Fouls Prohibited

Chapter 38: (pure)


"… good."

Huo Tinglan hugged Ye Ci and stroked his head.

He didn't know when it started, but Ye Ci became more and more different from the brittle and fragile person in his memory.

The scarred sapling has sprouted new buds from its wounds, and is full of life. All the humiliation and suffering it suffered in the past have been peeled off and turned into inconspicuous mud and ash, which can no longer hurt it in the slightest.

Tenderness quietly surged between the two people embracing each other.

Unfortunately, for Huo Tinglan, who had lost both his gentleman mask and his face, the warmth lasted only three seconds.

"Baby," Huo Tinglan stepped back, gently rolled his fingertips over Ye Ci's lips, smiled and asked modestly, "How do you usually correct this, mouth to mouth? I say one sentence and you say one sentence?"

He was being a hooligan. Ye Ci glanced at him hesitantly and said honestly, "Maybe I need to find a specialized institution or a psychologist..."

Huo Tinglan sneered: "Okay, I'll help you find the best one."

Ye Ci was silent for a moment, his eyelashes fluttering, his voice getting smaller and smaller: "Just now, you were actually making a dirty joke..."

Huo Tinglan said politely: "Yes."

Instead of being ashamed, I am proud of it!

Ye Ci: “…”

There was silence.

Ye Ci was not willing to be teased by his older lover all day long. He was so embarrassed that his earlobes were about to bleed, and he dared not look at anyone, but he stood up and teased him: "Then, then you try, try, mouth to mouth, give it to me..."

Like a young animal trying to hunt with its tiny paws.

Before he could finish his words, Huo Tinglan pushed him against the wall of the corridor.

"I'll give you a mouth-to-mouth treatment and stroke your tongue... Is that ok, baby? Why aren't you talking?..."

Lips rubbed against lips, I don't know who got wet, they were inseparable.

The light pink was sucked into bright red, slightly swollen, and could not be seen by anyone within half an hour.

That little tongue was "stroked" firmly for more than a dozen times, but instead of becoming more flexible, it became doubly stupid.

After the kiss, Ye Ci covered his mouth and hurried back to his room, unable to utter a single word.

I really shouldn't have been so ignorant as to flirt with Uncle Huo!

Originally, he wanted Huo Tinglan to take him out to play, but now he had to wait in the room to calm down before he dared to go out. Fortunately, he had something to do when he came back - it was time to take away the clothes and sheets that were hanging on the terrace.

In addition to the large items like the quilt, there are also Ye Ci's pajamas and a pair of pure cotton square white...

They were all washed by Huo Tinglan.

Yesterday, Ye Ci had to deal with Huo Tinglan's teasing and questioning with a smoking head. He was so ashamed that he was in a trance. When he came to his senses, he was already in the bathroom, and Huo Tinglan pressed him to sit on the changing stool.

The so-called juice that spilled everywhere was still sticky and wet.

"Take off your pajamas and give them to me." Huo Tinglan knelt on one knee in front of him, put away his playful look, and said softly, "I'll go wash it."

Alpha's possessiveness was so strong that it was illogical. These items soaked in the sweet scent of vanilla, let alone Ye Ci caring about them, even if Ye Ci didn't care, he would never let others wash them.

"I, myself..." Ye Ci stammered.

Huo Tinglan pulled his trouser leg and said considerately: "The juice is not easy to wash, let me do it, I have strong hands and can rub it clean."

“No, it’s not…” Ye Ci got stuck in the middle of his rebuttal, his face flushed red, he pursed his lips in shame and pity, and held on to his pants tightly as if he was holding on to a life-saving straw.

"Be obedient," Huo Tinglan said gently, but with ulterior motives. "Go take a hot shower. I'll take care of the rest."

"Baby," seeing Ye Ci's reluctance, he said indifferently, "Are you so polite to your own husband?"

The way he said this sounded as if he was blaming Ye Ci for being distant from him. Ye Ci's hand trembled and he hesitated to let go.

As soon as I relaxed, my legs felt cold.

The pajamas were pulled off by Huo Tinglan.

That hand speed is so fast that even a thief would feel ashamed of himself.

Two white, slender and straight legs like a springbok were pressed together tightly. Ye Ci could hardly breathe and pulled the hem of his pajamas to cover himself.

"Give them all to me." Huo Tinglan looked gentle and said with a smile, "I'm just helping you wash your clothes, why do you act like a gangster... Be good, baby, stand up and be obedient..."

In the end, it was half coaxed and half forced to come off.

Ye Ci was as smelly as a steamed shrimp, curled up on the dressing bench, red and hot. The hem of his pajamas was long enough to cover his clothes, so nothing could be seen. He pulled the hem with one hand and grabbed Huo Tinglan's wrist with the other to prevent him from leaving, begging in a trembling voice: "Uncle Huo, no, otherwise, just throw it away, don't wash it..."

"You're throwing away a good thing just because it's stained with juice?" Huo Tinglan sneered, rubbing the cotton cloth into his palm, and temporarily set a rule for the Huo family, earnestly teaching the extravagant young master, "'Be quiet to cultivate yourself, be frugal to cultivate virtue', this is the Huo family motto."

"Then I, I'll do it myself. The Huo family motto should also say... 'Do your own thing by yourself', right?" Ye Ci pried Huo Tinglan's fingers apart, trying to get him to spread his palms. Huo Tinglan smiled and put his hands behind his back, so Ye Ci moved forward and chased after his hands that were wrapped around his back. The visual effect was as if he took the initiative to hug Huo Tinglan, but that unruly guy took the opportunity to suck his cheeks twice. It didn't look like they were snatching something at all, it was simply flirting.

"Uncle Huo!" Ye Ci's eyes widened in disbelief, as if he wanted to stare through Huo Tinglan's face to test how thick it was.

It's almost unfathomable!

"Be good and take a shower." Huo Tinglan pulled a bath towel for Ye Ci to wrap himself in and urged him to take a shower.

Ye Ci looked back every few steps as he walked, reluctant to leave. He wished he could take the wet thing out of Huo Tinglan's hand, stuff it into a rocket and launch it into outer space.

The bathroom is designed with dry and wet separation. The frosted glass door of the shower room blocks your view, and the mist makes it even more hazy.

Huo Tinglan took out a new set of pajamas and put them on the washstand, then went back to his room to take off the dirty quilt cover and other large items, and also found a spare one to change into. Although he hired someone to take care of him when he was studying abroad, it was not as convenient as in China, so he was not bad at taking care of himself, and he could do everything from changing quilt covers to washing clothes.

Ye Ci washed in a hurry and didn't wash his hair. He came out and changed his clothes in less than two minutes.

Huo Tinglan walked into the bathroom holding a pile of wet bed covers and chased Ye Ci out, acting like a doting young master who didn't let him do any work.

Ye Ci stood at the door, using his face to heat up the room temperature by several degrees. After 300 rounds of internal and external struggles, he could not just go back to sleep, so he mustered up the courage to open the door: "Uncle Huo, let me wash... Uncle Huo!!!"

"Hmm?" Huo Tinglan slowly moved the thing away from his nose and pressed it back into the sink. His posture was so elegant that it seemed as if he had just wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Ye Ci's pupils trembled.

"How, how...!"

"What do you say? Spilled juice?"

Huo Tinglan scoffed, shook off the water droplets on his hands, strode out of the bathroom, pushed Ye Ci into the corner, leaned close to his ear, and said in a hoarse voice: "The one called..."

"... Mature or near-mature oga only exist under certain circumstances." Huo Tinglan lowered his eyes, stared at him darkly, and said softly, "Xiao Ci has grown up."

After a moment, he used his fingertips to turn Ye Ci's face back, and asked in a low voice: "Did you dream about me?"

Ye Ci turned his head away, not daring to recall.

But Huo Tinglan would not let him off. He clamped both of his hands with one hand and asked slowly and carefully, "What did you dream about?"

Ye Ci couldn't stand the interrogation and confessed: "It was just a dream. I dreamed of you hugging me..."

Huo Tinglan didn't believe it and asked, "What else?"

Ye Ci swallowed his saliva, lowered his head, and wiped the cracks in the floor with the sole of his shoe. He confessed in a voice thinner than a mosquito: "I kissed her, I kissed her..."

"What else?"

"There's nothing left behind." Ye Ci shook his head quickly and assured honestly, "It's really, really gone."

Huo Tinglan knew that he was not lying, and laughed in surprise: "Dream of me... so pure?"

Perhaps he had been driven insane, or perhaps to make his confession more credible, Ye Ci blurted out, "I, I don't know what else I can do... what to do."

The result is...

I gritted my teeth and agreed to go back to take some oga hygiene lessons.

How do I teach this lesson

Ye Ci stood on the terrace in a daze.

After a while, I don't know what was going on in his mind, but he suddenly raised his hand and punched the terrace railing.

Uncle Huo is a good person.

But it’s too… too indecent!

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