Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 24: Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian


"You mean Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian partnered to kill Wu Dalang?" Following Mo Beiyan's words, Yan Jinkuan came to this conclusion!

Mo Beiyan subconsciously replied coldly: "You are Wu Dalang!"

"..." Yan Jinkuan felt frustrated.

Well, why did he describe Song Qingyu in front of Mo Beiyan? And also said Wu Dalang, is there such a beautiful figure and so sexy Wu Dalang

What you can't get is always the best, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mo Beiyan to pass this hurdle in his heart!

However, Yan Jinkuan said nothing: "Okay, according to what you mean, you will continue to investigate. After all, according to this ugly relationship, Lu Li and Shen Qiaoyin have a motive for killing. However, the possibility of suicide cannot be completely ruled out!"

Without saying a few words, the two hung up.

Mo Beiyan opened the document and just started to read it when the phone rang again.

Thinking that it was Yan Jinkuan, Mo Beiyan just glanced at the caller ID, and didn't mean to answer the call.

Who knows, the word "Qingyu" popped up on the screen, making his heartbeat seem to miss a beat.

He quickly recovered, not Song Qingyu, but Bai Qingyu!

After hesitating for a while, the ringing stopped and Mo Beiyan did not answer the phone. He was a little puzzled, how did this Bai Qingyu know that Lu Li and Shen Qiaoyin were related

Moreover, Bai Qingyu's concern for Song Qingyu's case exceeded the normal fans' concern for idols.

Song Qingyu has many fans, but no one knows about Song Qingyu's release from prison. Why is Bai Qingyu so sure that Song Qingyu is not a suicide

Thinking of this, Mo Beiyan picked up his mobile phone, crossed Bai Qingyu’s mobile phone number, and dialed Yan Jinkuan’s phone number, and said neatly: "Please help me check the Bai Qingyu of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, which is similar to Song Qingyu. There is no intersection?"

Fans worship idols and say the same things that idols have said. This is normal, but there are too many things in Bai Qingyu that resemble Song Qingyu's feelings, and if it is just imitating, it is too powerful.

But if it is not imitation, what else is possible

This Bai Qingyu, sixteen years old, the city is deep! He didn't believe that she had no purpose in approaching herself! It was clear that when she first met, she was a little afraid to avoid him, but later...

Apart from approaching him for a model contest, what other possibilities are there

When Lu Nianzhen was shopping with Bai Qingyu that day, Yan Jinkuan also heard Ruan Zhengling say, and couldn't help being amused: "Are you not afraid that Nianzhen will really fall in love with that little fat girl?"

Mo Beiyan was a little irritable and didn't like this saying: "Don't talk nonsense, it's impossible."

"Okay, then I will check." Yan Jinkuan hung up the phone.

Mo Beiyan stared at the number marked "Qingyu" in the mobile phone number, thinking for a moment, or calling back...

After getting off Mo Beiyan's car midway, Song Qingyu took the bus and got home. Song Qingyu made a call to Mo Beiyan, wanting to know the progress of her case of jumping off the building.

However, when the other party did not answer, she did not call again.

Maybe Mo Beiyan has something to do, maybe he is unwilling to answer his own phone, these are all possible. She has keen senses, and realized that Mo Beiyan didn't like herself very much, so she didn't fight again when she was very acquainted, but went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Therefore, when Mo Beiyan called, there was no answer.

Mo Beiyan's thin lips pressed tightly, his anger was a bit dewy!

This Bai Qingyu is not very young, but he was the first person to hang up his phone. It's okay now, he didn't answer her phone, she still got on her, and she wanted to take revenge again!

From several simple contacts, Mo Beiyan can see that Bai Qingyu is not a person who repays grievances with virtue. Either she doesn't care about it, once she cares about it, it's the kind that will be reported!

He threw the phone on the table angrily, and was not interested in reading the information. It happened that the servant came upstairs and called him downstairs to finish the meal, so he went straight downstairs.

On the Bai family's side, Song Qingyu came out of the shower and was a little surprised when she saw the missed call, but she didn't call back.

People like Mo Beiyan can't be seen by outsiders at all. If it wasn't for investigating the cause of his death, Song Qingyu didn't want to have any contact with him at all.

Her model road is not as good as Mo Beiyan, but she has to rely on Mo Beiyan's power if she wants to find out the truth quickly.

However, for a person like Mo Beiyan, the more you rush to stick to him, the more he will ignore you!

The matter of the phone call finally came to an end.

Two months after Song Qingyu's rebirth, his weight of 175 jin had dropped to more than 140 jin. With her height, one hundred and forty catties is no longer very fat, but she still looks very burly, and she is still 30 catties away from 108 catties!

In the initial stage of weight loss, the weight will fall faster, but Song Qingyu uses a scientific method of weight loss, so he did not slow down later. Can lose 30 catties in two months, and now the shape of the whole face has finally gained a three-dimensional effect.

The face shape that a model needs is distinctive, not a popular face.

Judging from the current face, it is still a bit fleshy, but the beauty has begun to take shape, and Song Qingyu is quite satisfied with Bai Qingyu's embryo.

Then, the re-election of the model contest came.

Many people were surprised to pass the primary election of 175 catties. At the time of the re-election, this person had become one hundred and forty-five kilograms. Although it was amazing, what was even more incredible was why such a person could still pass

On this day, Song Qingyu made full preparations and came to the re-election arena.

"Oh my god, is this the fat guy back then?"

"It seems so, look at her nameplate, it's Bai Qingyu!"

"Hmph, this kind of person doesn't know how much money is stuffed into the organizer, just this pig-like body can make it into the second round!"

"I can't say that. After all, people lose weight effectively, and they are no longer baby pigs."


All kinds of ridicules came to Song Qingyu's ears, and Song Qingyu ignored anyone's gaze.

If you want to take an unusual path, you must unswervingly move towards your goal, and treat others' ridicule as unheard.

Throwing out the final result is the most naked face slap!

Mo Xichun walked into the arena behind Mo Beiyan, both of them covered half of their faces with sunglasses.

After walking for a while, Mo Xichun suddenly caught up with Mo Beiyan and pulled his sleeve: "Hey, is that Bai Qingyu? Just the fat man last time!"


Mo Beiyan had seen Song Qingyu a long time ago, and the girl, who was already much thinner than before, was standing at the top of the stairs. Carrying a backpack on his shoulders, holding a book in his hand, looking down, it seems that everything around her has nothing to do with her. The group of tall and beautiful people who are chattering seem so different.

He seemed to remember the scene of seeing Song Qingyu for the first time many years ago...