Fouls Prohibited

Chapter 51: The tie of the special chapter of the story of the 鱲鼫瓽朱雬栍(People have faces, trees have bark...)


After permanent marking, Ye Ci's fever period became stable and regular.

There will be a mild attack on a fixed date every month, which basically does not affect your life.

That night, Huo Tinglan was stuck at an emergency meeting and couldn't return home for a while.

"... Got it, Uncle Huo." Ye Ci was talking on the phone, his voice was particularly soft due to the fever, "I'm fine, no, not particularly uncomfortable. One hour, no problem... Don't, don't worry."

After hanging up the call, he curled up in the quilt that was still stained with Huo Tinglan's pheromones.

A lot of Huo Tinglan's personal belongings were piled up under the quilt.

Not to mention the clothes picked up from the dirty clothes basket, there were also a few watches that Huo Tinglan wore frequently, a Montblanc fountain pen that he often used, and several shiny and expensive cufflinks... He was like a small male bird building a nest, bringing himself many shiny things.

In addition, there is a tie.

It was the one Huo Tinglan tied yesterday.

Made of navy blue silk, with a lion pattern embroidered in silver thread on the delicate twill, Ye Ci wrapped it around his left hand, with the raised parts emitting a smooth silky luster as the angle changed.

The small section in the middle of the tie rests against the glands at the back of the neck all day, absorbing the scent of agave.

Ye Ci stretched his tie straight and pressed the tip of his nose against that part, inhaling until his eyes half-closed and a pool of tears formed under his eyes.

He did not try to restrain his desire, and as there was no one around, he was so absorbed in the inhalation that he unconsciously let out some soft nasal sounds and hummed.

Just like that, I don’t know how much time passed.

During the fever period, the mind is somewhat confused.

So, when Huo Tinglan ended the meeting early and rushed back to Huo's house, this was the scene he saw -

The light from the wall lamp was dim, the bedding was wrinkled and messy, a small bulging quilt was bulging, and from time to time a few soft and muffled calls could be heard.

"Uncle Huo... Uncle Huo..."

Under normal circumstances, Ye Ci would never speak in such a tone.

Therefore, this seems particularly... attractive.

Maybe the quilt blocked the sound, or maybe he was too focused or let his guard down, this time Ye Ci didn't hear Huo Tinglan's footsteps.

The sweet fragrance of the ripe fruit hits your face, warm and delicious.

Huo Tinglan closed the door with his backhand, locking the cloyingly fragrant OGA pheromones into the room, and his Adam's apple rolled slowly.

This scene looks very familiar.

Before the two of them revealed their secret, Ye Ci once sneaked into Huo Tinglan's bedroom during his fever period, sniffed the bedding he had slept on, and "built a nest" with the quilt. As a result, he was caught in the act when he was sniffing the bedding. He was so scared that he started crying, and Huo Tinglan had to do everything he could to coax him into silence.

It almost left a psychological trauma on poor Uncle Huo...

Huo Tinglan curled his lips in a docile manner, feeling that he had gotten an advantage. He stood at the door and watched quietly. After a full minute, when he had seen enough, he coughed heavily.

The little blanket shook, and a messy head popped out.

"Uncle Huo—"

This time, Ye Ci certainly didn't turn pale like last time, but blushed and opened his arms to Huo Tinglan for a hug, and those shockingly expensive diamond watches and haute couture clothes were crumpled into a ball, warmed in the fragrant, hot and humid quilt. Like a kitten that was finally spoiled, it used the furniture to sharpen its tender claws when no one was around.

Huo Tinglan lowered his eyes and glanced at the pile of clothes that had been wrinkled like pickled mustard greens, and smiled gently: "Miss me so much?"

Ye Ci nodded slightly, hesitantly dived into his arms, pushed open the tie on his chest as if looking for food, pressed the tip of his nose against the gleaming poplin shirt, his nostrils flaring, eagerly absorbing the fresh alpha pheromones.

Huo Tinglan quickly grabbed his left hand which was wrapped in his tie.

This is the tie he wore yesterday.

Because it had been wrapped around Ye Ci's hand and pressed against his nose, the thin cloth strip absorbed the sweat from his palm and the heat from his mouth and nose, becoming wet and damp.

Huo Tinglan touched the wet part of the tie and asked, "Did you lick it?"

"No, that's not it." Ye Ci still had some consciousness left, and hurriedly denied, "I just smelled it for a while."

Huo Tinglan knew that Ye Ci would not do that, but he mischievously pinched the small cartilage on the tip of his nose, pretending not to believe it, and whispered, "Can you get wet just by smelling it?"

"Really, it's really... I smelled it and it's not saliva, it's, it's sweat from my hands."

"Little liar."

"… "

The two of them lingered for a while, and Ye Ci realized that Huo Tinglan was teasing him, so he didn't insist on explaining and just kept sniffing and rubbing against him.

"Give me five minutes, baby." Huo Tinglan kissed those lips until they turned red, fed Ye Ci some pheromones, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Uncle Huo, where are you going?" Ye Ci refused, holding onto the sharp waist under his suit, tilting his head back, and resting his soft cheek on Huo Tinglan's shoulder. His temperament had been turned upside down by the fever, and he had become clingy, but his voice was still youthful and clear, "I feel uncomfortable..."

"I'm going to take a bath," Huo Tinglan tilted his head to touch the kissable cheek and coaxed softly, "Baby, be obedient."

"No, don't wash it." Ye Ci's eyes were bright.

"Together?" Huo Tinglan thought this was what he meant.

Ye Ci shook his head, his voice gradually became as low as a mosquito's buzz, his eyes wandering: "Just don't, don't wash it..."

He just smelled it.

The rich alpha pheromones were mixed with a slight, light, not unpleasant smell of male sweat... It seemed wild and sensual.

The hot hormonal reaction made Ye Ci's throat parched.

If I change it to the scent of shower gel, I suddenly feel like something is missing.

Huo Tinglan raised his eyelids in surprise and smiled implicitly: "I've been busy outside all day..."

Ye Ci lowered his head in embarrassment, but he refused to loosen his arms and said nothing, but his meaning was very clear.

"Baby," Huo Tinglan twisted his jaw and bit him, forcefully, "Why didn't I realize you were so..."

The word that could have made Ye Ci explode with shame was swallowed up by a faint hum.

"Like my tie?"

Huo Tinglan asked.

Ye Ci held the navy blue tie embroidered with silver in his left hand, wondering if he had discovered some little hobbies that he didn't have in his previous life.


Affirmative answer.

"Uncle Huo will teach you how to tie a tie... Be good."

Huo Tinglan picked up another slate-gray tie that he had thrown aside half an hour ago, tied it around Ye Ci's wrists, and slowly tied a knot, saying, "Tie this on your hands."

Then he took out the dark blue one embroidered with silver.

"Does the other one know how to fight?"

After the fever period ended, Huo Tinglan and Ye Ci simply changed rooms to rest.

The mats may need to be replaced as it takes too much time to tidy up. Huo Tinglan doesn't like outsiders touching things that are contaminated with a lot of oga pheromones, and his work schedule for tomorrow is full, so he has to rest first.

Everything is prepared in the guest room, and the bedding will be changed regularly even if it has not been used by guests to avoid dust, so you can sleep right away.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, they went over, but Huo Tinglan had something in his hand.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Ye Ci had a feeling that something was wrong.

Huo Tinglan raised the corner of his lips, shook out the dark blue cloth, and said, "Tie."

It was so wrinkled that it seemed impossible to iron it out, and it looked like it had been fished out of the water, heavy and wet.

The lion embroidered with silver thread is spotted with white.

It feels like it can be scrapped.

"Why are you still taking it?!" Ye Ci could hardly look at it straight in the eye and snatched it away, "It's so dirty."

There is a shadow on the tie!

Huo Tinglan raised his hand and held it high. The height difference of nearly ten centimeters was not exaggerated, but Ye Ci just couldn't reach it. He lay on Huo Tinglan's chest, looking like he was throwing himself into his arms.

"You should wash it quickly if it's dirty." Huo Tinglan looked gentle and taught diligently, "Otherwise you can't wash it out. This is a good tie. Have you forgotten the Huo family motto? 'Be quiet to cultivate yourself, be frugal to cultivate virtue'. I taught you that last time..."

He even had the nerve to bring up the last time.

"Stop fooling me. I asked my mother later and she said there is no such rule in the Huo family motto!" Ye Ci didn't buy it at all and jumped up to grab it.

The "mother" in his words naturally refers to Lin Yao.

Huo Tinglan's heart was heated, and he was even more unwilling to give it to her. He imprisoned Ye Ci shamelessly and kissed him again and again: "Isn't my new family motto okay?"

Ye Ci's fever had just passed and his physical condition was weak. In addition, it was the second half of the night and he was extremely sleepy and tired. He really couldn't make any more noise. After being suppressed by Huo Tinglan several times, he became dispirited and had to give up trying to take back the tie and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that he fell asleep, Huo Tinglan put the tie to his nose and sniffed it for a while, then put it against his lips.

At this moment, the concentration of oga pheromones here is the highest.

…I’m a little reluctant to wash it.

It's really perverted.

Huo Tinglan laughed at himself.

The next day was Sunday.

Ye Ci didn't have to go to school, and he had been busy until the early morning last night, so naturally he wanted to stay in bed for a while. Huo Tinglan, who had a full schedule, was already dressed neatly, and with a hint of the fresh scent of citrus aftershave, he leaned over and kissed Ye Ci's forehead.


Ye Ci half-opened his eyes, sleepy but obedient, and barely raised his head to touch Huo Tinglan's cheek. Before he lost consciousness, something flashed before his eyes, which made Ye Ci alert for a moment, but he was too sleepy, and before he could think, he fell asleep again like a coma.

When he woke up again, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. In order to make up for the time lost by getting up late, Ye Ci did not leave the study room except for eating and going to the toilet. Occasionally he thought that he seemed to have overlooked something important in the morning, but he could not remember it.

However, when he saw Huo Tinglan again at the dining table in the evening, the "important thing" that Ye Ci cared about this morning suddenly broke out in his half-asleep state.

—Huo Tinglan, who had just returned home after a busy day at the company, had the navy blue tie embroidered with silver tied around his neck!

That one!!!

Ye Ci was stunned at first, as if his soul was hooked by the tie and dragged out along the top of his head. After a few seconds, he came to his senses, and his ears and collarbones turned red. Seeing that there was no one around, he was speechless and said, "How, how could you wear it, wear it out..."

"This?" Huo Tinglan looked down at the tie, raised an eyebrow, looked at Ye Ci innocently, and asked softly, "I stayed up late at night, washed and dried it, and rubbed it clean... Why can't I wear it out, baby?"

"… "

Ye Ci's hands tightened when he heard this, and he almost broke his chopsticks.

Washing your tie in the middle of the night without sleeping is problematic in itself!

Are you afraid that if you wash too late, he will destroy the body? !

"You've been wearing this tie all day long," Ye Ci muttered after swallowing, "what have you been doing?"

Huo Tinglan smiled slightly, sat up straight, and reported his schedule to the young gentleman: "At nine o'clock this morning, I attended a board meeting. At ten o'clock in the morning..."

Simply put, I was busy all day.

That's all...

He also took time out to accept an exclusive interview with a famous financial magazine and cooperated with the magazine to shoot the cover of the next issue.

Scenes of life flashed before Ye Ci’s eyes.

Yes, no outsider would know what’s so special about that tie.

But Ye Ci himself knows it!

Not alive anymore!!!

After a long while, Ye Ci finally brought his wandering soul back to earth. He looked at Huo Tinglan with red eyes and accusatory expressions.

"You are so, so bad."

Huo Tinglan nodded, wiped the corners of his lips with a napkin, and sighed: "Who said it wasn't?"

Ye Ci: “…”

What a shameless answer.

Ye Ci put down his chopsticks and stopped eating. With a blushing face, he sat on Huo Tinglan's legs and forcibly untied his tie.

"Give me this tie... I didn't take it."

"You wanna throw it away, baby?"

"Whether you want to throw it away or not, just forget it."

"How can that be possible? The Huo family rules are about frugality..."

"Why don't they add a rule to the Huo family rules, 'People have faces, trees have bark'? Are they afraid that you will take the lead in violating the family rules every day?"

The little stutterer became poorer and poorer.

Huo Tinglan laughed, picked up Ye Ci, whose arms and legs were kicking, and walked to the second floor: "Don't you want to eat? If you don't want to eat, go upstairs."

This tie is going to be confiscated anyway.

Then use it as often as you can.

Tie Chapter End

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