Four Seasons

Chapter 38


The next day, Shi Ci and Tang Zuo both had classes. When they arrived at the clinic, it was already evening. The kitten had already been treated and was wearing a collar, although it was still dirty.

Doctor Lu was the one who received them. She had rested for a day and her mood had improved. However, the shadow of the show of affection yesterday was still there. She decided to handle the matter in a businesslike manner and make a quick decision. "The cat's injury is not serious. She can't touch water for now. But she is a little timid and afraid of strangers. She didn't cooperate when applying medicine. I have to ask you a question first," Doctor Lu looked at them, "Are you just rescuing her, or are you planning to adopt her?"

Tang Zuo did not have a fever after getting vaccinated last night, but she felt weak all day. The injection site was a little red and swollen, and her arm was sore. She had been thinking about the cat problem all day.

Doctor Lu saw Tang Zuo's dilemma and said, "You look like you are still a student. I don't recommend you to adopt a child. That would be irresponsible."

Tang Zhao's mood suddenly became heavy, "... I understand."

"I'll take care of it." Shi Ci suddenly spoke at this time, her expression calm and her tone firm.

Tang Zhuo looked at her suddenly. Shi Ci smiled at her and turned to ask Dr. Lu, "Is there anything specific that I should pay attention to?"

Doctor Lu raised his eyebrows. This guy’s attitude today was pretty good.

"This collar must be worn properly, and don't let it lick the wound. It is not recommended to bathe her. If the wound is dirty, it must be disinfected before applying medicine. Apply wound ointment three times a day, and take anti-inflammatory medicine twice a day... I will prescribe nutritional paste and prescription cat food for her. I will write down the follow-up questions, precautions, and review time in detail in the doctor's instructions."

Tang Zuo couldn't help but touch the kitten's head. The little guy recognized her scent and called to her in a soft voice.

Shi Ci, who loves cleanliness, glanced at the dirty, gray little body and said, "You can't even touch water?"

Dr. Lu said: "Kittens are more afraid of water, and you need to prevent their wounds from getting infected by water. If it is a hygiene issue, you can quickly wipe it with a wet towel and remember to blow it dry quickly."

"Okay." Tang Zhuo listened carefully. "If it's dirty, do I need to use iodine to disinfect the wound?"

"Yes, that's right," Dr. Lu nodded. "I can prescribe it, too. Please add my work WeChat account and ask me any questions you have."

"Oh, okay," Tang Zuo went to get his phone.

Shi Ci had already taken out his phone, "Add me."

Dr. Lu stared at the iPhone in front of him, holding back the smile that was coming out of his heart. He looked at her calmly and shrugged, "No problem."

After the two paid the money, they walked out side by side, one holding the kitten and the other carrying a bag of cat food, medicine and the like.

This is a beautiful picture that looks like a love movie.

It's so dazzling!

Forget it, as a single woman, she should just focus on her work.

Tang Zuo followed Shi Ci back home and carefully used a half-wet warm handkerchief to wipe the kitten. She was very patient and wiped it bit by bit, coaxing it softly. After a while, the kitten's original white fur was revealed, with orange patterns on its body and clear green eyes.

"You are so beautiful." Tang Zuo smiled with curved eyebrows.

The kitten meowed, as if responding to her praise.

"Give it a name." Shi Ci looked at her with very gentle eyes.

Tang Zuo looked at her with sparkling eyes. Ever since he heard her say in the store that she wanted to keep the kitten, Tang Zuo looked at her with much more eagerness than before.

Shi Ci liked this kind of look very much.

"What name should we give it?" Tang Zuo scratched the little cat's head on her lap with her fingers and smiled at Shi Ci. That smile was more relaxed and cheerful than usual.

Shi Ci liked her smile very much.

"Hmm..." Shi Ci lazily leaned against the sofa and stroked his chin, "Yeah, what's a good name?"

Tang Zuo wore a color-blocked sweatshirt, the sleeves and collar were grass green, the chest was light gray, no pattern, no pattern. It was an extremely simple style.

The green spot made her small face look crystal clear. The line from her nose to her lips was so soft and delicate. The loose style outlined her thin and soft shoulders and neck, with slightly undulating ridges.

Tang Zhuo was playing with the cat with her head down, so she didn't notice Shi Ci's eyes wandering over her. But even if she was seen, Shi Ci didn't want to restrain herself. She curled her lips and smiled slightly, and suddenly an idea came to her mind: "How about calling me Jiujiu?"

Tang Zuo paused and raised his face in surprise.

Shi Ci's eyes flickered slightly, but the curve of his lips remained the same. "What's wrong? Is it... your nickname is also Jiujiu?"

“…” Tang Zuo was silent for a moment and lowered his head again.

If she had some experience, Shi Ci thought, if she knew how to flirt, she would say, "What? If you want me to be called Jiujiu, then I am Jiujiu." She might move towards her.

"Well, that's the nickname my father gave me." But in fact, Tang Zuo, this young and inexperienced girl, didn't know any tricks. She could only say it directly.

Shi Ci retracted her feet and put away her other thoughts. She said, "Then let's change one?"

Tang Zhuo thought of the dog at Shi Ci's home, "Pudding is a cute name."

"Hmm..." Shi Ci showed a nonchalant expression and shrugged, "Shi Hai took it."

"Between dogs and cats, do you prefer dogs?" Tang Zuo suddenly asked.

Shi Ci thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Tang Zuo was silent again.

"You are afraid of pudding, you like cats more, right?" Shi Ci asked her with a smile.

"Well... I was chased by a dog when I was a child and almost got bitten." Tang Zuo said softly, the kitten in her arms looked up at her with its collar on.

I don’t know what to say.

She just picked up the kitten, and all other expenses were paid by Shi Ci. Shi Ci also took her to get the vaccinations, and now Shi Ci has to raise the kitten for her. Even though she doesn't like cats that much, Tang Zuo knows that Shi Ci will take good care of the little guy.

Because Shi Ci is such a person.

She was so nice that Tang Zuo couldn't think of any way to thank her.

"Then you choose the name?" Shi Ci said with a smile.

"It's okay to call her 'jiujiu'." Tang Zuo said in a low voice.

"That won't work. There can only be one Jiujiu in the world." Shi Ci looked at her.

Tang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and was too embarrassed to say that she was definitely not the only one in the world with this nickname. She felt a little uncomfortable and did not answer immediately.

"How about this, then call me Qiuqiu?"


It's a bit like her nickname. This kitten was also picked up in the fall. It's also a suitable name for a baby girl. Tang Zhao thought about it, and thought about it again. He liked it more and more. He touched the kitten's head and asked, "Do you like this name?"

"Even if I don't like her, I can't refuse her." Shi Ci shrugged.

"That's true. You can only accept it." Tang Zuo nodded.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

After laughing, neither of them spoke.

At nightfall, Tang Zuo didn't know what time it was. She glanced out the window. The teachers' dormitory area was not as lively as the student area. It was quiet and unfamiliar. It was another different adult world.

There was only one light on in Shi Ci's apartment, and the light was a soft, milky white, and cozy. She was wearing a dark blue silk jumpsuit, her long legs slumped in the sofa, and her gaze at herself was like the light.

This was the first time Tang Zuo saw Shi Ci in her homely state at night. He had a very strange feeling and an urge to get close to her.

"Is there anything I can do?" Tang Zuo said softly, "I can't trouble you with everything..."

"Of course, sometimes I'm busy and can't take care of this little one. You have to take care of her too."

Tang Zhao nodded vigorously, "I will!"

"Then we have a deal. Qiuqiu is raised by both of us. You can't be lazy."

Tang Zhao shook his head, his eyes firm, "Of course I won't!"

Shi Ci raised his lips and smiled.

In the following days, Tang Zuo often went to see Qiuqiu. It was the first time for her to keep a pet, and she was concerned about every detail. She looked up a lot of information on the Internet, took a lot of notes, and her chat history with Shi Ci on WeChat continued to increase.

Shi Ci was very generous, and in her residence, cat litter, food bowls, cat beds, cat toys, various cat foods, cat cans and snacks appeared one after another.

Every time, she would make an appointment with Tang Zuo to take Qiuqiu to follow-up visits and vaccinations. Under their joint and careful care, Qiuqiu quickly recovered her health, gained weight, and became much braver.

After Shi Ci, he also bought an automatic cat toilet, an automatic cat feeder, and even had a remote monitoring camera installed so that Tang Zuo could see Qiuqiu through his mobile phone anytime and anywhere.

Tang Zhuo was very happy and would open it from time to time to take a look. He would also open it before going to bed at night and chat with Shi Ci.

Zhang Zinan also noticed it and was curious, "Whose cat is this?"

Tang Zuo is like all new pet owners who can't help but show off their furry children, "Isn't she cute? Look at her eyes!"

Zhang Zinan praised, "It's very cute." She also looked sharp, "Whose home is this? You, eh, this isn't a video on the Internet?"

Tang Zuo explained to her, "This is a stray cat I picked up a few days ago, and now I'm keeping it with Professor Shi..."

Zhang Zinan listened, his eyes widened, and he looked at Tang Zuo's phone from time to time, tilting his head to try to understand, "So... now this cat, ah, no, Qiuqiu, what's this strange name? Are you and Professor Shi raising it?"

"Yeah, that's right." Tang Zuo nodded. She hesitated for a moment and didn't say that her nickname was Jiujiu, nor did she say why they chose this name.

Zhang Zinan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was, so he could only say, "Then you and Professor Shi have a really good relationship!"

Then Zhang Zinan saw for the first time that her roommate was startled, with a coy expression on her face, and whispered, "... No, either."

Zhang Zinan stared at the blush that unconsciously appeared on her cheeks. He was touched by her cuteness for a moment and hugged her and laughed, "Oh, you have this side of you. Hahahaha, why are you shy?"

Tang Zhuo was caught off guard by her hug and was stunned, "... Which side of me?"

"Pfft, Professor Shi is so nice. Wow, these things are so expensive!" Zhang Zinan exclaimed.

"Yeah! She is really nice!" Tang Zuo smiled unconsciously.

Zhang Zinan glanced at her and wanted to say something but held back.

She has a much wider network of contacts than Tang Zuo, and her social skills are much stronger than Tang Zuo. There are some rumors about Shi Ci, a figure like her, on campus, but Shi Ci was not in her social circle before, and Zhang Zinan was too lazy to pay attention.

Now it seems she will have to inquire again.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support, my dears. Thank you for your long reviews, and thank you for the little angels who understand my intentions.

I will continue on Monday. Thank you to the little angels who cast their votes or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Deep Water Torpedo]: 1 low-key fungus;

Thanks to the little angels who cast the [shallow water bomb]: Lin Xiaozong, LC, and Linghan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [bazooka]: 3 for snoring, 2 for g, 1 for smiling without speaking, Zhao Sixi, shinew, Yi Yong, and Zhizunbao;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [hand grenades]: I said I was Ansheng 2; Yanyan the Great Devil, Kinki, Fox Lemon, Haiying, Bei, 27409945, Wuzui Dog, Feihua Lage Qingli, Bubble Teapot 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: 35695028 6; pluto., Lin Mei, Mu Xiao 3; lindersay, kukukuma, jing, Wu Zui Gou, dawn-captai, Li Xiaodanting 2; 9053950, Mu Linda, cotton candy, Perper is Perper, Mo Li, kiwi fruit is not strange, junior sister, 20345209, Gu Ji Ji J, kindergarten adults, shallow language, overnight pizza, xml_ee, 33631502, Juelong, sixty, I think I can grow taller, z, love to read text, 20163819, passers-by just pass by, small barrel, student Shen Runfu, little sun, Wu Rendi , Ergou has no traffic, Boss has ten beef skewers, 50-1, kumo, cho, Fox's window, Anan is here, ya:, ?, Scorpio tail ring, grace, Meng, Yaojier, oha, 21, can't name, fanatic, one house, two children, three meals, four seasons, 17019134, 27409945, Chen Huhu, a mouthful of monkey shochu, pink salmon, frog, Weihuanger, carmen, a grain of chicken popcorn, purple light, floating life, mango, veggieg, procrastination free elf, Musheng, Chang'an, light blue sky, sunny, square face that can't think of a name, Wei. , yellow peach can, snoring, azzz_, Lao Wu, la la la ~, 27935254, Yuan Yi Baichuan, a swollen cat 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Hu Xiaojuan 62 bottles; obsessive-compulsive disorder patients, Tianrin 60 bottles; To explore the tomb 54 bottles; Fen, Gao Wen, nineyear09, LC, YM, Ah Le! 40 bottles; Xiong Zhezhe 38 bottles; Fanfan Fanfan Fanfan x1000, This Time, LT 30 bottles; Professional milk tea purchasing agent, Baguo's envy 28 bottles; Li Xijume 26 bottles; Universe Peace Card Card, 18857533, Fox Lemon, Salted Fish Is Salty, Deng Da Girlfriend Powder, Hopeless, Floating Days, They Say, Dongmen Hunting, Moral Morality, Lemon Ginger, Ouyang囧, A Braker Without Emotions 20 bottles; Xixi 18 bottles; Flower Maniac 16 bottles; Wide 14 bottles; Hua Qi Zhuo, Wish, The Taste of Life is Pure Joy 12 bottles; Yellow Peach Can, October_z., Er Gou Has No Traffic, Sanniu, Wang Xiaoyang, The Moon is Different from Branches, Xiaoxiao, Comfortable, Lin Lu, Er Yuan, Lin Lu, European Town, Chang'an, Xiao Bai Xiang 317, Eleven, Shinew, Lu_lu, Fu Sheng 10 bottles; Qin Zhi, Xiang Yun Fei Yan 8 bottles; Nan Yang 7 bottles; 35695028, Xiao Yi You 6 bottles; Yu W, Xu Kong, Star, Domo I, Fan Zai, Jessie, Mon, Did You Write Wu San Today, Wett, Tomato Sailboat, Ben Dang, It's Very Strange Tiamo, Ming Yue Ah 5 bottles; Yuyejunn, Sweet Not Cruel 4 bottles; Piggy girl, Three Lives on the Stone, Always Missing, First in Grade, Weather, Sunny, Brother Yue'er, Pomelo, One Ear and Crooked Tail, Cool Night, 3 bottles; Feng Xiyang, Southward There is a Cat Named Orange, Milk Salt Xiaobai, Yuu, Time to Eat, Smoky Rain and Shengge, 2 bottles; Procrastination is my life, Baibao, KK., Tay, Junior Sister, Walking in the Sun, Mei Xiaoning, A Grain of Chicken Popcorn, G, Confused, Yiyi, Long Legs, Small Parentheses, Twenty-Seven, Nan Yi. 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!