Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 6: Chapter 6



I dragged my sick and disabled body to pick up my brother and sister to eat junk food.

The two of them are very restrained. My brother ordered a cup of Coke, and my sister said to him directly: "You eat Coke and buy it in the supermarket. It is much cheaper. Brother, I lost weight and brought herbal tea. Would you drink it?"

Tell me, where can you find such a good sister.

But it's also great to eat junk food once in a while to satisfy your happiness. I said, "Come on, I'll give you a bonus."

It's so sad, what age is this, and you have to give out bonuses to eat this thing, idol dramas are not written like this. What's more sad than that is that I haven't paid out the bonus yet.

My brother looked at my sister, and my sister said, "It's cheaper to eat next door."

The three of us moved to eat fried dumplings next door.


Watching my brother put fried dumplings in my sister's bowl, and my sister poured me flower tea, I was very relieved and said, "Grandpa is back, I want to see you two, let's go home this week."

My sister said alertly: "I don't want to go abroad, I want to go out with a forest."

My brother was unhappy: "Why did you suddenly sell me?"

My sister snorted him skillfully: "I know you won't go away by yourself, so I say so, you continue to eat."


I said to my sister, "Going abroad is also good."

My sister said, "Then you go together."

I really want to go. After going abroad, maybe my problems will be better, at least I will stay away from my enemies. But it does not rule out that I offend new people in a foreign country, and the death penalty is not popular in foreign countries, and the arrogance of the criminals is even more rampant.

And the point is that my grandfather doesn't want to help me either, he doesn't even want to see me, he just wants to cut off my relationship with my brother and sister, I don't know what he's thinking, I hope he sees that blood relationship Don't hire someone to assassinate me, I don't expect anything else.

I said bitterly, "I can visit you all the time. You know, it's better to follow Grandpa than to follow me."

My sister said, "No, I don't think he looks like a good person."

I asked cautiously, "What happened to him?"

My sister said, "It's nothing, but he looks stingy."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it's okay, my grandfather is not stingy, he is generous to my sister and brother, but he is too lazy to deal with people he doesn't like, such as me and my brother.


The negotiation didn't come to fruition. Today's children make up their own minds, don't listen to me at all, and I can't force her. As for my brother, he listens to me, and more to his sister. Who made them twins? I envy them.


I took his home home, my grandfather was coming back the next day, they went to the room to do their homework, and I sat awkwardly with my brother in the living room, mainly because I was unilaterally embarrassed, and he was busy replying to messages.

After replying to the message, he looked up at me, frowned habitually, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

I said, "It's okay, just sit down."

He got up and went upstairs.


Halfway upstairs, he stopped again and said to me, "You'd better let them go with Grandpa, rather than you."

I think so too, but they don't listen to me!

He added, "Don't let it be broken by you."

I think so.

He said: "they are just children, you don't want them anymore, they can only go with grandpa. You always know this way, just pretend you don't know."

I know, but I just pretend not to know.

Because I don't want to become an adult who will force children to make such decisions.

My brother said sharply: "Hypocritical. You know how to be nice to them, and you don't want to be evil."

He was right.


Just because he is right doesn't mean I will listen to him. I actively reflect on it and never repent.


I open all kinds of locks in my room.

Before I moved out, I started to get crazy. I installed all kinds of locks in the bedroom, bought all kinds of boxes with locks, and locked all the things that I couldn't take away and didn't bother to take away.

I soberly know that my brother is not the kind of person who runs around to dig through my things. He won't rummage when something happens, and he doesn't want to hurt me. There is basically no burglar in my community.

But my inner bullhead has been brainwashing me: what if? What if? What if? What if everyone suddenly took the wrong medicine


I found the photo album I had when I was studying, and it contained Xue Yaozu at that time. To be honest, I didn't even see that he had any relationship with him now when I looked horizontally and vertically. That half of the face was too abstract, like a mosaic.

It took me a long time to find a number suspected to be Xue Yaozu, but it was an empty number.

Hi, what am I mulling over.


When I was about to go to bed at night, I started the party. I forgot to bring the monitor back, and I had nowhere to buy it for a while.

Although recently, Xue Yaozu refused to let me turn on the monitor, but I went with him in the spirit of the fearless worm who didn't care if he died, but now he is not there.

This problem is serious.

I started to be afraid that I would sleepwalk at night, thinking day by day and dreaming at night, if I would get up in the middle of the night and use my phone to text someone that I admit that I did something bad that I didn’t actually do and that I don’t owe it huge debt

This is all evidence!

So I need the surveillance to tell me that I didn't get up from the bed at night.

Otherwise, I am very worried and afraid.


I was wrapped in a quilt and made a video with Xue Yaozu, and he was reading a book with glasses on.

I asked him if his myopia was corrected, and he said: "No, correction, good. But, it doesn't affect daily life."

I don't think his blindness affects his daily life.

He laughed and said, "You're a hooligan."

Who the fuck is a hooligan! What the hell is he thinking about all day long!

Given that he is my imagination, to some extent I may be subconsciously really being a hooligan.

I asked him what book he was reading, and he said just look at it.

I twitched for a while, saying that I was afraid that I didn't bring surveillance.

He said: "Then, you, put the phone in, your sister, there, let her hide it."

He is so smart! Subconsciously, I am so smart!

I was about to act when my sister pushed open the door of my room, climbed onto my bed with her own pillow, and asked, "Who are you videoing with?"

I quickly closed the video and said, "No, I'm watching a funny video. What are you doing?"

My sister said, "Sleep with you."

I seriously taught her not to.

She said, "It's okay, Yisen will come over later, he is helping me move the quilt. You two sleep together, I have the quilt myself. And I'm only in elementary school."

The problem is that I don't think she is like a schoolboy.


While my sister and brother were making the quilt, I quickly sent a message to Xue Yaozu, saying that I was going to sleep with my brother and sister. He said yes and sent me a meme.

I'm guilty, I don't want to sleep with my brother and sister, I want to sleep with Xue Yaozu.


I didn't know how to explain it to my brother and sister. I just said that I was afraid that I wouldn't want to sleep while playing with my phone, so I turned off my phone and hid it for them.

My sister instructed my brother to hide his cell phone, and then asked me, "Have you talked to friends recently?"

I:"… "

My sister is very old and said: "If you think it's okay, just show us."

How old is she!

She continued: "If you don't talk about it, just talk about it, you're so old, it's boring to be alone."

Are all elementary school students like this or is it just my sister


I think my sister has something on her mind.

When my brother came back from hiding his phone, I ordered him to bring two bottles of water, and then asked my sister, "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

She nodded solemnly, took a deep breath, and asked me a very serious question, who is more handsome in a certain popular team.

I:"… "

I asked, "Are you sure you want to ask about this?"

She said, "Hmm."

I also don't know if this problem is easy or deadly.

Out of caution, I asked her who she liked first.

She said, "You say it first, don't make my answer."

Your brother is trying to live, why do you ask such a difficult question

I said, "Your brother and your brother are the most handsome."

"No, just pick them," she said.

My brother came back with water and said unhappily, "It's all ugly."

My brother is really a master of art and bold, the ignorant is fearless, and the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

My sister ignored him and urged me: "Speak quickly."

I said firmly: "They are all very handsome."

My sister is not happy.

I peeked at my brother, he reluctantly gave me a few fingers, and I chose that one.

My sister was so happy, she gave me a kiss and said, "I think so too!"

My brother had an "I won't let him in" look on his face.

Never thought that they would have an internal split over a man.


They both fell asleep quickly.

I watched them both for a while.

They're still so young, I can't leave them behind or hold them back.

I have to get better.


After I got up the next day, I got my mobile phone and sent a message to Xue Yaozu about this. He replied: I have a friend who can get tickets for the event, please let her study hard and take her to see it during the holidays.


I don't think my brother will let Xue Yaozu come in.


Fortunately, Xue Yaozu did not exist.