Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 12: Chapter 12



I asked a friend to borrow some money, made a plan, bought a ticket, and planned to live in another province for a while.

In order to prevent my whereabouts from being hacked into the ticket website by enemies I don't know where I came from, I bought a train ticket to City A and planned to transfer to a long-distance train there.

Of course, I don't mean to leave, I have to wait two days to see the doctor.

My friend was surprised to know that I still decided to go to the doctor and take medicine, and he was still very disapproving. He insisted on his point of view and felt that I was just too stressed and needed to relax and rest.

I tried very hard to tell him that I knew I needed to relax, but the problem now is that I can't do it on my own.

He also said that taking the medicine has serious side effects.

I was quite afraid that he would go on, because I was afraid that I would be shaken again.

I took the medicine, and the side effects also happened to me. I was definitely more afraid than him.

But I want to give it a try because there is no other way.

And I want to go back to my normal life.

My previous life was not particularly carefree, and there were many problems, but at least I had the courage to face it. Whether things can pass by because of the face is another matter, at least I have to face it.


Two days passed quickly.

I went to the doctor, the doctor read me and prescribed medicine, that's it, it's a very simple process.

Of course, in order to prevent the doctor from harming me, I withheld some information and dared not tell the truth. Doctors are probably used to it, and they are quite patient.

When I was about to leave, I asked the doctor to tell me the truth, if I could be okay.

The doctor said that the medicine cannot be stopped.

I asked, do I take medicine for a lifetime

The doctor said that's not true, but you absolutely can't stop the drug if you feel better, you have to listen to the doctor.

I was thinking in my heart, what if you won't let me stop taking the medicine in order to sell it

Of course, I dare not say it, I dare to BB in my heart.


When I came out of the hospital with a bag of medicine, I saw Xue Yaozu.

So embarrassing.

My friend betrayed me.

Xue Yaozu came over and gave me a kind smile.

I think he's going black.

He asked, "Doctor, what do you say?"

I said, "It's alright, just remember to take your medicine."

He asked again: "What are you planning to do in the future?"

I said, "You should already know that."

He had a puzzled look on his face.

I said, "Guy should have told you all about it, right? You didn't ask how he got here?"

Xue Yaozu said, "I, remember, you are coming today."

I was suddenly dumbfounded, and it took me a long time to say, "I'm sorry."

He shook his head and said quickly, "Zongyu, over there, it's resolved."

I asked how to solve it, but he refused to say, he said he had asked a friend for help, and Zong Yu was packaged up by his family and thrown out of the country.

Well, it has nothing to do with me either.

In fact, they have nothing to do with me.

I am a person who is neither more nor less.

It's just that I insist on living in this world myself, and I'm a shameless person.

This may be my only advantage, if any.

After all, I am a person who is mentally ill and can especially ask for help on their own. I read online posts that many patients want to die, but I am afraid that I will die if I get this disease.

I don't want to die, I don't want to die at any time, there are so many bad people in this world, if I die, there will be one less good person.

So no matter how hard it is, I have to live.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Xue Yaozu held it back for a long time and said, "So, can you, continue, stay with me, please? I like you, take a look."

I looked at him for a while and asked, "What do you like about me?"

He said: "All."

I smiled.

I also like Vivien Leigh, because I like her face, so even her character and life experience are viewed with artistic aesthetics. But so what

I don't know why the two like each other.

I always feel that love is something that people make up to fool fools. In fact, everyone is just doing it for profit, either money and power, or being able to have children legally, or just to meet their physical needs legally and for free. Otherwise, what are you talking about? To not be lonely? Then when I was with my friend, both of them were fine. I had a fart love with him.

Xue Yaozu was silent for a long time and said, "I want to protect you."

I said, "Don't bullshit, you claim to have had a crush on me before, didn't you? Then you protected a ghost?"

Xue Yaozu said: "I was, at that time, I wanted to protect you. I was, for, to think, to protect you, and it became, today, like this."

I don't feel at all that I need to be protected by someone before. When I was in middle school, I caught and scolded anyone every day. If you pulled a group of big brothers in the society in front of me, I could even scold me if I had the guts. After scolding, I felt like a young boy.

Xue Yaozu held back for a long time and asked, "Are you, are you, still, sage, time?"

I:"… "

He said: "No, as for, even, love, itself, all, right?"

My pleasure!

He smiled and wanted to pull me. I ducked and said, "I'm not joking with you, you let me calm down."

He asked, "How long?"

I said, "I don't know."

I think I'm a complete scum, maybe it's genetics.

Xue Yaozu couldn't stop laughing. He seemed a little scared, but he was serious and said, "I like you."

To be honest, I'm a little soft-hearted.

If he was shorter and didn't look so cool, like with those big watery eyes from the comics, I might have softened my heart.

I said, "Oh, that's your business."

I'm a whirlwind invincible super scumbag.


I lost Xue Yaozu.

And left my hometown to fly away.

I don't know about others, but for me, the side effects of taking the medicine are not too great, except for a little fat, and occasionally a little unresponsive. But it's not so frustrating anymore, which is good.

Of course, I don't fucking know if it's the reason I left my hometown or the reason I took the medicine.

My brother sent me a message saying that my brother and my sister and my grandfather left without crying or making trouble. I just asked my brother to tell me that when they grow up, they will no longer be a burden, then come back to me and let me pay attention. Safety.

My friend kept in touch with me. He said that he saw Xue Yaozu when he was helping me pack up. Xue Yaozu told him to put things there, and I would go back sooner or later.

I said I would not go back.

My friend said, "If you don't want to go back, tell him yourself, I don't dare."

Just a stammer, what dare you!

My friend sneered: "Huh."

I don't know what he meant.

He said, "You dare to go."

I dare, of course I dare, I dare to slag Xue Yaozu, how can I dare to go back? But I don't go.

My friend said, "Seriously, you're not being authentic."

I said, "Stop talking, I have to get ready to get out of the car."

My friend asked, "Where have you been?"

I said that I was going to climb the mountain. I got off the bus today and went to the hotel to rest first. I went to climb the mountain in the morning tomorrow. I heard that there is a cable bridge and glass plank road that is known as the number one in the country.

I used to like this kind of thing very much. In fact, I am not very timid, but I like this kind of activity that seems to be an adventure but is actually very safe. I really don’t know what everyone is afraid of. The iron chain bridge will definitely not break, and the glass plank road is basically not likely to crack, not to mention that there are usually life-saving nets below.

But there are some people who like to play pranks and deliberately go to rock the chain bridge, and deliberately want to see the people above, screaming in fright, not knowing where the fun is.


The next day I left my large luggage at the hotel and went to climb the mountain.

The scenery in the mountains is very good, and the air is very fresh. It takes a long time to meet a few tourists, which is very clean.

Gradually I passed halfway up the mountain, and I finally reached the front of the chain bridge. There will be more tourists here, such as the group of social brothers who are screaming and shaking the iron rope.

On the bridge was a tall man standing with his back facing him, he didn't dare to move while holding the iron cable.

When I got on the suspension bridge, I glanced at the social brothers, they ignored me and continued to shake.

When I came up, I didn't write down the phone number of the management office, otherwise I would call to report someone for damaging the scenic facilities.

When I walked halfway, I happened to be next to the tall man who was holding the iron rope and dared not move, and said, "Let's go, it won't fall off."

He still held the iron rope and dared not move.

I don't know why such a big person is still afraid of this.

I grabbed his arm and said, "I'll take you there."

He still didn't move.

I tugged again: "It's okay."

He turned to look at me.

It is Xue Yaozu.

I didn't react for a while, and looked back at the group of social brothers I didn't know. Everyone turned around and retreated when they saw it.

I got angry and let go and crossed the bridge by myself.

Shit, are you kidding me? !

Xue Yaozu hurriedly hugged me from behind and said, "You don't know why I like you. I, that's how, like, yours."

I was taken aback, looked at him, and left in no hurry.

He said: "One time, during the spring outing, I didn't like to talk. Someone took the lead and shook the iron rope when I was crossing the bridge. You, pull me, walk over, yes. You said, it's nothing, I am so afraid, yes, the more I am, the more I am afraid, they will become more and more energetic. If I am not afraid, I will not be bullied. "

To be honest, he seemed to have such a thing when he said this, but I didn't know the student, so I just saw that he was wearing a school uniform, and couldn't see it, so I pulled it.

Xue Yaozu went on to say: "Once, grades, activities, drumming, passing flowers, asked me to sing. I didn't dare to sing, they didn't let me go down. You, help me, sing, let me, help you press, piano."

I often do this kind of thing. At that time, I was more romantic and suave. I was blindly confident in my own voice. Every time I saw my classmates sang and didn't want to, I would do a favor and grab the limelight.

Xue Yaozu talked for a long time and asked, "Now, I am qualified to like it, do you?"

I'm helping you the fuck, why the fuck do you think about protecting me? !

I have reservations, and even reasonably suspect that Xue Yaozu is delusional. Did he put my good deeds to other classmates on himself

He said: "When we got married, I came to your house and lived there for two days. I saw you, your parents, quarreling."

I remembered it happened. At that time, the fourth appeared. In the middle of the night, my mother took my father home and quarreled in the living room. My father was in a hurry and scolded my mother, saying that she knew what she knew and had no right to scold Xiao Si.

When my brother heard the sound, he went out and glanced at the living room downstairs, and found that it was not a thief, so he went back to the house with an indifferent expression and went back to sleep.

I stood behind the railing on the second floor and watched them arguing, without any fluctuations in my heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Then I squatted on the ground and covered my mouth and laughed for a long time.

But I remember when I went back to the house later that my twin classmate slept soundly.

Xue Yaozu said, "I am, pretending to be asleep."


He said: "Afterwards, you fell asleep, still, crying, still, often, shaking."

Normal people would think it's epilepsy...

Xue Yaozu said: "I, hold you, you, it's much better."

You can't fucking wake me up? ! Your brain circuit is really weird! To be honest, do you have the opportunity to cuddle the male god secretly, so it's pretty nice? !

Xue Yaozu said: "Wake up, after that, you will be the same as usual."

"I suddenly, just, fell in love with you," he said.


To be honest, Xue Yaozu is really special and inexplicable.


But I promise him, try again.

Mainly, he pressed him to death and jumped off the suspension bridge when he said I was going to keep dumping him.

You are dancing!

Of course I dare not say that.

I just say you are a fucking hooligan! After a long time of warmth and affection, in the end, when you see that things are not good, you cry, make trouble, and hang yourself? !

Xue Yaozu was not ashamed and said, "The means are not important, without you, it is important."

Get out of your ass!


Then try it.


I have to make it clear in advance, what if it doesn't work after I try it, I can't continue to cheat with the same trick.

Xue Yaozu said seriously, "I won't, again, jump off the bridge."

Well, give it a try then.


Three months later, Xue Yaozu said he was going to jump off the building.

Knock in! ! !

Stinking rogue! ! !

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