Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 719: There is no doubt about it


Xue Kaiyun was stunned as if being held down by something: "What happened? Damn, Brother Liu, don't you know what happened?"

Liu Xuanhe frowned: "I just came out of the laboratory."

Xue Kaiyun naturally understands that although the laboratory has the highest technology, there are people around Liu Xuanhe who specially collect information from the outside world, and when he comes out, he will immediately report to him what major events have happened outside.

However, that person is Fang Wanli.

After Fang Wanli was sent back to the Liu family’s old house, there was no new person to take her place. This time, Liu Xuanhe came out very anxiously, and naturally did not pay special attention to those situations, so...

He doesn't know anything!

Xue Kaiyun thought and knew what was going on. The anger of the cannon fired just now was almost burnt, but he was still angrily and said: "It's not complaining about you! You don't cherish your concubine and quarrel with her. Now your family has lost The entire responsibility of the 1.5 billion yuan is placed on the concubine, and every day someone goes to find the fault for the concubine! They also smashed the concubine’s Seraph Bar!"

Hearing this, Liu Xuanhe breathed, "What did you say? What happened in the laboratory, I ordered it to be sealed that day, how could they know?"

It shouldn't be!

Although the laboratory was built with the Liu family's funds, it later returned to the Liu family after earning enough costs. This was his personal property. He ordered it to be sealed, and the Liu family shouldn't know.

Of course, even if they know it, they are not qualified to manage it, which is another matter.

"I don't know either!" Xue Kaiyun sighed, "Now that Mo Beiyan and Mo Li'an both know about this, they are probably planning to start a war with the Liu family!"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

No wonder she just called Concubine Mo Li, her attitude was so cold!

He frowned tightly, feeling that the most important thing now is to handle this matter well.

Although Xue Kaiyun is a dude, he is not without his mind.

The children of the aristocratic family are so stupid that they can't mix up!

He said again: "By the way, there shouldn't be any traitors under your hand. If you have ordered to seal up, you can reveal the news, and you will also specifically disclose it to your Liu family to know who else is not yours?"

Liu Xuanhe naturally thought of this, and said, "I see. Hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he subconsciously planned to let his assistant investigate the matter, but Fang Wanli used to trust him the most. Now his assistant is called Yang Yunyang. Who can he call to handle this matter now

Yang Yunyang was in the laboratory and Fang Wanli was in the old house. He probably didn't know about this.

Perhaps, he should ask Fang Wanli first.

So Liu Xuanhe dialed Fang Wanli's phone.

"Younger?" Fang Wanli received the call, his tone full of surprises.

Because, since being sent away, Liu Xuanhe has never looked for her again, and she is extremely disappointed.

This is the first time it's been so long!

Liu Xuanhe did not consumerize, and asked directly: "What happened at home?"

Fang Wanli was taken aback: "No?"

Liu Xuanhe squinted his eyes and asked, "No? Didn't you say that you are going to fight the Mo Family? Why?"

"Oh. That's what the young master said." Fang Wanli's enlightened voice came from the other end of the phone, some helplessly replied with anxiety: "I don't know where they got it from, Miss Mo. They lost 1.5 billion yuan, so they were very angry, went to contain Miss Mo, and smashed Miss Mo's bar."

Liu Xuanhe frowned even more tightly: "With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find out this person."

Fang Wanli immediately came from there with a somewhat aggrieved voice: "Young Master, you have disqualified me, how can I still have the authority to investigate these things?"

After thinking about it, she said again: "You must be very busy when something goes wrong in the lab, or, shall I come back to help you?"

Liu Xuanhe intuitively didn't want her to come back to help: "No..."

Fang Wanli rushed to confess: "Don't worry, young man, I absolutely don't think too much. Moreover, I know you like Miss Mo, Miss Mo is also a good match for you, I will try my best to help you!"

For so many years, Fang Wanli has always been Liu Xuanhe's left arm and right arm. She is very capable and meticulous. After sending her away, the people around her are not easy to take advantage of.

Now hearing her say this, Liu Xuanhe also felt that it would be good to ask her to come back and help herself.

After all, he would be very busy to chase Concubine Mo Li back and deal with the grievances between the Mo family and the Liu family. There would always be someone to help stare at the laboratory.

Therefore, he said: "You will come back. Go to the laboratory right away, there is still a lot of finishing work waiting to be done, you go to help first."

Fang Wanli: "... Okay, I'll go right away."

On the phone side, Fang Wanli still showed a sullen smile on his face, listening to the busy tone of "beep beep" coming from the phone, although he was a little disappointed in his heart.

It could be heard that Liu Xuanhe didn't want to involve too much with herself, so she asked her to help the laboratory.

But it's okay, there is always a way to go slowly!

She knew that Liu Xuanhe was accustomed to her being a life assistant and couldn't do without her!

It's a pity that the mentally retarded group only knows to hit the bar, but they didn't reveal the fact that Concubine Mo Li danced pole dancing in the bar!

Of course, she is also to blame for being too anxious. If this matter was not arranged, this group of people acted impulsively, but it didn't matter, she would let them shake all these things out!

Haha, dignified Miss Mojia bar performers, this is definitely big news!

After hanging up Fang Wanli's call, Liu Xuanhe decided to find Concubine Mo Li first.

As a rational scientific madman, he believes that all things must be understood in many ways, in-depth understanding and thorough knowledge of the nature of events.

First ask Concubine Mo Li to figure out her intentions, and then deal with the affairs of the Liu family. Otherwise, if you go against Mao, then push Concubine Mo Li further.

Liu Xuanhe, who has no EQ, never thought about it.

After being fired by a group of subordinates in the laboratory, he finally downloaded the emotional intelligence software after bombarding him for a while.

Of course, the usability of the software remains to be seen.

Liu Xuanhe thought for a while and called Concubine Mo Li again.

This time, Concubine Mo Li did not answer.

He frowned and sent her WeChat: Answer the phone and tell you something is important.

After sending it out, he felt that his tone was not very good. After thinking about it, he sent another one: Concubine, I just came out of the laboratory and realized what happened. Give me a chance to explain

Concubine Mo Li did not reply.

Liu Xuanhe was a little anxious.

After being surrounded and smashed into a bar, Concubine Mo Li would definitely not live in her apartment and would never go to a bar again.

Judging from the level of the Mo family’s preciousness to her, either she went back to her old house, or—

Just live with Mo Liqin!

Because Concubine Mo Li is very independent, since she was allowed to live away from home as an adult, she rarely returned to the old house of the Mo family.

After understanding this, Liu Xuanhe drove the car back onto the main road and drove to the apartment where Mo Liqin lived.