Four Seasons

Chapter 43


Tang Zuo had never experienced such a hug before. Although they were both women, this hug was so different from Zhang Zinan's.

Shi Ci just hugged her gently, their clothes touched each other, and their body temperature shone through. Only then did Tang Zuo realize what was happening. Shi Ci put one hand on her shoulder and stroked her hair with the other.

Very warm, but also very tense.

She was much taller than herself. Tang Zuo saw that the buttons on her collar were unbuttoned, in the shape of a pearl. She could also smell the scent coming from deep within Shi Ci's collar.

Tang Zhao moved slightly uncomfortably, moved her body a little further away, lowered her head, and raised her hand to wipe the tears from her cheek. Suddenly, her hand was held by Shi Ci, who first pinched her fingers, slid down, and then covered her hand with her palm.

Tang Zuo's heart began to pound. She was unsure whether to pull her hand back. She still kept her head down.

"Chirp..." She heard Shi Ci calling her softly.

Tang Zhao's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but raise his face.

It's been a long time since anyone called her that.

When Shi Ci's fingers touched her cheek, Tang Zuo trembled again, and her body was unable to move for a moment.

It has been a long time since anyone wiped her tears.

No, it was as if she was the only one crying, whimpering, sobbing, and wailing, and then she would clean up the mess on her face after her emotions calmed down.

She blinked her wet eyelashes and finally saw Shi Ci's eyes clearly.

Care, love, compassion... and a deeper meaning that she couldn't understand at the moment.

Deep and gentle.

There was a sudden magnetic attraction between them.

Tang Zuo watched Shi Ci's face getting closer and closer. Her skin was impeccably delicate, and her light, pleasant scent also approached, permeating the air in front of her nose.

Tang Zuo's expression was stunned, but her body reacted before her. She avoided Shi Ci's approach and took a step back.

Her lips parted in disbelief as she stared at her.

Shi Ci's hand suddenly fell into thin air, and she moved her body and stood firm.

Tang Zhao's breath was trembling, and his neck was already covered with goose bumps.

Shi Ci seemed to be hesitant to speak, and she didn't come over, but just stretched out her hand again.

However, Tang Zuo lost the ability and courage to respond, and turned around and ran out.

"..." Shi Ci took a step forward and then retracted it. The room was completely silent until Qiuqiu came over and meowed.

After several seconds, she let out a short sigh.

Zhang Zinan was sitting at the small table on the upper bunk, listening to music with headphones on, shaking her head as she worked on a PPT for her literature homework. The door of the room vibrated slightly, and she stopped to listen, but didn't hear anything, so she continued to do her own thing.

After a while, she drew aside the bed curtain and saw a man sitting in front of the desk in a daze, "Tang Zuo?"

"When did you come back?" She climbed out of bed in surprise, feeling that she was in a strange state. "What's wrong?"

Tang Zuo's face was pale under the light, his eyes were slightly red, and his gaze was still.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zinan moved closer to her.

Tang Zhao’s eyes moved, and she seemed to have just seen Zhang Zinan in front of her, “Oh…” Her consciousness just came back, and at the same time, the movements and the look in her eyes also came back.

Zhang Zinan watched as her slightly red eyes began to spread and her cheeks turned pink. She looked emotionally complicated, not like she was unhappy, nor happy, but rather like she was frightened.

"Nothing..." Tang Zuo replied in a low voice, stood up to tidy up the desk, and took out the things in her bag. Zhang Zinan looked at her, "Hey, I said this morning... Well, it's not good to talk about Professor Shi behind his back..."

Tang Zuo paused, "..."

"Well... we're not fighting, are we?"

Tang Zhao was distracted: "Oh... It's okay." She murmured, avoiding Zhang Zinan's questioning and busying herself with her own things.

Zhang Zinan didn't think much about it, but in the next few days she found that there was really something wrong with Tang Zuo. Her daily routine used to be very regular. She went to the classroom, library, cafeteria, and dormitory at almost the same time every day, and the time she chatted with her was almost the same every day. But recently she was even more silent than when they first met. It wasn't the kind of silence that came from thinking, but rather she was in a daze and struggling.

Zhang Zinan had no choice but to wait for her since Tang Zuo refused to communicate with her.

It was another week of tutoring time. Tang Zuo stood under an old golden ginkgo tree in the teachers' dormitory area for a long time before slowly going upstairs.

In a familiar place, the lovely Qiuqiu came out to greet them, and Shi Hai and Mi Xue poked their heads out to greet her.

Shi Ci is not here.

"My sister went on a business trip. I think she went to Shanghai for a meeting or something." Shi Hai said.

"Haha, there are only three of us and no parents, haha! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" Michelle laughed.

Tang Zuo walked in slowly. For a moment, a feeling swept through his mind, and he didn't know whether it was nervousness or relief.

During the break, Tang Zuo picked up his phone and searched for the journal of the Chinese Operations Research Society, the Journal of Operations Research, and the Shanghai University Operations Research Society Members Conference held at Shanghai University...

Shi Ci really was on a business trip.

"What are you looking for?" Michelle leaned over and glanced at her screen, and Tang Zuo subconsciously put the phone down.

Michelle had already seen a few words. She curled her eyes and said, "Are you thinking about Sister Shi?"

"… I just searched out of curiosity." Tang Zhuo said calmly. Suddenly she thought of something and asked Michelle, "Have you always called Professor Shi sister?"

Michelle tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Yes."

"... She asked you to scream... and..." Tang Zhao's eyes dropped to the screen of her mobile phone, and her face was reflected in the dark and locked screen.

"Emmmm..." Michelle was puzzled and explained word by word, "... Shi Ci is Shi Hai's sister, so I call her sister," her voice suddenly lowered, "but I think given the age difference between her and me, I can actually call her auntie..."

"What are you talking about?" Shi Hai asked when he heard them talking.

"Oh, I said I should call Sister Shi Aunt Shi." Michelle said in a normal voice.

"Haha, if you don't want to lose your life you can call her that." Shi Hai mocked her.

Michelle stuck out her tongue, "I dare not, oh!" She turned to Tang Zhao and widened her eyes, "Have you noticed that even when Sister Shi is not around, I dare not speak loudly about her behind her back!"

"Hahaha, you're such a coward..." Shi Hai laughed at her.

After finishing her lessons, Tang Zhao went downstairs. The autumn air was getting stronger and stronger. It was dark before six o'clock. She stepped on the leaves and the slightly cold wind blew on her face. The dialog box of Shi Ci in the WeChat app on her phone was quiet, with no new messages.

Sister and stuff... it's really complicated.

By the next weekend, tutoring was suspended for a week because of the autumn school sports meeting.

Tang Zuo went to the university's large playground, found the headquarters of the School of Arts, and came to the campsite of Shi Hai's class.

Shi Hai was participating in the 1,500-meter long-distance race. Michelle was standing on the highest step beside the playground, holding a megaphone and shouting at him, "Come on! Come on! Shi Hai! If you win, I'll be your girlfriend!"

The first lap of the 1,500-mile long-distance race had just begun. Shi Ci was running in third place. When he heard this, he slipped and almost fell. He was immediately overtaken by someone behind him. He glared at Michelle viciously and swore at her.

"Hahaha, I love you." Michelle made a heart shape with her fingers towards him and raised her arms above her head. She didn't seem angry at all.

Tang Zhuo was a little reluctant to stand next to her, as it was too conspicuous. Michelle pulled her over and said, "Come on, come on, let's cheer for Shi Hai together!"

In such a noisy environment of the playground, Tang Zuo looked around without showing any expression.

"Sister Shi Ci won't come. It's too noisy here!" Michelle took the time to glance at her.

Tang Zuo: "... I came to..."

Michelle smiled: "Aren't you here to cheer for Shi Hai?"

Tang Zhao didn't know how to answer. This week she was in a much better state than last week, and her mind wandered less. She kept recalling Shi Ci's eyes, tone, and movements that night.

Time seemed to have passed too long and her memory began to blur. Could it be that she had misunderstood the atmosphere of that night? Could it be that she had misunderstood the meaning, so Shi Ci felt embarrassed and wanted to avoid her.

No, why did she think Shi Ci was avoiding her

She had to go on a business trip last week, and she may have other things to do this week. After all, she is a professor and a teacher, and it is impossible for her to often appear in places where students have activities.

It turned out that they were not so destined to meet. As long as Shi Ci didn't come to see her, they would not have much chance to meet.

"Did you have a fight?" Michelle's voice rang out.

"No." Tang Zhao shook her head. She hesitated and said uncertainly, "Maybe there is a little misunderstanding..."

"Oh, that's nothing, just talk it out." Michelle held her head high, keeping her eyes on Shi Hai.

Tang Zuo looked at her with feeling. With her vibrant spirit and outstanding appearance, Michelle was truly a person who lived seriously and passionately.

Very dazzling and enviable!

"Oh, Sister Shi Ci's birthday seems to be coming soon, did you know? You can take this opportunity to explain everything to her, don't worry." Michelle threw down a message, "Shi Hai is about to sprint, I have to leave..."

She jumped down the stairs and quickly ran towards the finish line, shouting as she ran, "Shi Hai! Go!"

Soon, deafening roars, applause and laughter rushed into the blue sky. I didn’t know who the champion was, but I could feel the joy of expressing my feelings directly.

Tang Zuo's thoughts drifted away, and her gaze passed the playground and fell on the place she wanted to go.

The author has something to say: Little angels, please leave me comments.

I will continue tomorrow, maybe a little later. Thank you to the little angels who cast their votes or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast the [shallow water bomb]: Lin Xiaozong 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [bazooka]: DiDiJun, LingHan, 22456004, XiaoBuYu, Qingwa, 1 lc;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [grenades]: 35695028 2; Yanfei, sixty, Xiaoshicheng Qingxi, Zhizunbao, 50-1, jandj, kenq, Shangsi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: 35695028 10; Shangsi 8; 19664195 7; ge; ya: 5; nico 4; cho, Muxiao 3; Laowu, Haiying, Meng, kenq, jing 2; Xiaohua sister, an early riser Ajun, vegetable sandwich, cotton candy, love to read, overnight pizza, Luo Bing, Mulinda, guitar, an inflated cat, Momo, Xiaopishen, stranded 171, 9053950, fox's window, I think I can grow taller, Xinren 2222, 33591858, pink salmon, Yang Chaoyue's designated girlfriend, Zhigui, koala tree bear, oha, 36204755, Scorpio tail ring, Woo Wow, celery, Erzhan, azzz_, dry pot shrimp is delicious, veggieg, red deer is a little sweet, la la la ~, Yuan Yi Baichuan, one, passers-by are just passing by, Dongchang little eunuch, 35406392, shoot, nihilistic perverse logic, boon lan, mango, kiwi fruit is not strange, Linma, a mouthful of monkey shochu, strong liquor into the throat, Sasa asuka, Shangcheng soap, bubble teapot, Tongze 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

200 bottles of Bo Shiyi; 50 bottles of Hu Xiaojuan; 40 bottles of strong liquor; 35736250, Xixi丶, Tiangua Black Dog, Mimi, hi lemon 30 bottles; 25 bottles of Jiaohu; Wanna eat small cakes?, Qizi, Eryuan, Erhuan racing young master, 35925261, a very good life, 24818707 20 bottles; 18 bottles of flood; 16 bottles of 34120375; 15 bottles of.; grinee 12 bottles; Drink a ladle of Luochuan water, Juanererer Gantang, Yuan Yi Baichuan, Dawn-captai, Luobing, Xiaoyiyou, Su Ge, 36037895, Sanqi, 26380557, Like a poem and a picture, Yizhi, givenny, 21, Did Wu Xuanyi have a good time today, Jinnian, Shuang, Guangzhichu, Albus, Lu_lu, 226 sauce, lemonl123, I am free today 10 bottles; French beans 9 bottles; Yihe 8 bottles; Qianjing, Xiangyun Feiyan 7 bottles; Suifeng, Lengfei 6 bottles; How many mangoes are there, dudu, Red Deer's Cuteness, Fantao, our brother Zao, Sciatica, Not Straight, Cool Summer, jessie, Jiusan Society, Xinzhai, Baihuahua, Li Baitian 5 bottles; Mountain Moon Loneliness 3 bottles; Luoyi, Chenyi, drz., Time to Eat, 22665645, Did You Write Five-Three Today 2 bottles; △, A Little Transparent, Harmony, Baisibu, Baibao, A Little Shrimp, Small Brackets, Luoshi's Cat, Walking in the Sunshine, 35572401, Zizhu, Zhenzhen Supreme, 36204755, Xiaoyu A 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!