Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 4: Spoiled Bai Qingyu


"Aren't you obsessed with cleanliness? You actually asked someone to get your clothes back?"

The familiar female voice came again, Mo Beiyan knew who the person behind him was without turning his head, and sneered slightly: "Mo Xichun, are you the judges absent too often?"

"It's too hot inside, I can't stand it after a while. Besides, there are so many people on the jury, it doesn't matter if I am missing."

Mo Xichun looked indifferent, and finally wentssiping: "Mo Beiyan, why do I think you are a little special to this girl?"

Mo Beiyan looked cold and indifferent: "My aesthetic is not so wonderful yet."

"That's not necessarily," Mo Xichun pretended to be mysterious, and suddenly pressed to Mo Beiyan's ear, lowering her voice: "I don't believe you didn't find out. Her name and temperament are the same as you when you wanted to sleep but did not sleep The person Cheng looks like..."

Mo Beiyan's expression turned gloomy for an instant, and his tone was harsher than ever before: "You shut up!"

Mo Xichun didn't expect that after such a long time, the mention of that person Mo Beiyan would have such a big reaction, and he was stunned for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, Mo Beiyan's cell phone ringtone saved her.

"Sir, the identity of the deceased has been investigated." On the other side of the phone, the driver's official voice: "That woman is a model, named Song Qingyu, five years ago..."

Mo Beiyan interrupted him suddenly: "What do you say her name is?"

Probably the hostility in his voice was too deep. Not only the driver on the other end of the phone, but even Mo Xichun couldn't help being startled, so when the driver repeated the name again, she could also hear clearly—

"Song Qingyu."

Mo Xichun's mind exploded with a buzz.

Thinking of the joke I just made, the whole face turned pale.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Mo Beiyan, but saw him pursing her lips, her expression as cold as usual, looking no different from usual.

But Mo Xichun clearly felt that the surrounding air had condensed into ice inch by inch.

After a while, Mo Beiyan's voice sounded again, and there was a heart-trembling fierceness in the coldness: "Call Yan Jinkuan. If you can't find out the truth in three days, he doesn't need to be in this position."

After hanging up, Mo Beiyan looked at Mo Xichun beside him: "I will call Ruan Zhengling to come and accompany you." He turned and left after speaking.

Mo Xichun subconsciously stopped him: "Brother..."

Mo Beiyan paused for a while.

She bit her lip, her voice fainted, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said those things..."

After Mo Beiyan heard it, there was no response, and he started to walk out again.

Looking at his back, Mo Xichun couldn't tell whether it was more distressed or guilty, thank you.

If she didn't make her own way five years ago and kept the news of Song Qingyu's accident from him, wouldn't it be the tragedy of this afternoon

From the scene of the game, Song Qingyu directly drove home.

Along the way, her thoughts were a little dazed.

Until now, she felt that what happened this afternoon was like an absurd dream.

During the five years in prison, she counted down almost every day how long it would be before she could go out, but she couldn't even dream that she would die in her own home on the first day of her release.

Until now, she was not sure who pushed her downstairs from the window.

Of course, Lu Li was the most suspicious, because there were only the two of them in the house at the time, and it was entirely possible that he would push her down from behind when she was making a call.

But why would he do this

If he doesn't want to continue with her, he can break up with her before she went to prison five years ago. Song Qingyu was never a messy person emotionally, and it would never be a stalker.

Lu Li should be very clear about this.

"Girl, the road seems to be blocked, it seems we have to get around."

The uncle driver's voice interrupted Song Qingyu's contemplation.

Song Qingyu returned to his senses, and when he saw a familiar intersection, he suddenly reacted. In front of her was the Lanfang Street below her apartment—the place where she died tragically two hours ago.

"No need to master, just stop here."

Song Qingyu paid to get off the car.

At this time, it has been two hours since she fell and died. It stands to reason that this road should have been cleaned up and resumed for traffic, but I don’t know why, the whole road was sealed up, not only can’t share cars, but even pedestrians have to detour. Even the shops on both sides of the road were closed.

Song Qingyu randomly found a good-looking aunt and asked without knowing: "Auntie, what happened here, why are there so many police officers?"

"I didn't actually see this with my own eyes, but I heard that a woman committed suicide by jumping off a building. Then a car happened to pass by and ran over the woman again..."

As for who owned the car, although everyone at the scene could see it clearly, no one dared to mention it, so naturally the aunt didn't know.

After listening to Song Qingyu, the corners of her lips couldn't help but twitch.

How miserable she was, even if she was pushed downstairs, she would be run over by a car once she died, and she couldn't even keep a whole body.

The aunt's heart of gossip was probably opened by her, as if she couldn't stop speaking.

"You said that girl is also true, what is so hard to think about, she must commit suicide..."

Listening to the aunt committing suicide on the left and the other, Song Qingyu finally realized something was wrong and blurted out: "Who said she committed suicide?"

The aunt was taken aback: "Comrade police said it."

She was obviously pushed down. Why did the police say that she committed suicide? !

The anger in Song Qingyu's eyes almost burst out.

At this moment, a strange and familiar voice suddenly came not far away: "Sister? Why are you here?"

Song Qingyu does not have a sister, but this voice sounds very familiar.

When I looked up, I saw Zhang Qingxiu’s face with an innocent smile: "Sister, something happened here and there are so many people in chaos. Let’s go home. Mom is probably waiting for us to eat. Supper."

Song Qingyu stared at that face for two seconds before realizing that this girl was Bai Qingyu's nominal younger sister, Bai Qinghe.

The Bai family was a reorganized family. Bai Qingyu was born to Bai Jianrong and his ex-wife, while Bai Qinghe was born to Bai Jianrong's current wife Qiu Fenglan and her ex-husband. In fact, Bai Qinghe and Bai Qinghe were not related at all.

Recalling Bai Qingyu's life over the past ten years, Song Qingyu did not have a good impression of Qiu Fenglan and Bai Qinghe.

Bai Qingyu's biological mother died of dystocia after giving birth to Bai Qingyu. The following year Qiu Fenglan took Bai Qinghe to marry Bai Jianrong. Bai Jianrong was busy with work, and Qiu Fenglan was basically responsible for the education of the two children.

Qiu Fenglan is a smart woman. Not only did she not abuse Bai Qingyu, but she spoke to Bai Qingyu better than her own daughter.

The two children changed their teeth, and she only gave Bai Qingyu sweets.

The two children were eager to play, so she left Bai Qingyu to sleep, watch dramas and play games, but forced Bai Qinghe to attend various hobby classes and cram schools.

When the two children made mistakes, she never punishes Bai Qinghe but not Bai Qingyu.

Thanks to Qiu Fenglan's efforts, Bai Qingyu became lazier and fatter. He didn't even know that he was crippled by others. He thought that Qiu Fenglan was the person who loved him the most in the world. Bai Jianrong saw that the gap between the two daughters was getting bigger and bigger, and he thought it was Bai Qingyu who was not up for it.