Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 7: Chapter 7



My grandfather is still so cold, even colder than my brother.

After a few polite greetings, he went straight to the topic and told me to take my brother and sister away.

To be honest, if the two of them are willing to leave, I will definitely agree! Now they don't agree, what's the use of forcing me to think of a way! Why don't you kidnap me and threaten them both? !

I didn't dare to say it, I was afraid that he had inspired him to do so.

Maybe he will develop further and tear up the votes directly.


My grandfather said, buy me a suite and change my brother and sister.


Good things are like human trafficking. I can't help but think that there is a conspiracy behind this. Does he really want to sell my brother and sister


No, I can't guess that.

I let him ask my brother and sister by himself.


I don't know how they talked, but grandpa promised to pay them both tuition and living expenses.

It's something to be happy about, but I'm not happy about it.

I don't know why I can't be happy, but I'm very scared, especially afraid that I'll sleepwalk at night.

I can't do it anymore, I'm going back to find Xue Yaozu.


I can't find Xue Yaozu.

I have to get through it myself.

If he keeps looking at me in a frenzy, he will soon lose his patience.


I have to trust Xue Yaozu.


Why should I trust Xue Yaozu? I don't know him well.


Why should I doubt everyone who treats me well


Because I'm mentally ill.


After dinner, I excused myself from having something to deal with and locked myself in the room, lying in bed looking at the ceiling.

I don't dare to touch my phone, what if I just send out messages like this

But just looking at the ceiling like that makes me uneasy too, I always feel like I'm talking. There are a lot of things in my mind, a lot of secrets, secrets that can’t be told to others. If someone knows it, it’s a trick. What if I say it and the bug in the room hears it

I know there are no bugs in the room, and I know I'm not talking, but what if

Just in case, I cover my mouth so I can feel it if I speak.


Why should I do this

I'm not a bad person.


I desperately poured myself chicken soup.

It's okay, no matter what, it's good for people to live, and everything else is external. So I don't have to be afraid, I don't have to be afraid of anything, I just need to live healthy and healthy, and the things I'm afraid of basically won't happen, I can't scare myself. Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if it happened, so what? The big deal is to start all over again.

My mood stabilized a bit.

I think I can save myself.

I can't depend on others, I have to rely on myself to get better.

It's just a small test, and I can pass it.

Because I want to be a hero, I am definitely stronger, braver, stronger and more willpower than others. I have experienced extraordinary things since I was a child, so I must be the protagonist. This is all plot twist.


I can definitely get better.

I feel like I'm going to get better in the next second.


I went to wash my face, had a cup of tea, and watched the video for a while.


No one can't live, as long as I want to live, I can live.

No one is embarrassing me, as long as I don't embarrass myself.

Even without Xue Yaozu, it is the same. I can go to the doctor by myself. If I am diagnosed with a disease, I will insist on taking medicine and I will definitely be fine.

There is no worse ending than death, and as long as I don't give up, I will live. I can still live for decades, who knows, maybe one day the three flowers will gather in place and soar.


After eating and drinking with my grandfather for a few days, he went elsewhere. My brother and sister were sent back to school for class, and my brother also returned to the company.

Xue Yaozu reminded me that it was time to go to the hospital, and he came to pick me up at noon.

Then I told him I canceled the reservation.

He looked at me and asked, "Why, why?"

I said, "I think I can cure myself, but I don't want to take medicine. It's all a problem with my thinking. How could taking medicine be useful, and medicine can't affect my thinking. I might as well rely on psychological counseling."

Xue Yaozu said: "Psychology, counseling, support, get, take medicine."

Big fool, they all said that the problem of mentality and taking medicine is not solved by the experiment of chemistry class and the method of physics class

He said patiently, "Aren't you afraid of side effects?"

I said no, I just felt that I was getting better, and I had successfully persuaded myself that I didn’t need to take medicine.

He said, "No, you, you must, go and see a doctor."

I blurted out, "Then kill me."

I regretted it after I said it, and I don't know why I said this.

I was about to say sorry, but before I could say it, I burst into tears for no apparent reason.

It's really inexplicable, what the fuck is there to cry about? ! Xue Yaozu won't hit me again!

He held me in his arms and said, "Let's, then, register. No, definitely, yes, prescribe medicine, first, listen, doctor, say. Maybe, it's just menopause."

I almost choked to death on my saliva. God damn, I can't stop crying.

He just laughed and said, "Don't cry. You laugh, get up, it's the most beautiful. When you smile, I see it, happiness. Life is just, special, beautiful."

Are you still reading poetry

I asked, "What if it doesn't look good?"

He said: "Then, the hospital, it is not set up, this, the department, it is. Sure, it can be cured."

It's not convincing at all, the cancer is still not cured, and everyone is still deceiving themselves and thinking about curing it.

Xue Yaozu said: "Then, also, compared to you, don't do anything, try, just give up, good. You, don't buy the lottery, how, win, the lottery?"

Great metaphor! Did you get zero marks in the Chinese test when you were studying


Xue Yaozu looked at me and re-booked the number, it would take another half a month.

"No, no, no, cancel," he said.

I said no no.

He meaningfully threatened me: "If you lie, you will wet the bed."

I was so angry that I thought for a long time before I scolded a small defiant.


Then my brother asked grimly, "What are you two doing?"

Kiss me, what else can I do by standing at the gate

I looked at my brother dumbfounded.

There was a little hope in the daze.

I can make three hundred thousand. I hope Xue Yaozu will be smarter and start the price at least 500,000 before closing the deal.


No, the point is, did my brother see Xue Yaozu


My brother threw Xue Yaozu in the living room and carried me into the study. Bingxue asked angrily, "Aren't you stupid? You also want to stutter! You are so short of men?! Are you perverted?!"


I'm used to it, it's not the first time my brother said I'm a pervert, he said that the last time I kissed him.

It was really my fault that time, he was almost scared to death by me.


In fact, my brother is really good to me. Although he didn't pay much attention to me since he was a child, it is completely normal. If it was me, I wouldn't pay attention to the person who was mad at my own mother.

What is even more rare is that my brother can repay his grievances with virtue.

Although my brother swept me and my father's new wife, Xiao Si, out of the house after my father died, that's what he should have done. And when I was kidnapped by Xiao Si, it was my brother who rescued me, and I was good for a long time after I was rescued. (Don't ask me why Xiao Si tied me, only the devil knows, maybe I look best tied up, or maybe she's crazy.)

That was the first time I heard my brother and Yan Yuese talk to me in so many years. Although I didn't say much, I was really moved.

I am a person, my brain is a little wrong, and I feel moved when I am moved.

Also found out by my brother.

He was so frightened that he pointed at me and scolded me for an hour, and then he slammed the door and became a monk without daring to go back.

That's not the way to go, it's me who should move out.

I moved out.

In fact, it's nothing so far. I thought about it after being independent for a while. It was indeed a show of brains. It is estimated that the driver, Uncle Wang, was going to save me at that time.

Then I handed over my ex-boyfriend, the scumbag whose life is worth 300,000 yuan.

My brother totally disgusted me.

Maybe he could have thought that I was a joker for a while, but it turned out that my brain was always funny, and it was hopeless. And no matter how I explained it, I was really short-circuited before. He also decided that I had been plotting against him for a long time, and it was even more disgusting for me.

To put my heart to heart, from my brother's standpoint, that was when my mother was kind enough to take in my mother, but she was mad at my mother. Now he's kind enough to save my life and I fucking want to fuck him.

So he didn't want to hear my explanation at all.


People really make a mistake, step by step.


I said, "Stuttering is fine. He is fine except for talking. He doesn't dislike me for being sick."

"You have a fart disease!"

My brother is so angry that he speaks dirty words.

"The Ren family is worthy of you, and I am worthy of you. The Ren family started out with my mother, and I just took back what should belong to me."

I didn't speak. He was right, so I never thought about fighting for it. If I can't afford my sister or brother, I can ask him for help, but I can't ask him for money for granted.

He continued: "You are not entitled to revenge on me."

I said, "I never thought about it that way."

He does not believe.


My brother locked me in the study, which means that he is not going to let me out.

He felt that I was deliberately trying to make a fool of myself and to make others laugh at him.

I'm not, I'm also afraid of making a fool of myself, and I'm also afraid of others laughing at me.


I heard a fight outside.


You may not believe it, they were fighting, and I suddenly wanted to sleep, suddenly very sleepy.

This is so out of date.

But I really want to sleep.


I really fell asleep.

I haven't slept well for several days.

It would be great if I fell asleep and disappeared, erasing all traces of my existence in this world as if this person never existed.

I suddenly realized that I was not afraid of death itself, but that I was afraid of leaving my mark on the world.

If no one will miss me, there will be no pain in my disappearance.

If someone misses me, I can't bear to disappear.

So many, many people will miss me, my younger siblings will cry, my friends will be sad. I don't want them to be sad.


So I still don't sleep.


When I woke up, Xue Yaozu was driving.

I ask my brother

Xue Yaozu said: "He, too, misses you, but he uses a different, yes, method."

I said, "So how did you talk to him? My brother is very stubborn, can you talk to him too?"

Xue Yaozu said: "No, talk. He, fight, not win, me."

I:"… "

So the question is, how much can Xue Yaozu fight? My brother is the one who took the blade with nothing.