Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 50: She has arrogant capital


Song Qingyu faced the dressing mirror and put on the clothes one by one. Looking at his symmetrical figure, a sneer was drawn on his lips, and he said, "I'm not satisfied with the reward."

In Lu Li's contract, many newcomers were unable to get such a reward.

But Song Qingyu is very clear about her value and the operation behind the model agency. How could she not know that she has been scammed several times

"Miss Song, the price offered by Lu's is a bit higher than that offered to other newcomers. The rules of this industry cannot be broken." Lu Li said.

His voice sounded very stable, but Song Qingyu, who was very familiar with him, could hear him, and he was a little unhappy.

Obviously, it is strange to be happy to be suppressed to this extent by a teenage girl!

She said nonchalantly: "I know, as a newcomer who hasn't debuted yet, I might have made these requests too much, and there is no need for Mr. Lu to tolerate me."

Lu Li paused and fell silent.

Song Qingyu understood him so well that this man's forbearance was very powerful. She had always thought that he had a good temper and a good character, but only after a lifetime of life did she find that it was not the same thing at all.

It's just that he can tolerate too much, that's why he gives people an illusion of gentleness.

"Mr. Lu, I have arrogant capital, so I am so arrogant. But there is a degree of relaxation, just as I know where my bottom line is, I also know that Mr. Lu also has a bottom line." Song Qingyu put on his clothes. , Sitting on the lazy couch, continued: "I can sign the contract for three years at most, and the remuneration will be doubled at the price of Mr. Lu, and the share will be increased by 10%. Such a requirement is not excessive. It takes three years. The benefits that I can bring to Lu's family will far exceed the remuneration Lu Zongkai gives me."

Her tone is very arrogant, like a negotiated expert who has experienced many battles, who will use her own advantages to use the other party's needs to create benefits for herself.

Lu Li was silent again.

Lu Li had to admit that in front of such a little girl, he couldn't stand it.

Her negotiation style is too Song Qingyu!

When Song Qingyu was in the Lu family, every time he negotiated a contract for him, it was a posture of calmness and confidence.

"For your request, I still need to pass a resolution at the company's senior meeting." Finally, Lu Li gave such an explanation.

Song Qingyu is not in a hurry: "Well, I am not in a hurry. I can think about it before the end of the Lu's Model Contest."

Lu Li knew very well that before the end of the modeling contest, the value of Bai Qingyu must have fallen into the eyes of many people. By then, I was afraid that there would be many people vying to sign Bai Qingyu.

"When the time comes, you won't sit down and raise the price again?"

"Don't worry, if you want to mix in this circle, credibility is the basic of being a person. My life has just begun. I won't lose faith in words." Song Qingyu smiled faintly and said: "Then I will wait for the good news from President Lu. Goodbye!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone briskly without reluctance.

Holding the phone, Song Qingyu lay on the sofa, his eyes focused on a certain part of the ceiling, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "If you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later."

When talking with Lu Li, she kept suppressing her mood. Now that she put down her phone, surging emotions swept across the sea. She closed her eyes tightly and fell into those memories of the past...

Every moving moment, until later, she fell from a tall building and was crushed into meatloaf by a car instead of being turned into muddy flesh...

It hurts in my heart, I hate it!

At Lu Li's apartment, as soon as he hung up the phone, Shen Qiaoyin knocked on the door and walked in.

At this time, Lu Li was still living in Song Qingyu's apartment, portraying himself as an affectionate man to the media. Although Shen Qiaoyin was reluctant to come here, he had to come because of Lu Li.

She is wearing a stylish little fragrant jacket with a low-cut sequin bottoming shirt underneath. With white trousers on his legs, it looks like a pair of legs are extraordinarily slender.

"Are you here?" Lu Li pinched the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Shen Qiaoyin walked over and circled his neck, leaned in and kissed Lu Li's thin lips. "Ali, I miss you. Do you miss me?"

Lu Li was 1.83 meters tall. Shen Qiaoyin, who took off his high heels, was slightly shorter than him. This pose of raising his head and kissing at a forty-five-degree angle was particularly charming. Lu Li's eyes could see the whiteness on her chest and the charmingness. Clavicle.

"Yes." Lu Li raised his eyebrows, smiled on his lips, pinched her chin, and said, "I was thinking about me all the time when I was on a catwalk out of town, huh?"

Shen Qiaoyin chuckled her lips and smiled, slid her arms around his waist, and put her whole body on his body: "Think about it, except to concentrate when you work, I think about you all the time."

Her hand went downstream, Lu Li chuckled lightly: "Do you miss me, or do you miss it?"

He obeyed her heart and picked her up.

The two fell in love, and Shen Qiaoyin was about to go further, but he was attracted by the files of the police.

This is Lu's model agency contract. Party B is Bai Qingyu!

When the two words Qingyu jumped into Shen Qiaoyun's eyes, her heart was surging, and she suddenly lost the interest in doing it. Instead, she took the contract and asked: "Ali, you still decide to sign Bai Qingyu. ?"

Lu Li, who was in the mood, was disturbed by her, frowning slightly: "She is valuable."

"Ali, don't you want to take care of her just because her name also has a Qingyu?" Shen Qiaoyin has a strong intuition. Once Bai Qingyu enters the Lu family, it is very likely that his status will be lost. shake!

"What are you talking about?" Lu Li stretched out his hand to peel off Shen Qiaoyin's coat, and said with a dual purpose: "If you meet a good seedling and don't take it down, if you let your competitors take it, it must be a double loss for Lu!

Shen Qiaoyin opened her mouth to say something, but Lu Li bit her lip. He whispered to her lips: "This matter is already set, you just need to do your job well, don't worry about so many things in the company, huh?"

She has no chance to say anything, once Lu Li initiates a ruthless call to her, she has no time to deal with...

After Song Qingyu hung up Lu Li's phone, he recalled many things in the past, and then fell asleep slowly.

After nightmares after another, she fell off the T stage again and again, and was told by the doctor that she would never be able to walk the show again.

She was pushed down the window by a pair of black hands and fell to the ground. The last sound she heard was a terrifying laugh...

Who is that

Who the hell is that

Song Qingyu wanted to wake up, but felt that he couldn't wake up anyway!