Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 4: Chapter 4



You may not believe it. The first time I went to Xue Yaozu's company, his younger brothers regarded me as Xue Yaozu's object, whether they had seen it or not, even more than the object.

A big golden chain slapped Xue Yaozu on the shoulders earth-shatteringly: "You are in this business! You want to treat guests! Flowing water table! Set it up for a month!"

Xue Yaozu said coolly: "No please."

The big gold chain said, "Why don't you invite me?"

Xue Yaozu said, "Shut up."

He introduced to me: "He, it's me, my friend, my name is Daikin."

Daikin said, "Then introduce your male god's name."

Xue Yaozu said, "Don't tell me."


Xue Yaozu took me to his office and shut the door for a group of people watching the fun.

He explained: "They, listen to me, said, you."

Oh no need to explain, I see it.

I saw Xue Yaozu's photo on his desk, which was taken secretly when I was in junior high school.

He's getting more and more scary.

Xue Yaozu was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes, I can't afford it."

I said, "I don't remember you."

He said, "You, wait."

He searched his mobile phone for a long time, and held it up to me: "Look, this, it's me."

The person in the photo had his eyes completely covered with bangs and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and half of his entire face was abstract.

This is what I remembered. The person I paired with was this classmate. Basically, he didn't speak more than three words, and he looked very gloomy.

But I remember his name is not Xue Yaozu.

Xue Yaozu said: "Teacher, I forgot, I changed my name. I didn't explain it."

I said, "I heard that you pushed that person, why did you do that?"

Xue Yaozu was silent for a while, and said, "I don't, remember."

It doesn't look like I don't remember it.

Forget it, ask for nothing.

I said, "Forget it if you don't remember."

He said, "I will not harm you. I like you."

He has told me that he likes me 800 times, and I doubt that this is his catchphrase.


I remember that classmate who was paired with him, if he hadn't heard him occasionally, he would have thought he was dumb.

Xue Yaozu said: "I stutter, classmates, often laugh at me, but I don't talk."

I nodded.

He added: "You, want me to talk more."

I don't really remember this, I've been talking a lot since I was a kid.

He said: "You want me to change my hair and take off my glasses."

I asked, "Then you wear invisible?"

"Done, myopia, corrected," he said.

He said, "I want you to like it."


So embarrassing.

Could he not speak so directly.


He said: "You, also, take me, play games, take me, sing, skydive."

I said, "That doesn't make you like me, does it?"

He said, "Just like, you."

Shit, do whatever you want.


When I was young, I loved skydiving, and it was unbelievable that I wasn't worried that someone would kill me by doing something on a parachute.


Xue Yaozu fell into the memories of his beautiful first love, and it felt like I could make a pink bubble when I sneezed.

I don't deny that I was fine at the time, but it was really embarrassing.

I thought and thought, and I don't know how to tell him that he should find a little pink angel instead of continuing to stare at me as a fallen angel with broken wings.


When Xue Yaozu recalled his first love, his secretary ran in to report to him about his work, and I changed my mind after hearing that.

He is so rich, otherwise I will deceive his feelings first, anyway, I will die sooner or later, and then lie to him to take care of my brother and sister.


Forget it.

Although there are almost bad people all over the world who want to harm me, they are not benevolent and I cannot be unjust. I am a good person anyway, and this is my only sense of superiority.


When I die in the future, my epitaph will be: This is a man.


If I die, I should scatter my ashes, just sprinkle them anywhere, and they will turn them into spring mud to protect flowers.

You can't contribute to human beings when you are alive. When you die, you help the earth to be fertile. Let's show respect.

God, I am such a kind and gentle person, why don't you be nice to me


Xue Yaozu asked: "Yes, no, very boring? What are you thinking about?"

I said, "I'm praying that God will let me live another five hundred years."

Xue Yaozu smiled and said, "We will worship Buddha tomorrow, let's go."

He is so clingy! Why can he turn the tables on any topic? What the hell has he been through!

He said: "You, let me, change, have, so, good."

Cheeky, how can anyone boast that they are so good.


I think Xue Yaozu mainly wants to show off his wealth with me, just like an animal courting, and it's just about opening the screen.

He laughed and said, "By you, say, that's right."


Mom, I don't think I can resist.


I said solemnly, "I have a different personality than I used to be."

He said, "You, still, you."

I don’t think it’s the same. People’s personality has changed, and they’re not the same person they used to be. It's like there are two people named Ren Gu, one is very enthusiastic and lively, and the other is very sad every day, then I choose to be friends with the former only.

But I didn't say it. I don't know Xue Yaozu very well either, so I don't want to talk to him.


Xue Yaozu asked me, "Why, suddenly, unhappy?"

I thought to myself, in the future I might not only be suddenly unhappy, but also suddenly hit people.

He said: "boring, now, let's go, watch a movie, let's go. After watching, go to, eat."

I think he might be trying to repay.

Unbeknownst to me, I influenced him and he went from being an introvert to what he is today, so he wanted to repay me.

In fact, he doesn't need to do this, he just promises that one day I die or I am crazy or I have nothing, and he will help me take care of my brother and sister like a father.


I said to Xue Yaozu, "Otherwise you should accept my brother and my sister as your son and daughter."

Xue Yaozu was silent for a long time and said, "Cha, generation, it's over."

I don't mind anymore!

He said: "Then, the two of them, just, you, Cha generation."

The dead stutter is blind all day long.


I don't want to go to the mall, what if someone follows me and tries to hit me. But Xue Yaozu dragged me around and said he wanted to buy new clothes.

gay in gay.


He really went to buy himself new clothes.

Trying on clothes was a lot of fun.

I was bored and looked at my clothes for a while. I saw a zipper that was shiny and beautiful. I touched it and suddenly felt that something was wrong. It had my fingerprints on it. What if someone used it to deceive me? For example, someone wore this dress to kill someone, and my fingerprints were found on it, saying that I was the murderer.

I quickly wiped it off, but it felt like more and more.

I started the party.


Xue Yaozu finished shopping and dragged me out of the store, I was still panicking.

He asked me what was wrong and I said nothing.

I know that my thoughts and actions are very crazy, but I don't want him to know how crazy I am, even if he has seen how crazy I am.

Why did he pull me out, if I didn't go out, nothing like this would happen, nothing would happen to me at home.


I know how to do it. I want to have a partner with Xue Yaozu, and then let him support me. From now on, I will stay at home and not go out, and no one will harm me.


My name is Xue Yaozu, and he stopped to look back at me.

I brewed my emotions and grabbed his hand.

He seemed to be stunned for a moment, looking at me suspiciously.

Between lightning and flint, I suddenly felt that it was not feasible! In case he suddenly has another object one day, wants to dump me, but is afraid that I can't get rid of it, or wants to get back the money he spent on me but is afraid that he won't get it back, he will kill me if he doesn't do it again and again. manage? Actually, I'm pretty good at dumping, but what if he doesn't think so

And it's not good for me to do so.


And maybe Xue Yaozu offended someone one day, someone kidnapped me to threaten him, and he accidentally tore up the vote.


Xue Yaozu asked, "What's wrong?"

I said, "Oh, it's okay, I'll treat you to milk tea, would you like it?"

He said, "Drink."


Now the milk tea is very expensive, twenty or thirty cups.

I can barely drink.

The moment I saw the price list, I wanted to say that I would buy him a drink and I would not drink it, but it seemed that I was too stingy, so I had to bite the bullet and continue to read the price list, asking: "What do you want?"

Xue Yaozu pointed to one.

A cup of green tea costs twenty-eight! I can buy a packet of tea and drink it for a month!

I bought two glasses with tears in my eyes. Fifty-six bucks go out and I can buy a box of socks.


Xue Yaozu said while drinking: "You, like, drink tea, I have a lot, tea, all of them are given by others."

I don't like drinking tea!

He said: "Milk tea, drink less, a little, it's not good. The news said, it's not good, the sugar content is too high."

I can't even drink if I want!

Poverty keeps me away from sugar.


We went for the hot pot first.

Xue Yaozu said: "You eat, there are very few things."

I said I lost weight.

He just laughed: "Now, it's good, yes. Besides, lose weight, don't rely on it, be hungry, let's go for a run every morning, let's go together."


Somehow I'm going to worship Buddha with him after my run tomorrow morning.