Four Seasons

Chapter 17


Shi Ci was in a very happy mood.

Compared to how cold and aloof she was when I first met Tang Zuo, now I feel inexplicably fulfilled to be able to make her so anxious.

I can't stop at all.

Shi Ci looked at her and tilted his head in confusion, "Why can't you call me sister?"

Then she seemed to suddenly realize, "Do you think I'm too big for you?"

The expression at the end seemed a little hurt.

Tang Zhuo's face flushed immediately, "...No."




Her tone, her expression.

It shouldn't be a blush of shyness, but the rosy cheeks of a beautiful girl like her are enough to arouse Qi's thoughts.

In certain circumstances...

Shi Ci's thoughts really went astray for a second, but she quickly pulled them back and waved her hands with a smile, "I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

Tang Zuo looked at her silently, with surprise, deception, and helplessness flashing across his eyes.

"You're not angry, are you?" Shi Ci smiled and met her gaze, lowering his eyes in front of her, "For the sake of yogurt, don't be angry."

Tang Zuo was always unsure of Shi Ci's way of speaking. She was either at a loss or anxious and embarrassed. Shi Ci was a teacher who had taken care of her many times, so of course she wouldn't be angry.

So she shook her head and explained, "It's not good to be disrespectful."

Shi Ci couldn't help laughing, "Call me Senior Sister, call me Sister, don't call me you, how can you be so disrespectful, Tang Zuo, you are really strict."

Tang Zuo: "I..."

I don’t know how to continue.

Shi Ci waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, whatever you want. I'm just being disrespectful to my brother. Besides, you're not my student, don't worry about it, just relax."

Tang Zuo silently pulled the corners of his lips, revealing an arc that did not quite show a smile.

She always seemed to make the atmosphere awkward, making it impossible for us to chat and laugh easily.

She couldn't liven up the atmosphere, and others had to take the trouble to take care of her emotions, so she was afraid of bothering others and just kept to herself.

But now, Shi Ci was just taking care of her, and she was joking to liven up the atmosphere, right? She seemed really ignorant. Zhang Zinan and Fang Xiuqi, who met Shi Ci for the first time last night, had no psychological barriers and easily called her "sister". It was she who was too entangled.

Shi Ci finished the toast on her plate, drank her coffee, and looked at the girl in front of her who was eating yogurt spoonfully with her head lowered.

Is she in a daze? No, she must be struggling with something. She has already finished eating, but she is still holding the spoon in her mouth without moving.

It's a very common action for ordinary people to do.

Her lips were like a crystal red cherry, plump and small, and the golden spoon seemed to be holding the cherry.

This child is so attractive.

Shi Ci felt that she should indeed be a teacher, not a sister.

After finishing the meal, Tang Zuo wanted to wash the cup, but Shi Ci refused with a smile. She took out the MP3 player for her and walked Tang Zuo to the door.

Tang Zuo whispered to her at the door: "Thank you..."

Shi Ci smiled as if he had expected her to say that, "Oh, you're welcome."

Tang Zuo was not in a hurry to leave. She lowered her face, her extremely long eyelashes trembling, like a pair of butterflies chasing flowers in summer.

She seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage, but she could only whisper, "Thank you, Shi..."

"elder sister… "

A faint blush spread across her thin white skin. She didn't even look up, but turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Shi Ci blinked, then realized what had happened.

Wasn't she really shy just now

Shi Ci closed the door, savored the moment for a few seconds, then touched his lips and smiled.

It felt like a furry animal suddenly hit my heart, and like a light peck on my face.

This little bird is so cute.

The temperature in L City in midsummer has almost reached 40 degrees. This is comparable to the torture of Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. Even the wind blowing is scorching hot, and the ground is about to be scorched.

Shi Ci was on a business trip for a week. She attended two conferences and met many colleagues. Then she returned to school, attended another meeting, met with her graduate students, and entertained two friends from abroad. After seeing them off, time had unknowingly come to August.

In this weather, she doesn't want to go out during the day, so she stays at home to read some books, study papers, and do some exercise. She might go out at night to "heat" and have a drink and listen to some music.

During the day, she was asked by sister Miu to have dinner together in a newly opened shopping mall. Sister Miu liked a Japanese restaurant there.

When Shi Ci drove to the shopping mall, there was a large supermarket on the first floor with many colorful flags hanging overhead, one row after another, with flowing colors, reflecting the bright sunshine at around one o'clock in the afternoon, and the wind made a rustling sound.

She walked around the corner to find the underground garage. The supermarket seemed to be holding some kind of event. A pink, plush bear-shaped doll was handing out flyers. A group of children and parents were surrounding it, posing for pictures.

Shi Ci drove into the underground garage and took the elevator to the upper floor where the Japanese restaurant was located.

They ate slowly for an hour and a half before they finished.

Then the two of them took a walk after dinner, strolling slowly in the mall. Half an hour later, they had already reached the first floor. Sister Miu said:

"It's still too quiet here, and there aren't many shops. How about going somewhere else?"

Shi Ci shrugged to indicate that it was casual.

Sister Miu went to the bathroom, and Shi Ci wandered around aimlessly with his hands in his trouser pockets.

The mall is very large, with many stores on the first floor, but not much traffic and some empty spaces. Shi Ci walked to a remote exit.

Suddenly his eyes froze.

Before coming here, I saw the pink bear taking off its bear mask at the entrance of the supermarket. A young girl was half squatting, her hair was half wet with sweat and stuck to her neck.

It’s Tang Zuo.

She was holding a piece of bread in her mouth, and it was obvious that she was very hungry. She took a big bite, and choked when she swallowed it. She hurriedly opened a bottle of water, took a sip while coughing, and her face turned red from choking, and she covered her chest with her hands. It took her a while to recover.

She ate the bread, coughing once or twice, with her head lowered, ignoring everything around her. Soon she finished the bread and picked up the mineral water bottle to drink.

Shi Ci frowned and stared at them. At this moment, someone walked towards her and Tang Zuo raised his eyes.

Shi Ci retreated silently and hid in a corner nearby where they couldn't see him.

"Go out now that you've had enough rest," the person who spoke was probably a supermarket worker, "Today's milk has not been sold out yet, and you can't leave work until it's sold out."

Tang Zhao nodded, "How much is left?"

"There are about ten boxes left. Come on, work harder. I can pay you only after you sell them all."

"Okay. I'll be out in two minutes." Tang Zuo responded straightforwardly.

After the staff left, Tang Zhao pressed his legs with a painful expression, slowly stood up, wiped the sweat off his face, looked at the mineral water bottle, thought for a moment, and took only a small sip. After taking a deep breath, he put on the pink bear headgear again.

Shi Ci watched as the chubby pink bear picked up the mineral water bottle, threw the bread's transparent paper into the trash can, and walked toward the door with his already unsteady steps, into the scorching summer day.

Shi Ci stood there for an unknown amount of time until he heard Sister Miu's voice, "Why are you here? Let's go."

Shi Ci said "hmm" but didn't move his feet. He turned to Sister Miu and said, "Let's go into the supermarket and have a look."

Sister Miu never goes to the supermarket. All the shopping at home is handled by someone else. She shook her head and said, "What can a supermarket have..."

Before she could finish, Shi Ci had already walked outside.

Sister Miu looked at the entrance of the supermarket not far away in surprise, "Isn't it here?"

Why do you have to go outside

She caught up with Shi Ci's footsteps, and as soon as she went out, the sultry temperature seemed to have spread over her. The sun was shining brightly at four o'clock in the afternoon, and Sister Miu could hardly open her eyes. She hurriedly took two steps back and returned to the shade.

Sister Miu watched Shi Ci walk towards a pink bear that was handing out flyers and actively chatting up passers-by, with question marks popping up above her head.

Shi Ci took a flyer from the pink bear and then walked a short distance into the supermarket.

Sister Miu put her hands on her forehead, saw the supermarket door clearly, and then looked back at the entrance sign of the supermarket inside.

That’s right! It’s the same supermarket!

What is this operation

She could only use her handbag to block the sun and jog over in her high heels.

As soon as I arrived at the supermarket entrance, I saw Shi Ci. She was standing at the door. It seemed that there was a promotion for a certain brand of milk. She handed the flyer to the staff and said, "Here, take fifteen boxes."

Sister Miu almost couldn't stand.

The staff smiled attentively and said, "Thank you for your support of our brand. We can deliver it to you."

Shi Ci scanned the code to pay, and Sister Miu asked puzzledly, "Is this brand of milk delicious?"

"I don't know." Shi Ci took a pen and wrote the address of "heat" to them, "I'll take one box and send the rest here."

"Then..." Sister Miu wanted to ask, but the staff stopped her and explained, "Our brand of milk is produced from... all natural, pollution-free... Today is a promotion, and tomorrow it will return to the original price..."

"No matter how delicious it is, you don't have to buy so much, right?" Sister Miu listened perfunctorily and asked Shi Ci again.

Shi Ci smiled and said, "The dolls they bought are quite cute."

Sister Miu glanced at the chubby and ordinary-looking pink bear outside, which was staring stupidly in their direction. She gave Shi Ci an expression that said, "I really don't understand your taste."

After paying the bill, Shi Ci didn't even look back and walked away chatting and laughing with Sister Miu.

When she drove out of the garage and came here, her eyes roamed back and forth in the square in front of the supermarket. After making sure that the pink bear was no longer there, she withdrew her gaze.

Shi Ci no longer had the mood to go shopping and drove directly back to his parents' home.

In the living room, Shi Hai was wearing a short-sleeved vest and shorts, lying on the sofa with his legs spread out, looking completely undignified. On the coffee table next to him were cluttered with a fruit plate, an iPad, a pizza box that had been eaten and not cleaned up, a laptop, and an open book.

On the other side of the sofa, Pudding was snoring with his head bent over.

The central air-conditioning is on indoors, making it cool and pleasant, completely different from the heat outside.

Shi Ci didn't know why he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He walked to Shi Hai and kicked his outstretched calf.

Shi Hai snorted twice and muttered, "Don't make noise... I..."

Shi Ci glanced at Pudding beside him, who was drooling in his sleep.

Shi Ci sighed lightly and shook his head.

At this time, the cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and it was Chen Yiyi. "You bought so much milk and came to the bar?"

Shi Ci: "Oh, yes. Supermarket promotion."

Chen Yiyi laughed over there, "Okay, I won't ask you why you made this strange decision. All the ladies who come to the heat tonight will have a free bottle."

Shi Ci also chuckled, "Thank you."

"Then will you come over tonight?" It was obviously a very ordinary sentence, but Chen Yiyi's face turned a little anxious.

"Oh, I may have something to do tonight, so I won't go over." Shi Ci didn't think about anything else. He said goodbye casually and hung up the phone.

She opened the carton of milk and put it in the kitchen refrigerator, then opened a bottle for herself, picked up a cup and poured the milk into it.

When she walked in front of the pink bear just now, she was sure that Tang Zuo inside was stunned. It took several seconds before he handed the flyer to her.

"Buy milk over there?" Shi Ci pointed to the supermarket entrance behind her.

The girl in the pink bear nodded.

Shi Ci smiled and walked away.

The flyer had to be taken from her to let the staff know that Tang Zuo had completed her work.

But why choose such a hard job

In such a cramped and airtight space, you can't rest or even drink a sip of water because it's inconvenient to go to the bathroom. The temperature is so high that it's easy to get heatstroke.

Not really.

She had heard from Shi Hai that Tang Zhuo studied very hard and had good grades, so it shouldn't be a problem for her to get a scholarship, and if her family was in financial difficulty, she could also apply for a loan. Besides, she was already working at "Little Rose" and had a salary, and she didn't seem to be a spendthrift, so it should be enough for her tuition and living expenses.

Why would you choose such a hard job

The milk carton was thrown into the trash can. Shi Ci's fair and slender neck moved, he put down the cup and pinched his eyebrows.

No, she had to figure it out.