Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 203: Grandma Zeng


Song Qingyu immediately understood the meaning of this.

Her value rose, and she stood up on the fall of Shen Qiaoyin. Shen Qiaoyin's downfall caused a considerable impact on Lu's. Lu now can't help but urgently need the rise of Bai Qingyu to support the entire company, and more money is needed to compensate Shen Qiaoyin for the losses!

Therefore, Lu Li will certainly not easily sign her to these brands at low prices. After all, clothing brands can only endorse one Bai Qingyu, but there are five or six brands seeking cooperation.

If there are more monks and less porridge, then the higher price will naturally get!

Song Qingyu didn't care about Lu Li's management methods. Anyway, she is now under the Lu clan, so let the Lu clan arrange it.

Sooner or later, Lu will be in her pocket!

"Slowly worry about it, I'll go to sleep." Song Qingyu left Lilian and returned to Room 8001.

Because she was not in good health before falling into the sea, she has been really tired recently, so tired that her friends have not been in contact for a long time. Those troublesome things don't need her to worry about, it is better to sleep.

Just falling asleep, the phone rang suddenly.

Song Qingyu couldn't help being rude: "Damn!"

Being awakened just after falling asleep is the most irritating. She got up and got angry. She took the answer without thinking about it, and blurted out: "My sister is tired and sleeping, are you calling? Fight!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then an older-sounding female voice came over: "Excuse me, it's Ms. Bai Qingyu, isn't it?"

Although this voice sounded old and old, it carried endless majesty, and there was no lack of etiquette at all. Song Qingyu didn't know such an old lady in the impression, but from the phone he heard the role of the queen mother in the movie and TV series!

She suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in her heart, and subconsciously struck a spirit, and asked anxiously: "May I ask if you are..."

Song Qingyu didn't guess wrong, this call was from Mo Beiyan's grandmother, Mrs. Mo, Zhai Baoshu.

"I'm Mo Beiyan's grandmother, you can call me old lady." Zhai Baoshu's voice was serious and powerful.

Zhai Baoshu was originally from a family of girls and scholars, married to the Mo family for decades, and has never dealt with a vulgar person. The marriages of several of my sons were all married. Even if they had women outside, they all hid them well. They would not let these women jump in front of the main room, and never let her worry about it.

But now, as her most valued grandson, Mo Beiyan has spoiled a woman like this before getting engaged, and that woman is actually still a minor. This can't tolerate it!

The minors are ignorant, and what they want is not only money, but also love and love. This will definitely affect Mo Beiyan’s marriage and affect the mood of his future wife. In this way, the old lady has to take care of this matter. Up.

And Song Qingyu shouted something bad in his heart!

She wakes up with an irritability who doesn't send it well, but the target is Mrs. Mo!

"Sorry, old lady, I thought it was some of my bad friends who deliberately noisy me to sleep. Please forgive me for the offense." Song Qingyu must have some social skills, and she immediately rounded up. come back.

Zhai Baoshu didn't know if she was angry, she couldn't hear her at all in her voice: "It's okay, just don't know if Miss Bai has time to accompany me for a cup of coffee?"

Song Qing: "..."

Great, it's finally here!

She had long known that once the Mo family knew of her existence, they would definitely come to her.

It doesn't matter if Mo Beiyan just raises a little girl outside, but he comes over to eat every other day, and recently he occasionally comes to stay overnight. Especially when she flew out to take her back to the Imperial City to pick her up for the next day's final exam, plus recently left her job to take care of her in Haicheng and take her back.

These two things will definitely touch the bottom line of the Mohist school.

This wealthy man can wave outside, but he certainly won't be too waved.

Song Qingyu especially wanted to say that she didn't have time, because she didn't want to meet Mrs. Mo. But Madam Mo’s majesty made her not know what to say, so she could only work hard: "Lao Madam, I have been full of work recently."

"But you don't have a job now, otherwise you won't be sleeping, are you?" Zhai Baoshu said casually.

I couldn't tell if she was angry or not, anyway, it didn't leak.

Song Qingyu felt that he must have hit the iron plate!

It's not easy to deal with the Mo family just taking out one by one

"Old lady, I have work at night..." Song Qingyu also wanted to get a probation for herself.

Zhai Baoshu seemed to smile, although it seemed to be laughing, it made Song Qingyu a kind of creepy feeling!

It seems that if she does not go, she will regret it!

In the end, she could only bite the bullet and said: "Well, I can go out now, but there is always some time to freshen up..."

Zhai Baoshu snatched her words: "It's okay, I can wait."

After speaking, I hung up.

Song Qing: "..."

Oh shit!

The Mo family is terrifying, Laozi Mo Beiyan wants to break with you!

But is this possible

Mo Beiyan's domineering is not due to family inheritance, even his grandma can be so domineering!

Thinking of this, Song Qingyu bit his lip, turned the address book to the position of "Ink Beast", and pressed it down.

Mo Beiyan did not answer, until he hung up automatically.

"Mom, I told you that Tian Tian shouldn't call the earth not working, what should I do?" Song Qingyu stared at the ceiling, thinking that if Mrs. Mo made her move, she might really have no way of survival.

Therefore, she can't help but go.

Mo Beiyan didn’t answer the phone, and it’s no longer possible to ask him for help. I can’t...

See Lu Nianzhen, right

Lu Nianzhen's position in the Mo family is probably the mud bodhisattva crossing the river, how could she help her!

Although knowing that Lu Nianzhen might not be able to help her, Song Qingyu sent Lu Nianzhen a WeChat message: Your grandma once asked me to have coffee, and your uncle didn't answer the phone. I... went to die!

Then, bite the bullet and get up to change clothes.

She thought about it, and she just wore a normal T-shirt and cropped jeans. She didn't wear any makeup, and she went to the appointment with her long hair tied up in a ponytail.

When I arrived at the place mentioned by Mrs. Mo, it was not a coffee shop, but a high-consumption tea house.

Song Qingyu originally wanted to bring some greetings or not. After all, although she was actually labeled as "Mo Beiyan's Woman", the custody relationship still exists. Maybe she could call Lu Nianzhen to Grandma Zeng

But after thinking about it, the first sentence she answered the phone today must have left a very bad impression. Buying any other meeting gifts seems to be deliberately flattering. She herself doesn't like this.

So, came empty-handed.

When I arrived, I shared a location map with Lu Nianzhen on WeChat.

Then, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.