Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 11: Chapter 11



Xue Yaozu came, pulled me, and said coolly without looking at Zongyu: "Let's go."

Zong Yu said: "Don't rush to leave before you come, make it clear before you leave."

Xue Yaozu gave him another cool look and said, "Go away."

Zong Yu wasn't angry at all, just smiling, he was going to say something, but I was interrupted.

I said, "Don't talk about both of you, let me talk about it. I broke up with Xue Yaozu, and what else is left to the two of you, Mr. Zong, there is a grievance and a debt to the owner, you can solve the problem by yourself. , don't make trouble with me."

Zong Yu smiled and said, "Refreshing, good."

Xue Yaozu squeezed my hand for a while and then loosened it a little, looking at me in surprise.

What to look at, have you never seen a man, isn't that what men are like

Oh, the map cannon, at least my brother is definitely not like this, and my brother should not be like this.

Then I'll change it, what to look at, haven't I seen a scumbag, isn't that what a scumbag is.

I broke Xue Yaozu's hand and said, "That's it, it's time to get together and leave."

Then I walked away without looking back, and I couldn't tell if I wanted Xue Yaozu to run after me like a TV series, but it didn't make any sense, whether I hoped or not, he didn't chase me anyway.

I walked outside the fast food restaurant and suddenly heard a commotion. I turned my head and saw that on the floor-to-ceiling window, inside the restaurant, Xue Yaozu punched Zong Yu, and then was stopped by Zong Yu's bodyguard and started fighting.

I finally know why Zong Yu went out with bodyguards, his father must know that his son is very bad.

Moreover, Xue Yaozu is indeed domestic violence, I have long guessed that even if he stutters, he is a stuttering social brother.


It's not like that. I'm just talking nonsense. Xue Yaozu is very good. Apart from looking like a rogue in his clothes and sometimes he is indeed a rogue, he is very good.

So I don't want to have sex with him, it's boring.

I don't deserve either.


I knew from a very young age that many people looked down on my mother. Although those people may not be Wei Zhengguang themselves, it does not affect them looking down on my mother.

My mother often intervenes in other people's marriages, and I don't know if this is a hobby of hers. She is really good-looking (I don't exclude my filter), and her personality is quite good in front of others except me, especially in front of men... Uh, it fits the aesthetics of quite a few straight men... Why can't she Looking for a bachelor

This is an unsolved mystery.

I feel very ashamed.

I always remember when my mom was dating another married man and took me with her before she was in office. I was watching TV in the living room, and they said they had something to go to the room.

I watched TV for a while, got hungry, and wanted to go to my mother, so I went upstairs and saw that the bedroom door was not closed tightly, so they hugged and leaned against each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

I didn't say anything, and went back to the living room in silence, watched TV for a while, took the writing pad that was all the rage at the time that the man bought for me, and wrote two words.


Then erased, then wrote, and erased.

I don't remember how old I was at the time, but it should have been pretty young, after all, the age of playing that tablet.

But I don't think that's right.

But I dare not say.


Later, when I was a little older, I dared to say it, my mother just said a word, and if I couldn't stand it, I would leave.

But I have nowhere to go.

She often pointed to the beggars on the roadside and told me that if I didn't obey me, I would go beg for food, just like those beggars.

I don't want rice, so I can only be obedient.

Of course, she is not very obedient. Occasionally, if she scolds too much, I will scold her, but she has a unique trick. If she can't scold me, she will push me out the door.

I really have nowhere to go and really don't want food.


Later, my mother finally succeeded in pissing my brother to death, and took the position.

I don't know how to apologize to my brother, I feel that I can only apologize with death, but I don't dare to really die.

My brother ran away from home during the rebellious period, but my father ignored him, and my mother was secretly very happy.

I went to wait for my brother after school and followed him.

He impatiently asked me what I was doing with him. I said I wanted to know where he lived. He impatiently said it was none of your business and he would beat you to death.

I stopped, not daring to follow.

I stood there for a long time, and when I got tired, I sat on the steps next to me in a daze.

I don't know why I don't want to go back, thinking about life blankly.

I think my mom is bad.

But she is my mother, and all I eat is what she gave me, as if I have no right to scold her.

But she's really good and bad.

I cried when I was tangled, and people passing by asked me if I was lost.

Then my brother appeared again, and Super Invincible asked impatiently, "What the hell are you doing?"

I cried and said sorry to him. He became even more impatient and asked, "What's your business?"

I don't know what's up with me either.

I don't even know why I was born.

In the end, my brother had no choice but to buy a lollipop for me to eat, threatening me not to cry if I wanted to eat it.

Actually, I don't really like lollipops.

But to give my brother face, I had to pretend to accept his threats.

His face really looked much better, and it was estimated that this child was very coaxing.

We just sat on the steps side by side, I reluctantly ate a lollipop, and he said he would send me back when I was done.

I asked him where he was going, and he said he lived at his uncle's house.

Alas, I am so envious of him. My uncle and aunt had a bad relationship with my mother at that time, and my mother did not allow me to go to my uncle's house.

Thinking about it, I started to cry again.

My brother was very speechless and asked me why I was crying. I guess he thought I was cheating on the snacks.

I said sorry again.

He was silent for a long time before saying, "This has nothing to do with you, it's your fault."

I said I was apologizing on my mother's behalf.

He rolled his eyes and said that if he said that, he would have to apologize on his father's behalf.

I said, "Huh?"

He said, "If a slap doesn't make a sound, and a fly doesn't bite, you think Ren Kun is innocent? If he is a good thing, it won't be your mother's turn."

I guess he wanted to say adulterer sex, but maybe he was worried that I was there and didn't say it.


The day I went back, I quarreled with my mother, and the central idea was to get her to divorce Ren Kun.

My mom let me go again.

Get out, get out, I went to find my brother non-stop.

As a result, my brother's uncle looked at me inexplicably, as if he was insane. After a while, he said, "He said he should go back after dinner."

At that time, it was almost midnight, and I was stunned. It took me a long time to ask my uncle if you could lend me a call and go back to my brother and ask him to pick me up

My brother's uncle said he didn't have a phone at home.

After that, I heard the phone ring in the house.

The scene was awkward for a while.

My brother's uncle said there was something else and slammed the door shut.


I sneaked to the nearby police station in horror and said I was lost, but I remembered my home phone and I was going to call my brother to pick it up.

My brother said on the phone that you will die.

He even bought me candy in the afternoon. Could it be that he was just afraid that passersby would gossip about his uncle

In the end, my dad came to pick it up.

My dad treats me well, much better than my brother.

He told me not to quarrel with my mother. It's not easy for my mother, and it's not easy for him either. Their true love is earth-shattering.

He always brainwashes me like this.

Although it was not completely successful, I once suspected that the two of them were really in love, but their true love was rather misunderstood. Until the fourth appeared.

I really love you numb.

Treat Lao Tzu as a mentally retarded coax.


I was really almost mentally retarded at one time, but fortunately my brother Yingming Shenwu can see through everything.

Ren Kun is really not a fucking thing.

Of course, this doesn't make my mother whitewash.

It can only be said that a bunch of broken pots and lids are gathered together.


That's about it.

I think it's revenge for what I'm doing now.

Although I don't know it's all about me, it stands to reason that I should be the victim too.


I know that Xue Yaozu may indeed have nothing to do with Zong Yu. No matter how you look at it, Zong Yu is mentally ill, but I really don't have the strength to mess with them.

My persecution delusion is getting more and more serious, I may be dying, either dying of illness or being killed by others. I just want to die innocently.

I don't want to be looked down upon by others. I have been looked down upon by others because of my mother for ten or twenty years. Now that she is dead, I just want to be looked down upon by others.

In order to prevent me from being looked down upon when I die, I even deleted my briefcase. After I deleted it, the internet was cleared. Now I can't find it every time I want to see it.


I called my grandfather and handed over my brother and sister to him.

My brother was right before, my brother and sister are still children, it is easy to deal with children, as long as I leave and never show up again, they can only be with my grandfather. No matter how independent a child is, he can only depend on adults to live.

I told my grandfather that the two children may be ignorant, and they will inevitably get angry at first, so don't bother with them.

Grandpa hung up the phone before he finished listening.

To be optimistic, he may have no signal in the elevator, or suddenly he is going to take an exam for the elderly in the middle of the night, and he needs to block the signal and confiscate his mobile phone.


I don't even know where I'm going next.

I want to die a bit, but after thinking about it, let's live. As long as people live, how bad can they go


I borrowed some money from a friend and slept at his house for a night. I asked him to help me pack things in my house. I killed him by the way, and didn't tell Xue Yaozu where I was.

My friend's ability to focus on key points is particularly strong: "Xue Yaozu? That stammer? Didn't you just talk to him?"

No wonder he failed the college entrance exam.

I said, "Don't ask, that's it."

My friend said: "I can't help but ask, you answer seriously, have you really talked to him?"

I just have to say yes.

He said, "Alas."

I asked what was wrong and it sounded like there was a story.

He said what he didn't want to say, but he knew long ago that Xue Yaozu had a crush on me.

I:"… "

He said that Xue Yaozu often peeked at me and even bought my photos in private.

Who do you buy from? !

My friend waved his hand and said that this is nothing, after all, I am also a famous person on campus, and I am just a peripheral.

Why don't I think so? !

My friend said that he actually vaguely knew why Xue Yaozu wanted to push the person I was paired with. Hearing the gossip, that person seemed to be disrespectful to me in the original words. , I remember that Xue Yaozu pushed him before the money was collected.

But this is gossip, and my friend is not sure.

I said how did I not know so much gossip.

My friend said cheerfully: "Oh, because you are heartless."

I said, "You're the one who lacks heart."

So having said that, I still don't know why Xue Yaozu has a crush on me!

My friend said: "Need a reason? Look at the face."

This reason is too perfunctory!

Love my soul, okay? ! Even if this soul is pale and desperate!