Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 88: I have made up my mind!


Li Yao read the animal skin letter over and over again to make sure that he read it correctly. The lower right corner of the letter was also engraved with the unique spirit pattern of the Great Wilderness War Institute. No one could imitate it.

The regular admission with a reduced score is only 20 points at most, and Ding Lingdang actually helped him win the admission with a reduced score of 30 points, which is incredible!

Li Yao couldn't help asking: "I've been working hard for a month, and I haven't even tested the development of my spirit root. How could you help me win so many discounts?"

Ding Lingdang grinned and shook his fist: "I told the guys in the admissions office that you are the craziest, most brutal, and most potential cultivation genius I have ever seen. Go back and blow their heads!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Of course he knew that Ding Lingdang was joking, the admission process of the nine elite joint schools was extremely strict, how could it be possible for her to offer a 30% discount with just one sentence

Behind the scenes, Ding Lingdang must have done a lot of work silently and devoted all his efforts to obtain such conditions!

"How about it? I said that I would let you see the sincerity of the Great Wilderness War Academy. Now, this sincerity is not bad enough? Have you considered whether it is the martial arts department of the Great Wilderness War Academy or the Artifact Refining Department of the Deep Sea University?" ?" Ding Lingdang turned her head, staring at Li Yao with piercing eyes.


Li Yao was holding the animal skin letter in a daze, and various images appeared in his mind one by one.

The excitement when repairing a civilian magic weapon for the first time, the promise to the old man, the embarrassment of Xie Tingxian, the passion of Ding Lingdang, the earnestness of Peng Hai, the demon sword, all the images are intertwined and tangled into a complex mess Messy.

Suddenly, a very weird but extremely crazy idea jumped out of the mess, like a monster with eight claws, it instantly occupied the brain area, and it couldn't be pulled away no matter how hard it was pulled.

The hesitation in Li Yao's eyes dissipated little by little, replaced by an extremely relaxed and relieved one.

It was as if there was a sword that cut off the mess in his heart in an instant!

"Have you decided?" Ding Lingdang knew from his expression that he had made a decision.

"Well, it's decided!" Li Yao smiled brightly.

"You're finally moved by my sincerity, and you're ready to choose the Great Desolation War Academy, right, right!" Ding Lingdang's eyes were wide open, as if about to pounce on him, like an irritable female leopard.

"Sister Xiaoling, before I say my choice, I want to know one thing - what will happen to you if I still don't choose the fighting department of the Great Wilderness Academy?" Li Yao asked seriously.

Ding Lingdang twitched the corners of her mouth, with a troubled expression on her face. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "As a member of the Great Wilderness War Academy, I will of course feel very disappointed, but since I have made every effort, I still cannot change your mind. That’s nothing to regret! And as a friend, I will support your choice, if your dream is to go to the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University and become a master of Artifact Refining, that’s great, I wish you all your wishes come true!”

"With your words, I can rest assured. You are such a good person. I will regard you as a good friend for life, Miss Xiaoling."

"You're so tall. Call me a good guy again. Believe it or not, I'll blow your head off with one punch? Anyway, after all the talk, you still decided to apply for the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then what do you want to choose? Either the martial arts department of the Great Desolate War Academy, or the Artifact Refining Department of the Deep Sea University. Is there a third choice?"

Li Yao laughed, blinked his eyes, and said slowly, "Tomorrow, after the college entrance examination is over tomorrow, you will know."


Ding Lingdang was so angry that her teeth were itchy. Looking at Li Yao's mean smile, she wished she could punch his head and blow his head off. After grinding her teeth for a long time, she suddenly climbed up the guardrail, yelled at the setting sun, and jumped With one leap, he jumped down a building thousands of meters away!

A second later, there was a violent roar from the bottom of the balcony, and the red flame war shuttle turned into a long rainbow, piercing the sunset!

Under the setting sun, Li Yao closed his eyes, felt the warmth of the setting sun, and quietly listened to the deepest part of his heart, the sound of blood flowing through his heart.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, which were clear and transparent.

Yes, he reconfirmed—this is the option he wants, this is the college he wants to go to.

After activating the micro crystal brain, Li Yao sent a letter from the crane to Professor Xie Tingxian of Shenhai University, but the other party did not answer.

Li Yao took the trouble and sent it the second time, the third time, and the fourth time.

It wasn't until the fifth time that the other party finally connected. Xie Tingxian appeared in the center of the light curtain with a tired face, and forced a smile: "Long time no see, Li Yao."

"Professor Xie, hello, it seems that you are also very busy with your work. Let's make a long story short. I am sending you the Linghe Biography today. I am not trying to win any discount for admission, but just want to say thank you, thank you You used to be so optimistic about me, you regarded me as a material that can be made, and you waited for me for so long when I was unconscious—for all of this, I am really grateful!" Li Yao said from the bottom of his heart.

Xie Tingxian was stunned for a moment, and said with some shame: "Student Li Yao, I'm really sorry. Originally, I really hoped to recruit you into Shenhai University, and even let you be my personal disciple, but—"

"Yeah, I really hoped to be able to enter the 'Sacred Land of Artifact Refiners' and learn the most advanced artifact refining technology. Until now, I still haven't given up on this dream. Second, I also want to say sorry to you, very sorry, very, very sorry!"

Xie Tingxian frowned, puzzled: "Why are you sorry for me? I am the one who is sorry for you!"

Li Yaodao: "I have already made a decision, and this decision may cause you a certain degree of trouble in the future, so I want to say sorry in advance—for what I will do in the future."

"Student Li Yao, what do you mean?" Xie Tingxian couldn't understand even more.

Li Yao smiled faintly, his eyes flickered with incomparably crazy flames, and was about to explain, when there was a sudden noise from the other end of the light curtain, an old woman with strange purple fire eyes appeared in the screen, pushing away Xie Tingxian's position.

The old woman was expressionless: "I am Chu Xiuhong, the dean of the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University, and you are Li Yao? How much is your spiritual root developed now?"

Li Yao frowned, dissatisfied with Chu Xiuhong's tone.

However, the other party was a highly respected senior, so he answered honestly: "I don't know, I've been busy practicing this month, so I don't know how much of my recovery I've recovered now."

Chu Xiuhong said coldly:

"How much has it been recovered? A month ago, your spiritual root development rate was only 7% left, so what if you recovered 30% to 50%? Li Yao, I advise you not to spend any more time trying to get some admission discount." , Deep Sea University will not open such an opening!"

Li Yao's pupils contracted into two pinpoints: "Dean Chu, I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm talking to Professor Xie today, not to ask for any preferential terms, but just to have a few words with him."

Chu Xiuhong's wrinkles were all shrunk together, and she froze into a mocking expression: "Really? I've seen a lot of young people like you, saying that you're not here to ask for preferential terms, it's nothing more than retreating to advance and playing hard to catch! Young man, I advise you to stop thinking about it. Be a down-to-earth person, and don’t think about doing crooked ways all day long! If you are really capable, then prove yourself in the college entrance examination. As long as the score meets the standard, the gate of our Shenhai University will naturally Open to you, if the strength is not enough, it will be useless to find connections and go through the back door!"

Li Yao smiled: "Dean Chu, I really didn't come here today to find a relationship and go through the back door, not to mention, I don't have to apply for the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University."

"That would be the best. The Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University is the Holy Land of Artifact Refiners. The standard for recruiting students is very high. With your current state, it may be difficult to pass the exam. If you really regain some strength, I suggest you apply for Nebula Although the Artifact Refining Department of the university or the First Federal Military Academy is not at the same level as ours, the admission scores are low enough, and it was more than 200 points lower than our department last year."

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

"Is there anything else? Professor Xie and I are conducting a crucial refining experiment, and the entire team of more than 30 refining masters are waiting for us."

"It's okay. I'm really sorry. I wrote rashly today. I was too abrupt. I'm sorry to disturb you and Professor Xie."

Chu Xiuhong snorted coldly, cut off the communication directly, and did not give Li Yao a chance to speak at all, and the light curtain turned into darkness in an instant.

Li Yao stood in the dark for a long time, until the dark sky was full of stars.

And his eyes gradually became as bright as stars.

"All the problems have been solved, and I don't have any worries anymore. I just wait for tomorrow to come soon—I want to fight to the fullest!"