Four Seasons

Chapter 29


As expected, Shi Ci couldn't make it back this Saturday, and she didn't come back on Sunday either.

Today is another hot summer day. Shi Hai is very tired today. He played games and updated the game yesterday, so he went to bed late. Today he has a lot of exercises. He lies on the table, feeling restless.

Tang Zuo opposite her was wearing a light purple skirt which was unusual for her today, but he didn't bother to look at her.

Just kidding, a girl who nags you to memorize words and do exercises every day will not make him attracted no matter how beautiful she is.

She really has no interest in me at all.

Otherwise, how could you bear to treat me like this

In the middle of the night, Shi Hai woke up from a dream. He was still doing his homework with a pure heart and almost cried out loud.

His sister wasn't here yesterday, and she isn't here today either, so he really wants to be lazy.

He stole a glance at Tang Zuo, who was sitting upright with no expression on his face, thinking with a pen in his hand. While he was still thinking about how to start, Tang Zuo said first, "Take a break?"

"Okay, okay!" He quickly agreed, ran out to the big sofa in the living room, collapsed, and checked his phone. After a while, he found that Tang Zuo didn't come out with him, so he shouted, "Tang Zuo? Where are you?"

The sound of thin footsteps came closer and closer, Tang Zuo walked over, "Have you rested well?"

Shi Hai said repeatedly: "No, no, no, let me discuss with you. Let's not study today. I'm too tired."

Tang Zuo stared at him silently.

Shi Hai begged her bitterly, "I'm really not in the right state today and don't want to study. How about this, I'll do more questions on Monday and forget about it today, okay?"

Tang Zuo did not answer immediately, she just stood there quietly.

At this moment, Shi Hai couldn't understand her again.

During these days of getting along, Shi Hai knew that she studied very hard, was very good at English, and was very strict with him. Other than that, it seemed that she treated him no differently than before.

In front of his mother, he was very polite and the two of them were able to chat happily. To be precise, most of the time it was Ms. Ding who was talking and Tang Zuo who was listening.

Except for being a little reserved when she first came to his house, of course, with Ms. Ding's enthusiasm and talkativeness, no one could get along badly with her.

What caught Shi Hai's attention the most was that he discovered that Tang Zuo got along particularly well with her sister.

Tang Zuo never had a stern face in front of his sister, although he didn't smile often. He would lower his head slightly, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth. His expression was very gentle and his words were very sweet, the kind of polite sweetness, and he called his sister "Professor Shi" all the time.

Shi Hai was very depressed. He knew that his sister was popular with women, but he didn't expect that even Tang Zuo couldn't resist her charm.

He was also struggling over whether or not to tell Tang Zuo about his sister's sexual orientation.

This shouldn't matter, right

Shi Hai had met Shi Ci's first love, who was about the same age as her.

It is said that Shi Ci also had a girlfriend abroad. He had only seen her through video. She was Chinese American and not much older than him.

There is another one in China, her name is Wenwen, she seems to be a model or an actress or something, about six or seven years younger than Shi Ci

Shi Hai went through his sister's girlfriends (as far as he knew) and came to a conclusion - Shi Ci should not be interested in Tang Zuo. Besides, Shi Ci's orientation was her own business, and even if he was her biological brother, he could not come out to the outside world for her.

Shi Hai felt extremely proud of his values.

So the reason why Shi Ci and Tang Zuo get along so well is that women can communicate more easily, right

Shi Hai thought very much.

"In that case, let's do another reading."

Shi Hai didn't expect Tang Zuo to really agree. He turned over suddenly, jumped up with a "whoosh", and opened his arms without thinking. It was definitely an impulsive action. He wanted to hug Tang Zuo.

Tang Zuo subconsciously widened his eyes and stepped back.

"Can't you even give me a hug?" Shi Hai grinned.

"Then there will be more than one reading." Tang Zuo said expressionlessly.

Shi Hai chuckled and touched his head, then sat back on the sofa.

"Go back and do the homework?" Tang Zuo looked at him.

Shi Hai pressed on, "I haven't rested yet!"

Tang Zhao's chest rose and fell slightly. He took a breath and was about to say something when a scream came from the entrance of the living room, "Shi Hai!"

A figure quickly rushed over, jumped lightly onto the sofa, and jumped onto Shi Hai, "Hahaha, long time no see, kid!"

Before Shi Hai could react, his cheeks were pinched. "Who is it? Who is it?"

"It's me! Michelle!"

The person who came was a tall and thin girl with wheat-colored skin. It was only when she spoke that Tang Zhao realized she was a girl, because her hair was really very short, just a thin layer close to her scalp, and it was a beautiful golden brown color. She had deep eyes, a high nose, red lips and white teeth.

"Huh, Lu Michelle?" Shi Hai pushed her aside. "What the hell, where did you come from?"

"Hehehe," the girl named Lu Mixue laughed and slid from him to the sofa next to him, "I came from far away and want to go to you." Her slender fingers pointed at his chest.

"Psycho!" Shi Hai sneered.

"Who is this?" Lu Mixue saw Tang Zuo standing there, looked her up and down, narrowed her eyes, and asked Shi Hai with a smile.


"Xiao Tang, Xiao Hai, you are all here, just in time," Ms. Ding came in from outside, followed by a well-dressed and elegantly behaved lady.

"Xiao Tang, let me introduce you. This is my best friend, Ms. Ma, and this is her precious daughter, Miss Lu Michelle," Ms. Ma smiled and greeted Tang Zhao as Ms. Ding introduced them. Lu Michelle stood up and bowed slightly to Tang Zhao, giving a gentleman's greeting. "Hello, beautiful lady!"

When she stood up, she was half a head taller than Tang Zuo. Her smile was bright, but a little condescending.

"Pfft, you little rascal!" Ms. Ding was amused by Lu Michelle first, "This is Xiao Tang, the tutor who tutors Xiao Hai."

"Oh, hello, Teacher Xiao Tang." Lu Mixue stepped back and stood beside Shi Hai who had just stood up. She hooked her arm around Shi Hai's neck and said, "I'm Xiao Hai's childhood sweetheart!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Who is your childhood sweetheart?" Shi Hai screamed.

"Hey, don't be shy!" Lu Mixue lifted his chin, "Long time no see, you've grown up and become more handsome!"

"You're crazy, don't be so arrogant, I'm two years older than you!"

The two of them were quarreling, and Ms. Ding and her best friend, used to it, had already left the living room to go somewhere else to reminisce about the past. Tang Zuo was left alone, watching the two of them fighting with complete confusion.

She let out a sigh of relief, it seemed like she didn't need to read anymore.

It was a hot day at the end of August, with cicadas chirping and the cool breeze from the courtyard blowing into the corridor, but the air conditioner in the living room was still on and the young people couldn't stand the slightest bit of heat.

Tang Zuo sat alone on the sofa, while the two people opposite him were still twisting and turning and playing.

Lu Michelle's mother, Ms. Ma, once worked with Ms. Ding for a period of time, and after Ms. Ding settled in Shengcheng, the two maintained frequent contacts. Lu Michelle and Shi Hai were of similar age, had played together since childhood, and had a very good relationship.

"We are inseparable like a scale and a weight, and a stick and a mug." Lu Mixue added with a smile.

"Could you please stop using idioms randomly?" Shi Hai asked mercilessly.

"What's wrong with me? A top student in the Faculty of Arts?" Lu Michelle was not annoyed at all. In her self-introduction, she was mixed-race, her father was Australian, her appearance was not a beauty at first sight, but the more you looked at her, the more beautiful she looked. Her clothes were very unique, a short tight T-shirt and hot pants, revealing a tight waist, and two rows of densely packed earrings on both sides of her ears.

Her mother, however, wore an elegant cheongsam and a pearl brooch, which was very different from her style.

It is obvious that Lu Mixue grew up in a relaxed and freedom-loving family, which can be seen from her temperament, conversation and dress. This time when they came to Zhencheng, in addition to visiting the Shi family, they also wanted to see the environment of Zhencheng University.

"I'm going to be a senior in the new semester, and I also want to apply to Nancheng..." Lu Mixue nudged Shi Hai with her elbow, "Hey, hey, hey. I'm also applying to the College of Arts. Can I be your direct junior?"

"No! Can you stay away from me?" Shi Hai disliked her.

"Oh..." Lu Mixue moved to the side, her hand still on Shi Hai's shoulder, "Is it far enough?"

“You’re really annoying!”

According to Shi Hai, they knew each other since they were very young. When they were young, Lu Michelle grew up faster and taller than him. She had no sense of being a younger sister and loved to tease him all day long. She smeared his favorite coat with ice cream, sprinkled sand in his sneakers, and put a remote control speaker under his bed, which would ring in the middle of the night. The eerie and strange clown laughter echoed throughout his room, scaring him to tears.

"Her crimes are simply too numerous to list!" Shi Hai said to Tang Zuo. He was still angry when he thought about it now, and looked like he was complaining to Tang Zuo about his grievances. "I had nightmares for several days!"

“Oh, didn’t I apologize? We watched The Dark Knight at that time, and didn’t we both love the Joker played by Heath Ledger? You still remember it now…” On the surface, Lu Mixue is a boyish girl, carefree and unconcerned about details, but when she said this, she deliberately prolonged the ending of her voice and pretended to be delicate. Shi Hai trembled and got goose bumps all over his body.

Tang Zhao was extremely helpless. She wanted to leave. This week was very boring. Yesterday was okay, but today's efficiency was too low. She also clearly felt that Lu Michelle didn't like her very much. She was not welcome either. What was she still doing here

"Shi Hai, since your friend is here, today's tutoring will not count and will end here." Tang Zuo stood up and the next sentence was, "I'm leaving first."

Shi Hai stopped her from saying this in time, "Don't leave yet!"

Ms. Ding suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said, "Yes, yes, Xiao Tangzhuo, don't leave yet. Let's go out for dinner together later?"

“Aunt Ding, I’ll go back to school to eat…” Tang Zuo was about to refuse.

"When you go back to school, you still eat in the cafeteria. What delicious food is there in the cafeteria?" Shi Hai asked hurriedly.

"Yes," Ms. Ding looked at Tang Zuo, smiled, and suddenly said, "It seems that Shi Ci can't make it today. She called me and said that she wants to invite you to dinner."

After Ms. Ding said this, she looked at Tang Zuo with her eyes still bright and full of smile. In her eyes, the young girl was obviously stunned after hearing her words.

Ms. Ding's heart was filled with complicated and inexplicable thoughts, but she kept smiling. "Is this settled?"

Tang Zuo pursed his lips and hesitated.

"Hey, I think Teacher Tang seems very hesitant, so don't force her." Lu Mixue sat back on the sofa, her smile having a puzzling depth.

"I want Tang Zuo to stay. What's it got to do with you?" Shi Hai said unhappily.

"..." Lu Mixue shrugged and blinked innocently, "Why are you so fierce? I didn't say anything!"

"You started quarreling again." Ms. Ding shook her head and laughed. It was obvious that she had advised them countless times before.

Ms. Ma also came out and continued with a smile, "They quarrel as soon as they meet. They are really a pair of little enemies."

Lu Mixue smiled and said, "Who told me to like him?"

She must have said this many times, but never once did Shi Hai get so angry. "I don't like you!" He scratched his hair in anger, glanced at Tang Zuo, and blurted out,

"I like Tang Zuo!"

The author has something to say: Get well soon, cough!

There will be more tomorrow night, but it may be a little later. Thank you to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [deep-water torpedo]: just order an ice cream, _____ McDull ww, abc, and a slowly beating hair;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [shallow water bomb]: 1 handsome bamboo;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [bazooka]: g, Yi Yong, Yan Fei, Wu Wu, Lin Xiaozong, Yi Yi, San Chome, abc, Xiao Bu Yu, kenq 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the [grenade]: 35695028, 33582420, Cong Jian 2; Passerby Just Passing By, Tang Fenzi, Feihua Lage Qingli, Jixia Academy, Bubble Teapot, Chen Huhu, Sanliujiu, A Expanding Cat, Gu Jijij, sixty, Zhizunbao, y: 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Yunshenjiuzhichu 6; Xiaotilang, I said I was Ansheng 3; 35695028, a relatively green dog, jing 2; want to raise a Tao Anzhi, white porridge, a small dried fish, cotton candy, shellfish, oha, can't name, small monster, Scorpio tail ring, naifen, flying wolf, Linghan, black-mouthed dog, 30570943, Lin Mucun, stg cat, Hongmei, online wave watching first-level student, 00, ~, frejabai, carmen, short song, parmesan cheese, zero, dawn-captai, southwest bird, teacher Qingluo, clear, milk can, a candy, student Shen Runfu, south window, tang, Mulinda, the third-line fan of Dengda, big cotton jacket, stranded 171, fox's window, Tianbing No. 1, 21, akiradd, summer, ya:, Anan is here, I love to read articles, Tiao Xiaotong, various, Mu Xiao, carbon dioxide, a lot of sugar, drink a cup of tea before leaving, mitzu, just want to see if the nickname has any words, gaoh, freja, Mu Sheng, three thousand, veggieg, 32670345, Si Si, unscrupulous supplies, Hu Xiaojuan, a piece of sweet cookie, Scorpio cat, kenq, the mountain is higher over there, roon_, cho, la la la ~, 50-1, fanatic, lime soda, yoondy 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

200 bottles of Bujime; 145 bottles of nineyear09; 107 bottles of Cangyou; 100 bottles of Emoji Pack is also very desperate; 80 bottles of Tuanchengtuan, Cat Ball; 76 bottles of 35218207; 70 bottles of soup, 26527604, Feeding Mosquito Drop Box; 66 bottles of Huang; 60 bottles of Sanliujiu; 50 bottles of Yuntu, Nan, Universe Peace Card Card, Amber Morning Star; 49 bottles of 27412230; 48 bottles of Chongshan, Zanghan; tang 47 bottles; zero, Wuwu 40 bottles; in fact 36 bottles; Zhenzhenqi 32 bottles; Shang, Sheya, Yu 30 bottles; Feihua Lageqingli 28 bottles; Shiqingluo 26 bottles; Eat Eat Eat Eat 25 bottles; Study Hard 24 bottles; Jiligulu Little Fox 23 bottles; No Need, Ha, 26001227, Floating Life Everyday, thlhuhu, Just Xiaobai l, Yiyi, Carbon Dioxide Lots of Sugar, 34344014, stg cat, Why are your eyes always bright, scattered, I just want to see if there are any words in the nickname, Just like an old friend returning. , Buckwheat, High Cold Fang, Floating Life, Invader 20 bottles; Poooool, Light 16 bottles; rwby 15 bottles; Talk 14 bottles; White Sugar Joy 13 bottles; Eat organic vegetables to lose weight, unscrupulous products, 24818707, Yu Qiu, Pu'er, biubiu1234, forgetful. Master, I lack words, Ermu Ya, Sanqian, Yanse, Huashao, hjj, anna, Xiaobaixiang 317, longlongago..., small black room, Miss Tian's Xiaoqi, interesting man, why is it so exciting, 18782672, 6, guess, canned low salt, paropa, 36037895 ,35695028,root,stupidcucumber,rawflower,25087747,hwang722,good,Ai Mu Gemini,34167692,talking and laughing,green onion,26380557,19998201,wowllivander,Yue Liang Feng Hua Ran,26269525,zenith,34732861,Bei 10 bottles;Cat,Monday 9 bottles;Mo Shanshan,26522247 8 bottles; 7 bottles of the unremarkable nice guy; Qingque, ginger sauce, bug, say I love you 1314l, yellow, koala tree bear, 6 bottles of 33286438; simple, Nanyang, stone rose, Yunling of the ten thousand year general attack, cute little teacher, Ju Ze, which cookie are you, Wu, what does the polar bear drink, 34923108, what flower, cloud, ink on water Ze, A Dai, Mu Qingmu, Shui Li, from water to wood, dawn-captai, eight thousand miles, daysfromjuly, wow 5 bottles; An Nan is here, Hua Qi Zhuo 4 bottles; the night is cool like water, Shuanghui King of Kings, hate to eat fish, Leng Fei, free 3 bottles; missing168, sweet and sour pork ribs, the little prince, 18778921, y:, inexplicably, 30449296, 锘 2 bottles; Lan Lan just wants to shake her head, Lixie boy, piggy girl, lost cloud, 22951838, 35902701, ?? Dream is a lonely one, delusion, forest witch, thirteen young protectors, 27302010, I fly in my dream, cute, excellent, Mr. Neurotic, Luoshi flag, food, He Xiaoguai, deep dive party, stylo, walz, three points of meaning, rain falls in Chang'anze, Mei Xiaoning, first in grade, hee hee, forget the river, empty mountain cloud turns into rain, Ming Xiaoqi, full of clear dreams, procrastination is my life 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!