"

"Excalibur Shocking Hong, Battle Knife Slaying Jiao, and Long Spear Devouring Soul, I have finally refined these three magical weapons that are powerful enough to kill monsters that transform themselves into gods!"

"Senior Ouye, senior Ouyezi, please refine a magic weapon for me. I am willing to pay ten floating mountains as a reward!"


In a trance, Li Yao didn't know how long this huge memory vortex had been spinning. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise that shook the sky, and the whole vortex exploded.

In the depths of his brain, it condensed into a strange thing that looked like a big tree.

This "memory tree" is composed of tens of thousands of crystal-clear memory fragments. On each memory fragment, there is an extremely clear picture, recording Ou Yezi's memory of a certain period of time!

Starting from the "canopy", it is the memory of Ou Yezi's first entry into Bailianzong, being reduced to a low-level handyman, and being ravaged by giant spirits and gods.

As time goes by, the memory fragments gradually extend downwards, gradually becoming the memory of Ou Yezi becoming a blacksmith and working day and night in the blacksmithing room.

Further down is the memory of Ou Yezi refining the low-level flying sword.

Then came the memory of the demonic invasion and the bloody battle.

Until the "tree root" part, it becomes the picture of Ou Yezi becoming the master of the Hundred Refining Sect, achieving fame and power, shaking the world.

All memory fragments are divided into three distinct colors.

The early memories at the top, from Ou Yezi's introduction to his promotion to being a blacksmith, are all radiant and bright, and appear very agile.

And Ou Yezi's memory of working as a blacksmith's handyman in the blacksmith's room is no longer radiant, but it is still colorful.

These two parts of memory account for about one-tenth of all memory fragments.

The remaining 80% of the memories are black and white.

The last part of the memory is completely hidden in a cloud of black mist and cannot be seen clearly.

"what is this?"

Li Yao's consciousness floated in front of this huge "memory tree", he was extremely surprised.

He did not expect that Ou Yezi's entire life would be completely displayed in front of him in such a strange way, allowing him to see everything at a glance.

"I understand... Although Ou Yezi failed to seize the house, his spirit is so strong. He didn't disappear at that time, but secretly lurked in the depths of my sea of consciousness, waiting for the right opportunity, and then seized the house for the second time!"

"It's just that for some reason, this mutated giant-eyed ape actually launched a tyrannical mental attack on me, directly piercing through my brain, completely breaking up Ou Yezi's soul, and turning it into countless 'memory fragments'!"

"That's right, that's right, this mutated giant ape has extremely high intelligence. It was decapitated by me, and it was extremely resentful. It used the last bit of vitality to accumulate this unstoppable mental attack. Obviously, it wanted to kill me directly. , at least turn me into an idiot!"

"Unexpectedly, it hit Ou Yezi's soul. It means that these two monsters will lose both, but I will benefit from it!"

"But I don't know how to use Ou Yezi's memory fragments?"

With a heartbeat, Li Yao's consciousness floated to the top of the memory tree, and he searched carefully.

He soon found a fragment of memory. On that day, the giant spirit god was teaching Ou Yezi a certain move in the "One Hundred and Eight-Handed Cloak and Hammer Technique".

Li Yao focused his attention on the memory fragments.

Suddenly, he felt that his consciousness was being sucked by a powerful force, his eyes went dark, and he appeared on the field of Bailianzong again.

Exactly, exactly the day shown by the memory fragments!

The vicious Giant Spirit God stood in front of him, shaking his fist the size of a hammer, and roared: "You idiots, listen carefully to me. Today I will teach you the forty-seventh move. Heart Hammer! The mystery of this move lies in the word 'through', the key is to aim behind the target!"

"For example, if the enemy you want to attack is standing half a foot away from you, then you have to act as if he is a full foot away from you, and aim at his back to let all the power blast out through his body. Thoroughly penetrate his internal organs! Come on, come and watch carefully, how every muscle in my body moves!"

Li Yao stared wide-eyed, watching the demonstration of the Giant Spirit God carefully.

"Heart Penetrating Hammer" is one of the more complicated moves in "One Hundred and Eight Hands Cloak Random Hammer Technique".

Last time, I practiced it a few times in Nankeyi's dream, but I forgot all about it when I woke up.

Being able to watch it again today, Li Yao will naturally not let go of the opportunity.

The Giant Spirit God strode forward and shouted loudly, the air around him was shaken out of a huge human figure, the gravel splashed under his feet, and his legs were deeply inserted into the granite!

At the same time, the muscles all over his body jumped like countless poisonous snakes, a tidal wave of power rushed to his right arm, he punched out, and there were seven consecutive explosions of "crack, clap, clap, clap" in the air!

As the punches passed, seven circular ripples that tore the air appeared in succession!

"If you practice the heart-penetrating hammer to the extreme, you can tear the air and make explosive noises. I can only tear the air seven times, but the real masters in our sect can tear the air seven or eight times with one punch." Once again, the power can even pass through the huge rock, turning the inside of the rock into powder!"

The giant spirit said triumphantly, then glared again, and yelled at Li Yao, "Ou Yeming, come here, I will teach you well!"

Li Yao's heart skipped a beat, his spiritual thoughts were shaken, and for some reason, his body lightened up, and his soul jumped out from Ou Yezi's body, turning into a translucent human figure, floating in mid-air, watching "Ou Yezi" walking towards the giant spirit god with a sad face , was devastated.

"It turns out that this piece of memory has been completely used by me. I can become Ou Yezi and experience his memory scenes in person, and I can slowly appreciate his life as a bystander!"

This discovery made Li Yao very excited.

The giant spirit god below "bang bang" several punches, as fast as lightning, it's not a rehearsal, it's clearly an excuse to vent anger at Ou Yezi.

Li Yao frowned, thinking, "The speed of these punches is too fast, I can't see clearly at all, how can I learn it secretly? If I can go back and replay it in slow motion, that would be great."

As soon as this idea came to mind, I felt a flash in front of my eyes, and the time went back more than half a minute, back to the moment when Ou Yezi was called forward by the giant spirit god!

Moreover, the movements of Ju Lingshen and Ou Yezi became extremely slow. Li Yao could clearly see every punch and the rhythm of every muscle.

"It turns out that the muscles of the legs should also exert force along with the rotation of the body. The key to this move of the 'Heart-penetrating Hammer' is here. This giant spirit god didn't explain it clearly, it was clearly hiding something!"

Li Yao couldn't help whistling. What made him extremely excited was that he found that this piece of memory was completely controlled by him, and he could freely adjust the time and progress of it.

Li Yao watched it seven or eight times in slow motion, and finally possessed Ou Yezi, experienced it three or four times from Ou Yezi's perspective, and finally mastered this "Heart-penetrating Hammer" to the bone marrow!

"This piece of memory has been digested and absorbed by me, and I will never forget it again, but how should I get out?"

Just as a thought came into his mind, the surrounding images suddenly collapsed, and Li Yao's consciousness reappeared in front of the huge memory tree.

"Could it be that all the memory fragments here can be observed, studied, digested and absorbed as I like?"

Li Yao's soul shook violently, and with a long roar, he rushed towards a piece of Ou Yezi's mid-term memory with ecstasy—it was the memory of Ou Yezi's refining 'Excalibur'!

"As long as I learn how to refine peerless magic weapons, let alone the Federation, even the entire Tianyuan Realm, I can walk sideways!"

Li Yao let out a loud cry, and bumped headfirst into it, but there was a "bang", a black ripple appeared from the memory fragments, and his soul almost fell apart, and fell backwards.

"what happened?"

Li Yao was knocked dizzy, his heart ached, he scratched his head and screamed, "Why can't this piece of memory get in?"

Unwilling to give up, he circled around a few pieces of memory next to him, and tried several times cautiously, but he couldn't get in.

After trying hundreds of memory fragments, he discovered the pattern.

But all Ou Yezi's middle and late memories, that is, the part of the memory tree that accounts for nine tenths, are all black and white, surrounded by black mist.

These memories all contain the remnants of Ou Yezi's powerful soul, which cannot be easily explored by the current him.

Only the bright and colorful memory fragments, and the memory fragments with distinct colors, are the ones that he can travel freely.

However, there are also differences between the two types of memory fragments—the radiant memory fragments have been completely mastered by him, and he can choose the status of "witness" or "spectator" among them, and can also speed up or shorten the flow of time. The memory came back again and again.

But in the ordinary colored memory fragments, he could only watch Ou Yezi's memory go by again and again as a bystander, unable to control it.

Li Yao thought for a long time, and seemed to understand the reason.

"In the early days of his cultivation career, Ou Yezi was just an ordinary person, and his soul was not strong, so I was free to explore his memory; later on, his strength became stronger and stronger, and his soul became stronger and stronger, and finally became a A generation of masters, the memory of that time contains infinite mana, of course it is not me now, I can spy on it at will!"

"However, as long as my strength gradually becomes stronger, my soul will also become stronger and stronger. One day, I will devour all of Ou Yezi's memories, and become my memories completely!"