Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 7: Second Goddess



The old test cabin slowly opened, Li Yao stepped out, shook his head, and felt a faint headache, which was a side effect of overdrawing his mind in the illusory realm.

"My head hurts, damn it, only us students in the 'miscellaneous fish class' are still using this kind of rubbish. The students in the key class and the parallel class have all been replaced with the latest generation of psionic test cabins. No matter how overdrawn they are There will be no side effects!" Meng Jiang complained loudly beside him, and then poked him in the waist, "Xiao Yao, this mock exam is so difficult, I probably failed it again, and I will definitely eat a meal when I go back." Fried pork', how are you?"

"It's so-so." Li Yao rubbed his nose. The difficulty of this exam is indeed a bit high, but his foundation is relatively solid, his mentality is calm enough, and he feels that he has reached his limit.

"Take a look!" Meng Jiang leaned over to his test cabin and began to operate. The test cabins are equipped with ultra-high-speed crystal computers, which can calculate the results in real time. The results will come out as soon as the test is over.

"Wow, 525 points, such a high score, enough to go to a key university, and you still say it's so-so? Excessive modesty is pride, you little demon!" Meng Jiang exclaimed.

Li Yao glanced at the light curtain, but sighed secretly in his heart, the score of 525 is indeed not low, barely enough to meet the score line of several well-known key universities in the federation, but the next value is very popular A little dazzling.

"Spirit root development, 35%."

The spiritual root is a mysterious organ located in the "pineal gland" on the forehead of the human brain. It is said to be mysterious because from an anatomical point of view, this organ does not exist at all. For thousands of years, no one has been able to find a genuine one. "Spiritual Root Specimen".

But in the world of comprehension, this is a real organ, and it is the most important organ for a cultivator. It is the key to communicate human beings, heaven and earth spiritual energy, and cosmic spiritual energy!

Only when the spiritual root development rate reaches 100%, "spiritual root awakening", can one embark on the road of cultivation!

Generally, universities don't look at the value of spiritual root development when enrolling students. Even if it is 1%, it doesn't matter. Anyway, most universities train ordinary people.

However, when the "Nine Elite Joint Schools" that specialize in cultivating cultivators recruit students, they will multiply the candidates' scores by the degree of spiritual root development as the final score—naturally, the higher the degree of spiritual root development, the more advantageous it will be.

Li Yao's spiritual root development rate was pitifully low. After multiplying more than 500 points by 35%, there were only less than 200 points left.

And the favored ones of the key classes generally have more than 60% spiritual root development, which means that they can easily crush Li Yao as long as they get more than 300 points in the test.

What's more, the higher the degree of spiritual root development, the quicker the person's thinking, the sharper the five senses, the higher the control over the body, and the grades will not be worse than those "bad fish" in ordinary classes.

It's not that Li Yao has never thought about working hard to increase the development of spiritual roots, but this thing is different from learning. Book knowledge can be memorized by rote, physical fitness and martial skills can be cultivated crazily, but the development of spiritual roots depends on resources.

For example, the proud children of the key classes take various natural materials and earth treasures and strengthening medicines every day, and also buy a "spiritual root development instrument" at home or go to a special "meditation hall" for special training. The money for development can range from tens of thousands to tens of millions. Only by pouring in gold and silver can it be difficult to increase the development speed of spiritual roots by "1%".

As for Li Yao's scavenging in the tomb of magic treasures, he can only earn tens of thousands of yuan a month. After paying the rent, living expenses and tuition fees, there is no more than three melons and two dates left. He can't fill his belly. How can he have spare money to develop spiritual roots

To sum it up in one word - damn poor!

While I was feeling worried, I heard Meng Jiang howling again in a pig-killing voice: "Wow, two 691 points! Si Jiaxue and He Lianlie are tied for second place in this mock exam again." one!"

This time the mock exam was held simultaneously by the entire third grade group. On the light curtain in front of the classroom, information on the top ten students in the school quickly appeared.

Among them, the ones who tied for first place were a beautiful girl as cold as snow, and a tall boy with a heroic appearance and a terrifying gaze.

Their scores did not move Li Yao, but the spiritual root development speed behind the scores made his eyes fire with jealousy.

Si Jiaxue, the spiritual root development rate is 71%; He Lianlie, the spiritual root development rate is 72%!

Meng Jiang made a noise to himself: "Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you really deserve to be the man of the hour in our Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, the school flower and school grass, the elite among dozens of elites in the key class! Look, these two guys are not only handsome men, but also women Pretty, and she comes from a wealthy family. It is said that there have been several cultivators in the family. They have good grades and a high degree of spiritual root development. This is our school's secret weapon for the college entrance examination this time! It is said that they are admitted to the nine elite joint schools. It’s a sure thing, the school specially invited Peng Hai, the demon swordsman, to give them special training, which also has a meaning, hoping that they can challenge Fuge City’s college entrance examination champion, at least the top ten in the city!”

As he spoke, Meng Jiang sighed exaggeratedly: "Oh, you have to throw away goods when you compare them, and people are deader than others. We are all high school students, and now we all hang out in the same school, but after the college entrance examination, I'm afraid they will It's about to soar into the sky, step into the circle of cultivators, and live a life of luxury and decadence, and poor boys like us will only be migrant workers and salarymen for the rest of their lives. It's really heartbreaking to think about it!"

After talking for a long time, there was no response. Meng Jiang turned his head to look, but saw Li Yao staring at Si Jiaxue's photo with straight eyes. His eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. Is it possible that you are looking at your boss, Jiaxue? I would like to remind you that this woman is not to be touched by us. She and Helianlie are family friends. It is said that the two families have the intention of marrying, and Helianlie treats her too I am determined to win—Don't look at this kid who is tall and mighty, but he has the smallest mind. He never sees others getting close to Si Jiaxue. Three bones were broken by Helian Lie during class, and as for us trash fish, once Helian Lie sneezed, we would vomit blood from internal injuries!"


Li Yao withdrew his gaze, as if he had made up his mind, "Let's not mention Helian Lie, just say that this Si Jiaxue puts on a cold, dead face all day long, most likely because of his frigidity, how could I like this?" Type one?"

Most of the school's resources are devoted to key classes and parallel classes, and the management of ordinary classes is very loose. After the mock exam is over, the students in the ordinary class will conduct special training based on their own shortcomings. The day passes quickly, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, they will It's time to leave school.

"Let's go together later, I just found a pancake stand, the owner's third master is the fire-burning handyman of the 'Vulcan School', the owner also indirectly learned the 'Fire Cloud Palm', concocted the 'Red Flame Big Handprint Eggs' The cakes are absolutely top-notch, how about my treat today?" Meng Jiang patted his chest proudly.

"No, I have something to do today, I'll invite you tomorrow!" Without waiting for his best friend to answer, Li Yao quickly rushed out of the classroom.

He carefully looked around for a while, walked around the campus half a circle, passed through two cafeterias, stopped in a small forest behind the campus for more than ten minutes, turned back, and tiptoed into a room on the ground floor of the old teaching building. utility room.

After gently closing the door, I smelled a faint, orchid-like fragrance in the empty valley.

A pair of cold and beautiful eyes like clear springs were staring at him impatiently in the dark, under the eyes were a pointed nose and tight thin lips.

If Meng Jiang was here, he would definitely let out his signature pig-killing howl: "Well, you little monster, you actually hooked up with the 'Goddess of Second Middle School' Si Jiaxue! You, you are so daring! "