Free Ren Yigu

Chapter 9: Chapter 9



I told my friend that I had a good relationship and was thinking about breaking up.

My friend returned a string of ellipsis to me.

I guess he wanted to ask me if I was insane, but when he thought I was insane, he didn't know what to say.

After a while, he said, "Don't do it, please tell me what's going on first, okay?"

I said: there is an object, and then I found that I don't know why I have an object with him.

My friend hasn't spoken for a long time, and he's probably trying to understand my world.

Then he said incomprehensively: How do you want to engage with the object? How do you think it makes sense to engage with objects

I don't know either, I can't give birth to cubs, and obviously Xue Yaozu can't give birth either. I am with him just to satisfy the instinct of human courtship.

My friend asked: So what else do you want to do

I just don't know! I don't know what I want to do, what can I do, where I come from, where I live, why I die, and why!


My friend changed the subject: did you really go to the doctor? I've said before that seeing a doctor is not reliable.

I said: not yet, still making an appointment.

He said: Didn't you say you made an appointment early

I said: I canceled on impulse.

He sighed: How many times have you said that you were impulsive

It's true that I've been impulsive a lot, but I can't control myself.

In fact, it's good to have this problem. I can make excuses for myself in everything. It's all my fault. I'm not wrong. I'm a victim.

However, I am the only one who can shirk responsibility like this, and others will only think that I am nervous.


A friend said: Who is it? do I know

I said: let's talk about it later, we have to break up.

He said: Do you really want to break up for that inexplicable reason

What else? I can't feel it at all!

My friend is going to break down: what do you want to feel, grandpa!

I don't know either, the devil knows.

When I asked him how he felt when he was dating before, he was unhappy and asked me if I was sarcastic about his being single.

I really didn't mean to.

I asked him again if he had ever liked someone, and he said yes. Then he sent me a picture of the anime character.

I said that I don't discriminate against anime characters, but at least don't send me a picture of a panda character. This is really not a person. I'm just mentally ill and not demented.

He asked me if I looked down on Panda, I said no, I just looked down on him. He also asked me if pandas are not cute. I said cute is cute, but I can't accept such a shocking relationship. If I leave my house, he will be killed by my brother to fill a well. If I leave it outside, he may be administratively detained or even shot.

Then he searched for a long time, and reluctantly sent a picture of an anime character.

I asked him if he was alive, the kind that knew him, don't invent star photos for me.

He said hahaha, you're funny, I want a living person I like, and I'm still single

I calmly say that when you wake up, there is no necessary causal relationship between the two.


After searching for a long time, he recalled his middle school classmate.

I also know my deskmate, Banhua.

I asked him if he had any ideas about his crush on Banhua at the time. He said that if he had any ideas, he was just vain. He had good grades and good grades, and he would have a lot of face if he could catch up.

No wonder he is still single.

I don't want to talk to him anymore.

I think he really can only find a partner through a blind date, and he has to be lucky to meet someone who is willing to dedicate his life to charity.

He doesn't care about me either.


We both calmed down for a while, and he said, "Stop joking. Seriously, think about it for yourself. Although I don't know what kind of target you want, you should still distinguish between reality and movies."

Is it stupid for you to tell me, a tanmei novel hero or a big hero, to be realistic

He asked: Huh

I said nothing. Just now, I suddenly received radio waves from the universe in my head.

He said bitterly: You should exercise more.

I said I've been doing a lot of exercise lately.

He doesn't believe it.

Then I can't do anything about it, believe it or not.


Xue Yaozu didn't come back very late, and sent me a message saying that he would not come back if something happened.

I said oh.

Really boring.

My nerves started to itch again, and I couldn't help but send him a message in the middle of the night: Don't you think we are progressing too fast

Then I quickly withdrew.

He returned a string of ellipses.

He was still playing with his phone when he didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

I squeezed my phone nervously.

He replies after a while: It might indeed be a little faster for you.

I asked: what do you mean

He said: "For me, it was a long-cherished wish.



Knock on the blackboard, do you know why this stammer can have one boyfriend and two boyfriends

Mainly to knock the blackboard for my friends and my brother to see.


Xue Yaozu asked me: Why did you suddenly think of this

I said: I don't know, I feel weird.

He asked: What's so weird

I couldn't say anything, I just thought it was very boring, and I got into someone out of nowhere, as if I were casual with him.

He said: "It's not casual, we went to worship the Buddha.

I asked: so what

He said: So when I prayed to Buddha, I made a wish to make you like me, and it came true.

The question is, why do I like him out of nowhere

It felt like there was a gay guy by my side when I was lonely and cold, so I casually fucked with gay guys. In other words, if my friend is crooked, am I going to have sex with my friend first

Xue Yaozu:…

He didn't speak for a long time and probably didn't know what to say.

I was suddenly extraordinarily lonely and cold.

My brother and my sister have their own little world, and everyone else has their own world, but I don't.

Xue Yaozu said: If you have it, it is me.

This doesn't comfort me, because I know very well that I don't.


Damn, when will it be my turn