Four Seasons

Chapter 6


The new semester had just begun and there were very few people in the study room on Saturday morning. The weather was fine, not sunny but not cold either.

The study room is brightly lit.

Shi Hai looked at the girl in front of him and saw that after hearing his words, her eyes trembled and her black eyelashes drooped, as if she didn't want to continue this topic.

Shi Hai was embarrassed.

He knew that Tang Zhao's family background was not very good, so would her words just now make her sound like she was trying to show off her wealth

He quickly said, "What I mean is that this little money and the fact that the car was scratched are nothing to my sister. After all, she has been working for a few years. In addition to the projects, she also has a side job. She is very good at making money. She is different from us. You don't have to worry about it."

The girl still lowered her eyes to read. When she heard "different from us", she looked up at him and said, "We are different too."

What's the difference!

Except I'm a man and you're a woman.

It is precisely because I am a man and you are a woman that we are just right!

Tai Chi Yin Yang Bagua, Adam's rib, half of the soul, these are the metaphors that flash through the mind of the young literary talent sitting in front of the girl he likes.

Family background doesn't matter at all!

We can be the same!

Shi Hai was about to speak when he suddenly thought of the pair of Gucci white sneakers worth more than 5,000 yuan on his feet.

Well, this topic really can’t be expanded any further.

He flipped through the book in his hand out of boredom, then glanced at the opposite side, "What is this? Lend it to me?"

Tang Zuo pushed the book over.

It was the original English version of "The Great Gatsby". I opened it and read the English translations one by one according to the Chinese translations that I remembered reading.

Before he finished the page, Shi Hai already had a headache. Putting aside the familiar words that he knew the meaning of, these long and short English sentences were really troublesome.


"Can you lend me this book?" Shi Hai said calmly, "I've read the Chinese version, and I'm a little curious about the original version."

You have to have an excuse! And it has to be a little obvious but not too obvious.

This sense of proportion is very subtle.

Mr. Qian Zhongshu once said that there is a lot of knowledge about borrowing books between men and women.

If you borrow something, you must return it. It will be easy to say goodbye.

But Tang Zuo didn't even raise his head, "Sorry, I can't lend it to you. I need to write a book review assignment."

Shi Hai: “…”

Hang in there! There is still room for saving this topic!

"Then let's discuss this. Did you know that this book was made into a movie?"

"Well, it was also nominated for an Oscar." Tang Zuo said lightly.

“I think Leo’s performance is a bit exaggerated, but Carey Mulligan is very beautiful. The whole movie is like a flashy dream, but it’s a pity that this prosperous dream that was built by hand was also shattered…”

Shi Hai talked endlessly, "I think Leo's acting is not bad, but he is still a little short of winning an Oscar. The competition for the Best Actor Oscar is very fierce. In comparison, the competition for Best Actress is not that fierce. If it happens to be a bad year, a tall person among the short people will win. Alas, Leo is just unlucky. His movie "Into the Wild"..."

"I don't like Leonardo DiCaprio."

Tang Zuo didn't even raise his head.

Shi Hai was stunned, and Tang Zuo added, "I don't hate him, I don't have any feelings for him."

So... we can't talk anymore

Shi Hai scratched his head, "Which celebrity actor do you like?"

"No." Tang Zhao shook his head, "I don't chase stars."

It’s really hard to start a topic...

Shi Hai saw her scribble on the paper while looking at the words. I thought it was a notebook, but when I looked closely, it was a large book of lined paper. She looked at a word, recited it silently, wrote it down, and then seemed to be making a sentence

Memorizing words while dating him

Are words more attractive than him

Student Shi Hai felt a little depressed and looked up at Tang Zuo.

She pinned a hairpin on her long bangs, revealing her long and slender eyebrows under her smooth forehead. Unlike other girls whose eyebrows were trimmed beautifully, her eyebrows had a fine and fluffy flow. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, with a little bright light at the end, which was a kiss from the sun.

Shi Hai couldn't help it and took out his phone to take a picture of her.

Take a few more animated pictures, still shots can't show how beautiful she is.

Shi Hai remembered Fang Xiuqi had advised him, "Brother, she's really hard to pursue. You know that girls from the Foreign Languages College have always been outstanding. Who in which college or department doesn't want to pursue a girl from the Foreign Languages College? Why is Tang Zuo still single with such a look? There are so many men who have fallen for her. She's just unpopular, and she's only slowly becoming less popular this semester. Why don't you just give up? Nan Nan doesn't think highly of you either."

It’s not the end of the road yet!

Shi Hai was feeling happy thinking that “maybe there will be light at the end of the tunnel”. Tang Zuo in the camera of his cell phone raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Shi Hai immediately sat up straight and smiled at her with his big white teeth.

This time Tang Zuo was looking at him seriously.

Shi Hai was so nervous that sweat broke out on his back.

"Shi Hai." She called his name, "I really don't have time."

Is it the “I really don’t have time for a relationship” thing again

She pushed a small notebook over to him and motioned for him to open it and read it.

Shi Hai opens:

front page--

This semester:

CET-4 exam.

CATTI three-oral written test.

Then there is her class schedule and daily schedule for each week.

I had tutoring on Thursday night, worked part-time in the library on Sunday day, and studied on other evenings until the dormitory closed.

There are several pages filled with dense writing, almost all of them are full.

Shi Hai, who was living a lazy life in the Faculty of Arts and didn't attend self-study once a month, had so much pain in his eyes.

What she said was true, she really didn't have time.

This is even more terrifying than senior year of high school. At least senior year of high school does not require part-time work... Shi Hai thinks, is it necessary to work so hard

He swallowed hard, and a little man in his heart was screaming, "Hold on! Hold on! You've reviewed this question before! I expected her to use the excuse of 'no time'."

Shi Hai tried to organize his words, "If you can agree to my pursuit, we can study together and meet in the library or classroom. I think it's also good. Besides, you have a tutor at night, and I can pick you up."

The little man in my heart: "Good answer!"

Tang Zuo continued to look at him seriously, and for a moment his eyes seemed to bend.

She asked, "How old are you?"

Shi Hai was fascinated by her Schrodinger's smile. Not to mention asking about her age, he would even ask how much private money she had.

"19 years old." He smiled again, showing his big white teeth. "Is he the same age as you? Or older than you?"

You can call me Oppa! It's so cute just by imagining it!

"I'm one year older than you."

“I’m a repeater.”


"I don't like younger people."

Shi Hai hurriedly said, "We are both sophomores, not senior sisters and junior brothers. Besides, we are only one year apart." He continued to ask, "When is your birthday? Maybe you are not even one year old yet."

Tang Zuo shook his head, "Not even a day younger. I don't choose someone younger than me."

Shi Hai: “…”

The villain in my heart cried wildly: This is beyond the scope, beyond the scope!

I failed the exam! I failed the exam!

It was not until they left the library and were about to end their date that Shi Hai managed to find words to save his face, "Tang Zhao, I really like you. Although you don't have time for a relationship right now, I want to wait in line with you."

As he spoke, he seemed to have found a little confidence, and his eyes lit up. "Please consider me first when you want to fall in love in the future. Then I will be very happy!"

Tang Zuo: “This?”

Shi Hai smiled sincerely and brightly, and waved, "I hope I can have the opportunity to come to the library with you next time."

Then, when Tang Zuo was about to say something, he turned around handsomely and ran away quickly. After running a short distance, he turned back and waved to her, smiling with his big white teeth.

This is how the male protagonists in the fresh Japanese dramas and pure love movies act! Plus, my appearance has a soft light filter!

I tried my best! I hope I can have a chance to make up for the exam!

Student Shi Hai left with the roaring villain in his heart.

Tang Zhuo looked at his back with a hint of doubt on his face, then shook his head and didn't take it to heart. An outstanding young man like Shi Hai would soon have a new target, and it didn't have to be one person, let alone her.

After returning to the dormitory, Tang Zhao turned on her phone and saw a message from Shi Hai on WeChat, "I'm very happy today!"

There are a few cheerful emoticons below.

She took a look, put the phone aside and didn't reply.