Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 70: demon star


After "swallowing" about a dozen of Ou Yezi's early memory fragments, Li Yao was very surprised to find that a memory fragment that was originally a normal color turned into a radiant and shimmering light!

Consciousness sneaked in to investigate, only to find that the memory that could only be watched from the sidelines can also be freely manipulated and watched repeatedly!

This discovery strengthened his belief that as long as his spirit gradually grows, the memory fragments that were originally unusable will one day become the most delicious "food" and be completely devoured by him!

From this moment, Li Yao almost forgot the passage of time.

He was like the most greedy thief who accidentally discovered a treasury rich enough to rival a country, and plunged into the gold and silver treasures, stealing so much that he never thought of leaving.

Ou Yezi's early memories were turned upside down by him and stolen completely.

In repeated practice again and again, the "One Hundred and Eight-Handed Cloak and Hammer Technique" was deeply imprinted in Li Yao's mind, and he would never forget it again.

And in the real world, time flies by too.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

The accident on Mojiao Island resulted in the tragic death of nine players, and one player was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

This is a tragedy rarely seen in the Federation's extreme challenges over the years.

Because of this tragedy, the match ended hastily, and the investigation was launched immediately. It was quickly found out that a player entered the arena with illegal doping drugs, but was snatched away by a monster. After the injection, an astonishing mutation occurred!

However, this contestant was killed by the monster immediately, and he paid the price for his actions with his life.

And the vendor who sold him the stimulant actually committed suicide in fear of crime after learning about the incident, drawing an unsatisfactory end to the whole incident.

After a thorough inspection of the vendor's underground workshop, it was discovered that the "Ghost Dragon No. 7 Stimulant" he sold was not even the real Ghost Dragon No. 7, but the residue of several stimulants and strengthening agents. God knows what ingredients are in the prepared mixture.

Only the tyrannical body of a monster can withstand the ravages of this "fake stimulant". If the student injects it, he may explode and die on the spot.

In the whole incident, the most regrettable thing, apart from the nine candidates who died tragically, was Li Yao who was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The local news media in Fuge City released a series of commentary articles under the title "The Fleeing Demon Star".

"Student Li Yao was originally a rising star. He has just created unprecedented and unprecedented results in the Extreme Challenge Competition, and has received the common attention of the nine elite joint schools!"

"Such a young man should have a brilliant future, but because of an accident, he lost the opportunity to step into the cultivation world prematurely. His brain was attacked by a strange spirit, and his pineal gland was almost completely torn. The root development rate has dropped to 7%, which is almost the level of a child in the lower grades of elementary school, even if he can wake up, he may not be able to practice anymore!"

The article said in a very regretful tone.

In the major forums, comments from netizens on this are much more varied.

Many people felt sorry for Li Yao: "It's such a pity. If it wasn't for this accident, I'm afraid he would have been specially recruited by the nine elite joint schools. It would be too miserable now!"

There were also a large number of people who gloated and said bitterly: "Who told him to be so arrogant? Take the entire blue team's command center in one pot? Kick out dozens of people at once? It's amazing! It's all right now, an accident , beat him back to his original form!"

But for the vast majority of people, this is just a trivial matter.

In this era of information explosion, the big news can only be lively for three days, not to mention the college entrance examination is approaching, and it is too late for everyone to practice madly. Who will pay attention to other people's news all day long

Isn't it just a genius who has fallen

The Federation is so big, every day there are many strong and geniuses, because of one reason or another, or go mad, or be swallowed by monsters, or die quietly in sectarian conflicts.

Compared with them, what is Li Yao

After a few days of excitement, the accident that happened on Mojiao Island soon fell silent, and Li Yao, the "fleeting demon star", was also forgotten by everyone.

A week later, in Fuge City No. 1 Hospital, ICU.

A huge metal medical cabin is engraved with circles of magic symbols, forming a huge array of symbols.

There are also hundreds of milky white crystals inlaid around the talisman array, which vibrate slightly, exuding calming waves.

Li Yao was lying motionless in the medical cabin, his body under the white sheet looked extremely thin and shriveled, his whole body was covered with tubes, and there was a soul-soothing talisman on his forehead.

Under the talisman, his eyelids twitched wildly, immersed in an extremely intense nightmare.

Zhao Shude and Xie Tingxian stood on the bed, listening to a doctor in a white coat explaining Li Yao's condition.

"Student Li Yao's body is fine, but he was injured by the mental attack of a mutated giant ape, his spiritual root was completely torn, and his brain was in an extremely chaotic situation!"

"In order to protect his brain, his body has naturally entered a 'deep sleep' state. In this state, his brain is like a black hole, frantically absorbing the energy in the eight meridians and limbs. You guys Look, even if we keep injecting strengthening agents and high-energy nutrient solutions into his body, it won't help."

"In one second, his brain can consume the energy needed by an ordinary person's brain for a month or even a year!"

The white coat sighed.

Zhao Shude frowned deeply, and asked, "Doctor Gu, based on your experience, when will student Li Yao wake up? Also, his spiritual root is torn, and the development speed of his spiritual root is only 7%. After coming, how likely is it to recover?"

The white coat gave a wry smile and said:

"Principal Zhao, I'm really ashamed. The situation of student Li Yao is something I haven't encountered in the years since I stepped into the cultivation world! The giant ape that attacked him is a mutant that has been mutated after being injected with a stimulant. But this kind of stimulant is a mess of inferior drugs. No one knows the specific ingredients, nor does it know to what extent the mental attack of the giant ape has been distorted, let alone what consequences it will have on the human brain—under such circumstances , we just have to wait!"

The gloomy look on Zhao Shude's face became more and more serious, and he said with some disappointment: "Doctor Gu, you are the leading meditator in Fuge City, and you have profound knowledge in the spiritual field, and you don't even know about it?"

The white coat said:

"The human brain is the most complex and mysterious organ; the spiritual realm is a mysterious world beyond the imagination of ordinary people!"

"Cultivation civilization has developed to this day, and we already know the human body well; but the brain is still a forbidden area that cannot be pryed into!"

"I also tried to enter Li Yao's brain, but I was blocked by a berserk force, and I almost lost my mind. It seems that the stimulant must be very powerful, and it strengthened the mental attack of the giant ape to the extreme!"

"In this case, no one knows when Li Yao will wake up. If you are lucky, you may wake up tomorrow; if you are unlucky, you may be in a 'deep sleep' for the rest of your life. It is unknown."

After a pause, he continued, "However, in the past three hundred years, there have been hundreds of cases where the pineal gland was torn due to serious injuries and the development of the spiritual roots dropped sharply. After the roots are torn, they all become useless people who cannot cultivate. Only a very small number of people can recover, at most seven or eight. Therefore, if you ask me whether student Li Yao can still practice, my answer is - the probability does not exceed 1 %!"

Zhao Shude heaved a long sigh, his disappointment was beyond words.

He walked to the corner and turned on the micro crystal brain on his wrist. A gentle and elegant middle-aged man appeared in the light curtain. It was the elder of the Scarlet Firmament Sect "Zhou Yin"!

"Is there no hope?" Zhou Yin guessed it from Zhao Shude's expression, and asked lightly.

"Yes, the doctor doesn't know when he will wake up. Even if he wakes up, the possibility of practicing again is less than 1%." Zhao Shude said regretfully.

Zhou Yin nodded, his expression unchanged: "It's a pity, but there is no way, the world of comprehension is so cruel, countless geniuses are born every second, and countless geniuses die every second. To become a cultivator, talent, hard work He is a genius, but if he lacks a little luck, who can be blamed? From now on, take back all the resources that were originally planned to be invested in him. I remember Helian Lie from your school Both Si Jiaxue and Si Jiaxue are good, give those resources to these two people!"

"Yes, everything is arranged by Elder Zhou. By the way, this Li Yao and He Lianlie had some misunderstandings on Mojiao Island. Director Helian is very upset. If Li Yao wakes up, they..."

Zhao Shude asked tentatively.

Zhou Yin smiled very gently, and said: "I was optimistic about Li Yao at first, because I regarded him as a good seed worth cultivating; but now, he has become a waste, what does it have to do with me? His affairs, don't worry about it. Talk to me again."

"I understand."

Zhao Shude turned off the crystal brain, walked to the side of the white coat, and said casually: "Since even Doctor Gu said so, I can only wait and see what happens. Doctor Gu, I'll take a step first—Professor Xie, what do you say?"

Xie Tingxian hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'll wait."

Zhao Shude nodded and walked out.

The moment he stepped out of the door, he looked back at Li Yao in the medical cabin.

The eyes of Zhao Shude, the principal of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, became extremely cold, as if he was looking at a bag of garbage.