Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 89: The top scorer in the college entrance examination!


That night, Li Yao slept soundly and soundly, without having half a dream, and slept until dawn.

But in several other places in Fuge City, there were people who couldn't sleep all night.

It's two o'clock in the middle of the night, twenty kilometers away, in the villa area.

He Lianlie slowly floated up from a large tank filled with silver liquid, his face was a little less arrogant, but there was a hint of gloom in his eyes, he walked out of the tank slowly with no expression on his face, his skin was covered with a layer of Silver light, as if coated with a layer of metal.


Helian Ba stood aside, with a happy expression on his face, and roared: "Ariel, you have lived up to Elder Zhou Yin's expectations, and finally, under the catalysis of his secret method, you have cultivated the 'Xuanyin Battle Body', and your strength has skyrocketed!"

He Lianlie's face was full of ferocity, he stroked his burly body that was as iron as steel inch by inch, and said through gritted teeth: "I have endured inhuman pain this month, soaked in the 'Mithril Strengthening Potion' day and night, I created a 'Xuanyin Battle Physique' by myself, the spiritual root development rate has been forcibly increased to 88%, and the road to cultivation in the future will be even more flat!"

"Finally, it's time to reap the rewards. Tomorrow I will definitely win the title of 'Fuge City College Entrance Examination Number One Scholar'!"

Helian Ba nodded: "That's right, you must become the number one scholar in the 'Fuge City College Entrance Examination', this is no longer a matter of you alone, it is not even a matter of our Helian family, it is also related to Elder Zhou Yin and Yao Dao Peng Hai is fighting openly and secretly!"

"Elder Zhou Yin is a strong man of the older generation in the Chixiao Sect, while Peng Hai, the demon sword, is a new star who has emerged recently. Although the old and the young live in harmony on the surface, Elder Zhou Yin strongly invites Peng Hai to come to Chixiao No. 2 Middle School for training. Newcomers, create the illusion that the two get along well."

"But in the dark, the two have many different interests, and they have deep conflicts with each other, and they have fought quietly several times!"

"This time, isn't it another form of confrontation? Elder Zhou Yin is optimistic about you, believes that you are a talent, and has invested so many resources to train you; while the demon sword Peng Hai is protecting Li Yao's Little bastard, I heard that he even lent the training room to that little bastard, making it clear that he wants to be the backstage of that little bastard!"

Hearing Li Yao's name, the muscles in He Lianlie's body instantly swelled, and his whole body became bigger again. He stroked his lower abdomen and paused word by word: "Li Yao, I will always remember this punch. I will wait for the college entrance examination. I will settle accounts with you later!"

Helian said arrogantly: "As long as you can become the top scorer in the 'Fuge City College Entrance Examination' and prove Elder Zhou Yin's vision, his position in the Scarlet Xiao faction will be more stable, and he can completely suppress the demon sword Peng Hai. What do you think then? Revenge on Li Yao is fine, Elder Zhou Yin and the elders of our Helian family will fully support you, but if you don't get good grades in the exam..."

He Lianlie narrowed his eyes: "This is impossible, father, you have seen with your own eyes how much pain I have endured this month, and the title of No. 1 scholar in the college entrance examination in Fuge City is already in my pocket, and no one can compete with me." !"

"Okay, our Helian family should have this kind of arrogance, then I will wait for your good news!"

"By the way, father, have you heard about Li Yao? Will he take the college entrance examination?"

"It's very strange. I checked the list of candidates who registered for the college entrance examination in Fuge City this year through my relationship. There are a total of 5,788 candidates who registered as individuals, but Li Yao's name was not there."

He Lianlie was taken aback: "Then did he transfer to another school?"

Helian Ba shook his head: "I have checked all the high-quality high schools in the city, even some ordinary high schools with relatively strong strength, but there is no record of him. It seems that this kid's strength has not recovered, so he will not participate this year. The college entrance examination."

"Really, that's such a pity. I've been busy practicing these days, so I don't have the time to find this trash. After the college entrance examination is over and I get the title of No. 1 student in the college entrance examination in Fuge City, I'll go find him... Take your time to learn from him!"

At three o'clock in the night, twenty-five kilometers away, in another antique villa.

Si Jiaxue yawned lightly, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and gently turned off the light curtain of the crystal brain.

"Xiaoxue, go to bed early, the college entrance examination will be later, the most important thing now is not to read books, but to sleep well and stay in the best condition." A chubby middle-aged woman said with concern behind her.

Si Jiaxue smiled lightly, and said, "Mom, don't worry, I haven't taken the college entrance examination to heart yet. Four hours of sleep is enough."

At four o'clock in the middle of the night, thirty kilometers away, in a dense jungle.

A holiday cabin made of logs, singing and singing, panting.

"Young Master Zheng, Young Master Zheng, take it easy, the college entrance examination is coming soon, Young Master Zheng!" On a big pink bed, there were seven girls with jade bodies laid out, all charming and tender, as crisp as mud.

Zheng Dongming's cat-like eyes flickered, and he said with a lewd smile: "My young master has been fasting for two months, and he finally recovered early. Of course, we have to pass the addiction first, the college entrance examination? Whatever you want!"

Apart from them, there are countless third-year high school students in the entire Xingyao Federation who can't sleep all night, restlessly waiting for the arrival of dawn, and there are also people who can't sleep until the darkest moment before dawn, and finally can't hold back, and fall into a drowsy sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already past eight o'clock!

"Not good, the exam will start at nine o'clock, get up quickly!"

Countless students in the entire Federation jumped up from the bed, as if soldiers who heard the charge, rushed out of the house, rushed to the school, and rushed to the examination room!

Li Yao is one of them.

The faces of other candidates were restless, excited, or panicked, while Li Yao looked calm and unhurried.

It wasn't until he walked into the classroom and got into the special examination cabin for the college entrance examination, and when the cabin door was slowly closed, that Li Yao's expression became a little lively, and there was a hint of hunger in the depths of his eyes.

If seen by the fat dragon and wolf in the tomb of the magic weapon, they will definitely recognize it-this is the appearance of the "vulture" about to pounce on its prey.

The fate-determining college entrance examination has officially begun!

The entire Xingyao Federation was silent, no matter which city was in the sky, it was quiet, only a very small number of shuttle cars were as slow as snails, crawling across the sky without a sound, and even the cultivators who flew by with swords on weekdays and whizzed by were all quiet. Be careful not to make any noise.

Anyone who dares to disturb the candidates' performance at this moment, even the Nascent Soul monster, will be overwhelmed by hundreds of millions of angry parents.

one hour... two hours...

Countless candidates are doing their best in the exam cabin, and countless parents are looking forward to it outside the campus.

Three hours passed, these were the most peaceful three hours of Star Federation, but also the most tense three hours.


After more than three hours of the exam, some candidates who handed in their papers in advance left the exam cabin one after another, sweating profusely and walking out of the campus with relief, causing the first wave of sensation.

Five hours later, when the exam time came, all candidates were forced to leave the exam cabin.

The Federation of Stars returned to its usual hustle and bustle, even more noisy than five hours ago. All parents and candidates gathered in the school, waiting for the announcement of the college entrance examination results!

The exam cabins for the college entrance examination are all equipped with advanced crystal brains with super high computing power. When candidates are fighting in the illusory world, the candidates' scores can be calculated in real time.

Theoretically, the moment a candidate steps out of the examination cabin, Jingnao can calculate the final score of the college entrance examination.

However, in order to ensure the fairness of the college entrance examination, after all the scores are calculated, they will be sent to other crystal computers in the spirit network for review.

The scores of each candidate must be calculated by seven different crystal computers, and finally the exact same score can be obtained, which can be confirmed and uploaded to the main control computer of the Municipal Education Bureau.

The whole process takes about an hour.

An hour later, the city's education bureau's main control crystal computer will announce the results and rankings of all candidates, and candidates can check through their own micro crystal computers.

However, a high-quality high school like Chixiao No. 2 Middle School that has the strength to hit the "Fuge City College Entrance Exam No. name and grade.

This is an hour of undercurrents, this is an hour of thrilling, this is an hour of dry tongue, heart pounding, and blood vessels bursting!

On the campus of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, the principal, directors, directors of the teaching office, thousands of students, and thousands of parents were all silent and nervous, staring at the huge light curtain in the middle of the playground, waiting for the final results announcement.

He Lianlie stood out from the crowd, Zhuo stood among the crowd, surrounded by a powerful aura, no one dared to approach him half a step, and there was an uninhabited space of more than one meter around him.

He clasped his hands together, seemingly calm and composed, but his slightly trembling fingers revealed the restlessness in his heart.

Suddenly, the originally pitch-black light curtain shook slightly, and ripples appeared in circles.

The crowd that had been silent just now became restless.

"Look, the results are coming!"

"I don't know if there is anyone in our school who can win the title of 'Fuge City College Entrance Examination Champion'?"

"It is said that we have two very good candidates this time, and they are both very promising!"

"Ah, the results are out!"

The ripples in the light curtain spread faster and faster, and a string of blood-red numbers fell from the top of the light curtain like a torrential rain, forming the names and grades of hundreds of candidates.

The top line of text shows—

"He Lianlie of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, with a total score of 715 in the college entrance examination, 88% of spiritual root development, and a total score of 629.2, temporarily ranking first in the total score list!"


Pushing it for a week, within seven days, nearly 10,000 brothers collected "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation"!

Including the original 8,000 brothers, Lao Niu now has 18,000 brothers who can share his "dream"!

It is thanks to the support of all brothers that Lao Niu can get the most clicks, recommendations and favorites in all the books that are strongly recommended in this issue!

For a "newcomer" like Lao Niu, it is entirely dependent on everyone's "trust" to achieve such a miracle!

Lao Niu is now full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit. He can't wait to add two feet to the crazy code words to repay the brothers!

This Friday, "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension" will be officially launched. After that, Lao Niu will try his best to speed up, and the story of Fuge City will be finalized before it is released. After that, we will march into a wider world, Challenge to a higher goal!

I hope that when the time comes, all brothers can support Lao Niu like today. Let's go together and create miracles one after another!