
Chapter 3: paste


Bai Li was standing beside the well in the yard, with the bluestone path leading to the main house at his feet. He was wearing a shabby green shirt that was washed and whitish. His silver-white hair had long since faded into ink. He was so quiet. He stood there looking at You Qing, with his back to the setting sun, covered in golden velvet.

He was standing slightly against the light at this time, and You Qing could not see his expression clearly. Although he felt that his appearance seemed to be not as good as his own, he still felt that this person had a good temperament. Where did the uninvited guest appear, I couldn't help but wonder, I was stunned for a while and said warmly: "You are..."

Seeing that the person on the other side didn't move or make a sound, You Qing frowned slightly, raised his legs and walked over. When the two of them got closer, he was stunned when he suddenly saw the tears that quietly slipped from the corner of Bai Li's eyes.

Before Bai Li came, the abacus was cracking. First, he asked Xiao He to stop You Qing's marriage, and then he put on a worn-out clothes to look pitiful, and then pretended to be a desperate stranger seeking shelter here. The opportunity to get along, and then slowly express their feelings.

Never thought that the first time he saw You Qing, he was completely lost as if he didn't know how to react.

You Qing has been reincarnated nine times. Although there are similarities in appearance, there are still some differences. Now, after a thousand years, when he sees his scholar's warm eyebrows again, Bai Li suddenly feels that his heart hurts so much, knowing that he There is another chance, but all the pains of the millennium are still uncontrollably pouring up, intertwined with the ecstasy of seeing each other again, and the complex feeling in my heart cannot be described in words.

You Qing saw this man standing in the courtyard of his house without saying a word and weeping, he was very puzzled, he was stunned for a while, then raised his legs and took a few steps closer, looked at him and said, "Brother, why are you here? In my yard? In the wrong place?"

Bai Li opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and the tears flowed even more fiercely.

You Qing was a little dazed by his posture. Following the tears on his face, he moved his gaze upwards, looking at his mist-filled pupils, the slightly slanted corners of his eyes, and the sadness in his expression, his heart suddenly softened. After shaking for a while, there was a faint feeling of deja vu, but after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't remember when I saw such a person.

The two stared at each other for a long while with big eyes and small eyes, one was terrified, overwhelmed, and the tears fell down like they didn't want money, the other frowned and thought, inexplicable, and really felt that there were more strange things today.

In the end, You Qing returned to his senses first, looked at the worn-out clothes on his body, and asked again with a good temper, "Who are you? Why are you in my yard? What's the matter?"

Bai Li's mouth moved: "I..."

You Qing listened to him spit out a word hoarsely, and raised his eyebrows slightly, it turned out that he was not dumb.

Bai Li said a word and then paused. There were too many words to say, but he didn't know where to start. He wanted to go up and grab his hand, but he felt it was too abrupt. I don't know how to respond to his words.

You Qing waited patiently for a while, but when he saw that he was still speechless, he thought to himself that this person would not answer three questions, but he was not dumb. Could it be that he was a fool

At first, I thought that this person was looking for me for something, but now that I guessed it, I felt that it had nothing to do with me, so I stopped asking, glanced at him, turned around and walked into the house.

Bai Li took back the tears, and most of the turmoil in his heart went down. At this time, seeing that he ignored him and entered the room, he suddenly became depressed, and couldn't help but secretly annoyed at himself. He clearly felt that after a thousand years, he should have behaved indifferently. But somehow things came to an end and it was completely messed up.

Looking at the hidden door, Bai Li turned around four or five times in a hurry, looked up again, the door was still hidden, and he scratched his head in place for nearly half an hour, seeing that the sky was fast. When it was dark, he still didn't know what to do to let You Qing know him, so he couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

Until the setting sun completely disappeared, the shadow in the well water had become blurred, Bai Li buried his head in the ground and digging mud for a while, and just as he was digging hard, a pair of ordinary cloth shoes that were mostly covered by the hem of the long gown suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was so absorbed in thinking about things just now that he didn't notice the sounds around him at all. At this time, when he saw such a pair of feet suddenly appearing in front of him, he was so frightened that he sat on the ground and looked up at the person who came. .

Just as You Qing was about to ask a question, he saw him slammed down, then raised his face and looked at himself, the sadness on his face disappeared like a hallucination, and his slightly dilated pupils seemed to reveal a little bit. Innocent, squatting there like a small animal, could not help but stunned again.

Xindao may be a fool. Although he looks a few years younger than him, he is no longer a child after all. His eyes seem to be untouched by the world. Only an immature fool would do this. Bar? Since he is a fool, I am afraid he can't ask anything, so let him go.

Thinking of this, You Qing turned his eyes away, took off the scoop on the side shelf that was hollowed out to make a bucket, bent down and poured a scoop of water into the well, and then went to the kitchen and poured it into the pot. Then he came back and took a ladle of water and took it in. When he came out again, his eyes suddenly swayed.

Bai Li jumped up from the ground and ran in front of him, and said enthusiastically, "I'll help you fetch water!" Then he snatched the bucket from his hand and turned around to the well, imitating the way he had done before pulling the rope It loosened, and it shook twice, and after a while, the rope was pulled up a little bit, watching the swaying water surface in the scoop, I couldn't help but rejoice, and turned around with a joyful hold of it.

You Qing was stunned for a long time watching his series of movements with his mouth slightly open. Then, when he came over, he splashed water on the ground, and even his clothes got wet. When he walked in front of him, he bowed his head. Seeing that there was not much water left in the scoop, the corner of his mouth twitched, he raised his hand to stop him, took the scoop in his hand, and said warmly, "There is no need to draw water anymore, there is enough in the pot."

Bai Li's eyes darkened, and he looked at him at a loss.

You Qing suddenly felt a little bit wanting to laugh, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips, looked at him intently and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I..." Of course I want you to know me! Bai Li uttered a word without saying a word, glanced at him depressedly, and shook his head. Sigh... If I told the truth, you would not believe me, it's better to get along slowly, but I don't know how I can get the chance to get along with you slowly... Why did I think about how to get along with you when I came here?

You Qing saw that he was so stupid that he still couldn't ask anything, so he stopped asking, passed him and hung the water ladle on the shelf again, turned around and walked into the kitchen to scoop up half a spoon of rice, ready to wash rice by the creek at the door of the house. He raised his eyes and looked outside, seeing that the man was squatting on the ground again for some reason, he sighed and turned around and scooped half a spoonful before walking out.

Seeing him go out, Bai Li raised his heels without thinking, for fear that he would suddenly run away. You Qing glanced back at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, so he pretended not to have seen him, calmly washed the rice, poured it back into the pot, and started cooking on the fire.

After cooking for a while, he stood up from behind the stove, opened the pot and added chopped green vegetables that had been washed and selected during the day. By the time the green vegetable porridge was boiled, the sky was completely dark, so I came out and brushed my body, and then I went to wash my hands and prepare to eat.

After washing my hands, I walked over to the man who was squatting on the ground and didn't know what to do. Seeing him raised his head and looked at me again, through the shallow moonlight, I could see that he was still like a small animal, and I couldn't help but want to laugh again. Now, he slowly squatted down and looked at him, and said warmly, "Is there any dinner?"

Bai Li has been mixing paste in his mind since he saw him, and when he heard such a well-answered question suddenly, his eyes lit up, he shook his head quickly, and adjusted his expression to be as pitiful as possible: "No... "

You Qing felt that if this person was shrunk to the size of a child, he would definitely look like he was when he was young, but at that time, he probably wouldn't have such clear eyes, so he sighed softly: "Come in and eat. ' said he stood up and stepped over the low threshold into the kitchen.

Bai Li jumped up from the ground immediately and ran in excitedly, but You Qing stopped, but he didn't pay attention to stop in time, and slammed into the back of his head.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry... I was not careful... "

You Qing quickly stood on his heels and turned around. Seeing him rubbing his forehead and looking at him with a bewildered expression, he faintly felt that the back of his head was also hurting, and he felt powerless.

The two stared at each other at such a close distance that You Qing realized that this man was not small, only half a head shorter than himself, but he still couldn't help feeling that he was like a child or a little The animal couldn't help but sigh again: "Hey... he's really a fool, frizzy..."

"Ah?" Bai Li was stunned, looking at him with a dull expression as he turned around to lift the lid of the pot, serve the porridge, and set the dishes and chopsticks. It wasn't until he sat on the stool and looked back at himself that he realized what he was talking about, and was immediately anxious. Sitting down beside him, he said sternly, "I'm not a fool!"

You Qing smiled slightly, pointed to the stool next to her, and said with a warm expression, "Sit over there."

Bai Li obediently moved over there and sat down, and continued to look at him seriously: "I'm really not a fool!"

You Qing suddenly felt amused, and only said one sentence: "Eat." Then he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate on his own.

"I'm really not a fool..." You Qing picked up the chopsticks with a gloomy face, glanced at him, and grumbled to emphasize again, "I'm not a fool..." Seeing him ignoring herself, only then did he sullenly accept his fate Pick up the bowl.

"and many more."

"Huh?" You Qing looked up at him.

"Go wash your hands."

"Oh..." You Qing put down the tableware again, obediently went outside to wash his hands before coming in.

This meal was a rare harmony. You Qing was cold-hearted and used to it indifferently, so he didn't feel uncomfortable when there was someone on the table that he didn't dislike. Bai Li was too familiar with him. At this time, there is no strangeness in sitting together to eat. On the contrary, because this is the first time in a thousand years to eat at the same table, my nose is sore and my tears almost fall into the bowl.

The two finished their dinner quietly, and Bai Li rushed to wash the dishes. Thinking of the half scoop of water that had been spilled earlier, You Qing categorically rejected his kindness.

Bai Li followed him like an asshole and watched him clean up the kitchen. He was still thinking about the things before the meal. When he cleaned up, he turned to him and emphasized again: "I'm really not a fool!"

You Qing felt helpless: "I see, you are not a fool."

Although Bai Li still hasn't mixed up the paste in his mind, he is not stupid after all. He couldn't tell that he was fooling himself. He quickly grabbed his arm to keep him from going: "You don't believe it! Why don't you believe it? I'm really not a fool!"

You Qing looked at him dumbfoundedly: "Then what's your name?"

"Bai Li!"

"..." There's even a name? You Qing was stunned for a moment. He was a little surprised by his unhesitating answer. After thinking about it, he asked, "Where do you live?"

Bai Li almost blurted out "the top of the Mt. Smoke", but luckily he bit his lip and swallowed the words back in time, but he has never been anywhere except following You Qing in the past thousand years, and he has never paid attention to any place names other than pretending to be You Qing. , there is only one smoke mountain that can be said. At this time, I really don't know how to answer this question. I blinked and froze for a long time, raised my hand and pointed in a random direction: "Then... there..."

You Qing finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and broke his hand that was holding his arm: "Okay, I went in to read a book. If you really can't find anything to eat, you can come back tomorrow." Ignoring him, he went straight to the main house holding the oil lamp.

Bai Li stood at the kitchen door and watched him walk into the main house, and then looked back at the unclosed kitchen door behind him. He knew that because his family was poor and had nothing to steal, he was accustomed to not closing the house at night. Then, when he thought about how simple dinner was, he felt distressed. stand up.

He squatted on the ground in the doorway for a while, Bai Li suddenly slapped his forehead and suddenly realized that You Qing must be so good at him because he thinks he is a fool. If there is no food to eat, then you will definitely think that you are lazy, and you will definitely not like yourself!

Thinking of this, Bai Li finally burst into a cold sweat and rejoiced. Fortunately, You Qing didn't believe her words just now.

Looking up at the light coming out of the window, my heart was very itchy, I really wanted to hide my figure and stay by You Qing's side, but I was really worried about what to do next. The elders in the clan ask for help and let them give themselves advice.

With a certain idea, Bai Li stood up and patted the dirt on his body, then hid in the dark and quickly disappeared.