Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 31: Sign down and sit on the cold bench


"No, just don't want it!" Jin Yuwei resolutely refused to take it.

Song Qingyu thought for a while, but she didn't mean to accept it, and said, "Then I will invite you to dinner at noon."

"Okay, okay." Jin Yuwei accepted it readily.

Song Qingyu was preparing the textbook for the next class, and did not speak any more.

"By the way, how did you go to participate in the model contest? I think you have gotten much better in these two months." Jin Yuwei asked again.

Song Qingyu did not evade the question: "It's yellow."

Jin Yuwei was taken aback, and then a little embarrassed.

Song Qingyu knew what Jin Yuwei was embarrassing about. She was just worried that she would be sad if she said the wrong thing. She smiled indifferently and said, "Unexpectedly, I will definitely be able to live it next time!"

She was not lost at all, but was more confident, which surprised Jin Yuwei. It feels like Bai Qingyu is a different person!

However, Jin Yuwei quickly recovered and said: "Then next time you take me to see and see, will it work?"

Song Qingyu was taken aback.

She looked at Jin Yuwei seriously and asked, "What is your height and weight?"

In terms of facial features, Jin Yuwei is the one that hasn't grown up yet. Although she was sixteen years old, she had no other outstanding development except for her height.

"Me? Me, ninety-eight catties!" Jin Yuwei didn't understand what she was asking.

Song Qingyu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You stand up and show it to me in a circle."

Although Jin Yuwei thought it was strange, she still stood up.

After earnestly comparing the length of Jin Yuwei's hands and feet, Song Qingyu suddenly laughed and said, "Okay, next time I go to register for the competition, I will take you there!"

In terms of body ratio, Jin Yuwei is still a model reserve seedling, but she grows too slowly. If she can't grow up before the age of eighteen, she will naturally not be a catwalk model.

But the plane model is quite suitable.

Of course, Song Qingyu is not very interested in bringing a new person, thinking of Shen Qiaoyin, she feels that she has raised a wolf!

It's just that she can't rise up in this circle alone, she still has to bring up a team of her own.

Seeing people's hearts for a long time, what's the future, let's wait for her to observe Jin Yuwei's behavior!

"Are you really willing to take me to see and see?" Jin Yuwei was happy.

Song Qingyu nodded.

Recalling for a moment, you know Jin Yuwei's situation. I heard that Jin Yuwei’s family conditions were not very good. She was admitted to Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School because she had been studying part-time, so she could not get her grades. She could only be placed in J class.

In other words, Jin Yuwei needs money!


After the lunch break, just after Mo Beiyan returned to the office, Assistant Long Xiaojiu walked into the office: "Young Master Mo, I have already asked about Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School."

Yesterday Mo Beiyan did not want to pay attention to this matter, but changed his mind at noon today and asked Long Xiaojiu to investigate.

Long Xiaojiu recounted the results of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School yesterday.

Mo Beiyan's expression did not change, and he nodded: "Well, you can go out."

Although Long Xiaojiu felt strange, he still didn't dare to ask anything and went out.

After the door closed, Mo Beiyan's lips moved slightly, ready to start work.

Ruan Zhengling came before opening the file.

"I met your sister during lunch, and she said that there was a student named Su Chenjin from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. Maybe it was Su Chenjin who was in your'guardian door' yesterday? She was in good physical condition, but she happened to be Nian Zhen. I know, Nianzhen proposed not to use this Su Chenjin." Ruan Zhengling put the documents to be delivered on the table and said the gossip firsthand by the way.

Mo Beiyan didn't expect Su Chenjin to pass the re-election. He frowned slightly.

Ruan Zhengling was not sure what he meant, and asked again: "If you don't care, I will let Xichun give Nianzhen the face. Anyway, he is not a top seedling."

He thought the matter was over, who knew that Mo Beiyan suddenly said, "Sign Su Chenjin!"

"What!" Ruan Zhengling couldn't believe his ears: "When did we lack people like this? I personally think that signing Su Chenjin is better than signing Bai Qingyu! At least that person is likely to be shaped into tomorrow's Star!"

However, Mo Beiyan didn't mean to make any laughs, and there was a cold mood in his eyes: "Sign down and sit on the cold bench."

Ruan Zhengling was startled.

Sign and sit on the bench

"You want to sign her down and use the lowest brokerage contract to restrain her from developing. If you breach the contract, you will have to pay high liquidated damages. After signing, the lack of training will keep her cold?" Ruan Zhengling asked There is an obvious problem.

Because he somewhat doubted his hearing!

Mo Beiyan glanced at Ruan Zhengling indifferently: "When did your intelligence degenerate, let Xing Qiaofeng show it to you."

Ruan Zhengling was dumb, he sighed and said, "Do you think there is too much money to spend?"

"How to get her to sign a low-quality contract is your business." Mo Beiyan had the intention of chasing away customers, and he lowered his head and opened the document to prepare.

Ruan Zhengling understood, this meant to put Su Chenjin to death!

But also, whoever asked this little girl with long eyes to design Bai Qingyu, it was actually counted on Mo Beiyan's head, this is looking for death!

"Okay, I understand." Ruan Zhengling turned around consciously to leave, but when he walked to the door, he couldn't help but turn around and asked: "By the way, Bai Qingyu, we really don't fight for it? I still feel it's a pity. , How about I let Xichun go try it?"

With this question, Ruan Zhengling got a look like ice.

He only felt a cold in his neck, so he didn't dare to say anything, and quickly opened the door and left.

Mo Beiyan was signing, holding the pen in his hand, wishing to break the pen!

Looking back on it, I still find it incredible that someone actually rejected the olive branch he threw!

Without Su Chenjin, it had no effect on Song Qingyu's life.

She was still the same, she only had the way she wanted to go in her eyes, and she never cared about staying and leaving the people waiting.

Su Chenjin's level is not as good as Bai Qinghe's mother and daughter, let alone Lu Li and Shen Qiaoyin's kind!

Song Qingyu had a hunch that the "Guardianmen" incident was not over yet, and it really happened again.

"Sister, Su Chenjin has transferred schools today, so you can rest assured that she will not slander you again in the future."

At dinner, Bai Qinghe said suddenly.

Song Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, and thought, it's finally here!

Bai Jianrong was a little curious and asked, "Qing Yu, isn't Su Chenjin the girl who hurt you in the mall last time?"

Before Song Qingyu had time to answer, Bai Qinghe said indignantly: "Yes, it's her! I had a very good relationship with her before, who knows that her heart is so vicious! My sister is only sixteen years old, how can she do it? Is this kind of hat capped on my sister's head?"