Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 53: Employee Benefits


It can be said that Bai Qingyu's conditions are so good that he has to come and dig this person himself.

He wants to create the second Song Qingyu in the modeling circle, and even surpass the original Song Qingyu.

But for Jin Yuwei as ordinary and ordinary, it is not guilty of his identity to pay attention to it personally.

"That's why I said I wanted to ask you for help!" Song Qingyu stated his position.

Mo Beiyan said lightly: "I didn't see that you were asking for my help!"

When the green light came, he started the car, turned left and drove into a side road.

Song Qingyu was startled.

"Young Master Mo, you will be my guardian from now on, right?" She raised her eyebrows.

Mo Beiyan glanced at her, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly, with a smile in his eyes: "So, in the future, I, the guardian, cannot control the freedom of the ward. Instead, I have to bear all the demands made by the guardian?"

Having seen so many faces, Song Qingyu had never seen Mo Beiyan smile. Even at this time, the smile was fake, not real.

She felt that Mo Beiyan was a person she was completely unpredictable. This person was too deep and intuition represented danger. But she has no choice but to deal with such people.

"Well, when I didn't say it." She didn't continue Jin Yuwei's question.

Regarding Jin Yuwei, she would think of another way.

After working exclusively behind the scenes in her previous life, she still has a lot of connections. It is not very difficult to find a reliable person for Jin Yuwei to bring into the plane model business. It's just a bit of twists and turns, if she can take the shortcut of Mo Beiyan, she certainly doesn't want to bother too much.

Since Mo Beiyan couldn't get through here, she could only consider other ways.

Mo Beiyan was a little surprised, but she didn't expect that she would give up so easily.

He glanced at her, but did not speak.

Soon after, the two went to the law firm agreed by Mo Beiyan.

This agreement is actually very simple, just three.

First, the guardianship of Bai Qingyu is transferred to Mo Beiyan, and Mo Beiyan must cooperate with Bai Qingyu's needs to perform guardian duties.

Second, Mo Beiyan does not need to pay any support expenses to Bai Qingyu, and does not need to perform any support obligations.

Third, Bai Qingyu does not have any maintenance obligations to Mo Beiyan, nor any other obligations between the ward and the guardian. You only need to sign a five-year brokerage contract with the model company under the contract two years after signing the contract.

Finally, there is an additional item, that is, the two people must keep this contract confidential.

The five-year contract between Bai Qingyu and the group model company is attached to this contract. Sign it now, and it will take effect two years later.

"Young Master Mo is indeed Young Master Mo!" Seeing this contract, Song Qingyu admired it.

It's so comprehensive. I'm afraid she will regret it in two years

"Now sign the contract, do you have any comments?" Mo Beiyan asked rhetorically.

Song Qingyu chuckles: "No, sign a contract!"

She readily accepted such a straightforward contract. If Mo Beiyan did not make such an arrangement, she would also ask for such an arrangement.

In the following time, Song Qingyu quickly reviewed the contract with him.

Mo Beiyan sat opposite her and looked at her eyebrows.

She doesn't look like the big-eyed melon face nowadays. Her face shape is a bit in line with Westerners' aesthetics towards Easterners. It is another beauty with a very classical temperament.

The sixteen-year-old face, youthful breath, collagen, and her temperament are very different from this age group, showing a unique and fresh style.

It's like a unity of contradictions!

Song Qingyu read the contract very quickly, Mo Beiyan admitted that his reading and comprehension speed was quite amazing, and Song Qingyu did not spend much time than him.

She quickly read the entire contract, and then pointed out some of her dissatisfaction: "Shao Mo, I have no opinion for five years. But this price... How do you know that I am still like this two years later? What about the background of the paper?"

This contract was made by Mo Beiyan before Ruan Zhengling specially for Bai Qingyu, and it belongs to a new contract. Mo Beiyan really did not think about the fact that Bai Qingyu's worth would rise in two years.

He humbly admitted his mistake: "Sorry, this is my mistake."

He took the signature pen and corrected the unreasonable parts of the contract one by one.

It took about an hour before Song Qingyu and Mo Beiyan finally decided on the final contract and signed their own names.

So the question is, Song Qingyu has no income now, what should she do with her living expenses and residence

Out of the door of the law firm, Mo Beiyan asked, "Have you decided where you want to live in the future?"

"It will never be... Living in my guardian's house, right?" Song Qingyu shrugged.

She has no income now, but Bai Jianrong gave her one hundred thousand, and she naturally won't pay it back. There is nothing wrong with renting a house and studying.

As long as she signs a contract with Lu, she can ask Lu Li to advance a little salary in advance. With her level of negotiation, is she still worried about not being able to support herself

Thinking about the current conditions, she would have to bear Song Yuan's high medical expenses when she was fourteen in her previous life, which is much better!

Unexpectedly, she just asked inadvertently, and Mo Beiyan really thought about this question seriously: "It's not impossible."

"What?" Song Qingyu was taken aback, staring at Mo Beiyan with wide eyes: "Is that a joke?"

"It's not a joke. You don't live alone with me. You can also have a company with Nianzhen when you go to school. I can at least guarantee that you won't cause me trouble outside." Mo Beiyan said formulaically.

In fact, when Song Qingyu didn't mention this possibility, he hadn't thought about such an arrangement. It would be a good thing to let her live under his nose.

However, Song Qingyu was unwilling to accept such an arrangement: "Young Master Mo, isn't that good? I'm not from the Mo family, so I can live in the Mo House?"

There are many rules in the big family, not to mention that she will be subject to a lot of constraints at that time, just thinking that it is inconvenient to do a lot of things on her own is not good enough.

Mo Beiyan turned his head to look at her, and said, "The Mo family, I have the final say."

What is this? Song Qingyu was taken aback. Could it be that he thought she was afraid of the Mo Family's trivialities and was troublesome, so he made a promise to her

However, she was still reluctant: "I didn't mean that. I just think it's weird that I, a person... who has the Mohist label on the surface, is going to be a model for the Lu family, wouldn't it be strange

Mo Beiyan was slightly startled.

What she said is not unreasonable.

He frowned and thought about it, and finally decided: "Let's do it, I have an apartment near Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, so you can live there."

Song Qingyu still wanted to refuse, but she also knew very well that a man like Mo Beiyan was used to being aloof. He wanted her to be a cash cow, so he could bear her like this.

However, to endure once or twice does not mean that you can endure three or four times.

Therefore, she didn't make a hypocritical refusal, just as... Employee benefits are good!