Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 82: small gray area


Peng Hai walked to the side of the milky white wall, and with a vain stroke, a radiant light curtain appeared on the wall.

Peng Hai quickly operated a few times, and there was a buzzing sound from the ceiling, and a large metal disc slowly fell down.

The diameter of the large disc is about two meters, engraved with thousands of runes, forming a spiral rune array, with hundreds of shining runes inlaid on the slightly raised edges around it. Each spar is extremely clear, and one can see the infinite stars contained in the core at a glance.

Li Yao recognized at a glance that this was a very advanced teleportation formation.

There are so many crystals inlaid around it, which means that the teleportation array needs to consume a lot of spiritual energy to activate, and it must be teleported to a very distant place.

Peng Hai quickly operated in front of the light curtain, and three small pictures emerged from the light curtain, each of which was a world with a different style.

Peng Hai clicked on one of the gray worlds, set the parameters, and set foot on the teleportation array.

Li Yao and Ding Lingdang also stepped on it, and the crystals inlaid around the teleportation array became brighter and brighter, making it impossible to look directly at, and the solidified magic circle under their feet also flowed like a whirlpool, producing an inexplicable suction force, as if to People inhale the ground.

Li Yao's eyes went dark, and he felt like a noodle that had been stretched to more than 100 meters, and bounced back to its original shape within 0.1 second.

Feeling dizzy for a while, and having the urge to vomit, he opened his eyes and saw that he was already in a very strange world.

This is a gray world. Looking around, it is a lifeless gray Gobi. There are fingernail-sized gravel and gravel under your feet, and there is no trace of living things.

There seems to be no atmosphere in this world, the air is very thin, every breath takes all the energy of the whole body, and the smell of the inhaled air is also very unpleasant, from the nasal cavity to the trachea is as uncomfortable as burning, the whole chest seems to be thrown into a fire, Very depressed.

What was even more uncomfortable was that the gravity of this world was several times greater than that of Tianyuan Realm. As soon as Li Yao stood firm, he felt his body falling down, almost kneeling on the ground.

In the gray sky, there were no stars, moon or sun. There were only a few huge gray rocks carved into human faces, suspended in an extremely strange way, staring blankly at the people on the ground. Heart hairy.

In addition, he also found a strange thing—just seven or eight hundred meters away from them, there seemed to be three other people standing there, dressed exactly like them!

"Don't look, it's us. The diameter of this world is less than one kilometer, and it's a typical fragmented world." Peng Hai laughed.

"Is this the legendary Fragmented World?" Li Yao looked around curiously.

He has learned in textbooks that there are two kinds of worlds in the universe.

The first type is like the Tianyuan Realm, which is huge in size and spans several galaxies. The habitable planets in it have a stable atmosphere and a complete ecological circulation system.

No matter humans or monsters, they can multiply, evolve and develop civilization in this kind of world.

This kind of world is called "main world", also known as "big thousand world".

The other kind is much more miserable, either the time-space fragments formed at the beginning of the Big Bang, or bombed out of the main world by super masters during the Guxiu Civil War, or the entire main world in the psionic tide Torn, or man-made for strange reasons.

This kind of world is often very small in size, some are only a few hundred meters or even tens of meters in size, and the largest one will not exceed a continent, because the volume is too small, and the spiritual energy fluctuations are extremely strong, this kind of world is very unstable, and even there is no A set of fixed operating rules will collapse in minutes.

This kind of world is called "fragmented world", also known as "small thousand world".

The main world and the Fragmented World are connected through space-time gaps, but once you know the exact coordinates of the Fragmented World, you can also enter directly through the teleportation array.

In the early days of modern comprehension civilization, human beings discovered many fragmented worlds.

However, at that time, people hadn't learned how to use it, and simply regarded the fragmented world as a garbage dump and exile place for the main world.

After 10,000 years of development, humans have discovered millions of fragmented worlds, and developed and utilized some of them, turning waste into treasure.

One of the most common uses is to turn the fragmented world into a training place for the strong!

Peng Haidao: "This fragmented world is called 'Small Gray Field'. It is characterized by extremely high density underground and extremely high gravity, which is about ten times that of Tianyuan Realm. The strangest thing is that its gravity is not Stable, changing every minute and every second, ranging from eight times the gravity of the Tianyuan world to twelve times the gravity, there is no rule to follow, often it is twelve times the gravity in one second, and suddenly becomes eight times the gravity in the next second. Double gravity! Practicing in the 'Little Gray Domain' can greatly exercise your control over your body!"

"It's so weird!" Li Yao secretly exclaimed, the Fragmented World is really weird.

If the gravitational force is ten times greater than that of the Tianyuan Realm, it can also be said that the density of the underground here is particularly high.

However, the gravitational field changes irregularly, and this phenomenon cannot be explained by any law.

And what is the face statue floating in the sky, who created it, and why can it defy gravity and suspend in mid-air? There is no anti-gravity rune array on the base!

However, Li Yao is not a scientist either, since he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it, and threw out two punches at random, and he really felt that it was a bit weird when he punched hard.

As the saying goes, strength starts from the ground, the first step of any attack is to step on the ground with both feet, borrowing strength from the ground.

And the subtle changes in the gravity field made Li Yao feel like he was stepping on the cotton and his top was light. The punches that could tear the air also became limp and weak.

"I set up a full set of training equipment here for a month. If you can adapt to the gravity here, I believe that if you return to the Tianyuan Realm, your strength will be doubled. It will definitely not be a problem to get into the 'Nine Greats'! "Peng Hai said with a smile.

After a pause, he glanced at Ding Lingdang who was hesitant to speak, and Peng Hai continued, "Junior Sister Ding, don't say that senior brother doesn't take care of you. This month, this training room will be in charge of you, and you will operate the teleportation." Help me look at this kid, remember, except for the 'little gray domain', don't let him go to the other two fragmented worlds, even you have to be careful, they are all prepared for the monks in the foundation period, very Dangerous, ordinary people will be wiped out as soon as they enter."

Ding Lingdang beamed with joy and cheered happily: "Long live senior brother! I have long wanted to practice happily in the 'Little Gray Domain'! But can you promise me one more thing?"

Peng Hai frowned: "I knew that you would make an inch of it, so tell me, what else can you do?"

Ding Lingdang said with a smile: "Brother Peng, you also know that student Li Yao is hesitating between our Great Wilderness War Institute and Shenhai University, why don't we play a game and let Li Yao see the true strength of the Great Wilderness War Institute? His blood boiled with enthusiasm and his heart was full of joy, so he gave up being a shit refiner on the spot, and switched to the promising profession of 'body refiner'!"

After saying a word, before Peng Hai agreed, Ding Lingdang began to move his hands and feet talking to himself, making a very frightening joint popping sound.

Peng Hai took half a step back calmly, and said with a helpless smile: "Do you want Li Yao to see him, or do you simply want to fight with me?"

Ding Lingdang stuck out her tongue:

"I was discovered by you, Senior Brother Peng, you are the most outstanding graduate of the Great Wilderness War Institute before me. I have been looking for various opportunities to compete with you, but you have always refused to agree. Even if I let Li Yao experience Take a moment—a combat cultivator with full firepower, how insane it is!"

Peng Hai glanced at Li Yao, his eyes were full of strange light, finally nodded and said:

"Okay, for Li Yao's sake, I will suppress my strength to the peak of the 'qi refining period' and fight with you, but let's say yes first, thirty seconds at most."

"No, if it's all 'Peak Qi Refining Period', I'll blow you up in ten seconds!"