Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 739: If you are not tempted, you are serious


Liu Xuanhe didn't ask too much, and focused on the video that was just opened.

The time shown on the screen is the day of the accident. He finished the cake and came out of the small kitchen. After handing the cake to An Ming, he plunged into the laboratory and didn't come out for a long time.

But the monitoring of the entrance of the small kitchen is going on every minute and every second.

Because it is fast forward, 8 times the speed, so after just ten minutes of watching it, it is almost an hour and a half later.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the door of the small kitchen.

Seeing this, Peng Shaohua adjusted the speed to the normal speed, and zoomed in on the screen, but there was still not much to say.

As a scientific and technological crazy researcher, Liu Xuanhe does biological research himself, but the research institute also does a lot of high-tech research, so the camera equipment on his site is naturally the most advanced.

The picture is high-definition, so you can see who the person is when you are so clear from the back!

"Wanli?" Liu Xuanhe was surprised.

Peng Shaohua nodded and reminded: "Look at what she is holding."

Liu Xuanhe squinted his eyes and looked over, his face suddenly sinking!

The bag in Fang Wanli's hand is in the original packaging, with the logo of imported cream printed on it!

As for the finished cream of this brand, Liu Xuanhe did not make the cream himself in order to save time, so he chose the best imported cream to decorate the cake directly.

"I didn't use up the ingredients that day, why did she want to make up ingredients at this time?" Peng Shaohua raised doubts: "This is the first place that is suspicious. Second, I want to ask you, did you tell her what to do that day? ?"

Liu Xuanhe frowned tightly and his face was a little dark: "No. Since I found her..."

He paused. Before Fang Wanli's sin was confirmed, he still gave a face and wouldn't say that Fang Wanli was wrong. After all, a girl's reputation is very important, and Fang Wanli has been with him for ten years.

"After that, I asked her to go back to the old house. Later, there was a small accident in the laboratory, and I was too busy, so I called her back to help." Liu Xuanhe continued: "But, she came back to help is to deal with I no longer need her to intervene in work matters, all the things in my private life, and naturally I won’t let her add food to me.”

Minor accident...

Of course it's not a small accident, how can ordinary small accidents make Liu Xuanhe too busy!

Peng Shaohua also heard about that, and almost made the Mo family and the Liu family just get up, because Concubine Mo Li caused Liu Xuanhe to lose 1.5 billion!

Is this a small accident

I have to say that Liu Xuanhe gets serious, this energy is really terrifying!

Peng Shaohua sighed inwardly and said, "What's more, there is no need to add ingredients that day!"

"Yeah." Liu Xuanhe replied, staring at Fang Wanli on the screen.

After she carried the cream in, she came out about ten minutes later, still carrying a bag of cream in her hand!

Liu Xuanhe's breath was cold.

Peng Shaohua sighed, and said, "Visually, she is stealing a new post."

Go in with a new bag of cream, and exchange a used bag out.

And Liu Xuanhe personally inspected the ingredients. He knew very well that there was not a lot of imported butter that was sent to the drug inspection center. In other words, Fang Wanli had calculated everything, even if he stole the beams and changed posts, his hands and feet were clean.

Peng Shaohua saw that his face was ugly, and then asked: "By the way, I have known Wanli for so many years, and I have known that she is a delicate girl. It stands to reason that she can't help but know that there is surveillance at the door of your small kitchen, but you Say why she knows that there is surveillance, but she still leaves her feet behind?"

In this regard, Liu Xuanhe's face became even more ugly: "Because there was no surveillance there before, after I fired her as a life assistant, the surveillance at the entrance of the small kitchen was installed later, she didn't know!"

Peng Shaohua's eyes widened and she couldn't help being speechless: "So, she did this boldly because she didn't know there was a pinhole camera? No wonder, I couldn't figure it out all the time."

After all, they were old acquaintances, and they all knew how smart and meticulous Fang Wanli was.

She can do everything beautifully. In the past, my brothers could all envy Liu Xuanhe with such a capable all-round life assistant. Therefore, everyone's attitude towards each other Wanli was quite good.

As for Liu Xuanhe, he is a relatively deserted person. Although he is not very close to Fang Wanli, he has always given a little more face to the life assistant for so many years!

Unexpectedly, she actually did this thing!

"Following this suspicious point, I went forward to monitor." Peng Shaohua patted Liu Xuanhe on the shoulder to express comfort, and continued his work: "This will take a little longer."

He clicked on another suspicious video and said: "This is the night before the incident, at one o'clock in the morning, she used to go in and out of the small kitchen. After she came out, An Ming did not go in until the next morning. Once in the small kitchen. Then, you went in. First of all, you see, can you rule out An Ming?"

Liu Xuanhe looked at the time, then looked at the time An Ming entered and exited. After recollecting it, he remembered: "I let An Ming in that day to prepare for me. After he finished, I followed him in. I'm making a cake."

Peng Shaohua nodded: "I can't guarantee that An Ming can be ruled out. But I entered the small kitchen at ten thousand miles in the morning and came out in less than five minutes. When I went in, I didn't bring anything with me, and when I came out, nothing happened. I didn’t take it. Even if a normal person goes to the bathroom, it’s about five minutes. Isn’t she just going to the bathroom?”

"There are many restrooms outside, and there are also in her own lounge, so I can't enter the bathroom of the small kitchen!" Liu Xuanhe's voice was cold.

is not that right

Who can believe that at one o'clock in the morning, he walked out of his own restroom with his own bathroom, and went to another place to go to the bathroom without asking for distance

Peng Shaohua shrugged and said: "The doubt is basically here, what are you going to do?"

Of course, An Ming's suspicion cannot be completely cleared, but it is not as big as Fang Wanli!

Liu Xuanhe frowned and thought for a moment, and said, "An Ming knew that there was surveillance, because he personally directed people to act like this surveillance."

"So, Wanli still has a greater suspicion." Peng Shaohua said.

Liu Xuanhe replied: "She knows that I will go into the small kitchen every day to make pastry sweets. I don't like sweets myself. Naturally, she has been with me for ten years without knowing. It is not difficult for her to find out that those are for my concubine. Concubine, so..."

"So, her motive is because of jealousy?" Peng Shaohua took his words.

Speaking of it, he is not surprised that Liu Xuanhe can cook food, because he has always known that Liu Xuanhe has obtained the chef's certificate and also elects to take pastry.

Surprisingly, I actually made it for Concubine Mo Li every day!

Fang Wanli had a crush on Liu Xuanhe, and Peng Shaohua was not surprised.

Surprisingly, Fang Wanli's jealousy is so strong!

You touched because he knew that Liu Xuanhe would not give her a chance, so he found that Liu Xuanhe was so careful with Concubine Mo Li, so he was jealous, right

A woman who usually does things very meticulously and thoughtfully, she has a deep heart when she is in the "gong fight" torn part.

Unexpectedly, the start is quite vicious!

Liu Xuanhe's face darkened: "Thank you for this matter."

The food he personally made for Concubine Mo Liqin was not for her to eat, and it was cheaper for that bastard Mo Liqin!

But fortunately, the poisonous cake was not eaten by Concubine Mo Li, otherwise Concubine Mo Li would suffer.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Peng Shaohua was curious.

Is it handed over to the law

Or do it in private

Liu Xuanhe's thin lips pressed tightly, and said, "Leave it to the Mo family!"

Peng Shaohua: "!!!"

Handed over to the law to go through the process, once convicted, waiting for Fang Wanli is the disaster of prison.

If Liu Xuanhe took care of it by himself, Fang Wanli would probably have worked hard because he had no credit for ten years, and someone from the Liu family might come forward to protect her.

Therefore, Peng Shaohua thought that Liu Xuanhe would be handed over to the law, which would be more straightforward. After all, the evidence is half, as long as Fang Wanli pleads guilty.

However, never expected that Liu Xuanhe would decide to hand it over to the Mo Family!

What a short-term family is the Mo Family, who doesn't know the upper-class society of the entire imperial capital

Back then, because Liu Xuanhe took away Concubine Mo Li and caused panic, it did not cause any substantial harm, so he had no contact with the Liu family.

And this time someone in the Liu family poisoned Concubine Mo Liqin, poisoned the second youngest Mo Liqin, and almost killed Mo Liqin. It is so serious that if the culprit is handed over to the Mo family, then it must be undead. !

Would rather go to jail than fall into the hands of the Mo Family!

"Pack these videos and send them to me. I'll go back first." Liu Xuanhe didn't say much, turned around and left.

Peng Shaohua: "This guy, if he is not tempted, he is serious if he is tempted!"

After Liu Xuanhe left Peng Shaohua's studio, he was thinking while driving.

Fang Wanli can be so bold this time, so does the last incident have something to do with her

Thinking of this, he originally planned to go directly to the research institute to find Fang Wanli. He turned the front of the car and returned to the Liu's mansion.

Since Liu Xiangfei was rectified in the Mo family last time, he was beaten severely by Mo Liqin. Because of his swollen nose and swollen face, he stayed at home to recuperate, intending to find a chance to retaliate.

No, his face just returned to handsome and handsome, he didn't know what had happened, he was ready to go out cheerfully.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Liu Xuanhe, who was tall and cold, stuck there.

"Come up with me and ask you something." Liu Xuanhe dropped these words and turned upstairs.

Liu Xiangfei: "..."

He didn't want to listen, but he also knew that he had no other choice.

His arms couldn't twist his thighs, he couldn't resist Liu Xuanhe.

Therefore, I can only honestly follow Liu Xuanhe upstairs to the study.

After closing the door, Liu Xuanhe asked bluntly: "Last time you went to make trouble with Concubine Mo Li, who told you that she caused me to lose 1.5 billion?"

That was an internal matter of the research institute, and he also ordered it to be sealed. It was logically impossible to spread it out.

Because his research institute may have Liu's eyeliner, but it's not like Liu Xiangfei can do it.