Fragrant honey is as embers as frosty brocade

Chapter 24


Yu's expression became more and more serious, "So it wasn't she who abandoned me, it was me, I left her."

"Mi'er, I said a lot of exaggerated things to her today, and I broke her heart again, I..." Runyu was flustered and at a loss.

"Runyu, don't panic," Jin Mi hurriedly comforted him, "I don't know what kind of knots you have between mother and child, but you suffered so much when you were young, so what happened later is justified. Yuan, now you can finally enjoy the family relationship again, don't worry about the past, go and apologize to her tomorrow! As a mother, she will never hate her child, she will forgive you! Okay?" Jin Mi knew that Runyu was right His mother has deep feelings, otherwise it would be impossible to rebel in the previous life, and now everything is too late, she does not want him to suffer so much in this life.

"Really?" Runyu was a little uncertain.

"Really, trust me!"

"Okay!" Seeing Jin Mi's expression, Runyu believed it inexplicably, and said, "Go to bed early, and go to see her with me tomorrow." After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for her answer. Turn around and leave directly.

Seeing Runyu's leaving figure, Jin Mi stepped forward and grabbed him. Seeing Runyu turned around, she didn't know what to say, so she froze for a moment, then took a tube of fragrant honey and handed it to him. He said, "This is the sweet honey I brewed before. It's very sweet. If you feel unhappy again, it will make you feel better if you eat a little sweet. Drink some at night. I hope you can sleep well at night."

"Thank you, I will drink some! Good night!" Runyu took Xiangmi.

"Good night!"

When Jin Mi came out the next day, Runyu was already drinking tea outside.

Seeing that he was in good spirits and in a good mood, Jin Mi happily stepped forward to greet him: "Morning, how did you rest last night?"

"Very good!" Runyu replied with a smile. He didn't tell her, he didn't sleep all night, and he didn't tell her that her sweet honey is sour, just like life, sweet in the mouth, but sour in the heart, but It made him think about many things.

Maybe it was because she really understood the situation of the world, or maybe a lot of resentment had been shed with the tears last night. In short, even if she didn't see Suli again, Runyu was not particularly sad. In front of Yunmengze, she gave a big gift to her mother , only told her that he was looking forward to a long future with his mother.

After leaving Dongting Lake with Runyu, I took his hand and comforted me: "Mr. Dongting may have her reasons for denying you. Don't be too sad."

After hearing Jin Mi's words, Runyu laughed, took her hand, and said, "It's okay, mother just hasn't let go of the knot in her heart, it's okay. Now I see that my mother is in good health, and there are two more people under her knees." I am very happy in my heart that my righteous younger brother who is outstanding is doing his filial piety on my behalf. Now I know that the heavens are not incompatible with my mother. In short, the future will be long, and I will definitely find an opportunity to resign from the heavens and become a free and unrestrained fairy, accompanying my mother."

Hearing Runyu's words, Jin Mi was a little happy. Now that her layout has been completed, the six realms will be independent from now on. Under mutual restraint, none of them will have the ability to interfere with other realms. From then on, the Six Realms are no longer the Six Realms in the Emperor's heart, and his dream of unifying the Six Realms has been broken by Jin Mi. And the balance of the heaven he was in charge of was also disrupted by her, and everything he had after that would be lost one by one.

And Runyu's wish is so simple, maybe he can take a different path in this life. After all, Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world. It is better to be happy than to work hard.

"This is also very good, but the most urgent thing is to stop Lord Dongting's further actions. With her current strength and Tianhou, it is undoubtedly an egg hitting a stone. Now that you have recognized her again, the future can be expected, it is better to wait for the future. .” Jin Mi persuaded.

"Mi'er's words are reasonable, but my mother still doesn't recognize me, so I'll talk to Yanyou first, maybe it would be better for him to dissuade me." Runyu also agrees with Jin Mi's statement.

"Mi'er, whenever I am most at a loss and helpless, I rely on you to guide me. I have been ugly since I was young, and I have a hideous appearance, but I saw my real body in your dream. Majestic, I know that Mi'er has never disliked me, and I am very happy. Mi'er, I want to be with you, it has nothing to do with the power of the water god, the wind god, and the flower world, and it has nothing to do with the covenant between the father and the water god. Runyu likes you, I don't know if Mi'er is willing to be with me for a hundred years?"

"Runyu, we have been together for many years. I know you are very good to me. But I have never understood love since I was a child. No matter how much you give me, I can't give you back. Because my heart is empty, even if it is like this , do you still want to be with me?" Perhaps being with him is returning to the right path, but Jin Mi cannot deceive him.

When Meteor Pill was destroyed, her love root was also destroyed at the same time. In the future, she may be able to give him understanding and consideration, but she can't respond to the emotional feeling.

"I will fill your heart. As long as you allow me, this position can protect you openly." Runyu didn't know why she said that, but she felt sorry for her more.

"Okay, if you fill this heart, I will give it to you." This is Jin Mi's oath.

"Mi'er, I'm so happy! I just met my mother, and I will be with Mi'er for the rest of my life. Runyu's good luck for thousands of years has gathered today."

Runyu hugged her tightly, and Jin Mi felt very relieved when he heard the heartbeat in his ears.

Then Runyu took out a will, "This is the wedding invitation made by the father and the water god four thousand years ago. Now I will trouble you to fill in your name."

"Runyu, because of the relationship between the flower world and the heaven world, and because of the relationship between mother and father and Aunt Linxiu, I don't want to admit this marriage post. If you don't mind, we can establish a relationship between the flower god and aunt Linxiu. Ye Shen, Jin Mi and Run Yu's wedding post."

"Father won't agree, and Mi'er doesn't want Father to officiate for us?" Abandoning the previous agreement and re-establishing the marriage post is a challenge to the authority of the Heavenly Emperor. Given Runyu's understanding of the Heavenly Emperor, the possibility is too low.

"Many times I have lost too much, and I am unwilling to compromise on the result. Why don't Lord Dongting propose marriage to my father in the future?"

"Okay, mother will be very happy, and I will work hard to make all this justified."

mother died

"Mi'er, I'll take you here. Next time I will definitely visit the water god and the wind god." As he spoke, he took out a piece of dragon scale and handed it to Jin Mi, "Here, if Mier misses me, I will give it to you." After waving the Dragon Summoning Curse, Runyu rushed over immediately."

"Ni Lin?" Jin Mi was shocked when he saw it, the dragon's Ni Lin would die if he pulled it out, how could Runyu pull the Ni Lin off.

Jin Mi hurriedly tore off his clothes, "Let me see your injuries."

"What are you doing, Mi'er!" Runyu blushed and frantically gathered her clothes.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Seeing Runyu's blushing face, Jin Mi was a little at a loss, and slapped his forehead hard twice, why did he suddenly become confused

"It's all old injuries, Mi'er, I'm very happy, very happy!"

Seeing Jin Mi bowing her head in silence, Runyu stepped forward to hold her hand, and gently kissed her forehead.

Jin Mi felt his face getting hotter and hotter, so he pushed Runyu and said, "I'm going back now, you should go now."

After that, Runyu often visited the flower world. Knowing that the water god has never agreed to the marriage contract with the Emperor of Heaven and the others, how to please the prospective father-in-law who hates his father's family has become the first problem that Runyu has to overcome.

He conquered Aunt Linxiu, all the hostesses, Lao Hu, Rou Rou, etc., and everyone in the flower world, but it was difficult to please the water god.

Jin Mi accompanied him to Dongting Lake twice before, but he never met Mr. Dongting. Later, when Runyu came to the Flower World, Jin Mi gave him carnations, bowl lotus, flower cakes, sweet honey, and He has passed Baihuajin, Xuejie Shengji Cream, etc., as for the relationship between Runyu and Dongting Lord? Jin Mi didn't ask, everyone must be happy, at least Jin Mi has never lived such a life.

If life has always been like that, it will be a good day with light clouds and flowing water.

Perhaps because there was no news of Xu Feng, the Emperor of Heaven released the confinement of the Queen of Heaven.

"Has Qiyuan returned to the heavenly realm recently?" Tianhou asked.

"Report to Madam, there has been no news from Qi Yuan since she went down to the realm." His Highness's man in black bowed his head and replied.

After thinking for a while, Tianhou asked, "Is there any news about Flower God recently?"

"According to news, the flower god has returned to the flower world."

It seemed that Qiyuan had failed, Tianhou straightened up slowly, and tightly clenched her hands on the armrest, "What is Runyu doing now?"

"I heard, I heard that His Highness is looking for His Highness Vulcan again." The man in black below trembled nervously.

"Idiot! Such important news, why didn't you report it to me earlier? What happened to Xu Feng? Why did Runyu want to find Xu Feng's trace?" Tianhou empress directly hit the man in black with a fermented fire.

"Reporting to the Empress of Heaven, I heard that it was the will of the Emperor of Heaven, and I don't know the whereabouts of His Royal Highness the Fire God." Even if the fire was about to burn on him, the man in black neither dared to hide nor screamed for pain, so he could only do so honestly. answer.

"What exactly is the Emperor of Heaven going to do? Is he suspicious of me?" The Empress walked around, still unable to figure it out, so she ordered: "Pass me a secret order. From today onwards, the Bird Clan will do their best to find the trace of Xu Feng." .”

Thinking of this, Jin Mi deeply regrets, Tu Yao did not find Xu Feng's trace, but found Su Li's whereabouts.

Yanyou broke into the flower world, and when she found Jin Mi, she was still making flower cakes, and rushed over as soon as she heard about it.

When Jin Mi arrived, he heard Tu Yao scolding from a distance, "