Fouls Prohibited

Chapter 22: (Dirty laundry basket)


Ye Ci wanted to find someone to talk to.

If you keep daydreaming like this, not only will you not be able to concentrate on your studies, but you will also go crazy.

Originally, he could have talked to Ye Hongjun. They depended on each other as mother and son, and they could be more open-hearted than ordinary parents and children. But this was the only thing he could not tell Ye Hongjun.

She didn't even know about the marriage between the Chu and Huo families.

Ever since she fell ill, Ye Ci has always told her good news but not bad news.

Chu Wenlin arranged for him to marry an alpha who was twelve years older than him and whom he had never met before. No matter how he tried to make up for this, it could not erase the smell of Chu Wenlin as a scum who sold his son for fame and fortune.

He was lucky to meet Uncle Huo.

What if you are unlucky

If Ye Hongjun knew about this, she would probably go crazy. Given her current physical condition, it is hard to say whether she can withstand it.

Moreover, it was difficult for him to explain his current situation without causing Ye Hongjun to worry. After all, she knew how arrogant he was. The more he praised Uncle Huo, the more afraid Ye Hongjun might become.

So when he went to visit her last week, he lied and said he was still living with Chu Wenlin and everything was fine.

Apart from Ye Hongjun, he had a few good friends among the gangsters when he was hanging out in the old street. Later, Ye Hongjun fell ill and he was so busy working that he became estranged from these people and his former classmates.

Besides, even if they were not alienated, he couldn't bring himself to talk to them about these messy things...

Ye Ci quickly finished his breakfast, went back to his room and locked the door. After thinking for a while, he took out his phone and browsed around for a while, and found an oga emotional forum.

No one knows each other online.

Not afraid of losing face.

He registered a new account and started a thread. He didn't know where to start, so he vaguely said that he had agreed to marry an alpha who was much older than him. He also picked up a few things about Huo Tinglan's daily interactions with him and briefly talked about them.

1l: Wow, they are showing their love.

2l: Write in the title "Ask for help", and then trick the dog into coming in and killing it

10l: …My heart has become as cold as my knife.


yc: I often think about bad things.

yc: About him.

33l: What is a bad thing? Murdering your husband? Domestic violence? Cheating? …

Dozens of floors were built, but none of them were guessed correctly.

"… "

Are netizens so slow

Ye Ci hesitated for a moment, then quickly typed a few words that seemed to him to be erotic. After sending the message, he threw the phone away as if it was too hot, and fumbled for a cigarette with a red face. After searching for a while, he discovered with distress that all the stock was gone. He had been smoking too much these past few days.

He sat on the edge of the bed in a daze for a while, then suddenly grabbed his phone.

83l: Excuse me for asking your age.

84l: I can’t stop laughing, my family, that’s it!

85l: No way, no way, these days there won’t be anyone who doesn’t even know that they have fallen in love with someone, right

86l: Blind guess about a pure male high school student woooooooo…

yc: 18 years old.

yc: I’m a high school student and I stayed here for a year. What’s wrong

There was a wave of comments like “A cute and innocent high school boy gives his sister/brother a hug”…

Ye Ci: “…”

He was so embarrassed that he instinctively reached for a cigarette.

yc: Is this a meme

Another round of laughter and sympathy followed.

Ye Ci was completely stunned, and accepted the teasing honestly and confusedly.

After a few rounds of this, someone finally agreed to answer the questions seriously.

156l: Don’t you just like him? What’s wrong with thinking about the person you like

157l: Don’t be ashamed. We are all adults. Let alone thinking about it, it’s okay to do it. You are normal.

yc: He just takes care of me as his junior, my idea is wrong.

177l: Alas... old men are harmful. My last paragraph was about how I thought he took care of me because he loved me, but in fact he treated me like a child.

178l: Maybe he is a daddy-type boyfriend. Isn’t there a big age gap between us? Maybe old men just can’t express it.

179l: What's right or wrong about love? Besides, who is your secret love bothering

180l: Don’t you live together? Use pheromones to seduce him! …

Further down, a group of chickens were crossing the border, and the talk was getting more and more outrageous, almost like they were about to get into the car.

Ye Ci blushed and his heart beat fast, not daring to look at it again. He nervously closed the webpage, cleared the browsing history, and then fell back as if exhausted, falling heavily on the bed.

The sunlight suddenly became blindingly bright, and he shielded his face with his arms. Under the sleeves of his lake-blue pajamas, a small section of his chin, as pink as a rhodonite, was stretched very tight, as if he was gritting his teeth to resist stubbornly. After a while, the line gradually relaxed and softened.

So, he had unknowingly... fallen in love with Uncle Huo

When did it start

He didn't know, and he still can't figure it out.

Like a pot of slowly heating up water, he suddenly came to his senses and felt it was hot, but he couldn't tell at which moment the temperature exceeded the threshold. He only knew that he had been burned to the point where his bones and muscles were weakened and he couldn't escape.

Probably... Yeah.

Ye Ci turned over and hid his face in his arms.

I haven't learned how to like people yet.


Some things are just fine if you can't figure them out, but once you figure them out, it's out of control.

When a young man first falls in love, it's like someone has opened a floodgate in his brain. It opened suddenly, but there is no experience in how to control the water. Huge waves rushed in all directions, and everywhere was washed away by the young and reckless love.

Originally, Ye Ci just often made mistakes in "taking care of himself". He was always cautious and down-to-earth in studying and working. However, in the past two days, he seemed to be possessed by a fool. Everything went wrong. He always answered "yes" when someone asked him a question. He was so absent-minded that he couldn't even keep up with the exercises during break. When he went to school, he left with his body and mind first. Uncle He was chasing him from behind, carrying his schoolbag and calling him.

In the past two days, he had been working extra hard to hide from Huo Tinglan, and had returned to his elusive style as when he first came to the Huo residence. The vague admiration and desire made him nervous every second, as he was afraid that his expression and eyes would reveal the truth, and that Uncle Huo would see through the spring in his arms, which would make him doubly ashamed.

After school on Wednesday, he returned to the Huo residence, said hello to Uncle He, and slipped back to his bedroom to do his homework.

He had gone to the study to do his homework before so that they could be in the same room together and allow him to release pheromones to help Huo Tinglan alleviate the symptoms of the early stage of susceptibility. But he wouldn't have to do that in the next two or three months, so he was happy to escape.

He buried his head in writing the test paper. For questions he didn't know how to answer, he just wrote down as many steps as he could. He had saved up a lot of questions in the past few days and wanted to try his luck when the teacher started teaching in class.

Half of the homework was done, and the long summer days were slowly turning into dusk. The white-scorching heat dissipated, and a cool breeze blew in from the window, which made Ye Ci feel hot and uncomfortable.

The scent of vanilla, like velvet soaked in honey, spreads and grows.

It’s not that he is familiar with it, but the two previous experiences were enough to make Ye Ci realize that his pheromones were disordered again.

It is what is called a "mild, short-lived fever".

Ye Ci tore off the barrier patch he had been using for half a day and quickly replaced it with a new one.

It was as if there was glue injected into my head, and my thinking became increasingly slow.

Ye Ci lay on the study table, hiding his face in the darkness created by his arms.

The scene temporarily marked a few days ago emerged from the chaos, vivid and colorful, like a piece of sugarcane that could never be squeezed out of its juice. Every time he ate it, it was sweet and juicy. As he chewed it, he felt a kind of immoral shame.

On the one hand, he longed for the elderly caregiver, and the guilt lingered. On the other hand, he was lusting after a strange, reversed love and desire—the impulse belonged to the oga, not the alpha. His body changed at will, but his mind did not make the sharp turn. What his body longed for was no longer conquest, plunder, or occupation, but to add a "be" in front of every word, and completely transformed into a submissive, submissive person... He was afraid and embarrassed.

The passion was overwhelming, the attack was getting stronger, his body was sliding down like mud, he couldn't sit still, he staggered to the bed and fell headfirst.

As he lay curled up, his body looked small and thin, trembling pitifully, resisting the throbbing alone.

He suspected that the hospital's judgment was inaccurate. How could this be considered "mild"

An hour had passed, and there was no sign of the tide receding.

Instead, the desire for Huo Tinglan's pheromones intensified, and the tips of the pheromones sprouted like spring grass. When a passionate breeze blew over, they rubbed against each other, making them itch...


Ye Ci pulled at his collar breathlessly, his black and white eyes seemed less clear because of a few tiny bloodshot strands.


An absurd idea popped into his mind.

He could keep it from Uncle Huo.

What you don't know is almost as if it didn't happen.

He was quiet.

Once this bad idea gets stuck, it's hard to get rid of it.

Ten minutes later, Ye Ci got down from the messy bed and grabbed a workbook and rolled it up in his hand as an excuse when necessary.

Unless there is not much work to do that day, Huo Tinglan is most likely working in the study at this time.

Ye Ci tiptoed towards Huo Tinglan's bedroom.

The door was open. He peeked inside but saw no one.

There was no one on either side of the corridor.

Ye Ci swallowed hard, stepped in, and asked in a self-deceiving whisper: "Uncle Huo, are you... are you here?"

Of course, no one responded.

Ye Ci tightened the exercise book in his hand to encourage himself, and moved a few steps forward: "I have, there is a question I can't do..."

The sharp scent of tequila lingered in the bedroom. Ye Ci flared his small nostrils, smelling it so pleasantly that even his breathing trembled.

It was very comfortable to stay in the room like this, but he couldn't stay here all the time. If Huo Tinglan went back to the room to get something or change clothes or something, it would be too easy to be caught.

Wait, change your clothes...

As if he had grasped some important clue, he walked towards the bathroom. Huo Tinglan paid attention to his appearance and liked cleanliness. He changed his summer clothes frequently, often wearing one set in the morning and another in the afternoon. Therefore, he had not had time to clean the clothes he changed at noon.

Throw them all in the laundry basket.

The problem is, on top of the laundry basket is a…

Pure black.

Bullet shaped.


Ye Ci took a rough glance with the corner of his eyes, was startled, and turned his face away abruptly, his breath choking in his throat. He was so ashamed that he wanted to die in the bathtub on the spot to prove his innocence.

He didn't sneak in just to see this thing!

I swear to God, he didn’t think about it!

Uncle Huo is also weird. If he sweats too much, he can just change into a shirt. Why does he change shorts twice a day?!

Ye Ci was so shocked that his palms were sweating and he didn't even dare to think about his shirt. He just wanted to get away from that entire area as quickly as possible, as if he was running in a poisonous circle. But as soon as he turned around, something even more devastating happened.