Fragrant honey is as embers as frosty brocade

Chapter 3


I know, you just want to eat raisins. This is how I was fooled in my previous life.

It was the first time in this life that we met so unfriendly.

Time does not go back, four thousand years have passed in a hurry.

At the age of 600, Jin Mi broke through and became a true immortal, at the age of 1,500, he became a true immortal of Taiyi, and at the age of 3,000, he became a golden immortal, and now he is working hard towards the goal of Da Luo Jinxian.

Breakthroughs have been made frequently in these years, and there is some movement every time, which arouses the attention of the heavens. Because the flower world is self-contained, and because of the past grievances, the Emperor of Heaven is extremely tolerant of the flower world. Even if the other immortals have ideas, they have to endure it secretly.

In order to protect Jin Mi's safety, the lovers also practiced extraordinarily hard. Whenever Jin Mi breaks through, the flower world arranges flower fairies who have broken through to come out and walk around, so no one outside knows that there is Jin Mi in the flower world.

Jin Mi was able to leave the Water Mirror Barrier when he broke through to the True Immortal. Moreover, the ancient flower god in this life did not ask Jin Mi not to come out of the water mirror enchantment for ten thousand years. But Jin Mi still obediently stayed in the water mirror and never went out. And let Rourou stay in the water mirror all the time, avoiding the Qiongqi incident nine hundred years ago.

Now Jin Mi's strength is comparable to that of Master Changfang. Because he has been living in the water mirror and is busy practicing, Jin Mi has not taken over the affairs of the flower world, and the masters of Fang still perform their duties.

But because of Jin Mi's success in practice, it is discovered that Jin Mi is in charge of teaching the flower world elves. Lao Hu went to the Six Realms as early as a thousand years ago.

In the 212,812th year of Tianyuan, Frost's Fall, Jin Mi is 4,200 years old.

Jin Mi got up early, picked some fruits and vegetables, and made some flower cakes. Then, I went to tell the new elves a part of "The Book of the First Flower God", and they left early.

Afterwards, Jin Mi took the offerings and led the elves to the Flower God Tomb along with the Fangzhu to worship the Flower God.

After the sacrificial ceremony, Jin Mi was left to watch alone. For thousands of years, Jin Mi has been like this, everyone is used to it, Rourou and Forsythia went back with everyone, only Master Changfang hesitated to speak, paused, and finally left.

Regarding Jin Mi's life experience, no one mentioned it to her, and she never asked about it, but she would come to the Flower God Tomb every year to worship.

It's just that every time after worshiping Xianhua God, Jin Mi's mood would be very low, and he would even slack off in his cultivation. Therefore, at one time every year, Rourou and Forsythia would come to Jinhuaju to accompany her.

"Jin Mi, the book says that there are heaven, human, and demon worlds outside, what are they like, don't you want to go and have a look?" Lian Qiao asked.

"I don't want to!" Jin Mi replied while practicing Si Hua.

"But I want to take a look!" Lianqiao pouted. "I don't understand. What do you think the God of Flowers set up with this spoil, to lock us in a drop of fake water?"

"Lianqiao, it's so nice in the water mirror, it's not safe outside." Rourou said worriedly, and muttered again: "Can you stay in the water mirror or take advantage of Jin Mi's light."

"This has nothing to do with the Flower God, it's your mother who didn't let you go out. Look at the other elves who went out as soon as they became immortals." Jin Mi looked up at her and continued to practice.

"My mother said: 'You have good aptitude, you should practice diligently. Jin Mi is a good teacher, learn more from Jin Mi. I will let you go out when you are a true immortal.' My ears are covered with calluses." Lian Qiao said with a sigh .

"Jin Mi, do you think I should take some supplements? You have been a Golden Immortal for nearly a thousand years, and I haven't broken through to a True Immortal yet. Why are there so many differences between flowers and fruits! Huh, huh.... "Forsythia lay on the stone table and twisted and twisted.

"Be content! I practiced eight hundred years earlier than you, and I haven't broken through to being a true immortal!" Rou Rou curled her lips and said unwillingly.

They should be content, Jin Mi secretly thought, they were still elves in their previous life, so they are not satisfied with being a fairy (Xuan Xian) now. However, Jin Mi still comforted him: "Don't worry, break through to the real immortal, you've already reached the point, now it's just a matter of chance. Let nature take its course, maybe you wake up one night, hey~, break through!"

"Hahahaha! Jin Mi, I owe you a good word." Rourou said.

Lianqiao hummed and said, "But I have been waiting for 10 years!"

"Hey, hey! Look, there are shooting stars." Rourou patted Jin Mi and Lianqiao anxiously, and said excitedly, "Lianqiao, make a wish!"

Lian Qiao turned her head hastily, only to see a flash of fire streaking across the sky like a shooting star.

"Ah~! I want to make a wish, but there is an enchantment here, I wonder if it will be greatly discounted? No matter, let's try it first."

"We want to cultivate into real immortals!" Lianqiao and Rourou put their hands together on their chests, closed their eyes, and silently made a wish.

And the flame instantly broke the enchantment of the water mirror. It hit Jin Mi's backyard with a "bang".

Lianqiao frowned, "What is this?!" sniffed, "Why does it smell like burnt? It stinks!"

"Jin Mi, Jin Mi, what's the matter with you?" Rourou opened his eyes, looked at Jin Mi, was shocked for a moment, and gently raised his hand to push Jin Mi.

Lian Qiao quickly looked at Jin Mi, and found that Jin Mi's face was full of tears, and his hands were shaking. Lianqiao was startled and flustered, and asked softly, "Jin Mi, what's wrong? Don't cry! You..."

"Ah? Ah! Nothing, I'm fine!" As if waking up from a dream, he wiped his face, Jin Mi replied: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine!"

Jin Mi got up and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something and said, "The barrier of the water mirror is broken, I'll go check it out, you guys go back first!" Seeing the worried faces of Rou Rou and Lian Qiao, Jin Mi held back his lips With a smile: "It's okay, I'm here! You go back first!"

"Okay, let's go back first, be careful." Rourou said cautiously.

"Goodbye, Jin Mi." Lian Qiao said, and the two left together.

"Goodbye?" Jin Mi didn't know who he was saying to.

Jin Mi stood in the courtyard for a long time before walking towards the backyard.

If life is only as it was first seen, why is the autumn wind sadly drawing a fan.

Waiting for leisure to change the old man's heart, but the old man's heart is easy to change.


If you don't want to be involved in right and wrong, you can expect things to backfire.

The flower in my heart is withered, and time will never return.

Memories toss and turn, the pain can't beat this heart.

I only wish that I will have no regrets for the rest of my life, and fly away with the fragrance of flowers.

A big hole was smashed in the backyard. The pit was full of scorched earth, and some ice cubes were scattered, and a scorched black bird was smoking in the pit.

"Xu Feng!" Jin Mi muttered to himself, tears streaming down her face involuntarily.

Thousands of thoughts couldn't reach this one-eyed meeting, and all the past at this moment appeared before Jin Mi's eyes.

Love, yearning, resentment, hatred, all the previous emotions spewed out, making the meteorite spin violently in his heart like a reamer.

Even though Jin Mi clenched his teeth tightly, a trace of blood still flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Jin Mi can no longer remember which one hurts more, Ye Huo Burning Heart or Meteor Pill Wringing Heart.

As long as you push hard, nothing will happen in the future!

Looking at the "crow" in the pit, Jin Mi slowly stretched out his hand as if possessed, and caressed the scorched neck.

"Jin Mi," a voice came from behind, "What is this, are you saving it?" Jin Mi woke up suddenly, quickly withdrew his hand, and performed a cleansing formula on himself. Then she turned around, saw Lianqiao, and asked, "Lianqiao, didn't you go back?"

"Oh, I'm worried about you, so I came here again, hum~!" Lian Qiao laughed and asked again: "Jin Mi, what is this, is it still alive?" Lian Qiao was very curious.

"This is a bird, still alive." Jin Mi replied. Seeing that Lianqiao's spiritual power occasionally leaked out, Jin Mi knew that the time had come for Lianqiao to break through. Because Lianqiao was about to break through, Lianqiao must have sensed it, so she came back here in a daze, preventing her from being possessed.

Yes, enchanted! If Forsythia doesn't come, even if she does, God will not let her succeed, and the consequences will definitely not be what she wants.

With the protection of Meteor Pill, she never thought that she would have a demon in her body, and it was already so serious.

"This is a bird. I saw a bird." Lian Qiao squatted by the pit and exclaimed, "Jin Mi, let's save him. After we save him, we will raise him!"

"It's a bird. His injury is not serious, it's skin trauma, he can be healed by raising it by himself, and we can't raise him." Jin Mi replied one by one.

"Why? I want to raise it!" Lianqiao was quite reluctant.

"The bird family belongs to the heavenly realm and is the power of the Queen of Heaven. This bird is a fairy family and must come from the heavenly realm. But my flower realm is not in harmony with the heavenly realm. It will be troublesome to keep this bird. And let him live in the water mirror. It is also a hidden danger to the water mirror."

"Lianqiao, I'm going to repair the enchantment of the water mirror and send him out of the flower world." Looking at Lianqiao's reluctant expression, Jin Mi added: "I will send him to a safe place."

Jin Mi turned his hand, took out a futon-sized bamboo mat, handed it to Forsythia, and said: "This is made of bitter bamboo in the vineyard for thousands of years. It has the effect of concentrating the spirit, and you can use it for cultivation, or it may be useful. Income."

"Okay, Jin Mi." Lian Qiao cheered up again.

Jin Mi repaired the enchantment of the water mirror and sent Xu Feng out of the water mirror.

After the heart demon tribulation, Jin Mi has no more resentment. The fault between them has never been one party. Even if his emotions are surging, I hope that he will be safe in this life. I only hope that I will have no regrets for the rest of my life, and all the past will follow the fragrance of flowers. Disperse.

Even if the skills in this life are good, Jin Mi still dare not touch Xu Feng's fire of Nirvana, so the specific situation of Xu Feng is not very clear.

Therefore, Jin Mi found a hot spot on the outskirts of the flower world, placed the scorched bird Xu Feng there, fed another drop of thousand-year-old sweet honey, and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, the Jiao Bird gradually changed, and after a while, it turned into a human form.

Jin Mi stopped in his tracks, looking at the face in his memory, his heart suddenly calmed down. Jin Mi knew that he was about to wake up, so he cast a spell to make him sleep for an hour.

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