Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 90: breaking news



The crowd was silent for half a second, and suddenly there was an exclamation of mountains and tsunamis.

"He Lianlie is the No. 1 student in the college entrance examination in Fuge City this year! The spiritual root development rate is 88%, and the total score is 629.2! It's a rare good score in recent years!"

"After so many years, our Chixiao No. 2 Middle School has finally won the title of 'Fuge City College Entrance Examination Champion' again!"

"Wow, you see, the second place is Zheng Dongming from Fengshan No. 2 Middle School. His spiritual root development rate is two percentage points higher than He Lianlie's, but his score is too low. The final score is only half a point lower than He Lianlie's. It's too dangerous!"

"The third place, Si Jiaxue, is also from our Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, and her total score is only half a point behind Zheng Dongming!"

"There are two Chixiao No. 2 Middle School students among the top three. This time, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School is the well-deserved number one high school in Fuge City!"

"I succeeded!"

He Lianlie roared excitedly, and smashed his silver fist hard in the void, unexpectedly also smashing out a ripple in the air.

Not far away, the principal Zhao Shude, the dean Hei Mian Shen, and all the directors of the school breathed a sigh of relief, with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

Helian Ba was even more smug, smiling from ear to ear.

"Old Zhao, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School has had a bumper harvest this year. It has completely suppressed the limelight of Fengshan No. 2 Middle School!"

"Yes, this year's exam is so good, next year there will be many good seedlings who will choose Chixiao No. 2 Middle School. Once the source of students is good, their grades will get better and better in the future. Get rid of the predicament of the past few years and embark on a virtuous circle. Stronger and stronger tracks!"

"Old Zhao, this is all thanks to you. When the news reaches the Scarlet Firmament Sect, even the suzerain will be very happy!"

"Where is there, such a good result this year is due to the support of the directors, the hard work of the teachers, and the efforts of these children. What does it have to do with Zhao, hahahaha!"

Zhao Shude smiled brightly. For more than a month, he had been brooding over Li Yao's affairs, and he always felt like a thorn in his heart, and he was very unhappy.

Up to this moment, all the troubles have disappeared, and I just feel that the wind is light and the clouds are calm, the sea and the sky are bright, and the comfort is extremely comfortable, even a big Luo Jinxian would not change it!


Someone sent a letter from Linghe, and it was Elder Zhou Yin who was in charge of education in the Chixiao Sect.

Zhou Yin also smiled brightly in the light curtain, with a hundred flowers blooming.

"Principal Zhao, the performance of our Chixiao No. 2 Middle School is very good this time. There are actually two students from Chixiao No. 2 Middle School among the top three. Even the suzerain came to ask me for advice. Hahahaha, I told the suzerain that it was all thanks to you. How about letting you, Principal Zhao, speak at the Zongmen Conference in person?"

Zhao Shude was so excited that he was about to have a heart attack, his face was red and his ears were red: "It's all cultivated by Elder Zhou, it's all cultivated by Elder Zhou!"

Zhou Yin waved his hand:

"Cultivation is cultivation, and hard work is hard work. In short, we have won a big victory this time, and those who have made merits must be commended! Ha, look, even the stock price of the Chixiao faction has begun to fluctuate. It seems that the news has spread. The stock price has soared! I won’t talk to you yet. I have to discuss the follow-up publicity plan with the suzerain to completely detonate this good news! You also prepare a few press releases, and you will definitely hold a press conference later , there will be a celebration banquet for a few more days, you and He Lianlie are the protagonists, so don't be careless!"

"Yes! Elder Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely promote the brand of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School!" Zhao Shude's face was radiant, his face was flushed, like a big ripe persimmon.

After a while, there was a piercing whistling sound in the sky, and more than a dozen shuttle cars came rapidly.

"It's a reporter, a reporter from major news media!" Several sharp-eyed parents recognized it.

Sure enough, before the shuttle car landed, several anxious reporters jumped out, squeezed into the crowd with a murderous look, and roared hoarsely:

"Student He Lianlie? Which one is student He Lianlie?"

"Student He Lianlie, you are the number one student in the college entrance examination in Fuge City this year, please tell me how you feel now?"

"Student He Lianlie, may I ask how you usually arrange your cultivation plan, and if you have any cultivation experience, can you share it with the students?"

"Principal Zhao, Principal Zhao Shude! Since the emergence of a genius like 'Yao Dao Peng Hai' more than ten years ago, you Chixiao No. Why did it suddenly explode this year, and two geniuses emerged at once? Please talk about your experience, Principal Zhao!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, friends in the press, we will answer your questions one by one. Please be patient and don't be impatient. We will hold a press conference later. If you have any questions, we will talk about them at the meeting. Guarantee that you know everything and say everything!"

Zhao Shude's face was full of joy, and he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

He Lianba also squeezed to his son's side, and patted He Lianlie's shoulder hard, unable to hide his joy: "Good boy, I didn't embarrass you, I did well in the exam!"

"You are Helian Lie? We are reporters from the Fuge Zaobao, please tell us a little about your experience in private!"

Several reporters recognized He Lianlie's identity and squeezed over desperately.

After the initial excitement, He Lianlie became very calm, glanced at the light curtain, shook his head and said:

"Wait, now only 80% of the candidates' scores in Fuge City are calculated, and the scores of candidates in some areas are not calculated. This is not the final ranking."

Because there are too many candidates and the amount of data is too large, all the scores are rolled into the general database in batches.

As of now, there are still several candidates from poor areas who have not been included in the calculation.

However, according to the experience over the years, the candidates in these slums can't cause any disturbances. After all, they can't even eat enough, so how can they have the strength to practice, and how can they break into the "Top 1,000 in the Fuge City College Entrance Examination"

Even if it breaks into the top 1,000, it is impossible to have any impact on the top 100. At least in the past few decades, there are candidates who can enter the city's top 100 in high schools that have never heard of slums.

Therefore, once the top 100 is determined, it is 100% certain that it will not change!

Soon, the progress meter at the bottom of the light curtain jumped to "90%", and the scores of 90% of the candidates in the city were rolled into the database for summary calculation.

"The results of candidates from the three districts have been added. There has been no change in the top 1,000 rankings. The first place is still Helian Lie—can I be interviewed now?"

"Wait a little longer!" Helian Lie stared at the light curtain, his hands showing bruises.

"93%! This time, the scores of candidates who took the college entrance examination in their own names are also included in the calculation. He Lianlie is still the first. Let me introduce your experience, student He Lianlie. Don't hide your secrets. The audience is looking forward to you Looking forward to it!"

"hold on!"

"97%! In the entire Fuge City, only the candidates in the Huiyan District have not been included in the calculation. The Huiyan District is a famous poor area. Several middle schools are extremely bad. Last year, they even entered the top 10,000 in the city. There are no candidates! He Lianlie, you can accept the interview now!"

Several reporters were so hoarse that they almost wanted to stuff the sound amplifier crystal rod into Helian Lie's mouth.

"Only the limestone area is left?"

He Lianlie let out a long sigh of relief, and his whole body looked radiant and radiant.

He nodded to several reporters, took a loudspeaker crystal stick, and started talking:

"Dear viewers, parents, classmates, teachers, hello, everyone. I am He Lianlie, the top scorer of this year's college entrance examination in Fuge City. Just now, this reporter friend asked me what secrets I have in cultivation—of course I have! I have three secrets. , the first is hard work, the second is still hard work, and the third is insane hard work! I believe that as long as you work hard enough, all miracles are possible... "

He was about to speak, but all the reporters, parents and students were stunned, staring at the huge light curtain behind him as if they had seen a ghost.

He Lianlie's heart seemed to be squeezed by an invisible strange hand, and he looked back suddenly, only to see that the light curtain that had been frozen all this time began to flicker again, and the ranking at the bottom had a small change .

"Wow, big news, big breaking news!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"An examinee from the Gray Rock District actually made it into the top 1,000 in Fuge City, ranking 998th!"

"It's amazing. Ge Qiang, a candidate from Huiyan Middle School, is really amazing. He can beat so many high-quality high school competitors and make it into the top 1,000. It's amazing, really amazing!"

Several reporters talked a lot, saying that they must go to Huiyan Middle School to interview Ge Qiang after the interview with He Lianlie, the number one student in the college entrance examination.

He Lianlie breathed a sigh of relief again, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, glanced at the progress bar under the light curtain, and found that 99.9% of the candidates' scores were counted.

Only the garbage school "Fugecheng Miners' Children Middle School", which had the lowest grades last year, has not been included.

Helian Lie collected himself, and a smile appeared on his face again:

"Everyone has seen it. As I said just now, as long as you work hard enough, all miracles are possible! Behind me at this moment, an out-and-out miracle happened. An examinee from the Gray Rock District broke through How difficult it is to be in the top 1,000 of Fuge City's college entrance examination rankings! Actually, you shouldn't be interviewing me, you should be interviewing Ge Qiang, a student from Huiyan Middle School. It's strange that Ge Qiang is the one who really deserves it..."

Helian Lie's voice stopped abruptly again.

He found that everyone in front of him, whether it was reporters, parents, students, principals, deans, directors, including his father Helen Ba—

Everyone was dumbfounded, lost their souls, and terrified!

Their expressions were completely different from before.

They seemed to have seen a ghost just now.

At this moment, they seemed to have all turned into ghosts, wandering spirits, and zombies—or zombies with talismans plastered on their foreheads, suppressed to death!

The huge campus became silent in an instant, like a long-abandoned cemetery.

Thousands of people stood upright like thousands of overgrown tombstones!

He Lianlie's breathing was extremely rapid, every joint seemed to be rusted, and it became extremely difficult to even turn his neck.

"Look, you, look, look..."

A reporter stammered, his eyes seemed to be glued to something behind Helian Lie, unable to move.

He Lianlie's mind went blank, and with all his strength, he turned his head inch by inch, forcing his gaze to fall on the light curtain.

At the top of the light curtain, a brand new name appeared above his name.

This name is like a ghost, which came up silently from the abyss of massive data, and climbed to the top of He Lianlie!

"Fuge City Miner's Children Middle School Li Yao, the total score of the college entrance examination is 781, the degree of spiritual root development is 92%, and the final score is 718.52, ranking first in the city!"


There was something that made Lao Niu very happy today.

Because my dear editors have helped Lao Niu win a lot of recommendations for two consecutive weeks in the first half month, so I take a break this week and don't have any recommendations.

But even so, the "newcomer" Lao Niu, this new book, still climbed to the top ten on the member click list, and still gained more than 500 favorites.

The old cow knows that this is all thanks to the brothers, there is nothing to say, the old cow is fully fired, let's code!