Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 127: Exclusive desire


Mo Beiyan was startled.

After the matter was explained, he put it aside. Now, it seems that since his interest in Bai Qingyu has become more and more intense, he has not paid much attention to Song Qingyu's case. Now that Bai Qingyu asked, he realized that he hadn't asked for a while. Anyway, no progress is reported, which means that things have not progressed.

Seeing his appearance, he knew that there was no progress, and Song Qingyu lowered his head in disappointment.

She decided to go on her own!

Mo Beiyan couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he said, "I'll call to ask after I have dinner later. I will eat first now."

Song Qingyu didn't want to eat for this reason. After eating, she pushed the dishes and chopsticks to wait for Mo Beiyan to clean up. She went to the sofa and looked at the materials in front of the laptop.

Mo Beiyan made a call, but didn't ask for any news.

"Shen Qiaoyin was left out of the cold by Lu Li recently. He has been dormant and didn't know what he was planning. But Lu's pillars fell, and Lu Li was a little anxious. I guess he would go back to find Shen Qiaoyin, right?" Mo Beiyan walked over and sat down in Song Qing. Beside the language.

Song Qing replied perfunctorily: "Yeah."

Mo Beiyan glanced at her computer and found that she was reading some books on management. Although it was something for beginners, is it too early for a student who is still in the second year of high school

"Have you learned all the knowledge in high school?" he asked.

Song Qing didn't raise her head, "It's a long meeting."

It was indeed a morning meeting. She had a good foundation. Although she hadn't studied for many years, it was easy to pick it up. It's a bit difficult to memorize things only by rote. But she decided to study science in the future and resolutely abandon those time-wasting courses.

From Lu Nianzhen's occasional mention, Mo Beiyan also knew that Song Qingyu's academic performance was not something to worry about at all. He didn't ask much, and instead said, "If you don't understand anything in management, you can ask me."

"Oh." He didn't need to say this. Song Qingyu felt that he couldn't let him pick up a guardian for nothing. She would definitely ask if needed.

Because she was not interested in chatting, Mo Beiyan didn't say much. Seeing that it was late, she said, "The tableware is in the sink, and the union will come to wash it tomorrow morning. I will also find someone for your fitness equipment. I installed it for you, and it should be available tomorrow... "'

Before he finished speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly, and it sounded like a text message.

Song Qingyu was taken aback, and when she saw him take out the phone, she glanced at it, and then her blood seemed to freeze.

Message sender: Ye Bingqing.

Message content: Shao Mo, are you busy

Song Qingyu actually read some of Mo Beiyan's remarks. He often works next to her. Sometimes when he answers the phone, she has good eyesight to see his remarks.

Basically, it is divided into three categories.

The first type is a relatively good relationship, and they are relatively close. For example, Ruan Zhengling is the "old fourth" because of Uncle Mo, Vice President Ruan, Captain Yan, and Doctor Xing. The youngest is Ruan Zhengling. Mo Xichun's remark is "Chun'er", and Lu Nianzhen's is "Nianzhen".

She even saw her mobile phone number remarked as "Qingyu" in his place.

The second category is some employees of the company, who are very serious about their positions, not even their names, so that they can know who the other party is and what they do when they receive a call.

The third category is the relatively general acquaintances, full names and surnames.

Now that I saw the three words Ye Bingqing, it looked like the third category, and it was obvious that Ye Bingqing did not get much love from Mo Beiyan. Moreover, Ye Bingqing also called him "Shao Mo", and it is estimated that Mo Beiyan did not give her the right to change her nickname.

But no matter how much he loves it, that's what he wants to be engaged to!

Thinking about it this way, Song Qingyu's mood suddenly fell a little bit, and the information in the notebook could not be read anymore.

She closed the laptop and stood up, and said, "I'm out for a run, and you will close the door for me when you leave."

He was originally wearing sportswear, and he walked out of the door while speaking Song Qingyu, took the key and changed his sports shoes, and went out. The movements were so fast that Mo Beiyan was stunned.

Why does he seem to feel that Song Qingyu is having a temper? But thinking about the fact that she has been in such a lukewarm manner since she moved back in the past few days, and she was still upset about what happened last time, Mo Beiyan didn't think too much, bowed his head and returned a message to Ye Bingqing.

Just one word: busy.

Ye Bingqing is a very interesting woman. Generally speaking, if he is not in a hurry, she usually texts him to test if he is busy. If he is okay, she will call directly, and she will never call when he knows he is busy.

So, when I replied this text message, Mo Beiyan didn’t care about his mobile phone. Instead, he opened Song Qingyu’s notebook and gave her a little bit of outline of the key knowledge points that need to be mastered on her electronic data. Draw a line with a red pen and note next to it.

A seventeen-year-old girl is able to make a good plan for her life, has goals and plans, and is very self-controlling. I have to say that Bai Qingyu is a very rare seedling, even if Lu Nianzhen cultivated by the Mo family is inferior to her.

Mo Beiyan seemed to see his own shadow in Bai Qingyu's body. The more he got along, the more surprise he felt that she gave him.

Even... The influence that Song Qingyu had on him faintly surpassed that of Song Qingyu.

To Song Qingyu, it was probably because he had never got along with him. In retrospect, Mo Beiyan only remembered his hazy feeling towards her, as well as a very strong male impulse. Knowing that she was desperate for Lu Li, he was also extremely strict in controlling his own desires, and he hadn't fought for anything.

But to Bai Qingyu, he is not only impulsive and desires, but also has the desire to love her, and the desire to monopolize her.

Bai Qingyu belongs to him, don't even want to touch it!

After showing her most of the key points of the content she is going to learn in the near future, Mo Beiyan glanced at the time and left with his coat.

The time Song Qingyu came back happened to pass him, and the two did not run into each other.

Seeing that her laptop was still turned on, she walked over and saw the knowledge points Mo Beiyan had noted for her, as well as some of his understanding, something seemed to be breaking in her heart...

She sat down heavily on the sofa and sighed long.

Such a man can't belong to her, she can't touch it!

After sleeping for a while, Shen Qiaoyin finally couldn't help it.

She was also right. Lu Li should also forgive her at this time. After all, Lu still had to rely on her to support her, and Lu Li could not continue to hang her.

At this time, what Lu Li needs a big man is a step down. As a woman, she certainly wants to give the man this little face.

Therefore, Shen Qiaoyin made a special trip to have a SPA, did a full-body beauty treatment, then re-permed her curls, put on the newly bought set of fire-red dresses, and came to Lu Li's apartment.