
Chapter 64: Fighting


The Emperor of Heaven was so angry that his face turned pale and his nostrils were inflamed. He trembled and pointed angrily at You Qing on the other side. Your actions are simply crazy! You wait for this pair of evil spirits to be brought to justice, regardless of life or death!"

Laojun Konghua on the jade steps outside the hall froze, his gray beard moving in the wind, and silently chanted a mantra to fetch the red plum wine bottle in his residence and hide it in his sleeve.

You Qing accidentally cut his hand by a sharp thorn on the branch, and two or three drops of blood fell on the bottle lying on the chessboard. This red plum wine bottle now has spirituality, and when you hold it in your hand, it has its own spiritual energy roaming in it.

Konghua Laojun looked as usual, but because of the ruthlessness of the emperor, he secretly poured spiritual power into the wine bottle. Covered by spells, no one noticed.

The gap drawn by You Qingling halberd stretched across the air, like a moat. I thought that separating those people on the other side would free up some time to check Bai Li's injuries, but unexpectedly there were four more people behind them, and they hurriedly threw out the halberd. , draw a circle around it.

The two ends of the Tianhe quickly bent towards each other, like a pair of arms protecting the two of them in the middle of the period, blocking the attacks of the four behind them. As a result, You Qing was completely passive, and he and Bai Li were trapped in a circle. In addition to the twelve golden immortals, there were also eight great generals. For him, such disparity in strength was like hitting a stone with an egg.

Twelve golden immortals stand on the clouds, the sound of incantations and the magic instruments are coming from the sky, and the eight heavenly generals are holding weapons to fight the wind and waves, and they are also menacing.

You Qing formed the Nine Palaces Eight Trigrams Formation to block the magic power of the twelve golden immortals.

The Tianhe River suddenly surged, and the waves roared in an instant, rising into the sky like an explosion, forming an indestructible wall of water, blocking the Eight Great Heavens in time.

You Qing was busy dealing with the two men and horses, and he was already stretched out. He quickly glanced at Bai Li in his arms, and saw that his snow-white fox tail had been dyed red with blood, and his agile fox eyes were tightly closed. The heart nails had already entered his body, and he was so anxious that a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, he hurriedly turned him over, and the palm of his hand touched his heart.

The spiritual power and the heart nail collided in the body, one side squeezed the other side, Bai Li's whole body trembled in pain, but he didn't say a word.

Beads of sweat rolled down You Qing's forehead, and he managed to push the heart nails out by half an inch.

If the nails of the heart break into his heart, it will be difficult for Bai Li to survive, but if he loses this battle, he will still suffer. You Qing is anxious and has to draw some spiritual power from the formation to build a water wall again. Block all attacks.

But the defense of the formation method became weak because of this. The mana of the twelve golden immortals shot like a flowing arrow. You Qing held Bai Li in his arms, and he was shocked by the powerful mana. Only with the support of the Jiugong Lingji can he stand firm.

Bai Li felt his body sway in pain, and opened his eyes with great effort, only to see the dazzling blood on the corner of You Qing's mouth. He was so shocked that he turned into a human figure and hugged him tightly: "Aqing! You are injured!"

"Quickly change back." You Qing said quickly, and pushed the heart-hugging nails out of his body by half an inch.

Bai Li quickly turned back into a fox curled up on his chest, forgetting even the pain, staring at his pale face without blinking, blinking, closing his eyes again, desperately trying to break through the seal in his body, but no matter what. unsuccessful.

"It's okay, just hold me tight." You Qing hugged him tightly with one hand, while the other hand was still attached to his heart, chanting the mana silently to adjust the mana between the formation and the water wall.

After all, the water wall and the formation are not a long-term solution, and it is inevitable to deal with it like this. After half an hour, he finally let the other party take advantage of it, and a blade of light came from behind.

You Qing quickly flashed sideways, raised his foot and turned around to kick the halberd into the air, stabbed straight at the Heavenly General who broke through the encirclement behind him, collided head-on with the second light blade he shot, and the sparks flew towards his chest. The sky will be shocked and retreat a few feet.

Taking advantage of this gap, You Qing raised the water wall again. Just as he was about to inject more spiritual power into Bai Li's body, the plum blossom seal between his eyebrows suddenly flashed, and a strong spiritual power poured into his body continuously.

You Qing was stunned for a moment, and quickly raised his eyes to look in the direction of the master, a warm feeling surged in his heart, and he was instantly refreshed, and he pressed the palm of Bai Li's heart suddenly.

Bai Li's nine fox tails were all twisted in pain. After a convulsion, his body lightened, and the nails in his heart were like arrows from the string, and they pierced the skin from the back and shot out.

The two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Bai Li opened his eyes weakly, looking at You Qing, who was sweating profusely, only to feel distressed and guilty. He whispered "Zhizhi" twice and rubbed against his chest.

You Qing smiled softly, and gently stroked his back and the fox's tail with his palm. After the wound healed, he hugged him tightly again, and looked up at the Heavenly Emperor in the distance across the sea of clouds coldly.

With hatred deep into his bones, he wanted to throw the Heavenly Emperor to Zhuxiantai, but unfortunately he knew he couldn't do it. Besides, what if he had the ability? A change of person, who has been in a high position for a long time, inevitably has the same virtue. It is true to have the common people in mind, and it is not false to be selfish. The three worlds are all citizens of the throne, but they never treat each other unequally, and the divine power is in hand. How many people can maintain their original aspirations

With the help of the master secretly, the surrounding water walls were raised again, and You Qing was finally able to breathe in the nine palaces and gossip formations. Unexpectedly, the twelve golden immortals suddenly changed the formation, and the earth and sand flew into the river in a moment.

Among the five elements, water is controlled by soil, but if there is less soil and more water, the soil will not be feared. You Qing knew that even with the help of his master, he wouldn't be able to last long with few enemies, but he couldn't give up. Seeing that the Eight Great Heavens would break through the formation, he hurriedly urged more mana to fight against the earth formation. At the same time, he waved his halberd. Absorbing the essence of the surrounding world, hooking, pecking, stabbing, and cutting, although the moves are unpredictable, it is extremely difficult to fight with eight people at the same time.

Bai Li felt that he was really in the way, but his spiritual power was sealed, and he could only change between the body and the human form. He didn't even have the ability to turn into a leaf. Liulu listened to all directions, and when he saw that there was a sneak attack by a weapon, he quickly reminded him.

The two of them cooperated perfectly, but You Qing consumed too much spiritual energy and gradually became exhausted. Once injured, spiritual power will be consumed faster, and even if the wound heals quickly, it will be weakened for a while.

Bai Li was both distressed and nervous. He saw countless traumatic injuries and unimaginable internal injuries. In the end, he couldn't help it. He turned back into a fox and wrapped the nine tails firmly around his back, and was caught by a streamer arrow. In the batter, the pain entangled him even tighter.

You Qing was shocked and angry: "Ali! Let go!"

Bai Li shook his head, his tail tightened a bit.

You Qing was pitiful and angry, she blocked the attack in front of her and turned around quickly to repel the Tianjiang behind her.

The melee lasted for an unknown amount of time, and both sides were injured. The five-colored rays of light bloomed together, and among the lightning and thunder, the situation was changing and treacherous. The Twelve Golden Immortals attacked from afar, and the Eight Great Heavens fought meleely. You Qing was outnumbered, but his eyes were still firm.

The Water Wall Formation and the Nine Palaces Eight Diagrams Formation were breached one after another. You Qing pursed his bloody lips tightly, flew up to the clouds, glanced sharply in a circle, sat down cross-legged, closed all the formations, and injected all his spiritual power into the Nine Palaces Spirit. halberd.

The halberd swirled above his head for a moment, then suddenly swooped down and swept all over the place, cutting grass into horses, chopping wood into soldiers, folding flowers into implements, and all the petals of plants and trees that were raging and flying like smashing and rotten, all transformed into shape, and the situation changed again, and suddenly in mid-air Thousands of troops appeared, shouting to kill Zhentian.

The surrounding gods all sucked in a breath of cold air, and the Heavenly Emperor was even more shocked. No one would have thought that You Qing had reached such a state.

You Qing's master and apprentice have always been low-key, and have never shown their cultivation in front of others before, so the entire heaven knows very little about their strength, plus the transmission of spiritual power across the air requires a very high level, and generally has to be cultivated to become a god to do it.

Konghua Laojun has not yet become a god, but his spiritual power is already close, and with the essence of You Qing's blood in his hand, he can naturally do it. However, he deliberately put on a look of hating iron but not steel, how could anyone expect him to help in secret

The Emperor of Heaven saw the surging momentum of the thousands of troops and horses, and he was in a state of panic, and quickly ordered the elite soldiers and strong generals under the Eight Great Generals to be recruited. After a while, the small-scale Xianjia battle suddenly escalated into a confrontation between two armies.

Konghua Laojun was so angry that he almost broke out immediately, but he thought that nine out of ten of the battles would be lost, and the surrounding Xianjia had already shown unbearable expressions, so he finally gritted his teeth and decided to gamble.

You Qing was already at the end of the battle. Although he had the help of his master's spiritual power, he was borrowing it for a while and couldn't be one with himself.

The two armies faced off against each other, and there was no difference in numbers, but this was not a war in the mortal world. It could not be concluded by the number of people. Ten people on the other side were very powerful, and on their own side, thousands of people were transformed by the spiritual power of two masters and students. Previously, the fighting method was two people against twenty people. At this time, the gap between the enemy and me is even greater. How can they handle it

You Qing's face was as pale as paper, and he heard the humming of the soul bell in his ears, and his mind became more and more drowsy. He covered Bai Li's ears with both hands, seeing his breath gradually weakening, his heart ached, and suddenly blood gushed out from the corners of his mouth, avoiding him. She couldn't take a sip on Bai Li.

A piece of pure white was dyed red, like a cold plum and proud snow, but it was bright enough to sting the eyes.

Konghua Laojun felt the stagnation of spiritual power transmission, and knew that he could no longer hold it, so he quickly stopped the movements in his sleeves.

Thousands of troops and horses disappeared, and the petals of plants and trees fell one after another. For a time, the wind was calm, the clouds were like auspicious auspiciousness, and there were only the voices of twelve golden immortals chanting incantations.

You Qing was close to collapse, holding Bai Li in one hand and holding the halberd in the other to stand up from the cloud. Seeing the dazzling golden rays of light from the fingertips of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he knew that he was powerless to return to the sky, so he quickly put away the halberd, both hands. He hugged Bai Li tightly to his chest, his palms heated up rapidly, and all the remaining spiritual power in his body was injected into his body.

Although Bai Li was weak, his mind was extremely clear. He was startled by his actions and hurriedly transformed into a human shape. Before he could speak to stop him, the golden net above his head suddenly covered them, trapping the two of them in it, and the net became more and more closed. The tighter, tie them into a ball and make it harder to move.

Seeing that You Qing was still instilling spiritual power into himself, Bai Li was so anxious that tears welled up in the corners of his eyes: "Aqing, I don't want it! I'm sealed, it's useless to ask for it! Take it back!"

"It's useful." You Qing didn't care about the restraints on his body at all. Although his face was haggard, he still smiled softly, "This matter will not be good. Although these spiritual powers cannot be used by you, they can protect you."

"Don't! Take it back! I don't want it!" Bai Li's eyes were blurred, he wanted to force his spiritual power out, but he couldn't do anything, so he was so anxious that he scratched his fingers hard.

You Qing was unmoved, and kept holding him tightly in his arms, continuously passing on his spiritual power until he finally lost the strength to stop completely.