Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 15: Tuition


"I heard that Bai Qingyu wants to enter the modeling world," Lu Nianzhen said.

The fact that Bai Qingyu went to sign up for the modeling contest audition was passed on by Su Chenjin. Those gossip girls often used this as a joke, and it was difficult for Lu Nianzhen not to hear it.

Mo Beiyan turned his head slightly to look at Lu Nianzhen and asked, "So, do you want to speak for your friend?"

Lu Nianzhen shook his head and explained his thoughts: "I am not an insider. I don't know if she is suitable. But she really works hard. If the physical condition is right, I hope she can get a chance after losing weight."

For Lu Nianzhen, Mo Beiyan was the one he looked up to since he was a child. Mo Beiyan was his uncle but also his teacher, so it was normal to talk about his ideas.

Mo Beiyan did not agree, nor did he refuse to agree.

It just so happened that Song Qingyu had bandaged the wound and walked out of the emergency room, and the conversation between his uncle and nephew ended.

"Are you okay?" Lu Nianzhen asked calmly.

"It's okay. Fortunately, I don't have to go to class. I will take a day off tomorrow. I can still take the monthly exam on Monday."

Song Qingyu glanced at Lu Nianzhen and then at Mo Beiyan. He really felt that the two temperaments were a bit similar to some extent, and they were very handsome, with two or three similar eyebrows. It's just that Lu Nianzhen, the elder of Mo Beiyan, is ten years old.

Lu Nianzhen was relieved: "Let's go then."

Song Qingyu was injured, Ruan Zhengling went to deal with Su Chenjin's affairs, so Mo Beiyan had to drive Song Qingyu home first.

When he arrived at the Bai's cottage, Song Qingyu got off the bus. Although the wounds are bandaged, it still hurts when I walk.

Mo Beiyan didn't turn off the flame and planned to go straight away, but when Lu Nianzhen saw that the book Song Qingyu bought was still in the back seat, he quickly said, "Uncle wait a minute."

Getting off the car with the bag, Lu Nianzhen walked over to Song Qingyu: "Bai Qingyu, you forgot to take your book."

Song Qingyu realized what she was doing when she went out today. She smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Lu Nianzhen nodded and left. Rolls-Royce quickly disappeared into the villa area. Song Qingyu watched the car disappear, and his eyes showed deep thought.

How can I get to Mo Beiyan's phone number without being obtrusive

Turning around, he saw Bai Qinghe standing at the door of the house, with a gentle and kind smile on his face: "Sister, are you back?"

However, Song Qingyu did not miss that moment of fierce jealousy.

At dinner, Bai Jianrong asked, "Qing Yu, didn't you go shopping for books today? What did you buy?"

Song Qingyu mentioned the names of the books she bought today. Her memory has always been amazing. In fact, those books were chosen by Lu Nianzhen and said they were suitable for the learning schedule of Class J. She was not interested at all, just glanced at the title of the book at random, just to prevent the current situation.

It seems that it is always right to plan ahead.

Seeing her talk freely, she was much better than her cowardly appearance before, Bai Jianrong satisfactorily gave her some dishes: "Study hard, but also pay attention to work and rest, and eat more walnuts."

Seeing Bai Qinghe's eyes, she was maddened. But she didn't dare to show it in front of Bai Jianrong, her eyes rolled, she thought of a way: "Sister, I heard some bad rumors about you recently."

"What rumors?" As soon as he heard "bad rumors", Bai Jianrong's face didn't look so good, because there were too many bad rumors about Bai Qingyu!

With a scornful smile in Song Qingyu's eyes, she also looked curious, and asked, "Yes, why haven't I heard of it?"

Bai Qinghe looked embarrassed, she hesitated not knowing what she wanted to say, looked at Song Qingyu and Bai Jianrong again, looking very tangled.

"Say!" Bai Jianrong threw out a word solemnly.

Bai Qinghe pretended to be taken aback, and quickly said: "I heard that my sister wrote a love letter to Lu Nianzhen in our class and was also caught by the... grade director!"

"What!" Bai Jianrong got angry when he heard the anger: "Bai Qingyu, is there such a thing?"

When Qiu Fenglan saw her daughter mention this, of course she helped her. Taking advantage of Bai Jianrong’s anger, she pretended to save the scene: “Jianrong, don’t get angry first, let Qing Yu speak for yourself! When you’re only sixteen, how can you know what to fall in love with? Are you right?"

The sixteen-year-old bite the three words very hard. On the surface, it is to remind Bai Jianrong that Bai Qingyu has been thinking about men at the age of sixteen. This makes Bai Jianrong even more angry: "Bai Qingyu, do you know? How to write the words "Rite, Justice, Honest and Shame!"

Raising his hand, he slapped Song Qingyu in the face.

Seeing that a slap was about to slap her face, Song Qingyu's heart became cold and she absolutely didn't want to be slapped. However, it would not be wise for her to resist. In a hurry, she had an idea and stretched out her left hand wrapped in thick gauze to block Bai Jianrong's slap.

It's better to endure a little pain than to be slapped in the face.

She squeezed a little tear from the corner of her eyes: "Dad, I haven't said anything yet, you are going to hit me! You still hit me in front of my mother, aren't you saying that my mother didn't teach me well? You must know that Shang Liang is not righteous. Xialiang asks, if I don’t know the shame, wouldn’t you scold mom too?"

Qiu Fenglan didn't expect that that stupid girl would actually counterattack herself, and suddenly led the flames to her body! She hurried over and took Bai Jianrong's hand and said, "Jianrong, what Qing Yu said is right. Don't you know what kind of person I am? I said Qing Yu loved to eat since I was a child. Thoughts of puppy love!"

Bai Qinghe looked very upset and said silently: "But I heard my classmates say that my sister is still going shopping with Lu Nianzhen today!"

Bai Jianrong was held back by Qiu Fenglan, and he felt impulsive. He calmed down and said: "One thing, what's wrong with your hand, did you go shopping with boys?"

"I..." Song Qing said pretending to be embarrassed: "I'm going shopping with Lu Nianzhen today. That's not me and he are going to participate in a calligraphy competition together! In addition, he is the first place in the year in the monthly exam every month. I want to take this opportunity to let him help me with my homework. Dad, he helped me choose the reference book for me today, it's useful!"

If Lu Nianzhen is a scumbag, Bai Jianrong will definitely order Bai Qingyu to immediately cut off contact with Lu Nianzhen, but he is a scumbag...

Whose parents don't want their children to get along with students with good academic performance

"Can he really help you with tuition?" Bai Jianrong asked hesitantly.

Song Qingyu easily accepted the words: "Of course, or else I can boast about Haikou with my dad and say that I want to take the top 20 in the class?"

It's reasonable to think about it, and Bai Jianrong doesn't care.