
Chapter 40: Confuse


The climate is getting warmer, the willow leaves are budding, and the flowers and plants are gradually returning to life.

The day of the exam is approaching, but You Qing has something on his mind. Although it appears to be the same as usual on the surface, he can't help but be a little distracted when he reads and writes every day. He always thinks about the plum blossom mark on Bai Li's back.

Bai Li took him very seriously, and naturally caught the subtle changes in his expression. He didn't mention the bridal chamber. He just sat obediently beside him, hugged him and kissed him, and asked him to study hard and take the test first. Try and think about other things.

You Qinghanchuang has been studying hard for so many years, so a few days of reading will naturally not have any effect, on the contrary, he is very distressed for his quietness. He smiled and agreed to his words, but in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but put this matter on the list. Think carefully in your mind.

Both of them are full of minds, thinking about the same thing, but the way they think about it is somewhat different.

Bai Li had already summoned several respected elders on the Yanshan Mountain, and was going to meet them secretly during the tour of the Youth Club.

You Qing was thinking, it seems that he started to have those weird dreams after meeting Bai Li, and the plum blossom seal reminded him of so many things from the past. It's getting bigger and bigger, even if you don't touch it, as long as you get closer to Bai Li, the center of your eyebrows will start to get a little hot. Although he didn't understand the reason, he was quite sure that all the abnormal phenomena that happened to him were probably related to this plum blossom seal.

Although Bai Li was still thinking about this matter, being with You Qing always made him feel at ease. Shen, of course, was not aware of You Qing's actions.

That night, after he fell asleep, You Qing put his hand into the hem of his clothes, which woke him up and made him worry. He covered his hand warmly before stuffing it in. Without fumbling, he could easily find the familiar mark. .

Before touching it, he felt a little dizzy, and the burning sensation between his eyebrows gradually became obvious. You Qing endured the discomfort of his body and gently covered the palm of his hand. The urge to let go, and after Wei Wei gets used to it, she quickly closes her eyes.

For a moment, he seemed to be in a dream again, but You Qing knew that what he saw and heard was not a dream, but something that had happened in the past, but these scenes were different from the pictures of several reincarnations. , I can't see or hear it clearly, as if there is a layer of gauze in front of my eyes, and a membrane is blocked in my ears.

You Qing watched and listened with suspicion, because lying on his side on the bed, the sweat from his forehead all flowed to the pillow in one direction, but he didn't realize it, and his mind was all condensed in the dream.

The dream was filled with smoke, and everyone's faces were blurred.

He saw himself playing chess with an old man. The old man was immortal, with long beards fluttering. He had heard a slightly old voice in previous dreams. It seemed that I had made a mistake, but I couldn't hear it clearly.

As soon as the picture changed, he saw himself standing in the thick fog again, with blood on his hands, but no scars on his body, and a majestic voice came from his ears, as if showing his guilt.

You Qing was wondering what crime he had committed, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his head, and he suddenly saw Bai Li holding the tombstone and slowly closing his eyes, his breath was weak.

He felt a pain in his heart, and his brows were so hot that he couldn't stand it, the world began to twist, squeezing his internal organs, his eyes turned into darkness, his nose was full of blood, and a shrill scream came from his ears. , Guikulanghao, the people who listened were horrified.

You Qing didn't know where he was at all, but he had a feeling of unbearable pain. It seemed that all the pain had reached its peak, the pain was extreme, and hatred began to fill his heart, tormenting his nerves like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

I don't know how long it took, the dark world suddenly lit up, he returned to the foot of the smoke mountain, and then it was the little boy who stopped the matchmaker's marriage.

Although Bai Li didn't feel his movement, he suddenly felt a little cold all over his body. A jerky woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he was sweating profusely and his eyebrows were furrowed. At the same time, he also felt that his hand was touching He grabbed his back and was startled, and hurriedly called him: "Aqing! Aqing!" After shouting for a long time, he didn't see his eyes open, so he hurriedly grabbed his hand.

You Qing let go of his hand and suddenly fell out of the dream. He opened his eyes and stared at him, his eyes dark and gloomy.

Bai Li was so frightened by his eyes that he almost stopped breathing. He felt a chill inexplicably, and stared at him for a long while, so scared that he couldn't make a sound.

You Qing blinked, and gradually woke up. He closed his eyes and took a breath, and opened them again to return to normal.

Bai Li's suffocation disappeared. He blinked at him, suddenly felt wronged, and rushed over to hug him tightly: "Aqing, you were so scary just now! Why are you looking at me like that!"

You Qing was a little unclear about his accusation, so he just quickly put his arms around his back and patted him. After patting him twice, he clearly recalled the scene in his dream, and suddenly felt guilty, and hurriedly kissed him on the forehead. After kissing, he said softly, "It's not because of you, it's because of a nightmare that I haven't woken up yet."

Bai Li remembered that when he used to live at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, he once woke up with this look, and his tears were about to come out of grievance: "Aqing, what nightmares have you had? You look like you are going to eat people. ."

"I can't remember." This is true. He can basically remember the dream he had recently when he wakes up, but this time is a bit special. The scene before and after is vivid in his mind, only the dark part is confused. .

Seeing the sweat on his head, Bai Li didn't care about his grievances, and anxiously wiped the sweat for him, muttering in his mouth: "I even sneaked my plum blossom seal, I don't know if I sweat so much. I'll get typhoid, and next time I'm doing this behind my back, I'll cut off this piece of meat!"

You Qing grabbed his moving hand, leaned in and kissed him on the lips: "Don't talk stupid, just have some nightmares, it doesn't matter."

Bai Li pouted slightly, with an unhappy expression on his face, he broke away his hands and continued to wipe his sweat, the movements in his hands became a little heavier unconsciously. You Qing knew that he was angry, so he had to let him smash his face and neck with a smile in his eyes, but he liked the look of his losing his temper very much.

Bai Li was busy for a while. Seeing that he kept looking at him and laughing, he almost laughed too. He quickly turned his face, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, turned around and saw that he wanted to stop him, and snorted at him with his nostrils: "Don't move! I'm going to bring water to wipe your body!"

You Qing made him laugh, then sighed helplessly and lay down again: "Okay, put on some clothes, don't freeze."

Bai Li snorted, turned around and put on his clothes with a stern face, poured hot water over it and put it on the bedside, and continued to twist the handkerchief with a stern face.

You Qing's good hands and feet need him to take care of him. He quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, took the handkerchief in his hand, and said in a low voice, "I'll do it myself."

Bai Li glared at him: "I'm coming!"

You Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to resign and compromise: "Okay." Then he unbuttoned his shirt and took off.

Although he studied since he was a child, he also does housework and does some simple farm work. Unlike ordinary weak scholars, he has no fat on his body, and the texture is tight and the lines are tight.

This is the first time Bai Li has seen him naked, biting his lip and watching, his face is a little hot, thinking about the bridal chamber he died in the last time, suddenly his nose is sore again, he sniffs aggrievedly, He wiped up.

Seeing his expression, You Qing knew what he was thinking, and after drying his body, he quickly grabbed his hand, hugged him and rubbed his forehead and kissed: "Fool, don't think blindly. My dreams are all related to your imprint, and the feeling of my hand is getting stronger and stronger, but I am 90% sure that I will be able to figure it out soon.”

Bai Li's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." You Qing smiled and pulled him onto the bed, "If you believe me, you can go to sleep at ease."

"Yeah." Bai Li trusted him unconditionally, after listening to what he said, he calmed down, nodded with a smile, and quickly got into the quilt, and when he came in, he hugged him.

Now that You Qing is a little closer to him, her brows will burn faintly, fearing that he will never tell him, she just endured the discomfort and hugged him tightly, her eyes still smiling softly.

This time, Bai Li was caught upright, but You Qing didn't care. In the next few days, while he was sleeping, he put his hand into his clothes. It was because I felt heartache and hatred, but because of the first experience, I calmed down a lot later.

You Qing dreamed of this scene before he returned to the dream. It seemed that the dream was very compatible with his thoughts. He wanted to figure out what happened in the darkness, and the dream showed him again and again.

If you guess correctly, this passage may be an opportunity to solve the puzzle. In his ninth reincarnation, Bai Li was exhausted, and then he entered this chaos. After the chaos, he returned to the foot of the Mist, and returned to a thousand years ago. In other words, this darkness brought him and Bai Li back to life. This was a missing memory, but he didn't know when he would be able to remember it completely.

If he could remember it, he would know how they were reborn, and perhaps he could also figure out why that intense hatred came from.

Although he was puzzled, Bai Li was urging him to read every day, so he couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to obey his wishes and pretend to be calm and calm.

He was still guessing whether it might have something to do with Bai Li Yao's identity, but Bai Li himself was ignorant, so he couldn't bear to make him more troublesome. After all, this dream brought him more and more intense feelings. Maybe the puzzle will solve itself.