Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 80: Idol!


In the dark night, the dark bird war shuttle slid into Chixiao No. 2 Middle School without a sound. The shell of the war shuttle was pitted and there was a shocking dent, as if it had been bitten severely by a giant monster.

Xuanniao Zhanshuo stopped in front of the brightly lit office building, and instantly melted into the air, replaced by a dusty young man in black armor, who appeared in the principal's office in a flash.

The lights in the principal's office were still on, and the eyes of several school leaders were so red that when they saw the young man in black armor rushing over, there was hope in their eyes, and they stood up ecstatically:

"Peng Hai, you're here!"

Yaodao Peng Hai looked around for a week, his face was frosty, and he smiled half-smile: "Why, I just went to the depths of the wilderness to practice for a month, and you made so many situations, and you made Teacher Sun Biao go home so angry?"

Zhao Shude, the black-faced god, and several senior officials of the school were all stunned. Zhao Shude said with some embarrassment:

"Old Sun's temper is too stubborn. We can't persuade him to go home. We originally planned to wait a few days until his old man's anger subsides, but I didn't expect you to come back early! But what I want to talk about today is not about Old Sun, but about Li. Yao, do you know..."

Before Zhao Shude finished speaking, Peng Hai coldly interrupted:

"Do you know why I agreed to come to Chixiao No. 2 Middle School to guide these senior students?"

Zhao Shude and Hei Mian Shen looked at each other, hesitated and said:

"Peng Hai, you are an outstanding graduate of our Chixiao No. 2 Middle School. Now everyone belongs to the first branch of the Chixiao School. Isn't it natural for you to guide the younger generation?"

"Hey Hey Hey!"

Peng Hai laughed strangely, and said slowly, "Zhao Shude, listen carefully to me—I think that when Teacher Sun Biao rescued me from the slums and brought me to Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, I was just a disgraced country bumpkin. You guys who look down on people with dog eyes don’t take me seriously, you call me around and make things difficult for me, one by one, I will keep it in my heart!"

"If it weren't for Teacher Sun Biao's face, I wouldn't even bother to look at you bastards, let alone help Chixiao No. 2 Middle School train newcomers!"

"As for Li Yao, he is not only a good seed recently discovered by my most respected teacher Sun Biao, but also helped me to conduct special training for a month, which brought my strength to a higher level!"

"These two people and I have a great fate, but they were all forced away by you bastards. Why should I stay and help you train newcomers?"

"You guys take care of yourself. From now on, all cooperation between us will be terminated. If Zhou Yin has anything to say, let him come to me directly!"

Peng Hai snorted coldly, took a deep look at everyone, and the figures suddenly disappeared.

There was the sound of the Xuanniao battle shuttle launching outside the window, and when Zhao Shude chased him to the window to look, he saw a black trail of flames rippling like ink, blending into the deep night.

Zhao Shude lost his mind and sat down on the chair, his lips trembled for a long time, and he couldn't utter a word.

The mysterious bird is in the war shuttle.

The talisman engraved on the console emits a faint light, which is reflected on Peng Hai's face, his expression is particularly deep.

After contemplating for a moment, Peng Hai activated the crystal brain and sent a telegram to a number.

Almost 0.01 seconds later, in the clouds dozens of kilometers away, Li Yao's wrist vibrated lightly, and the micro crystal brain received a message from a somewhat unfamiliar number.

"It's him?"

Li Yao was a little surprised. This message was sent by the gymnast who had practiced against him for a month in the Army Road Shalang Training Gym.

Li Yao was really curious about this powerful and mysterious figure, but in the underground ghost town, everyone obeyed the rules and always showed others with a mask, and did not know the real identity of the other party.

"Invite me to meet him in the Upper East Side in real identity, and make a deal with me?"

Li Yao was thinking about the address sent by the gymnastics man. This address is located in the core of the Upper East District. It is one of the tallest buildings in Fugo City, and it is also a landmark building in Fugo City. It is said that there are many practitioners in it. Private practice room.

"What is the background of this gymnast? He actually asked me to meet at the 'Tianjing Mansion'?"

Li Yao was a little surprised, and there was an urge to try it in his heart—what kind of luxurious place would the private practice room of a cultivator be in the legend

After pondering for a moment, he agreed to the gymnast man's invitation.

"What, a friend is looking for you? Where are you going? I'll see you off!" Ding Lingdang laughed.

"I'm going to the eighty-fourth floor of Tianjing Building, do you know this place?"

Li Yao tapped lightly on the light curtain, and the address turned into fragments and flew out, forming a vivid three-dimensional map in the void.

Ding Lingdang glanced very casually, and his eyes suddenly froze, as if he was greatly frightened: "Are you going to this place? Do you know the owner of this place? What is your relationship?"

Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "We know each other, we have practiced together for a month."

"Have you practiced with him for a month?"

Ding Lingdang was completely dumbfounded, and when he looked at Li Yao, his eyes were a little dull, as if he was looking at a monster, an out-and-out monster!

"What's the problem? You also know this person?" Li Yao rubbed his cheek, and Ding Lingdang looked a little nervous.

"That's right. You and this guy are alumni of a high school. His eyes are so poisonous. It's strange if he doesn't notice you, a monster..."

Ding Lingdang muttered in a voice that only he could hear, his expression became very strange, he snickered a few times, and shouted, "Then hurry up, let's go!"

Ding Lingdang tightly held the handle of the Red Flame Battle Shuttle with both hands, and the spiritual energy in his body blasted to the limit, blasting into the Red Flame Battle Shuttle continuously like a flood!

Inspired by her crazy psychic energy, the power rune array of the Scarlet Flame Battle Shuttle erupted with dazzling light in an instant, like a peacock spreading its tail, and the tail flame burst. The Central Upper East Side location is a whirl away!

The red flame war shuttle shredded the sea of clouds in an instant, and the row upon row of high-rise buildings shone brightly under the night, like a city that never sleeps made of crystal.

The moment the Chiyan battle shuttle rushed into the airspace of the Upper East District, the battle shuttle trembled slightly, as if it had hit a layer of transparent cushioning air cushion, and its speed gradually slowed down.

There are many shiny circular objects floating in the sky, and huge translucent "eyeballs" float over unsteadily, seemingly clumsy in movement, but extremely fast.

Presumably it is a defensive magic weapon for guarding Fuge City.

There are also a few cultivators who are also suspended in mid-air, surrounded by colorful brilliance, and are absorbing the essence of the nascent moon.

The roar of the red flame battle shuttle obviously made them a little unhappy, and sharp eyes pierced over.

Even through the thick bulkhead, Li Yao could feel the chill.

There are so many cultivators here, Ding Lingdang didn't dare to do anything wrong, slowed down, hovered at low altitude for a while, and swooped towards a round building that was over a thousand meters high.

In the Upper East Side, the shuttle bus is the main means of transportation, and the cultivators also like to walk with the sword, going up and down, so there are hundreds of branches spreading out from the top of every high-rise building, and the end of the branches is a place everywhere. Looking from a distance, the small sky dock looks like big crystal clear trees, forming an urban forest.

Ding Lingdang stopped the Red Flame Battle Shuttle on one of the "branches".

In the center of the air pier was a small teleportation array. Ding Lingdang led Li Yao to stand on the teleportation array, and input a rune into the console familiarly.

Li Yao's eyes suddenly blurred, and he appeared in a small training room.

This is a small training room with a length and width of no more than 20 meters, much smaller than the "Military Road Killing Wolf Training Center" that Li Yao had seen in the underground ghost market.

There are no windows around, but the walls emit a milky white light, and the air is very fresh, revealing a faint scent of green grass.

Take a deep breath and feel refreshed.

In the practice room, there are simply some strength equipment and treadmills. There are no advanced training equipment that are priceless as Li Yao imagined. Judging from his posture, he is a gymnast.

"Why do you have the rune key here?" Li Yao was very puzzled.

Ding Lingdang was so familiar with this place, it was as if she had returned to her own home.

Ding Lingdang had a smirk on his face, and shouted crisply: "Senior Brother Peng!"

The young man slowly finished the last movement before straightening up and striding towards the two of them: "Junior Sister Ding, I heard that Li Yao was picked up by a red flame shuttle, so I knew it was you!"

Ding Lingdang's nose wrinkled: "Senior Brother Peng, this is your fault. I told you when I asked you to stay here that I came for classmate Li Yao. Since you have known each other for a long time, why didn't you tell me? ?”

Peng Hai smiled faintly:

"At that time I was cultivating in the depths of the wilderness, and I couldn't make it back for a while, and this was a little secret between me and Li Yao. He didn't wake up at the time, so why did you say it? Hello, Li Yao, we Finally seeing each other with our true colors, I had enough of that month of sparring!"

Li Yao's eyes were completely frozen, and the eyes became bigger and bigger, almost popping out of their sockets.

His jaw opened involuntarily, and he opened and closed several times before stammering and shouting:

"Peng, Peng Hai? Demon Sword Peng Hai!"

"No, it can't be, the person who practiced with me for a month in the Jundao Killing Wolf Training Center turned out to be the demon sword Peng Hai?"

Li Yao's mind went blank, and he didn't know how to react.

Demon knife! Peng Hai! Idol!

This is the idol he admires the most, envies the most, and wants to replace him the most since he entered Chixiao No. 2 Middle School!

Li Yao was so excited that he couldn't get any more excited, and felt his scalp tingling - who is Peng Hai, the Demon Sword? For a cultivator in the foundation building period, pulling out the hair on his leg can cut him into two pieces! I actually practiced against Peng Hai for a month, and got entangled with him several times, beating him black and blue

This is too scary!

Yaodao Peng Hai walked up to Li Yao, with sharp eyes, scanning up and down.

Li Yao only felt that a steel knife was constantly scraping on the bones, and even his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were seen through.

Peng Hai, the Demon Sword, retracted his gaze, snapped his fingers lightly, and a round metal ball flew out from the outer suite, and flew between the three of them. The two sides of the metal ball opened automatically, revealing a set of exquisite tea sets.

Two long prosthetic limbs stretched out from the metal ball and poured tea for the three of them one by one. Peng Hai smiled and said, "Student Li Yao, maybe you don't quite understand, it's okay, I'll say two things first."

"First, more than a month ago, you helped me complete a crucial training in the Military Road Killing Wolf Training Center. It was your help that made me stand firmly in the 'high-level foundation-building period' , and start hitting the 'Peak of Foundation Establishment' stage!"

Ding Lingdang let out an "ah" and said joyfully, "Senior Brother Peng, are you starting to attack the 'Peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage'? Tsk tsk tsk tsk, if you succeed, a cultivator at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage who is less than 30 years old can be called a young man of the Federation. The number one master in a lifetime!"

Peng Hai nodded, and continued: "Junior Sister Ding should know that at my level, it is even more difficult to improve one's strength than reaching the sky! So, Li Yao, I owe you a favor! "