Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 731: The youngest is really dead


Concubine Mo Li couldn't help laughing: "This is not a problem for me to consider. If you can convince my parents, then I don't care. Don't want to start from me anyway, I am interested in working to promote harmony in the imperial capital business circle. nothing."

She was able to laugh, proving that although she did not accept his proposal, at least she did not reject it.

Liu Xuanhe felt that he couldn't be anxious, so he said: "That's OK."

A person who has been in the laboratory for a long time has patience. He is not afraid of long-distance battles. As long as Concubine Mo Li is willing to understand himself, it represents hope.

This is the same as doing experiments. In fact, they were just an idea at the beginning, from scratch, from point to surface, to create some results that the team did not dare to imagine in the first place!

"Okay, it's time for me to do my hair. I'll hang it up first." Concubine Mo Li hung up the phone very neatly when she saw the hair stylist walking towards her, regardless of what Liu Xuanhe wanted to say.

The person who was hung up smiled bitterly on this end.

Here, the assistant came to pack up the lunch box. Seeing his appearance, he couldn't help being curious: "Why are you calling Miss Mo?"

After what happened last time, Concubine Mo Li is also well-known in their research institute.

Except that the girl was so temperamental that the institute lost dozens of experiments as soon as she shot it. More importantly, Liu Xuanhe, who has always been anxious to anyone who dares to hinder him from doing experiments, not only does not blame the culprit, but also Actively learn from other people, how to pursue girls

Really love it too! Haven't caught up yet, and a temper is 1.5 billion. If you are really together in the future, you still don't know how to spoil it!

"Yeah, but she's busy." Liu Xuanhe put the phone in his pocket.

With this action, the assistant also knew it well.

This time, the youngest is really dead!

Except for experiments, Liu Dashao, who has never been interested in external things, has never brought his mobile phone into the laboratory in order not to affect the effect of the experiment, but for Miss Mo, ha ha ha...

When one person subconsciously makes many changes for another person, it proves that this person has begun to embark on a path of no return!

"The young man is going out in the afternoon, but want to date Miss Mo?" The assistant felt that for the future happiness of the director, all of them should make a little effort.

Of course Liu Xuanhe didn't know what the assistant was thinking. He smiled and said, "It's not a date, but I do want to find her."

He stood up and said, "Call me if you have anything to do."

"Yes." The assistant agreed with a smile.

After Liu Xuanhe left, a slender figure walked into the lounge. Recalling the sweet and bitter smile that appeared on his face just now, her heart was twisted!

Why, the person she had guarded for ten years was so easily hooked away by other women

Concubine Mo Li finished her hair, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Mo Liqin's phone was answered midway through and asked her to return to the apartment for dinner at six o'clock.

Therefore, she still has more than an hour.

She changed her hair style and was in a good mood, so she decided to go shopping in the mall.

With Concubine Mo Li’s background, she actually doesn’t have much desire for shopping. She is different from most young ladies. She doesn’t have much desire for shopping, because there is a mother white who has been on the cutting edge of fashion for 20 to 30 years. Qing Yu, those things in the mall are not enough to see.


Therefore, Miss Mo is mostly looking for fun or inspiration when she visits the mall.

Occasionally send as you wish and buy some small gifts for others.

On the extent to which Concubine Mo Li gave gifts... It can be described as frenzied!

Not to mention, just talk about the employees in the Seraph Bar, going up to the person in charge of the bar, down to the waiter, and every one of them has received her personally selected gifts!

It's really carefully selected personally and delivered according to everyone's preference, without any moisture at all!

Moreover, gifts are not distinguished from high or low, Miss Mo's shots are at least one or two months' salary of those employees.

This is also the reason why the whole bar has one heart for her, no one has a different heart, and wants to follow her to death.

However, when Concubine Mo Li just walked out of the hair salon, her mood was not so beautiful.

"Didn't you say that you don't need to come?" She was a little troubled.

Although this Liu Xuanhe didn't catch up fast, she didn't want to develop with him at all!

She only chooses such a man as the object of her brain pumping. She is only twenty years old. She still wants to enjoy the sweet love affair like a normal girl, but she does not want to have a drill laboratory that can only spare a little time to spend time with her man. friend.

Besides, this man's EQ is horribly low!

Bai Qingyu often tells her: "Concubine, you have to keep your eyes open when you find a boyfriend. Don't look for someone with a low EQ like your dad. Otherwise, you will vomit blood and he doesn't know you are angry. Up!"

But Liu Xuanhe doesn't understand this

He stood next to her car, with one hand in his trouser pocket and something in the other hand, and he slightly hooked his lips at her, and said, "I asked the assistant to bring me here. I didn't drive."

It just so happened that she said that she didn't need to be picked up when she drove the car!

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

Knowing that this man is not easy to send, she didn't bother to spend her words, so she got into the car decisively.

Liu Xuanhe also consciously got on the co-pilot, and then handed her the bag in his hand, saying: "I made it out of the air in the morning, you see if it suits your taste."

Concubine Mo Li was taken aback.

Originally, he was not interested in what he gave himself. After listening to his words, he meant that he did it himself

She was a little curious.

Opened the bag and took a look, it turned out to be a small cake!

Seeing her a little surprise in her eyes, Liu Xuanhe explained, “It’s cheese inside and a layer of ice cream on the outside. I don’t know if you like the matching fruit, so I put a little bit of it.”

Staring at the cake, Concubine Mo Li could not find anything to say for a long time.

After a long time, she asked: "You came here specifically to give me this cake?"

Just now I was thinking that this man's emotional intelligence was so low that he showed off a show

"It doesn't count as giving you the cake specially." Liu Xuanhe smiled and said nothing.

In fact, I came here specifically to see her.

I’ve been busy for a paragraph and haven’t seen me. I usually call only a few words, and when I chat on WeChat, she will reply when she wants to.

The assistant said that it takes time to fall in love. If you refuse to spend time with the other party, then there is basically no talk.

He felt very reasonable and decided to follow the advice of his assistant.

Concubine Mo Li was stunned for a while, and felt that she was taking care of the cake. Her attitude might be better, so she reinstalled the bag and put it in the storage box in the back seat. Then she said, "I plan to go. Shopping, you want to go with me?"

"I have spared the time, I don't care." Liu Xuanhe's EQ has just started, but he can't hold back his high IQ!

Concubine Mo Li didn't say anything, started the car and drove to the commercial building that she usually likes to go to.